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4 days post-op temp is 100.4 please set my mind at ease!!!!!!

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Hey Krista, hope things are going better for you now. Please be careful and make sure that you follow the dietary directions. You definitely don't won't to mess up the incision and staples in your stomach. You have come too far now to go backwards. I am thinking of you, good luck.

Thanks, log_lex!

I certainly do NOT want to cause any damage. I was EXTREMELY careful and like I said, it was really a liquid before I swallowed!

I do feel a lot better. I think that it was the acid in my tummy and now that my Nexium has really kicked in, I feel a lot better.

Now that the physical torture is over, it is much better and I'm on track with the liquids....and now Jello....mmmm!

Hope you are doing well??


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Sorry to hear you are having rough time! I know what you mean about the liquid Tylenol. I took some last night...wanted to see how it performed compared to the Supradol (which I didn't think worked all that great.) The liquid Tylenol BURNED going down. Holy cow! I got a little panicky but then the burn faded. And that stuff worked better than the supradol. Weird.

As for the hunger thing...are you taking your nexium mups? Until I took my first nexium I felt like my tummy was folding in on itself or like someone was wringing it like a washcloth...and I thought that was hunger. But once I started the nexium I realized it must just be the acid "false hunger" people talk about.

Best of luck to you, Alish. Hang in there. I was miserable in the hospital, but things are improving at a dramatic pace...and it all started for me when they took that god awful drain out. My body did NOT like that thing. Which makes me unexpressably relieved that I did NOT choose the band....because I am convinced that my body would not have tolerated THAT foreign body any better than the drain!

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Sorry to hear you are having rough time! I know what you mean about the liquid Tylenol. I took some last night...wanted to see how it performed compared to the Supradol (which I didn't think worked all that great.) The liquid Tylenol BURNED going down. Holy cow! I got a little panicky but then the burn faded. And that stuff worked better than the supradol. Weird.

As for the hunger thing...are you taking your nexium mups? Until I took my first nexium I felt like my tummy was folding in on itself or like someone was wringing it like a washcloth...and I thought that was hunger. But once I started the nexium I realized it must just be the acid "false hunger" people talk about.

Best of luck to you, Alish. Hang in there. I was miserable in the hospital, but things are improving at a dramatic pace...and it all started for me when they took that god awful drain out. My body did NOT like that thing. Which makes me unexpressably relieved that I did NOT choose the band....because I am convinced that my body would not have tolerated THAT foreign body any better than the drain!

Thanks for the positive info :) I didn't think the Supradol worked either, I think all of their pain meds were pretty much crap if I'm being honest LOL. I can't do the liquid Tylenol though, burns too much...I don't need it now anyway, thank goodness.

I have been taking the Nexium and upped it to two a day in hopes that it would help. It hasn't seemed to help the hunger pains, I'm still starving. BUT I do get Hypoglycemic and I tend to feel the same way when that happens. My blood glucose has been known to drop to 50 before:ohmy: I get ravenous when that happens, so I'm assuming that's what going on.

I seemed to be MUCH better once I was able to do the V8, not as ravenous and the hunger pains seemed to subside a bit, but if I don't continue to sip the V8 the hunger pains, and I mean pain comes on again.

I don't know what to do about the hypoglycemia?

My question is this, I can do V8 starting on day 6, but not Tomato Soup until day 11?:) The V8 seems thicker than Tomato Soup to me. I think the post-op diet is a little wonky in terms of what is and is not acceptable and on what days. It should probably be a little more in depth than what it is and I think people would have an easier time. I mean for what we pay for the surgery we should at least get a FULL post op diet plan. Sorry I'm just venting and kind of annoyed that tomato Soup isn't ok but V8 is when V8 is obviously thicker....not that I even want to touch tomato soup LOL

I have not been getting any Protein AT ALL, and I'm kind of freaked out a bit about it. I CANNOT stomach any drinks, powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury, or Protein shakes with Water, or Protein Shots. I'm having pretty bad nausea (even with the doubling up Nexium) and there is no way I can get any of it down. WTH am I going to do?????

I'm seriously considering liquefying cottage cheese or something, I just don't know what to do UGH.

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I've read that Dr. Aceves has you on a liquid diet for a lot longer than some of us.

Is Beef broth or pureed Soup allowed? If so, that will allow you to get in some Protein.

Another option is yogurt (if allowed). If you live near a Kroger or Fred Meyer (anywhere that sells Kroger products), they have CarbMaster Yogurt which has 12grams per container. It may take you a while to eat 6 ounces, but I bet that 12 grams will help you feel much better.

Skim or lowfat milk is also a good Protein source.

I wouldn't worry too much about the 60+ grams of protein at this early stage, but you do need to get some.

Anyone else have any ideas for liquid phase protein?

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My question is this, I can do V8 starting on day 6, but not Tomato Soup until day 11? The V8 seems thicker than Tomato Soup to me. I think the post-op diet is a little wonky in terms of what is and is not acceptable and on what days. It should probably be a little more in depth than what it is and I think people would have an easier time. I mean for what we pay for the surgery we should at least get a FULL post op diet plan. Sorry I'm just venting and kind of annoyed that tomato soup isn't ok but V8 is when V8 is obviously thicker....not that I even want to touch tomato soup LOL

I didn't know we could do V8 during the clear phase, I never read this in any of the literature. :cursing:

I'm totally ready to move on fulls, but scared. The fake hunger, hollow, empty knot in my stomach is constant. Nexuim doesn't do anything.




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I never saw V8 listed anywhere in my packet of post op diet stuff? I wouldn't worry too much about the Protein just yet, though. I'm getting only about 20g a day. I can't stomach a whole bottle of Isopure but I can drink 4 oz or so at each "meal". So if a 20oz bottle has 40 grams and I'm drinking about 12 oz per day.... (if train A and train B both left the station at 9am heading in opposite directions) LOL. So I guess between that and beef and chix broths it's more like 27g Protein. I'm gonna have to find something besides the Isopure. I don't really like it much and I hate forcing it down. I feel ok after drinking it, but I hate drinking it. I might try some kind of unflavored Protein powder.

Hope you find a solution that works for you!

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I didn't know we could do V8 during the clear phase, I never read this in any of the literature. :D

I'm totally ready to move on fulls, but scared. The fake hunger, hollow, empty knot in my stomach is constant. Nexuim doesn't do anything.




The V8 is listed here: http://verticalsleevetalk.com/pre-op-post-op-diets/1822-dr-aceves-information.html post #4

It's under Dr. A's info so I assumed it was right since we could have Jello at day 6. Maybe it's wrong:confused: The V8 is working for me so I'll continue.

I'm totally ready to move to mushies...yummmm cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese and yogurt too! I seriously am so hungry and would just love to eat some yogurt, cottage cheese, and Soup. The cottage cheese isn't until day 21 so I'm SO sad about that.

I think maybe the cream Soups may be harder for our stomachs to break down...hence the waiting until day 11? I'm just confused and don't understand...I think I'm going to look into it a bit.

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I checked with Gaby, to put my mind at ease, cuz I really need to put something more than clear liquid into my gut at this time. She said this list is okay to follow!!!! :huh0:

She added some guidelines/tips see below:

food after surgery

Day 1 thru 5 ( Clear Liquids Only )

fruit juice ( apple, grape, cranberry )






Protein Water by Kellogg?s

Water popsicles

Clear Protein drinks only ( example Isopure, powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury )

Day 6-10 ( thin liquids )

All of the above and:

Natural Vegetable Juices ( example Carrot, V-8 juice ) please dilute it in water

Protein drinks mixed with water ( example Matrix )

whey nectar Protein Mix

(Avoid pineapple, orange or grapefruit juices since they can cause you a lot of acid ) grape, apple and cranberry juice are the most popular ones.

vegetable juices are also very popular. Nevertheless some patients report that Tomato juice gives them acid problems.

the doctor recommends patients adding water to juice since some to them have too much sugar and are just too dense for the stomach at this point.








Day 11 thru 20 ( full liquids )

Cream soups



Boiled pureed fruit ( example apple, pear) applesauce

Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces

Low fat milk 1 or 2%

Water, Propel, tea

Soy beverages

sugar free pudding

Protein shakes and protein powders mixed with milk

Yogurt: buy the ones that do not have pieces of fruit in them.

All cream Soups are OK . Just avoid the meat in them since it will be too dense for your new stomach

Meat , tuna , chicken, even if they are on a blender are too much for your stomach at this point. You need to wait until you are on the solid food stage.

The following cream soups are very popular : Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Beans, peas. Nevertheless some patients have reported they cause excess gas, everyone is different. So I guess it will have to be what works best for you.

smoothies are Ok as long as they do not contain much sugar in them

Day 21 thru 30 ( soft food )

Soft food should be the consistency of a thick liquid

(no chunks or solid material ) and it should be chewed very well before swallowing until it is a liquid consistency


Low fat cottage cheese



Precooked pureed rice

Low fat Yogurt

Yogurt mixed with fruit very well blended

Cream soups


Boiled pureed fruit ( example pear, apple )

Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces

Boiled pureed vegetables


Mashed potatoes

Eggs: Some patients have trouble with eggs. The doctor recommends scrambled eggs. Chew them very very well before swallowing. Don't mix meat in them . Use a cooking spray to cook them. Most cooking sprays have fewer calories per serving than an application of vegetable oil, because they are applied in a much thinner layer.

* Beans : The doctor recommends Home - cooked beans "Pinto Beans" are a good option. Refried beans out of a can also work but try to get the low calorie ones. Some patients report that their stomach does not tolerate refried beans

so if you have a problem with them just avoid them.

*Cereal: Any Cereal that does not have too much sugar in it and contains Fiber is Ok. Here are a some examples:

Fiber One Bran Cereal: 14 grams Fiber, 0% calories from sugar.

Shredded Wheat: 6 grams fiber, 0% calories from sugar.

*Mashed potatoes: Please make them runny , not too thick

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Hi guys,

Sleevesearch our diets that we were given in the hospital with our discharge papers were 10-10-10. 10 days clear, 10 days full and 10 days soft. I also confirmed with Dr. Aceves before leaving the hospital and he said yes to the 10-10-10.

Alisha, In some of our paperwork from Dr. Aceves prior to surgery it tells you to have some propel Water or either packets to mix with water just in case we feel like our blood sugar is dropping to low. It did say that sometimes it does this becasue we were use to consuming so many carbs and when we all of a sudden stop our carb intake totally our pancrease can't keep up with it and over produces in anticipation of the history of carbs. So try some propel water and that should help keep your blood sugar up. Hope this helps.

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Just wondering, how many of you who are straving now were on a liquid diet pre-op? I am having the opposite problem 6 days out. I'm so not hungry I am lucky if I am getting one shake down and sure I havent reaached my Water requirements yet. MY pre-op was 3 weeks of liquids with 4 oz of chicken a day for the first 2 weeks. Im just wondering if that makes a differnce?

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Oh so lucky Stephany!

I was not on liquids pre-op, just low carb, high Protein.

I'm also hungry. I can't wait to get to the mushies stage.

Thanks for posting that sleevesearch. I need to go grocery shopping for my next stage and wasn't exactly sure how to define "cream soups" because some people have to actually strain their Soups when they are on this stage and I was wondering how that would work for us....

I will say though, I asked Dr. Campos before we left if full liquids would include yogurt and SF pudding and he told me not until day 21 unless it was "drinkable" yogurt. I wonder if he misunderstood me or vice versa....strange.

He also told me that I could do soy milk as soon as I got home...but adding Protein Powder to it would make it to "foggy" and that would be the 2nd 10 day plan for that. Soy milk isn't clear to me with or without Protein powder, so I thought that was weird, but hey....what do I know?!?! LOL

I'm just glad that Tuesday I can have SF pudding, yogurt, my protein shakes, creamed soups.....something that has a TAD more substance then these clears! I'm counting down the days!! YEAH!!!

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So I'm clear for cream Soups and pudding and I don't want either LOL. I have to say the hungries have cooled way down. I'm not really hungry anymore and when I think I am I start to eat some pudding and I can only get down a few bites and them I'm so done with it.

It says small pieces of watermelon; I just tried that and I was able to get about an ounce down and it was OK....it just doesn't taste right.

I'm REALLY craving eggs:drool: my wonderful husband made Soupy (our homemade Italian cured salami: Soppressata) and eggs and OMG, it smelled like heaven. I just want the egg forget the Soupy! EMMMM EGGGGGG. I can't wait, ten more stinking days:thumbdown:

On the plus side I'm down 16lbs WOOT WOOT!!

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Hee hee, Alish! I know. I am actually not hungry at all but I "eat" three times a day (broth or Protein Powder mixed w/ Water, and then I drink drink drink constantly. But certain foods will sound good and I will think, "Gee. It will be nice to taste that again someday!"

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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