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1 month post-op sleevers

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just curious? Now that you have been sleeved and you know this is the best decision you've made for your life, how are you mentally and emotionally. What are your family, friends, and co-workers saying, if you told them? Physically, are you feeling any different?

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I'm almost 3 months.... and would have this done again in a heart beat. The first month is the hardest, but now we struggle to think back to that time and my daily life seems very normal apart from my eating habits.

I didn't tell many people, just 3, and they are amazed. People who didn't know just think my diet is going really well.

I'm physically fine, swimming, doing cardio and a few toning exercises, walking of course, and getting slimmer by the day. Mentally I am able to sit there and eat small portions even when out with friends or family. I listen to my body and stop when I have had enough - something you get to judge.

I've not had issues with any cravings but I was dieting for 6 mths prior to the op.

I do get what might be described as hungry feelings, but its actually stomach acid....and soon goes - I'm going to chat to my surgeon tomorrow when I see him for my next check up.

I'm almost half way to target, in only 3 months, so the thought I might be starting the New Year at target is spurring me on.

Hope this helps you.

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I'm almost 3 months.... and would have this done again in a heart beat. The first month is the hardest, but now we struggle to think back to that time and my daily life seems very normal apart from my eating habits.

I didn't tell many people, just 3, and they are amazed. People who didn't know just think my diet is going really well.

I'm physically fine, swimming, doing cardio and a few toning exercises, walking of course, and getting slimmer by the day. Mentally I am able to sit there and eat small portions even when out with friends or family. I listen to my body and stop when I have had enough - something you get to judge.

I've not had issues with any cravings but I was dieting for 6 mths prior to the op.

I do get what might be described as hungry feelings, but its actually stomach acid....and soon goes - I'm going to chat to my surgeon tomorrow when I see him for my next check up.

I'm almost half way to target, in only 3 months, so the thought I might be starting the New Year at target is spurring me on.

Hope this helps you.

Thanks Sparkle for the 411. I'm 11 days out (1st month) ugh. I always need to hear it gets better :thumbup:.

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I'm about one month out. While I definitely don't regret it at this point, it certainly comes with challenges. Now that I'm on to regular foods, there's a lot of trial and error. There are some foods that I can't tolerate for some bizarre reason, yet others that you'd think might be risky go down great. E.g. I was in terrible pain after having a forkful of baked salmon and mashed potatoes, but a sushi roll with tempura in it went down smoothly. If anything, I expected it to be the other way around. Right now, it's making it challenging to eat in restaurants, as I never know when the tiniest piece of food will cause me a lot of discomfort and make me head to the washroom where I'm gonna proceed to productive-burp for 10 minutes. However, one thing I noticed is that I CAN eat more now. I was rather worried about dehydration and malnutrition right after I had the surgery, but right now it's a lot less of a concern. I guess we'll see what my 3-month bloodwork looks like, I'm a bit worried about developing issues like pernicious anemia.

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I am 26 days post op and have lost 25 lbs post op. I am thrilled. I have been very lucky. Never got sick, no reflux, very little pain. No sliming. I am on soft foods til the weekend and then go to regular stuff. Fish and chicken goes down well. Actually, I haven't found anything yet that doesn't go down well except some turkey breast that I didn't chew well enough and it bottom hard. The worst thing for me was the diahrrea so i had to really be careful to worry more about fluids than Protein. Now I am getting a lot of fluids (I live in the desert, too.) and I am getting 60-70 gm of Protein in a day.

I started my diet in April and have now lost a grand total of 65 lbs pre and post op. Still have a ways to go, but am amazed at the whole things. If it weren't for the incisions and the total lack of hunger, I would think I was duped and really didn't have a sleeve. I have no regrets. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone considering WLS. I do think it is the best method for achieving and maintaining one's goals.


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I am exactly 5 weeks post op, and have lost 25 lbs. I too can eat more than I could right after surgery, and I must admit that it is a little scary. I keep waiting for this to "fail." Waiting for myself to be the only one that has failed at this surgery. I don't know, it's kind of like I'm still in a dream and can't believe I actually had the surgery. I've been weighing EVERY single day. I HATE the way that the scale goes up and down! Anyway, I have decided that I must make more conscious choices about my food intake. I have decided NO white carbs at all, and no sugars. I am at a standstill, and have been for about a week now. We'll see how it goes. Congrats to all of you, you are doing GREAT!


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just curious? Now that you have been sleeved and you know this is the best decision you've made for your life, how are you mentally and emotionally. What are your family, friends, and co-workers saying, if you told them? Physically, are you feeling any different?


I am certainly glad and pleased that have my sleeve... 9 weeks post op I am down 30 lbs which, I am pleased with, and although slower than most, it is still good for me! I can eat pretty much anything and I am controlling my portions well.

Mentally I haven't had a huge problem, there has been ups and downs, days where I feel blue but I don't crave or need food... I think I have had a little head hunger, but a glass of Water soon cures that!

I haven't told many people, and sometimes I feel guilty when I get compliments from co workers who don't know... but I am dealing with that and I am slowly beginning to feel better about not telling them the truth... I just say that I am following a low carb, healthy eating diet and people seem to believe me!

The friends and family that do know have been mostly amazing... my close family have been really supportive, especially my hubby who supports me every step of the way. I have only had one silly comment and I managed to brush it off without too much trouble...lol... my friends are amazed at how different I am starting to look, and how healthy I look too and that is really encouraging because for me it is about a healthier and happier lifestyle!

Physically, well that is a weird one! Some days, I can look in the mirror and smile at myself as I seen a smaller me and other days, all I see staring back at me is a 'fatty' but I know this is my own self esteem and I am trying to work on that. On a more positive note, I am doing a lot more exercise, varying what I do, and I am, at last, enjoying it and starting to push myself to get better.

Due to my slow weight loss, I have set myself mini goals and these help me stay motivated; these include things like, getting into a pair of jeans that didn't fit me 4 years ago (never worn!), wearing shoes with heals to work and no pain in my foot or calf, wearing my engagement ring everyday without my fingers swelling ... I only have about 7lbs to go for my next goal and that is swimming with my kids!! Sounds silly but they've really helped me!

I hope this helps...


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I am exactly 5 weeks post op, and have lost 25 lbs. I too can eat more than I could right after surgery, and I must admit that it is a little scary. I keep waiting for this to "fail." Waiting for myself to be the only one that has failed at this surgery. I don't know, it's kind of like I'm still in a dream and can't believe I actually had the surgery. I've been weighing EVERY single day. I HATE the way that the scale goes up and down! Anyway, I have decided that I must make more conscious choices about my food intake. I have decided NO white carbs at all, and no sugars. I am at a standstill, and have been for about a week now. We'll see how it goes. Congrats to all of you, you are doing GREAT!


I know exactly what you mean. This week my hunger returned and I discovered I can eat a lot more then a week ago. It has my head totally freaking out. I am taking this time to really focus on the eating and getting my lean Protein first, then my veggies. I was throwing some white carbs in there but I think I should know better that was always my down fall. I started over today with the Protein and veggies ...screw the carbs for a while.

I am nearly one month out (2 days until) and things have normalized. I started the gym today and I know as long as I keep that up and drinking my Water I should be good. I feel much like myself again. My skin has a glow to it that it didn't have before and I am moving forward. I can't believe that two weeks ago I was barely able to sip my fluids and my cream of chicken Soups were what I lived for :biggrin0:

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I am 1 month post op as of yesterday. 27 lbs down and actually doing pretty good. My food choices have not been tops, but ok. I can't wait to have a salad again someday .. and raw veggies.. not sure when that happens. The biggest struggle has been craving diet cokes. I've not had one, but its a craving as strong as wanting to smoke a cigarette after years of not smoking. It will be okay soon.

I can't tell you all enough how thankful I am to have found this forum and get so much motivation and information from you guys. Thanks for sharing your information! I'm thrilled that I had the VS, and encouraged everyday.

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I'm one month post-op on Friday and I couldn't be more pleased. The first month has not been without its challenges, but overall, I feel really good! I'm trying to keep some variety in my diet and I log everything that passes my lips. That has been a tremendous help, as I struggle to get in my 60+ grams of Protein a day. Logging keeps me honest.

I went back to work at 13 days post-op, feeling fantastic if a little tired from being on Clear liquids for two weeks. But, I made a couple of crucial errors. First, I wasn't diligent enough about getting a full 64 ounces of liquid each day and second, I stopped taking my reflux medication as it made me feel sort of ill. I justified that I'd never really had any reflux issues, so it wouldn't hurt. I was wrong.

On the first day I tried to eat *real* food (ricotta cheese and some blended pears), I became nauseated and found myself vomiting in the parking lot of Starbucks. I went home and slept the rest of the day. The next day, I got very weak and nauseated and again went home to sleep. On Thursday, I was going to go home early, but my surgeon thought I might be a little dehydrated, so he sent me to the hospital for IV fluids (working for your surgeon has its advantages), I was vomiting before I got out of registration. It turns out (after an Upper GI and an EGD) that my stomach was full of acid and I was in a downward spiral of nausea and dehydration. Two days of fluids, instructions to take a PPI everyday and a prescription for Reglan later and I was as good as new.

I'm vigilant about my Fluid intake now and I'm sticking to soft/mushy foods. I had actually gained 3 lbs by the time I was rehydrated and I'm in a little bit of a stall. My dietician thinks it is because I wasn't getting in all of my Protein, so I'm watching that more closely, as well. I'm confident I will start dropping again soon, especially as I have been cleared to increase my exercise. (Hello, Zumba!)

This past weekend I traveled with my mom, my aunt and my sister out of town for my mom to have an outpatient procedure. We ate out every meal and I found it very easy to find "sleeve-friendly" menu items at each place we went and I logged, logged, logged everything.

I'm confident I will be a sleeve success story and I would choose to do it again in a heartbeat.

Edited by NLWC.Christa

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HI there,

I'm 8 weeks post op....32 lbs down :) I work in a small office, most of my co workers know about my surgery because my workload (missed during surgery) would some how affect them. They are all very supportive and curious to know how I feel each day.

I've shared new foods with them as well, which some people are now eating regularly. I definately do not regret telling them :)

Good Luck to you!


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I HATED the first month's guts. Now I feel awesome. I am still not fully accustomed to getting complimented on my body. I started to feel like myself as far as energy and wellness at about three weeks. Prior to that my lack of energy was super frustrating. Then it was like a total flip, more energy then I had in years and a real sense of accomplishment and hope.

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I just had my 6 week Dr. visit this week and I am down 38 pounds in 42 days. I feel great and have eaten a wider variety of foods than I could ever imagine without any complications. This is going to be an amazing journey.

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I have not looked back since the day I decided to do it. I didn't have the "OMG, what am I doing" worries in the pre-op hospital bed, nor the regrets afterward. I KNOW my LIFE depends on this. I want to be around for my grandkids and my awesome husband who has been a gem on this journey, encouraging and supporting me every step of the way. And for another 30 reasons, mostly health related. My life truly does depend on my success this time. Probably the worst thing was the liquids in, liquids out. Now on softies, the problem is resolved.

I will say prior to surgery, I did have those same nightmares that I would be the only one to fail at this. I would wake up believing I had the surgery and never lost a pound. We have been so unsuccessful so many times before, that this offers enough hope to mess with our heads.

I am 4 weeks post op today and have lost 25 lbs post op. With the 40 pre-op (over a period of 4 months) I have lost a grand total of 65. The sad fact is I have another 150 to go. Of course, when I get within spitting distance of losing another 130, I will be thrilled. I do feel for the first time in my life I am in control and have the tool to be successful this time. Down 65 and only lost a size and a half. That is because I am close to 6' tall and can pack and hide a bunch of weight.

I am really surprised how the food goes down pretty easily. I will be happier when my stomach nerves are back to normal and can help me to "feel" the limits of fullness. Right now, I have to measure everything because while I don't really have hunger, I don't feel full either, until about 1/2 hour after I eat. I am easily getting 60 - 70 gm of prots, and 2 to 3 litres of Water per day. And I feel really well.

Still no hunger, no nausea, no reflux, and no regrets!


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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