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What are your slider- and non slider- foods?

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Well im only 3 weeks out but I am have discovered I can not tolerate eggs anymore. I actually threw them up YUK! Nothing to drink appeals to me. The only thing that is tolerable is the Vitamin Zero Peach and Sobe zero melon. I had s "swig" of sweet tea just to see if I still liked it and I got so nauseous. I LOVED it before. I would crave it daily. tuna fills me up pretty good.

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Well im only 3 weeks out but I am have discovered I can not tolerate eggs anymore. I actually threw them up YUK! Nothing to drink appeals to me. The only thing that is tolerable is the Vitamin Zero Peach and Sobe zero melon. I had s "swig" of sweet tea just to see if I still liked it and I got so nauseous. I LOVED it before. I would crave it daily. tuna fills me up pretty good.

Sam are you sure on the egg content or was it how you chewed them? I can eat eggs but It is hard for me to remember to chew them and lumpy they upset my stomach too. If I make an omlett and cut tiny pieces they go down great. I have actually drank egg beaters uncooked and have no issues with that either. Just check to see if it is the eggs or how they were chewed--I never chewed my scrambled eggs pre-op and had a bad time first time I ate them post-op.

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It is strange how different foods affect us! I went to Applebees tonight for a dinner to Celebrate 2 friends birthday's and it was a large group of us, we were there about 3 hours. I ordered a oriental chicken salad that had grilled chicken with sugar snap peas and slivered almonds. It is very hard for me to eat salad, i used to just shovel it in but now have to take very small bites. But I picked at that salad over the course of the 3 hours and ended up finishing the whole thing! However had i ordered chips and spinach dip like several of them did before dinner, i would have been able to eat a full order of the chips and dip in about 10 minutes. I do like how the salad slows me down and i get the sensation that i need to stop and wait before i eat more, and the chicken helps satisfy my eppetite. I think i'll start adding a lot more veggies to my menu!

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eggs suck for me most of the time except egg salad, and soft poached eggs.

Dense meats, chicken breast, and steaks are my heavy fillers. Ground beef, or ground turkey do not stick as long. We don't eat any pork with the exception of ham on occasion, like deli meat ham, but deli meat doesn't stick as long as solid chicken/steak/ribs. Avocados seem to sit for a long time in my sleeve. I don't know why, but they do. I eat on average 2 a week (4 different snacks).

Rice, Pasta, potatoes, breads, chips, pretzels, any type of candy/chocolate, pudding, yogurt, cooked veggies, chili, essentially anything mushy consistency for me are all sliders. The only thing mushy that isn't a slider that I can think of off the top of my head is stuffing or cornbread dressing. That stuff hits my sleeve like a brick, but I love it, and eat my ounce or 1.5oz, and am content. I still avoid fruit, I didn't eat a lot of it pre-op. All lettuces, spinach, romaine, arugula, bib, butter, red sails, and other hardy thick lettuces are all sliders for me. I do not eat iceberg lettuce at all, and only eat romaine if it's the only thing available. Cabbage (such as coleslaw or eggroll filling) are sliders as well.

Broccoli and cauliflower don't stick around long for me. Protein bars are filling, but I'm not a fan. Granola bars are a nice snack for me. I prefer to just eat one of the Nature Valley Peanut Butter crunchy bar over anything else in "snack bar" type foods.

Cake, cupcakes don't sit well in my sleeve. However, the icing does just fine. Cheesecake sticks pretty good, and I can only eat a small portion.

Certain days with certain foods vary for me. It kind of depends on what's going on. I've isolated incidents that stress and my ovulation/PMS week, contribute to sleeve restriction. If I'm stressed, I might as well cook some mac-n-cheese and not even attempt meat. Drinking warm fluids helps me on these days.

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I can eat anything I want. There is really nothing that doesn't sit well with me.

The things I would consider sliders would be yogurt and salad. I can eat a lot of salad. Lettuce of any kind can be chewed down to nothing.

Other foods that are considered slider foods like ground meat, still stick with me for a long time. I am really never hungry.

I like to snack on apples cut into quarters and smeared with Peanut Butter.I can usually eat 2 quarters and later on eat the rest. That is something that does stick with me for a long time.

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Has anyone found that chips and crackers are particularly easy to eat large amounts of? I went on a 15 hour roadtrip to Michigan with my family, and one of our bad habits is snacking while we are in the car. I ate a whole box of Cheese-Its on the way. Granted, the following days i ate very healthy and cut down a lot, but that box of cheese-its just slid down like it was nothing at all. I can do the same thing with chips and Cookies.

What are the most filling meat or Protein sources to you all?

One thing i have found that is VERY filling- Peanut Butter. Although i know it is calorie dense and high in fat, 2 tablespoons (1 serving) keeps me full for hours and keeps my blood sugar up. It is also a good source of Protein and healthy fat that is essential for hair, skin and nails. And God knows i need help with my Hair loss.< /span>

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Has anyone found that chips and crackers are particularly easy to eat large amounts of? I went on a 15 hour roadtrip to Michigan with my family, and one of our bad habits is snacking while we are in the car. I ate a whole box of Cheese-Its on the way. Granted, the following days i ate very healthy and cut down a lot, but that box of cheese-its just slid down like it was nothing at all. I can do the same thing with chips and Cookies.

I'm having a problem understanding the fact you'd even want to eat a whole box of anything when you've been sleeved.... why would you want to risk gaining when you've worked so hard and undergone major surgery to reduce your weight and live a healthier life? What does your Psych say about this?

I used to have large portions, now my portions are SEVERELY reduced..... theres no way I would even want to try and 'test' my sleeve to see how much I could eat.

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Well Jillian.... its official.... my broccoli days are over. I had some last night with my cod fillett, prepared my favorite way, and it actually made me a little ill. I guess its squash and green Beans for me now. Its okay though... I like them as much as I used to like broccoli.

Cake, cupcakes don't sit well in my sleeve. However, the icing does just fine. Cheesecake sticks pretty good, and I can only eat a small portion.

awe Tiff... cake was my FAVORITE food pre-op. I loved it like a little kid at a birthday party. Sometimes I would go to safeway and buy one of those single pieces for no reason... just because I loved it. I havent tried it post sleeve, but its probably just as well that it may not sit so good.

I havent really tried any bread products other than crackers, but I have found that wheat thins slide right down... I dont keep them around.

I'm a big fan of the Peanut Butter too Jillian. Sometimes I just don't get enough to eat... I forget.. gt busy ets.. (something that NEVER happend pre sleeve). I don't realize I need to eat till I start to get brain fog and a tablespoon of Peanut Butter (no sugar all natural) is a great quick fix.

As people have stated.... most filling for me is a meal that consists of mostly lean meat and a little veggies. I marinate chicken breasts in freska and low sodium soy sause and have that with some asparagus or steamed spinach.... sticks like glue for hours.

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eggs suck for me most of the time except egg salad, and soft poached eggs.

Dense meats, chicken breast, and steaks are my heavy fillers. Ground beef, or ground turkey do not stick as long. We don't eat any pork with the exception of ham on occasion, like deli meat ham, but deli meat doesn't stick as long as solid chicken/steak/ribs. Avocados seem to sit for a long time in my sleeve. I don't know why, but they do. I eat on average 2 a week (4 different snacks).

Rice, Pasta, potatoes, breads, chips, pretzels, any type of candy/chocolate, pudding, yogurt, cooked veggies, chili, essentially anything mushy consistency for me are all sliders. The only thing mushy that isn't a slider that I can think of off the top of my head is stuffing or cornbread dressing. That stuff hits my sleeve like a brick, but I love it, and eat my ounce or 1.5oz, and am content. I still avoid fruit, I didn't eat a lot of it pre-op. All lettuces, spinach, romaine, arugula, bib, butter, red sails, and other hardy thick lettuces are all sliders for me. I do not eat iceberg lettuce at all, and only eat romaine if it's the only thing available. Cabbage (such as coleslaw or eggroll filling) are sliders as well.

Broccoli and cauliflower don't stick around long for me. Protein bars are filling, but I'm not a fan. Granola bars are a nice snack for me. I prefer to just eat one of the Nature Valley Peanut Butter crunchy bar over anything else in "snack bar" type foods.

Cake, cupcakes don't sit well in my sleeve. However, the icing does just fine. Cheesecake sticks pretty good, and I can only eat a small portion.

Certain days with certain foods vary for me. It kind of depends on what's going on. I've isolated incidents that stress and my ovulation/PMS week, contribute to sleeve restriction. If I'm stressed, I might as well cook some mac-n-cheese and not even attempt meat. Drinking warm fluids helps me on these days.

Ok, Tiff, so you're saying I'll probably be able to eat cornbread dressing and eggrolls again one day?? Yippeee!

I know you'll keep saying you can eat anything after a while, but it hasn't quite sunk in with me yet. Daisy, I know you stress that a lot and I'm looking forward to that phase of things but also a little scared of it. All this stuff about sliders really freaks me out -especially since I've experimented with a couple of chips and a piece of cookie recently and discovered that they went down way too easily. It's so easy to grab quick Snacks like chips when you're busy and on the run and that's always been a bad habit for me. Got to stay away from that stuff as much as possible...

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I know some people say you don't dump with the sleeve but I definitely do. When I was on vacation in Arizona, I ate at the cheesecake factory. I had never been there before. I had a very rich dessert and it went down just fine. Then I was dizzy and sick. I had to sit on a comfy chair in the mall while the room spinned and I was in a cold sweat. I was so nauseous I had to sit there for an hour before I had to search out the bathroom. OK this is TMI but after that, I had horrible diarrhea in every bathroom in every anchor store in that mall. I finally took some immodium.

I have dumped before, but not in a long time. It seems to happen with high sugar combined with high fat foods. The sick thing about this is I knew this would probably happen, but I wanted that dessert so bad I was willing to take that chance. Talk about being a food addict!

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I know some people say you don't dump with the sleeve but I definitely do. When I was on vacation in Arizona, I ate at the cheesecake factory. I had never been there before. I had a very rich dessert and it went down just fine. Then I was dizzy and sick. I had to sit on a comfy chair in the mall while the room spinned and I was in a cold sweat. I was so nauseous I had to sit there for an hour before I had to search out the bathroom. OK this is TMI but after that, I had horrible diarrhea in every bathroom in every anchor store in that mall. I finally took some immodium.

I have dumped before, but not in a long time. It seems to happen with high sugar combined with high fat foods. The sick thing about this is I knew this would probably happen, but I wanted that dessert so bad I was willing to take that chance. Talk about being a food addict!

Yikes! :biggrin0: This is scary to think about. Is it possible to have dumping without the diarrhea part? I've had couple of experiences with this cheese pototo frozen dinner dish that I take a few bites of. It was one of my favorites before surgery and now I can't eat more than a tablespoon - which is good because it's kind of greasy. Anyway, I do feel kind of wierd when I eat it, like a little lightheaded, queasy, and wierd. I've had it twice but the second time wasn't as bad. I didn't have diarrhea either time. Is that still a type of dumping?

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I am not sure. We aren't supposed to dump with the sleeve but I called Dr. Aceves office the first time it happened and they said that because our stomachs are so small, the sugar and fat get into our blood stream much quicker and that's what causes it.

It sounds like that food just didn't agree with you. anytime I have done it, the diarrhea follows.

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I had the queasies with sugar today. I am on vacation, and even though I am only 5 weeks out, I decided to not stress and obsess about the food. That was what got me here in the first place. I have been trying to make good choices (scrambled egg whites for Breakfast, a small crab cake for lunch (broiled not fried), grilled chix for dinner) Well where we are staying has a concierge room that has Snacks all day, hot hors doeuvres in the evening, and little sweet bites at night. So, I decided to try a small bite size pecan pie. After about 5-10 minutes I started getting sweaty and queasy. Don't think I will be trying that again soon!

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well i love tuna salad, Atkins Fiber bars, greek yogurt made by dannon-vanilla, bought some kashi Cereal to put in the yogurt just for some added crunch. grilled chicken with veggies-i can eat just about any veggie.

just try a small amount of them. you should be fine to eat some veggies. the hardest thing for me to do is slow down eating. that has been the most difficult for me and my husband to learn. we still have problems with that. wish there was something i could do to stop this horrible habit. if anyone has any suggestions please help me.

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I know some people say you don't dump with the sleeve but I definitely do. When I was on vacation in Arizona, I ate at the cheesecake factory. I had never been there before. I had a very rich dessert and it went down just fine. Then I was dizzy and sick. I had to sit on a comfy chair in the mall while the room spinned and I was in a cold sweat. I was so nauseous I had to sit there for an hour before I had to search out the bathroom. OK this is TMI but after that, I had horrible diarrhea in every bathroom in every anchor store in that mall. I finally took some immodium.

I have dumped before, but not in a long time. It seems to happen with high sugar combined with high fat foods. The sick thing about this is I knew this would probably happen, but I wanted that dessert so bad I was willing to take that chance. Talk about being a food addict!

This happened to me twice. Not from eating carbs, but from high sugar AND high fat foods. I normally never eat those foods even pre-surgery. I believe once was a piece of my dad's birthday cake and once was a cream filled dougnut that a lady brought to the office and i just couldn't help myself- and i also knew that i would pay the price when i took that bite- and i did suffer from it. Since those incidences i stay away from things that are dense in sugar and fat. But I, like you, am a Cheesecake Factory Sucker!!!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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