fishy 0 Posted June 2, 2006 I started on the induction diet this morning on the advice of my surgeon's nutritionist, and will be on that until I switch to the pre-op diet on July 3rd. Has anyone else ever been given this diet pre-surgery? I'm already :hungry: , but I will make it to dinner - I don't think I had enough Protein at lunch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poodles 0 Posted June 3, 2006 Best advice I can give is take your Vitamins. I go crazy if I miss my Vitamin. Get the CarbSmart, or other such Vitamin for those on low carb. Then on top of that take a good b-complex. If you don't you will attack anything that won't bite back. Trust me... I have been fighting carbs for four years, and the best line of defense is a Multivitamin and a good steak!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted June 3, 2006 Hi Kurt, I followed the induction phase of Atkins for a year. There's no reason for you to be hungry since you're pre-op. The key to Atkins is to eat liberally, just eat the right things. IME, and the experience of an entire message board dedicated to the program, the more fat you eat the more weight you lose... so quit being hungry and go fry some burger patties in butter & top them off with some shredded cheddar and bacon bits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishy 0 Posted June 5, 2006 I think that first day was the same old "diet" mentality, so I was subconsciously depriving myself. Cruising along now, the worst part is the carb cravings, but they are manageable. I had a HUGE cut of rare prime rib last night at Outback...mmm... :hungry: A year? Wow - how did you feel in the middle of that timeframe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted June 5, 2006 I felt fine. Toward the end of the year I started having some complications that required me to go beyond the strictness of induction, but prior to that everything was great. I didn't have the "euphoria" that a lot of people seem to experience with clear-headedness, increased energy, etc... nor did I have the "induction flu" as it's known. I guess I felt perfectly normal, just losing lots of weight. I craved carbs for about 2 weeks. Specifically, orange juice and chocolate chip Cookies (and I don't even like chocolate). The OJ craving went away, but chocolate chippers were my one food I would have killed to have. Everything else that I found myself wanting I could find a very low carb (keep in mind I was eating 20g/day MAX) substitue for, so I do mean LOW -- even pizza, pancakes, Cookies, deep fry breading, etc... so never truly felt like I was going without. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishy 0 Posted June 6, 2006 Wow, I just realized you've lost almost 200 lbs! That is awesome, many congratulations! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I keep reaching for a piece of fruit and have to slap my own wrist. I feel really good on Day 5 of the diet, not too shabby - I want to weigh myself but I am holding out until Friday... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poodles 0 Posted June 7, 2006 If you want fruit, go for strawberries and blueberries. They are allowed in small quantities. Have some with a little splenda and cream. Yummy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mvpo8961 1 Posted June 8, 2006 fishy I did the phase 1 southbeach preop. Worked well. My liver was shrunken and flexible. I didn't go hungry. Myra Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tired_Old_Man 1 Posted June 10, 2006 A few years before I had my Lap-Band installed, I followed a diet similar to the Atkins diet. I say similar because my endocrinologist gave me a list of foods ok to eat and foods not to eat. The list were basically the same as the Atkins goods and no-goods. The biggest difference was that he didn't want me to pig-out on fat. I was allowed to eat more fat than most diets recommend, but two large pork-chops, 3-4 chicken thighs or a 12 ounce boneless steak was considered ok. I have heard of some people eating 10 cheeseburgers, sans Buns on the Atkins diet. Anyway, I lost 95 pounds in less that a year and my cholesterol dropped as did my sugar count and blood pressure, but as soon as I cheated once after my first anniversary by having some potatoes (French fries, baked, mashed, you name it) I was right back up the ladder. Only the Lap-Band has kept me solid for years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lianna 3 Posted June 11, 2006 Kurt, I just looked at your stats on your post from the 6th......did you lose 11 lbs in that first week? Wow!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishy 0 Posted June 11, 2006 No, I lost 11.2 lbs...get it right! :laugh :rockon: :biggrin1: I think, generally speaking, fat guys can lose pretty fast, at least at first. About 18 years ago I did Jenny Craig for about a month, and lost 55 lbs. Didn't want to spend the money any longer, so of course I gained back the 55 plus another 60 or so. Thank God I'm done with that kind of crap! :clap2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ericsmom 2 Posted June 11, 2006 Kurt, congrats on the 11.2~~I'm about to start the induction diet - Surgery date July 5th...I wish you the best of luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lianna 3 Posted June 11, 2006 Kurt, 11.2 is fantastic!!!!! I hope you will have a much easier surgery and recovery. Plus you have a jumpstart on the loss. Keep us updated on your progress, and good luck!!! I just noticed today makes exactly one month until your surgery will have lost a HUGE jumpstart amount! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites