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Well I made my chicken Soup yesterday and it is pretty good. It is my leftover soup, anything leftover in the fridge I put it in. LOL chicken carcus, cabbage, greens, celery, onions green and peppers. Now looking at swirigirl's message I should have put the kilbasi and can of curry chick peas in it also. Well, there is tomorrows version.

Swiri look at your numbers, woohoooo you go girl *poof*

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I made some delicious potato and cheese Soup with broccoli, caulifour and mushrooms Monday. It was so good I brought if for lunch yesterday and it is all gone. I have chili today but I think I will fix some more soup this evening. I will fix some Jello also.

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oh dang ... i made this soup... first bowl was pretty good, after that it was just NO WAY i was going to eat this for even more than 1 meal... why do i want to go on this restrictive diet when i can (pretty much) have anything i want?

it just made me want all the things i shouldnt be eating ...

i think i'd rather work out extra hard than have this Soup again.

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Oh my goodnes, my Soups are delicious. I add stuff that I love and change the ingredients to my taste. I'm not going to eat something everyday that I don't really really like.

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It's probably just all of the Fiber in the veggies, or whatever causes gas for people who eat Beans, etc. Try something for gas and eat your next meal with a little Beano. Maybe the salt content too? It seems to me that I am less tolerant of salty foods now i.e. I feel bloated and thirsty sooner. Taking in less food...less salt so more sensitive. Just a thought.

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Question about this Sacred Heart Diet. Went out and got all ingredients to start on tomorrow. I was told to drink a Protein Shake for Breakfast every morning which I do. Should I continue to do that with this diet?

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Yes Ashley drink your shake for breakfast because you need to get your Protein in. As lisalee said the Soup is full of veggies and fiber. And of course it you consume less calories eating the soup then if you were eating some other foods. I see you were recently banded. Be sure you are drinking enough fluids and getting enough protein in.

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I just read this whole thread. You guys are nutsy coo-coo! :) I did the cabbage Soup diet before and dumped about 30 pounds in 3-4 weeks. That was college. I remember farting up my dormroom from that blasted cabbage!

I'm not banded yet, but had I known about this thread a month ago, I would have done it prior to getting on this pre-op diet. I am going to swirl up a pot for post banding. I know it's going to be delish! What a great idea to put Protein Powder in it. I imagine the Protein powder in the soup pushed through the magic bullet would be a nice lunch for the soft phase.

Is anyone else still on the soup diet - even on and off? What were the long term results? Did anyone regain when she started eating again?

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I just read this whole thread. You guys are nutsy coo-coo! :) I did the cabbage Soup diet before and dumped about 30 pounds in 3-4 weeks. That was college. I remember farting up my dormroom from that blasted cabbage!

I'm not banded yet, but had I known about this thread a month ago, I would have done it prior to getting on this pre-op diet. I am going to swirl up a pot for post banding. I know it's going to be delish! What a great idea to put Protein powder in it. I imagine the Protein Powder in the Soup pushed through the magic bullet would be a nice lunch for the soft phase.

Is anyone else still on the soup diet - even on and off? What were the long term results? Did anyone regain when she started eating again?

Yeah, when you start eating regular stuff again you won't keep on losing because you'll be getting more than minimal calories and you won't be cleaning out your intestines.

If you REALLY want to do this kind of insane crap, here's another....though think I'd rather just take some of the stuff they give you before a good old colon exam....or good old enemas.....

If all of this nonsense was worthwhile we wouldn't need or want bands, would we. And the WHOLE IDEA IS TO GET AWAY FROM THE DAMN DIET MENTALITY AND LEARN TO EAT LIE NORMAL PEOPLE>

This is the "Master Cleanse", and this is from New York Times a couple days ago:

WHEN Teron Beal, a songwriter and aspiring actor in Manhattan, was looking to drop weight quickly for a photo shoot, he didn’t double up on gym visits, gulp metabolic boosting pills or limit his diet to leafy greens and lean Protein. Instead, he took a more drastic approach: he tried the “master cleanse,” a fast that requires subsisting for 10 or more days solely on an elixir of fresh-squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple Syrup and Water.

“I had only three weeks and I needed the difference to be noticeable,” said Mr. Beal, adding that he lost nearly 10 pounds during his 12-day fast in July. “The first few days were horrible, but by the fifth day I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw two ab muscles that had eluded me for years. I was grumpy no longer.”

While popular diets and fasts come and go, master cleanse remains a perennial favorite, a kind of folk regimen that owes its popularity to word of mouth and the Internet. Created in the 1940’s by a nutrition guru, Stanley Burroughs, to treat ulcers and other internal ailments, the fast enjoyed a vogue in the late ’70s after the publication of his book “The Master Cleanser.” Its fans then were health-conscious types, interested in purging their bodies of impurities and toxins like pesticides and food additives.

But in recent years master cleanse has enjoyed yet another vogue among people seeking to shed pounds in a short time. Celebrities, of course, are in the vanguard. On Oprah Winfrey’s show, the singer and actress Beyoncé Knowles announced that she had lost 20 pounds on the fast to prepare for her starring role in the new film “Dreamgirls.”

Robin Quivers, Howard Stern’s long-suffering sidekick, told People magazine that she did the fast on three separate occasions in 2004 and shrunk to 145 pounds from a peak of 218. (She heard about it from the magician David Blaine, no stranger to challenging his body.)

And on a recent episode of “30 Rock,” the NBC comedy, Tina Fey’s character is asked: “What are you doing? South Beach? Master cleanse?”

She did look skinnier.

The Internet teems with testimonials to the cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet, claiming that it fights disease, clears the mind as well as acne, and increases energy. Bloggers chronicle their daily fasting. Master cleanse video diaries can be found on YouTube, and a cottage industry has developed with various companies peddling cleansing kits including all ingredients for the beverage except lemons.

Never mind that most nutrition and diet experts advise against multiday fasting.

“I cannot believe how this thing has had a total revival,” said Joy Bauer, a nutritionist and the author of “The 90/10 Weight-Loss Plan.” “People want a quick fix and they want to be thin so badly that they’re vulnerable and open to almost anything.”

Ms. Bauer estimated that fasters who drink six glasses of the lemony potion a day — the low end of the recommended amount — are consuming about 650 calories, far less than the 1,600-plus calories the average woman needs to maintain her weight or the roughly 2,400 calories a man requires.

“Of course you’re going to lose weight,” she said. “You’re starving yourself.” Seldom do the pounds stay off, she added, and people have a tendency to binge once they begin eating again.

Still, many are willing to disregard the word of nutritionists, seduced by the notion that the only things standing between them and a slimmer body are a citrus-flavored drink and several days of discomfort.

Last week at Amoy’s Beauty, the hair salon of Amoy Pitters in the East Village, a brunette complained about her holiday weight gain. “Girl,” Ms. Pitters said, “you need to do master cleanse.”

Ms. Pitters, who first tried the fast four years ago at the prompting of one of her clients, Kacy Duke, a personal trainer to several celebrities, said she was skeptical at first. But 10 days and dozens of lemons later, she was eight pounds lighter, and elated. “I fit into my ultraskinny jeans and I couldn’t believe it,” Ms. Pitters, a petite clotheshorse, said. “I was so proud of myself for sticking with it, because it wasn’t easy.”

Ms. Pitters estimated that 85 percent of her more than 200 clients have tried the cleanse after hearing her rave. She uses it after the holiday season and before trips to bikini-friendly locales. “I know it works,” she said. “And you’d be surprised how many models I know who do it, too.”

Kristina Wong, a performance artist in Los Angeles, lasted on the fast for only five days, but she also saw results. “I looked great,” said Ms. Wong, who uploaded a video diary of her fasting experience on YouTube in September. “No more stomach rolls. I was such a skinny mini.”

Ms. Duke, who puts herself on the lemonade diet four times a year for a week to 12 days, pointed to other supposed benefits. “My eyes are clearer, my skin has a different glow and some of my best running times have been while I’m on master cleanse,” she said. She introduced it to her client Denzel Washington and “he loved it,” she said.

The enduring popularity of the cleanse may have as much to do with its instant results as with the drink’s relatively inoffensive taste (think lemon Gatorade with a spicy kick) and simple recipe: 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons Grade-B maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 8 ounces of spring or purified Water.

According to “The Master Cleanser,” Burroughs’s book, the lemon acts as a purifier and provides potassium, the cayenne pepper adds B and C Vitamins and aids in circulation, and maple syrup, a sugar, provides energy and minerals. Burroughs suggested that fasters drink anywhere from 6 to 12 glasses of the stuff a day as well as a mixture of water and sea salt in the morning and an herbal laxative tea in the evening, to help aid in waste removal.

On message boards at Web sites like CureZone.com, writers warn that it’s best to stay close to a restroom. “One day it was just two hours of me running back and forth to the bathroom,” Ms. Wong said.

All that time in the loo can adversely affect one’s social life. Many fasters also say so long to the business lunch, the after-work cocktail and dinner at the latest restaurant, for fear of temptation.

Samuel Klein, the director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the medical school of Washington University in St. Louis, is leery of master-cleanse-like regimens because there is no data that prove they provide any medical benefit and no evidence that fasting helps rid the body of toxins, which happens naturally, he said.

While fasting for a few days is not dangerous, Dr. Klein said, “Fasting for too long can deplete muscle tissue, including your heart muscle, and it can reduce the size and functioning of organs like the kidney and liver.”

He is just one of many nutritionists who caution that fasting can be counterproductive. Some say it can even slow down the metabolism, making it even more difficult to lose weight in the future.

Try telling that to the converts. Peter Glickman, the author of “Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days,” is among them. Mr. Glickman, who at 6-2 once weighed more than 230 pounds, had already made over his lifestyle, going on a vegan diet and losing 42 pounds, when he came across the fast three years ago online. He lost 23 pounds in 20 days, he said. He sold his software company and went into the business of promoting the diet.

It has proved lucrative. On his Web site, themastercleanse.com, he sells Burroughs’s original book ($8.95), his updated version and an accompanying CD ($31.95), and a master cleanse kit ($49.95; just add lemons). He wouldn’t give specifics, but said his book is in its fourth printing. “I just put in an order for 10,000 more the other day,” he said.

Adaora Udoji, an anchor at Court TV, grew up watching her father use the fast. “We all just thought he was a weirdo,” she said.

But after quitting smoking last year, she fasted for 14 days, and now she is a believer. “It’s almost like a religious experience,” she said. “The first few days you’re obsessing about food and by the fourth or fifth day, you get this inexplicable burst of energy and you feel like you can run laps around the world.”

Ms. Bauer, the nutritionist, is not convinced. “I really think this chanting about people feeling so invigorated by this really comes from the happiness that people feel about losing weight,” she said.

Running laps was the furthest thing from Ms. Wong’s mind during her fast. She found herself staring longingly at takeout menus and scouring food blogs. “I drive a car that runs on vegetable oil so it smells kind of like a fast-food restaurant, and there were times when I was so hungry I just wanted to pull over and put my mouth around the exhaust pipe,” she said.

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I just read this whole thread. You guys are nutsy coo-coo! :) I did the cabbage Soup diet before and dumped about 30 pounds in 3-4 weeks. That was college. I remember farting up my dormroom from that blasted cabbage!

I'm not banded yet, but had I known about this thread a month ago, I would have done it prior to getting on this pre-op diet. I am going to swirl up a pot for post banding. I know it's going to be delish! What a great idea to put Protein powder in it. I imagine the Protein powder in the soup pushed through the magic bullet would be a nice lunch for the soft phase.

Is anyone else still on the soup diet - even on and off? What were the long term results? Did anyone regain when she started eating again?

Try a little Beno in your soup that will help to cut down on the gas. It is delicious. This soup is so tasty it would be good for that soft phase, you won't feel like you are missing anything because it is so full of flavor. I don't follow the directions to a t. I make my own version and now I add ground turkey and other veggies. When adding other things just remember your sodium intake. Wwhen I have fallen off the wagon with weets and fast food I will normally fix some soup to get me back on track. I have to remember just like ice cream will go through the band so will soup and it is better for me.

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My husband was given this diet by Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. I don't know if they created it but it did the job for him and he's up and running strong.

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My husband was given this diet by Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. I don't know if they created it but it did the job for him and he's up and running strong.

This totally has nothing to do with the diet...........but we just got back from Spokane. We love that entire area. We lived up there for a couple of years and bought a home in northern Idaho while there. We have kept it all these years and go up there 2-4 times a year to take care of it and enjoy the weather. I LOVE it up there.

God bless

Wild..........about life, especially in the GREAT Northwest!!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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