mommytoethan 1 Posted June 21, 2010 yesterday i started my monthly cycle....a week early. i am on birth control pills. i was given IV antibotics during surgery. since antibotics weaken BC pills, i expected this to happen. i'm just curious if any other ladies had this happen as well. if so, did it just last a normal cycle? i do plan on using a backup method of BC until my next months cycle just in case. thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyates 1 Posted June 22, 2010 I actually did not have a period for two months after my surgery. After that, everything got back to normal. Well, normal for me anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tiffykins 673 Posted June 22, 2010 My period was super crazy the first few months. The husband was deployed so bc was not a concern. Once he got home, we went to using condoms again because I just didn't trust hormonal bc to protect me. My surgeon advised even if I did decide to use bc pills, Patches, nuvaring, to use a backup method during the rapid weight loss phase. My periods have finally stabilized and I have short, light little cycle every month. It rarely lasts more than 3.5 to 4 days. I get horrible, raging, mean-spirited PMS now, but the husband and son suffer through that more than do. My RNY girlfriend got pregnant on bc pills 6 month post-op, delivered a healthy baby, one of my VSG acquaintances down here is currently in her 2nd trimester after using her normal bc pills regularly since surgery. I think she is about 7 months out. We don't talk often, but last time we checked in with each other she was doing okay. Gaining weight, and having difficulty with the mental aspect of gaining, but the baby and her are medically and physically thriving. I'm not saying not to trust your bc, but I've seen it several times on the boards happen to women on hormonal bc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BonnieJuneE 5 Posted June 22, 2010 Hey Ladies! I was actually having this discussion with my fiance last night and explaining how after I have surgery I want to start using condoms even though I will still take my birth control. I explained that I had read a lot about how the pill can fail and many women have become pregnant just weeks/months after going through this major surgery. He said that was completely fine and we would do what ever it takes to make sure that I am healed and at a weight I am comfortable with before we decide to have kids... (Neither of us wants a surprise... especially with a wedding date set for November 2011.. haha.) Any ways.. I was hoping he wasn't going to ask (Just cus I have NOO clue what the answer is) but then it came...."Why?.. I though that this was a surgery where everything continues to get absorbed. (un like the malabsorption that comes with GB.)" Secretly I have been wondering the same thing... Now he is 100% supportive in me wanting to do this, so I know that this question comes strictly from his "I want to know WHY-gene" but how can I answer this. Is there any documentation on why exactly the pill may fail. If this is the case then how can we know that other pills such as vitamins/ supplements are all being processed effectively? Maybe Im just over thinking this or ignorant as to the difference between absorption of hormonal pills vs Vitamins... haha I dont knowwww... Just curious.. haha Its not going to deter me either way...I just want to have an answer for Mr. Why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Globetrotter 1,340 Posted June 30, 2010 In my pre-op packet I am actually advised to go off my bc due to increased risk of blood clots. I don't want to go off it as I have PCOS and without them I will be a pimply hairy mess.:thumbup1: What am I going to do?!! I hate the pill, it makes me super emotional and I cramp and spot constantly. But it gives me clear skin and reduced facial hair. :thumbup1: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyates 1 Posted June 30, 2010 Check with your doctor, but likely you don't have to remain off the pill forever. Discuss your PCOS with him and see if you can get the clear to go back on after surgery and some healing has taken place. There are many women on here who use BC. If it's temporary, do it for your health and a safer surgery. Also, you may find that once you start to lose weight, some of your PCOS symptoms may decrease a bit. This may also be a good time to discuss some alternative treatments with your doctor. I will be blunt. My mother almost died of a blood clot in her lung after surgery (not WLS). I was not ready to lose her and luckily she pulled through. However, it meant another surgery to install a filter, she had to go on medication, and she had to change her diet to fit that medication. Her whole life changed, but luckily she still had one. If you're deciding on surgery, make it as safe as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Globetrotter 1,340 Posted July 1, 2010 I got word from my surgeon, he says to go off the BC now (2 weeks out) and that I can take it up again a month out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redroses47 1 Posted July 1, 2010 For years, you could set your watch by my 28-day schedule .. it was that regular without fail. My experience post-op, I am dealing with the complete unknown. No consistency with schedule or anything however I think it will eventually go back to what I was before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coops 1,790 Posted September 4, 2010 Hello all, so, is it normal for your cycle to go awol after surgery; I am nine weeks out and only had one period and now I am about 3 weeks overdue, if not more! (without checking) I have some symptoms, they last a day or two and then go away... another question, could this effect my weight loss as it is inconsistent??? thanks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stacy160 201 Posted September 4, 2010 I completely skipped the month of surgery, then had two normal ones, followed by two months of nothing, followed by two more, two weeks apart. The two months of nothing occurred while I was in a big stall, and the last two which were two weeks apart happened when I started running and kick-started the weight loss again, so I do think it's definitely hormonal! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Globetrotter 1,340 Posted September 6, 2010 I am 7 weeks out and suddenly this week I have been having knife-in-the-uterus, drop you to your knees cramps that come out of nowhere,last 5 seconds, and go away. I had a normalish period in the normalish time when it would happen the cycle following surgery. I should be having it here pretty soon but these cramps are unreal and unlike anything I've experienced before. Long painful cramps that had me popping ibuprofen 24/7 the first 3 days of my period are what I'm used to, not this ninja-attack style. Plus, I don't know what I will do when I have to take ibuprofen, when can we start taking that again after surgery? I'm waiting on my surgeon's response on that one. In the mean time, oowwwwwwwwww. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mp8btpc 33 Posted September 6, 2010 I had my normal period the week before surgery and two days after I came home from surgery I started my period was really light bleeding and lasted about 5 days but I never never have intermittent bleeding. It was strange but when I googled period after surgery it appears quite common for the cycle to get thrown off after anesthesia. Also birth control is affected by antibiotics so it would be a good idea to use back up birth control after surgery for a couple of months I would guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SouthernSleever 228 Posted September 6, 2010 I have an IUD (the copper not the hormone one) and I just love it. I'm going back to the OBGYN before my surgery just to make sure everything is still good. I'd had to get this surgery and then get pregnant again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shasta 0 Posted September 30, 2010 well I have been on my period pretty consistantly since my surgery in May. This is the first week I have gone this long withougt even spotting. yeah!! My obgyn said that with the rapid weight loss, my body was producing enough progesterin (sp?) to slough off the lining. However was producing testosterone and estrogen at the rate I was pre-op, so my hormones have been all out of whack. I actually have the Murana, and he also had me start the nuva ring-yes two internal bc!! I'm in my 3rd month of both, and starting to feel almost normal again! good luck ladies, would gladly trade ya!!! :thumbup1: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fleur de lis 2 Posted October 1, 2010 My cycle wasn't due to start until the Friday after my surgery, and I continued to take my BC pills everyday, including the day of surgery. However, my cycle started on Wednesday, but it's not like a regular one. I don't even really know how to explain it. There is barely anything coming out, and it's more orange than red. Weird, I know. But since it's not heavy, I haven't even really been thinking about it. I wonder if it will go back to normal next month? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites