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Am I insane? Alone? Insane AND alone??

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I do not think you are insane. I am looking forward to my surgery, but at the last moment, I'm sure I'll be nervous. Mostly I am excited to get to the losing side.

I'm disgusted with body and my weight and scared that I am now on 3 blood pressure meds and my pressure is still high!

About your two week liquid diet, if you beat up on Stacy you'll have to do the same to me. My surgeon says Clear liquids the day before and the day after sugery. The second day out I can have full liquids. I'm going to try my best to avoid the Protein powders and use pureed meats in creamed Soups. If I have to use other methods I will.

Like Stacy I'm going to really knock off the carbs about a week before surgery to shrink my liver. Now that the doc has my "official" weight I'm trying to lose weight before surgery. I feel so awlful at this weight!

Something else you can do to help you make your decision, is to take a piece of paper and make two columns. In one write down the disadvantages of having this surgery in one and in the other the advantages. Think positive and may God bless you in your decision!

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honestly I do not know how you guys can stick to a TWO WEEK liquid diet. I made it through a week on the MasterCleanse (lemonade) diet last year, but was dying for some real food by that 7th day.

It's THREE WEEKS, my "liquid" diet! Hence my insanity. Not only that, but if I don't lose the required 5lbs EACH week of the diet, they will POSTPONE my surgery, putting me back on a regular diet, only to recommence the 3-week liquid diet at a later date. I told my husband that I will NOT put myself through this again. I have gone (mildly) off the diet (2 cups of cottage cheese, or a can of Progresso Light chicken Soup, or some non-fat micro popcorn- not all in the same day), but am still at around 1000-1200 calories/day. I feel tired and miserable all the time (not to mention GASSY!). Just got back to the gym yesterday. I feel like a zombie.

My weight has been stalled for the last 3 days and I'm getting very down. Told the huz that if they give me any grief about it at my Monday weigh-in, I will lay it on the line that they either help me with the problem I came to them to help me with, or I won't have it done. I just won't put myself through another 3 weeks of this hell, with no guarantees that the next time I do it, the outcome won't be the same.

Frustrated, tired, pissed-off. Please keep your comments coming- they're a life saver! Thanks, all.

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honestly I do not know how you guys can stick to a TWO WEEK liquid diet. I made it through a week on the MasterCleanse (lemonade) diet last year, but was dying for some real food by that 7th day.

It's THREE WEEKS, my "liquid" diet! Hence my insanity. Not only that, but if I don't lose the required 5lbs EACH week of the diet, they will POSTPONE my surgery, putting me back on a regular diet, only to recommence the 3-week liquid diet at a later date. I told my husband that I will NOT put myself through this again. I have gone (mildly) off the diet (2 cups of cottage cheese, or a can of Progresso Light chicken Soup, or some non-fat micro popcorn- not all in the same day), but am still at around 1000-1200 calories/day. I feel tired and miserable all the time (not to mention GASSY!). Just got back to the gym yesterday. I feel like a zombie.

My weight has been stalled for the last 3 days and I'm getting very down. Told the huz that if they give me any grief about it at my Monday weigh-in, I will lay it on the line that they either help me with the problem I came to them to help me with, or I won't have it done. I just won't put myself through another 3 weeks of this hell, with no guarantees that the next time I do it, the outcome won't be the same.

Frustrated, tired, pissed-off. Please keep your comments coming- they're a life saver! Thanks, all.

Hang in there. I did low carb and lost a few pounds. I also commend everyone that does a liquid diet pre-op. I didn't have to even with a BMI of 49, and my liver was perfect for both surgeries.

I'm sorry you're struggling. Can you drink the Protein stuff? I know that I couldn't do that many weeks with a normal stomach on liquids. With the sleeve, it was easy, but my normal tummy, NO WAY JOSE ! ! ! I can't imagine cottage cheese, or even some greek yogurt throwing you off course too much. I hope they don't give you grief at your weigh in. Could you possibly switch surgeons?

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Just another thought, if someone tells you that it normally takes them 3 hours to finish "a meal" I would think carefully about what they are telling you about their eating habits.

First of all, most VSG nutritional guidelines that I have read clearly state that a meal should not extend over a period of hours. Secondly, three meals in one day (that took three hour a piece) would be a total of nine hours spent eating during the course of a day. That's not 3 meals...that's grazing.

We can always choose to have a party with our food, but let's be honest and call it what it is.

I promise the only time I've eaten a 2.5-3 hour meal is because that is how it was served during a special dinner. I really couldn't ask them to bring all my of 4 courses out at the same time so I could eat in the recommended 20-30 minutes out of the 45-50 people in attendance of the special dinner we attended. It's not an occurrence that I've seen come up often with people struggling to get in a couple of ounces. I ate a huge amount of food that night in comparison to what I could eat in 20-30 minutes. It wasn't my choice to eat this way. So, while some may call it grazing, or snacking, it was a special occasion with extenuating circumstances that were out of my control. I don't do that on a regular basis with eating even at a maintenance stage.

Edited by Tiffykins

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Don't do it..... Stay fat! On the other hand, if you do decide to do it, follow the rules. This is your opportunity to get your life back. You won't get it back if you don't follow the rules and change your attitude. Best of luck.

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Don't do it..... Stay fat! On the other hand, if you do decide to do it, follow the rules. This is your opportunity to get your life back. You won't get it back if you don't follow the rules and change your attitude.

Thanks. :) Please go support and encourage someone else. Everyone else, A sincere thank you.

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"Not only that, but if I don't lose the required 5lbs EACH week of the diet, they will POSTPONE my surgery, putting me back on a regular diet, only to recommence the 3-week liquid diet at a later date."

Want my first thoughts? This doctor is making an unfair demand. I would have a hard time trusting any doctor that threatened to cancel a surgery if I didn't lose 5 lbs each week for three weeks. I've been on every kind of diet imaginable (including fasting) and I have never lost 5 pounds a week for three consecutive weeks. You can control what you put in your mouth, but you cannot force your body or the scale to comply with a 5 pounds/week requirement. You are not a badly behaved child that your doctor is entitled to discipline by withholding surgery. You are a grown up woman seeking compassionate and appropriate treatment for the medical condition of obesity.

I fully understand the need to shrink your liver--and it sounds like you do as well--but you can accomplish that goal while being treated with respect by your treatment team. This is not the time for someone with a medical degree to play control games.

Just for comparison: My doctor has an excellent reputation and has performed over 3800 weight loss surgeries. He asked me to substitute liquid Protein drinks for 2 meals a day for the 10 day period between my pre-op appointment and my surgery. The nurses told me that if I had a hard time with the liquid meals, that I could add some Protein. There just isn't the need for the kind of stress and pressure that this doctor is creating for you.

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I promise the only time I've eaten a 2.5-3 hour meal is because that is how it was served during a special dinner. I really couldn't ask them to bring all my of 4 courses out at the same time so I could eat in the recommended 20-30 minutes out of the 45-50 people in attendance of the special dinner we attended. It's not an occurrence that I've seen come up often with people struggling to get in a couple of ounces. I ate a huge amount of food that night in comparison to what I could eat in 20-30 minutes. It wasn't my choice to eat this way. So, while some may call it grazing, or snacking, it was a special occasion with extenuating circumstances that were out of my control. I don't do that on a regular basis with eating even at a maintenance stage.

I think most of us had this surgery to improve the quality of our lives...and it's wonderful to be able to go out and have a special dinner with friends that's a leisurely celebration!! Who cares if it takes 3 hours??? I don't think any of us wants or needs the VSG food police monitoring what we are eating or how long it takes us to eat it.

This is a very different situation than PCindy's thought that someone might be unable to finish a meal in less than 3 hours because of having had VSG. I understand that there are exceptions and that a small percentage of people may struggle to get in enough calories, but it sounds like we agree that (after the initial time it takes for our bodies to recover from surgery), it doesn't take most people more than 20-30 minutes to finish a meal and be satisfied. I hope that fear wouldn't scare anyone away from this surgery!

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I feel so bad for you my dear! Sounds like you're just physically exhaused and frustrated. I think your doc's requirements are way out of line. It makes no sense for you to run yourself down right before a surgery.

That being said, I'm not telling you what you should do, but personally I would keep my strength up anyway I could, while still eating very low carb and I would drink, drink, drink.

Ya gotta play the game to win the prize (the tool to lose weight) !

Instead of getting sad, try getting MAD! :)

Hugs to you!

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I feel so bad for you my dear! Sounds like you're just physically exhaused and frustrated. I think your doc's requirements are way out of line. It makes no sense for you to run yourself down right before a surgery.

That being said, I'm not telling you what you should do, but personally I would keep my strength up anyway I could, while still eating very low carb and I would drink, drink, drink.

Ya gotta play the game to win the prize (the tool to lose weight) !

Instead of getting sad, try getting MAD! :confused1:

Hugs to you!

You are dear, as are you all. Your indignation on my behalf is great! As far as getting mad, my poor beleagard husband can attest that I have had no trouble in expressing my anger and frustration. He should be bronzed and epic poems should be written in his honor. I really appreciate the support you are giving me. I'll let you know how my weigh in goes tomorrow and if I keep my cool or not! I am getting a second opinion to see if I can find a doc who is more open to a larger bougie. Thanks, guys.:confused1:

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I feel bad that you have to meet these weight and liquid diet goals--luckily my only requirement was to switch to liquids at noon before my surgery the next morning. There are other surgeons like that as well if this one is too strict.

Edit: Looking at some of the research 30-40 size is not that big of a difference in speed of loss and I think you can have success as long as you don't go far above that range which would leave more of the Fundus in place. According to the study here http://www.ssat.com/video/2008/SSAT%2049th%20Annual%20Meeting(3)-Cirangle.htm they did not get the results they wanted when at a 48f size. All of that to say as long as you stay 40 or under and use this as a tool with proper eating and exercise, you can have success.

Edited by Swiftflow

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Hi Cindy, my bougie was a 40 and I am glad my surgeon used this approximate size. He aims to leave you with a stomach capacity between 125-150cc. I can live with this easily and it stops me overeating perfectly.

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Thank you for posting that Jane. I believe the trend is moving towards the 40 boughie. I got a 34 and it is okay too, but I think sometimes things can be too extreme. I didn't know until after my surgery that my surgeon posts he removes 90% of your stomach. Had I known that I would have questioned that and gotten a second opinion. I've since read 85%, etc. Restriction is great, but I do now worry a little about becoming underweight or having to really focus on getting enough food IN.

Ironic, isn't it.

PCindy - kudos to you for getting a second opinion. I do know 3 weeks of surgery would leave me weak and dehydrated before surgery. Your surgeon sounds like a control freak. I don't see the point of that at all. I think the sensible thing is 2 liquid meals and an Adkins type Protein meal. That way you are not so insane, and it accomplishes the same thing. If I were you, and I'm not, but I would just modify it and then a couple days before surgery switch to all liquids. He'll never know. You'll still lose weight.

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Hmmmm, I just checked the info we got at the seminar and my doc told us that we would have an 80 cc. stomach.

My thoughts on that are....I know doc's sleeve patients have lost alot of weight and are successful at keeping it off. One patient had a small leak (his only one) and he readmitted her got the stomach to heal and she went on to lose 150 lbs.

I guess I'm not so concerned about finishing a "regular" size meal. When in a social situation, I would just eat slowly (which I already do) and when I'm full I'll ask for a box or just "play" with my food. I'm looking forward to the challenge of not having anyone "notice" the change in my eating habits by not calling attention to it.

Also, you can plan ahead. Since you can't eat a big meal, grab some good Protein 2 hours before, then just get a bowl of Soup or a salad, then you won't need to "box or play" with your food. I've already warned my hubby (who needs to lose weight) that I may be stealing 2 or 3 bites of his Protein. Then he can help me finish my Soup or salad! :001_wub: I have a super great "hubby buddy" too!

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I feel bad that you have to meet these weight and liquid diet goals--luckily my only requirement was to switch to liquids at noon before my surgery the next morning. There are other surgeons like that as well if this one is too strict.

Edit: Looking at some of the research 30-40 size is not that big of a difference in speed of loss and I think you can have success as long as you don't go far above that range which would leave more of the Fundus in place. According to the study here http://www.ssat.com/video/2008/SSAT%2049th%20Annual%20Meeting(3)-Cirangle.htm they did not get the results they wanted when at a 48f size. All of that to say as long as you stay 40 or under and use this as a tool with proper eating and exercise, you can have success.

This is GREAT!!!!!!!! Everyone who considers this surgery (and their families) should see this! Thank you!

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