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I had sleeve a week ago. My surgery lasted 3-4 hours instead of 1-2. My surgeon says I had some adhesions, but there were no problems. However, my family knew there were problems within an hour of seeing me. Long story short, I wretched all evening and the entire next day. The first time I vomited a bit of pink Fluid, followed by thick green, followed by dried blood. I also had severe sweats,a rattle in my chest, blue lips, low grade fever, chills, severe pain in spite of morphine and phenegren. I have never felt pain this intense. I progressively got worse by the hour, but my surgeon did not want to move me to a bigger hospital(to save me money he said). Finally, after 30 hours of getting worse, my family insisted I be moved. At that point, I had all the above mentioned symptoms with low blood pressure, a heart rate between 134-140, and would look jaundice off/on. Still, my surgeon did not want to move me. My family figured out the nurses had let my IV inflitrate and I had not been getting fluids for a few hours on top of everything else. My surgeon finally transfered me to a large hospital were they immediately started running Vancymycin(a strong antibiotic) through me bag after bag for 48 hours. I also got fluids. I perked up once the antibiotics got in me, but even after I perked up a bit, when my kidneys would move, I was peeing coffee grounds as if my kidneys had been close to shutting down. I was diagnosed with a left side pneumonia, which I still have now at home. At first they claimed it was community acquired, later changed to hsopital acquired. I don't believe either is the case. The whole ordeal was horrific! I had one of the most respected surgeons in the southeast, and I couldn't have felt saferwith him. However, we now know something went very wrong. The surgeon will not say. He now admits I must have aspirated, BUT he says I was fine when he left me. The hospital won't say anything either. I went to a local internist to get a full check up only to be run out of his office. YES, IT SEEMS I MUST BE EITHER CRAZY OR LOOKING FOR MONEY IF I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH,AM SCARED ABOUT MY HEALTH, ETC. No one in this state will cross this surgeon. No other bariatric surgeon will look at me either(they all claim they don't see other surgeon's patients no matter what). I just want to know the truth about what happened to me. I paid 20,000 cash for something that almost killed me. I think I should at least know the truth for health reasons. I'm at home weezing, vomiting with phenegren, and not doing well. If anyone out there can advise me or maybe you yourself are a bariatric surgeon willing to help me(with full cash payment of course), please contact me. I need someone unbiased to help me. Also is there anyone with complications like these out there? Thanks.....

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I've very sorry to hear that you are having such horrible complications. Be aggressive and keep looking for a doctor who will see you.

I'd also call a lawyer. I'm sure the lawyer would have no problem crossing the surgeon to get to thebottom of what happened.

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You should post this in the Ask Dr. Jossart section. He is a bariatric surgeon that will answer questions.

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Thanks, both of you, for your advice. I did post on the doc's board, but I haven't found one doctor willing to examine me here in Atlanta. They are all scared of liability, and they just don't want to get involved. I'm not the type to sue someone. Frankly, all I want is the truth, and even without the truth, I just want to feel better. I feel terrible, even now at home. I NEVER dreamed my procedure would turn into pneumonia, pain, vomiting, etc. Without knowing what happened, I don't know how to help myself. Not to mention, if I get worse tonight, where do I go for help if no one will even look at another doc's work??? It's a very scary feeling! Thanks for answering, though, thanks a lot. It helps to know I'm not alone. If anyone else out there can help,please let me know, especially if you have a medical background. Thanks so much everyone...

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I'm really sorry to hear your story. It would be frightening to know that something went wrong, but not know what happened. Having that information may be important not just because you would like to know, but also to guide doctors in treating you if you should have any complications in the future. I wish I had some good advice. You may have to go out of state/out of your area to find a doctor who is willing to treat you since you have been this other doctor's patient.

Also, I don't think you have to have a Bariatric physician if you could find a really knowledgeable gastroenterologist. At a minimum, I would want to have a leak test. Your doctor should have you swallow constrast material under examination with a fluoroscope. That would allow the doctor to take a look at the size/shape of your sleeve and make sure that you don't have any visible abnormality and that you don't have a leak that could be contributing to your problems. See the link for a video of this test.

[nomedia=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEhZKJvR-ec]YouTube- Gastric Sleeve Leak Test[/nomedia]

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First - I am so sorry you are dealing with this. It must be very hard.

Also, the fact that you just want 'closure' as to the reason this happened....I wish you luck.

Yes, we all know there are risks. But, if something has happened, ...the Dr. should give you an explanation. Period.

What would I do if I was in your position: Get a lawyer. Period. Tell him the story. He can give you answers as to what your options are. There are Medical Boards that investigate things like this...but I can honestly tell you I don't know how to go about looking for them. But...go to a lawyer that specializes in medical things.

Wish you luck, and please keep us informed.

P.S. You can always request your medical records.

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Thanks..surgeon supposedly checked twice for leaks(once the minute after surgery, second time the next day). However, I did wretch for days, and he hasn't checked since the first 24 hours. I'm inclined to think maybe this had something to do with my liver, spleen, pancreas???? Who knows.. At the least I do think I aspirated, got penumonia, and it seemed to be turning to sepsis when my family made the surgeon move me. The surgeon said I was "uncomfortable" not dying, but uncomfortable people aren't wretching, feverish, soaked in sweat, pulse rate of 134-140, low blood pressure, somewhat jaundice, with pneumonia from out of the blue(I've never been sick and I'm young/healthy). However, no medical professional has said anything other than you somehow got pneumonia. It's such a scary thing to think what would happen if I get any worse than I am now. Like I said, where can one turn when no medical professional or hospital will touch another doc's patient? I'm just praying I get better soon and won't get any worse tonight/tomorrow. There's got to be a doc out there with a heart that still believes in patient care above all. Thanks so much for your reply...thanks all...

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. I'm at home weezing, vomiting with phenegren, and not doing well. .....


You should not still be having these symptoms after treatment for pneumonia. Go back to the ER at the large hospital immediately. It is important that you have more treatment so that your condition does not spiral out of control. THey cannot turn you away. Do you still have a fever? Can you keep fluids down? Are you able to urinate? You need to be seen again immediately if your symptoms are not resolving.!!!! Do not wait. It sounds like something could still be very wrong.

Your first priority should be getting better. Then hire a lawyer, he can obtain your medical records and look into what happened. You would be suprised how cooperative the hospital and surgeon will be when a lawyer comes calling.

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(sorry)...I hope you know I meant for you to get well before you go to a new Dr.

Yes, the ER can help you. Heck, they HAVE to.

What exactly does your PCP say?

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I agree that you should go to the ER if you are still having symptoms. Don't go to a rinky dink hospital if you live in a small town. Go to a major hospital where they will get you a consult with a GI specialist or a good surgeon who has some knowledge of VSG procedures.

With respect to the vomiting and pneumonia: My 26 year old daughter had pneumonia a couple months ago because she was vomiting a lot prior to having her gall bladder removed. As you suspect happened in your case, they said she had aspirated food particles. It took her quite a while to recover and she had several rounds of antibiotics and a variety of breathing treatments/exercises. If you are continuing to vomit, you may be continuing to aspirate and you may have greater difficulty recovering from the pneumonia. The vomiting may also increase your risk of developing a leak. They should be able to give you something for nausea that could be in addition to Phenergan. My surgeon writes a standard prescription for Zophran for all his WLS patients. He gave me Phenergan as well because I tend to get nauseated easily. I took Zophran for several weeks after my surgery and the medication controlled the nausea well enought that I haven't vomited once. I took Phenergan in addition to the Zophran for the first several days.

You would know if they had done the leak test where they look at your sleeve with a fluoroscope because you would have seen it, as in the video I sent you. Leak or not, as sick as you have been, and as avoidant as your surgeon has been, I would want to go to the ER and ask them to get a good look at your doctor's handiwork. They could also do a CT scan of your abdomen.

Additionally, when you get to feeling better, you should be able to go to any hospital where you were treated and request a copy of your medical records. That's not to say that your surgeon will have accurately documented what happened during surgery--but I would get the records now. The neurosurgery department at a major teaching hospital "lost" my husband's medical records (he had a brain tumor) after it became evident that their star neurosurgeon had missed the regrowth of a tumor when reviewing an MRI.

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Definately get an attorney! Also if you get worse you need to go to an emergency room pronto! Know this:

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) is a U.S. Act of Congress passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals and ambulance services to provide care to anyone needing emergency healthcare treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. As a result of the act, patients needing emergency treatment can be discharged only under their own informed consent or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.

Also you since you can't get any answers file a complaint with the Joint Commission on Accredidation of Hospitals at www.jointcommission.org The infection you contracted while undergoing a procedure/admission is called a nonsocomial infection and is considered a reportable sentinal event by JCAHO. Go to their homepage and on the bottom left hand side there is a tab that says report an event. DO IT! You will type a 1 to 2 page narration of your experience. Give the Dr.'s name and the hospital name. They will lauch an investigation and it will be fast tracked if the hopital failed to file a voluntary report. You may do this anonymously or submit your name. If you chose to submit your name they will contact you with further questions and also inform you as to the outcome of the investigation findings and any sancations they impose.

Also know that Joint Commission is NOT a government agency. They are an independent agency founded to ensure hospitals meet standards of care. They are an agency made up of medical professionals and their goal is to ensure protection of patient care. They will not ignore your complaint or sweep it under the rug. Also if you go the attorney route the final report from the commission will strengthen any case you have.

I hope this helps and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Edited by iowagirl

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I have no idea on the medical side as I'm a Uk ex pat.. but just wanted to wish you luck and hope you get this sorted soon.... sounds like a total nightmare.

Be strong....


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Thanks everyone. I made it through the night,but I'm still feeling bad today. After my family's extensive research, I'm beginning to have 2 scenarios. One..I got aspiration pneumonia that quickly turned to sepsis. Two...the spleen was either repaired or taken out..leading to sepsis and pneumonia. I'm having a lot of problems swollowing today. My throat is sore and swollen. I also get a cough when I try to yawn or swallow. At first I thought it was from thepneumonia but now I think it could be another issue. All of my problems/symptoms are in with my scenarios above, but I still need a doc to put it all togetherand treat me.

In reponse to you guys, I do live in a large city. I was treated by one of the best and most experienced surgeons in the country. I was literally at one of Us and World Reports best hospitals. Yes, these things can happen anywhere. I realize ER's have to treat me, but you must understand HOW they treat me. I have tried to see several docs, and I get a quick look over, a quick nervousness, and a release(had one tell me my examine was benign and never come back after he heard my story). These hospitals and docs don't want to be involved or cross this surgeon. I need a ct of my abdomen, spleen, and liver. I need blood work and a chest x-ray as well. I need someone to help me, but so far, I cannot find someone willing to help. All I get is a quick listen to the lungs and a push out the door with advice to follow up with the surgeon who did the surgery. Everyone thinks when things like this happen, we live in America, and we will get help with our healthcare system. Unfortunately, I'm sick, scared, and alone. I still have left sidepneumonia, swollowing issues, coughing, lots of pain, vomiting,low grade fever, pain on the left side,etc. I'm drinking Roxicet and phenegren every 4 hours with not much improvement. I am the type that typically doesn't even take a tylenol. So, that's how sick I am. In fact, I am too weak for typing, and my family member has been typing all this for me. Again, thanks to everyone for your support. I will certainly file a complaint with the JCAHO, but more than a complaint, I need medical help as soon as possible. My symptoms aren't getting better, and I cannot trust anyone in the Atlanta area to give me a "real" work-up. Again, if anyone out there is willing to treat me, I WILL PAY CASH. Surely, there's a doc with a heart out there who still believes in helping sick people above all else. If anyone can help please let me know. Thanks to everyone

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I feel so bad for you. I don't have anything constructive to add or advice to give, I just wanted you to know I "hear" you. Sending healing thoughts...

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My surgeon has been doing WLS for over 25 years. He's in Ocala, Florida. You could always give their office a call and see if they would accept a transfer patient.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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