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New diet i found

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Veggies are fine, though many with a tight band will find that cabbage gets stuck pretty easily. But, to each her (or his) own.


Honu, there's no cabbage in the Soup and unless one chooses to eat cabbage as a veggie on the "veggie days" this wouldn't be a concern.

Ordinarily, I don't fall for these fad-like diets. I've learned the hard way that they may help you lose weight initially, but they definatlely don't work in the long run. However, everyone has their own story and their own reason for trying what may sound outrageous to others.

Personally, I've been on a plateau since February. A true plateau where my clothing sizes have stayed the same, my body shape and measurements are the same, the scale wavers only a pound or 2 in both directions. I've had a fill and thought things were back on track. Yes, I have restriction. I just need a kick in the pants and to see some progress here. One loses faith and hope. In my eyes, the three days with little or no Protein are not much different than the liquid diets we've had to suffer through during various stages of banding unless we've supplemented. And no where was there a law strictly forbidding us to add our Protein supplements to this diet, if we felt uneasy about it. I'm trying it to help me get both my body and my mind in a place where I can get back on the losing track. The Soup is wonderful, but I'm sure that after 7 days I'll wish I'd never laid eyes or taste buds on it.

Oh, and piperbaby........chives are chives, a herb. Green onions are thicker, found in the veggie section. Are stick-like, white at the end and green at the other. They have a very mild flavor and are often eaten as a snack. And, if you don't like green pepper I don't think it would hurt to leave it out of the soup........although they do add a great flavor to it IMHO.

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I want to try this but because im a dummy I need help. When it says green onions is it talking about chives or just a regular onion? Also I dont like bell pepper can I just omit that?

I used regular white onions in mine. No big. Hey, I didn't put bell pepper in my soup...is that on the recipe? I missed it?!!!! Anyway, I'm sure it's fine to leave that out. I just wouldn't add something like peas or corn instead (carbs). Next time I'm adding more diced tomatoes and more green Beans to the pot. Yummmmm.

Hey, ddiedre, well said on your reply to honu, I agree totally!

I also understand the whole fad diet thinking. I didn't get this band to do yet another fad diet. But the fact is...sometimes I need a kick in the pants too. If eating alot of veggie Soup for a few days helps, I'm in. :hungry:

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I want to try this but because im a dummy I need help. When it says green onions is it talking about chives or just a regular onion? Also I dont like bell pepper can I just omit that?

Green onions are green onions, not white or red ones. They're long and skinny, white at the bottom, long green tops. Chives are much thinner and not really any white at the bottom.

I'm sure you can put in or take out almost any of it.

But I'm not advocating this as anything to do except clean out your colon and make you lose some Water weight. If you think that's good, and accept that you'll gain much of it back, go for it.


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Well, we have a few women doing the diet here, and I plan on starting it soon. We will just see if we all "gain much of it back"

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Well, we have a few women doing the diet here, and I plan on starting it soon. We will just see if we all "gain much of it back"

Hey, whatever works. For those who need to clean out their colon, go for it. Just stay pretty near the bathroom.


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Honu, with all due respect it seems you didn't read much of this thread or the diet receipe at all.

There is no cabbage in this Soup. This is not the cabbage soup diet. But it is a fad diet. My nutritionist has put a twist on it to up the Protein. There are many days where you are getting lots of Protein, and potassium. But my nutritionist has added more protein to the diet. She likes the soup recipe though. She thinks it is a good soup to have around, to eat when hungry between meals, and to get all your daily intake of veggies if you are not a raw veggie person like my husband.

I can tell you right now that the 13 pounds I lost the first week of this was not all Water weight. How do I know? Well for one I have been "losing Water weight" for the past 2 months. Eventually it stops. And the weight we lose is true fat. I know I am very low in my water weight. That is an easy thing to blame it on, but I know I am not losing just water weight.

I think the people who have decided to do this diet are looking at it as a preop diet, and as a plateau breaker. No one here thinks they are going to live for a year on this diet while banded to lose all of their excess weight. I think a majority of us just want to get back on the losing bandwagon and want to try something new out.

Plus it is a really good soup plan that seems to be band friendly. I know some people have trouble finding soup ideas. This is a good one, and it is really really tasty!!

I know you mean well honu, but all of your conserns were addressed early in this thread. Take a look before you put down the idea of us girls having a little fun with a fad diet. Its really just for kicks, and to get us motivated again. :)

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Honu, with all due respect it seems you didn't read much of this thread or the diet receipe at all

Yeah, I didn't read every word, but I read the diet....after all, a zillion msgs saying the same thing didn't require my reading.

There is no cabbage in this Soup. This is not the cabbage soup diet. But it is a fad diet. My nutritionist has put a twist on it to up the Protein. There are many days where you are getting lots of Protein, and potassium. But my nutritionist has added more protein to the diet. She likes the soup recipe though. She thinks it is a good soup to have around, to eat when hungry between meals, and to get all your daily intake of veggies if you are not a raw veggie person like my husband.

Nothing wrong with soup and protein. But I was looking at the original one that started it all. I know it isn't cabbage soup, but same concept. And, hey, if people want to eat whatever, I can only offer my opinion, which is every bit as valid and knowledgable as that of anyone else on here, and probably more so.

I can tell you right now that the 13 pounds I lost the first week of this was not all Water weight. How do I know? Well for one I have been "losing Water weight" for the past 2 months. Eventually it stops. And the weight we lose is true fat. I know I am very low in my water weight. That is an easy thing to blame it on, but I know I am not losing just water weight.

Whatever. And how much muscle have been replacing the fat with? And how much exercise has helped with that? I do hope you're getting some.

I think the people who have decided to do this diet are looking at it as a preop diet, and as a plateau breaker. No one here thinks they are going to live for a year on this diet while banded to lose all of their excess weight. I think a majority of us just want to get back on the losing bandwagon and want to try something new out.

Well, if that's what it takes, go for it. I know that my doc, and a number of other docs that I know, would say to eat your protein, then veggies, and maybe a few carbs later if you have room. And get your exercise. I know that none of them would recommend a fad diet, whether this or any other. If you want one that will do this in spades, google for the "lemonade diet". That'll really help you lose quickly.

Plus it is a really good soup plan that seems to be band friendly. I know some people have trouble finding soup ideas. This is a good one, and it is really really tasty!!

Well, if one is eating some soup to get your veggies as a part of a truly balanced diet, go for it. But the whole idea of the band is to eat solid food like a NORMAL PERSON and to NEVER DIET AGAIN. I realize that many have a problem getting out of the diet mentality. How do I know? BTDT.

I know you mean well honu, but all of your conserns were addressed early in this thread. Take a look before you put down the idea of us girls having a little fun with a fad diet. Its really just for kicks, and to get us motivated again.

Well, guess we get our kicks where we can. And as long as you're well informed about it, it is better than cocaine or booze. But it is NOT eating like a bandster.


:deadhorse: which I'll quit beating

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LOL I am sorry that this thread touched such a nerve Honu. I think that you have taken it with much more seriousness than the rest of us.

1. We all know it is a fad diet. It has been mention many times, and in the posts which you think all say the same thing we all mention our intention of just trying something for various reasons, not dedicating a lifetime to veggie Soup.< /p>

2. I workout twice a day. That has also contributed to my weight loss. You can whatever my success all day long. it doesn't lessen what I have achieved.

3. If you don't like the diet, then don't do it. If you had taken the time, again, to read the posts after just reading the first message you would have found that all of us in this thread know the downfalls of this diet. We are all changing it and morphing it into what works for us. We are also very aware of all the things you have posted about. Read the posts. You will see that.

I just don't see where all of this negativity and hostility came from. If I am misreading your posts, I am sorry, but it seems that you are very angry at us all for having fun with this. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I am sorry that our diet has ticked you off so much.

Lots of smiles for this glorious sunday evening to you. I know I am having a good one. :confused:

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Well ladies a gentlemen, I am off this diet as of midnight tonight. With my surgery 2 weeks ahead of me I am going on a strict Protein liquid diet. Lots of Jello and Isopure and such. I will check in to see how you are all doing. I need to really make sure I follow the orders to make my liver nice and tiny for the band surgery. I hope you all continue to do well, and will be checking in to see how you all do. If you want to follow whether I gain all the weight back or not jsut check my sig line, or check into the Gone For Good club.

Good luck and big hugs to all :confused:

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Hey Amy!

I haven't been on here in awhile and was wondering what happened to your apron surgery....? Looks like you moved up the band surgery though, did you have a change of heart?

I thought I was going to have band surgery in July but apparently the office scheduled me when the doc is going to be out of town, so now I've moved it to August 17th. Glad I hadn't bought the plane tickets yet!

Best of luck to you and I'm rooting for your success!

Andy Liz

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Thanks Andy!! I have gone with the doctor's choice of not doing the apron surgery due to a history of blood clots. We are going to wait till I am smaller to do it. :confused: I am really excited to have the band surgery so soon! I was really anxious, and have had to push it out a number of times. Now I am finally going to be banded! I thought I was going to have to wait till sept or oct. So this is a fine change of events for me!

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Good for you Amy! You'll probably be glad to only have to go through abdominal surgery once - I know I would be. A friend I work with had RNY about two years ago and had a TT and boob job about a year ago. She looks really good - I'm hoping to look that good soon too.

I'm getting really excited and I've actually started looking a clothes again - although I haven't bought any - no more new ones until they're smaller!!! I think I might start this diet for awhile too. What Liquid Protein are you consuming? I haven't found a good one and I live in a rural area so I don't have a lot of choices.

Take care!

Andy Liz

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LOL I am sorry that this thread touched such a nerve Honu. I think that you have taken it with much more seriousness than the rest of us.

Well, to me the lapband IS serious. We're trying to improve our health, right? And I don't consider that a trivial or non-serious thing.

1. We all know it is a fad diet. It has been mention many times, and in the posts which you think all say the same thing we all mention our intention of just trying something for various reasons, not dedicating a lifetime to veggie Soup.< /p>

I never thought that anyone was going to do it forever. But I also consider anything that distracts us from eating like a bandster should, or doing anything that resembles a "diet" is a distraction from our goal and a setback to resetting our minds to try to be a "normal person" who can deal with food like all of our friends of normal weight do.

2. I workout twice a day. That has also contributed to my weight loss. You can whatever my success all day long. it doesn't lessen what I have achieved.

That's great. I only mentioned it because that is the most common reason I've heard of why people are getting stalled when they're still eating right. The other one, that is almost as common, is that they're "forgetting" all their little "slips", like forgetting about the latte or the dish of ice cream at a co-workers birthday party in the office, etc, etc. Yes, I've been there, done that. I'm VERY far from perfect. After all, I AM human.

3. If you don't like the diet, then don't do it. If you had taken the time, again, to read the posts after just reading the first message you would have found that all of us in this thread know the downfalls of this diet. We are all changing it and morphing it into what works for us. We are also very aware of all the things you have posted about. Read the posts. You will see that.

Once again that is getting you into "diet mentality" and away from "normal healthy mentality" but if that's what floats your boat, what the hell. Obviously some people here aren't interested in anything that contrasts with their opinions. So it goes.

I just don't see where all of this negativity and hostility came from. If I am misreading your posts, I am sorry, but it seems that you are very angry at us all for having fun with this. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I am sorry that our diet has ticked you off so much.

No, I'm not hostile. The only thing I'm negative about is the "diet mentality". And though you all say you're modifying it, which I'm sure you are, it doesn't get you away from crazy thinking. I realize that it is a real bitch to get away from the diet mentality habit, just like it is to get away from the swallowing things whole habit, the the not chewing habit, the cleaning your plate habit, and all the other crap that got us to be morbidly obese. The band can help with the things above, but it sure won't help with the diet mentality. Only you can do that.

Lots of smiles for this glorious sunday evening to you. I know I am having a good one.

I had a great Sunday too. Four hours of nonstop yard work, edging, mowing, deadheading my 61 rose bushes, etc. That felt great. Drank three liters/quarts of Water during that time and was careful not to get too much sun (don't want the dermatologist to have to cut or freeze any more crap off of me....though every six months he finds something anyway). Rest of day was inside out of the 96 degree heat, watching a movie, a bit of TV (car racing), reading, catching up on paperwork, and taking a nap.

I assure you I'm not pissed off or angry or anything. I know full well you can lead a horse to water and can't make him drink....or a bandster to anything she (or he) doesn't want to do.

cheers and have a good week.


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Hi Everyone

Well I am going to try this program starting Tuesday. I need a jumpstart and a kick in the A$$..... I have gotten down to 260 lbs and went back up to 272 lbs... It sucks... Its my fault... Eating the wrong things...Maybe this will get me motivated again.........


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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