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Hello July Sleevers,

I am seeing the light...FINALLY, after almost 2.5 week stall, the weight has started dropping again. It's amazing what kind of effect this has on me...the stopping and then loosing again. When the scale is moving (down), I such a happier person. Motivated to excersize and keep moving....I'm happy to say I lost 3 lbs last week, and another 3 lbs this week...so it looks like my stall has ended, for now.

The one thing I wanted to mention is that even though the scale was not moving for these last few weeks, I was shrinking. All my tops and pants are too big now...and I'm fitting into size 18 jeans that are too baggy (started at tight 22's). My tops are all way too big, so I'm thinking I'll need to hit the stores to prepare for the winter. So, for those of you who are stalled, like me, try taking some measurements or tryin on smaller clothes, you may be surprised.

Oh, and come back to this form often, and keep us updated. I notice it's been a while since some of us have been posting....and I find the posts so helpful.

Take care,

Hihi. I'm writing, I'm writing!! I haven't been keeping up on here much because I'm BUSY!!! My business is picking up, and I'm planning for a couple of upcoming shows, and trying to get my web page up (hopefully this weekend). The boost in energy level has a lot to do with my sudden activity. Did I mention that I'm LOVING it??

I'm still losing weight on a consistent basis, but I've managed to convince myself--at least part of the time--that weight doesn't matter as much as clothing size. I'm almost down to a size 12, so it's easier to convince myself of that nowadays.:thumbup:

Now that I'm getting acquainted with the idea again that I have an existing skeletal structure (instead of layers of fat), I've realized that I really DO have large bones, and I'm probably being either foolish or just plain stupid to try to get to 125--lotta people think I'd be TOO thin. So maybe I need to adjust my target weight up ten pounds or so.

As my PCP pointed out, BMI is a VERY crude measurement of weight that doesn't take into account bone size/thickness or muscle mass (muscle mass of course being far more dense than fat mass). Heh. We'll see, when I actually get into that range. :biggrin0:

So how's everybody else doing?

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So my first month I was losing almost a lb a day and I only lost 1.5 lbs this whole week! I'm a little down but I'm blaming my time of the month and hoping this coming week will be better!

I went through that. Both with the menstrual cycle and the flatlined weight loss. In fact I was really pissed off when I started my period, because I'd been using a birth control implant just so I wouldn't (always been painful, I get Migraines, terrible mood swings, etc.).

As soon as my period ended, my weight started dropping again. I had the implant removed and started on Depo Provera shots again, which is so far working better. It'd be so much nicer if I could just get "spayed." :thumbup:

I don't intend to have kids, and I figure that at age 35, and with thirteen years of marriage behind me, I'd know by now. My husband is equally disinterested. Oh well.

The only real objection I have to Depo is that I'm basically lazy, and having to get a shot every 90 days interferes with my laziness. :biggrin0: The shot itself doesn't bother me at all, and the clinic is on a walk-in basis. I just have to be not-lazy and keep track of the date I'm due.

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Hiya Wildiris and everyone else...lol,

this might sound like a really silly question, but do you think that the cycle and hormones effect weight loss with the sleeve... the reason I ask is that I have only had one, very small, period since my sleeve 9 weeks ago and my weight loss has been inconsisitent to say the least! I have been getting some pre period sysmtoms, but they have come and gone over the last couple of weeks and still no 'show' ... there is NO chance that I am pregnant ...lol... thankfully!

Any ideas ??

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Coops I'm in your same situation, only I'm 5 weeks out, had 1 "period" after suergery,if you can call that a period, hardly anything, now got all the symptoms but nothing happened yet, no chance I'm pregnant either (tubes tied). My friend whose a Gynaecologist said that it can happen after surgeries of this type, hormones all over the place etc. So I'm not weighing myself till after my period!!

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strange isn't it... i am nearly 4 weeks overdue and if the hubby hadn't of had the snip I would be a little concerned... to be honest, I actually want it to happen and for it to settle down(ish) I have never been a 28 day girl!! I am getting to the stage where the more I think about it the more I am wondering if this hormone thing is why I am losing so slowly!! Dunno hopefully my 'lil friend will be here soon...

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Hiya Wildiris and everyone else...lol,

this might sound like a really silly question, but do you think that the cycle and hormones effect weight loss with the sleeve... the reason I ask is that I have only had one, very small, period since my sleeve 9 weeks ago and my weight loss has been inconsisitent to say the least! I have been getting some pre period sysmtoms, but they have come and gone over the last couple of weeks and still no 'show' ... there is NO chance that I am pregnant ...lol... thankfully!

Any ideas ??

Bear in mind that I have NO expertise whatsoever, so ask your doctor, but I'm guessing that the flatlined weight-loss isn't so much lack of weight loss (mass) as it is Fluid retention (volume). Just from my own self-observation, the day my period ended, I peed off 3.4 pounds in 24 hours (yes, I was so paranoid that I was keeping track to the tenth of a pound). During the week previous, I had even GAINED weight, which really messed with my head!

My doctors (both the surgeon and my primary doc) said that strange things can happen hormonally when you're losing weight as fast as we are. Again, I'm only paraphrasing my doctors, but from what I do know about reproduction and the oh-so-lovely human female reproductive cycle (note: sarcasm intended), it makes sense to me that, along with all the other changes going on in our bodies during the first year, the hormone levels would fluctuate as well.

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Hi Everyone,

Kathy and I are now a little over 5 weeks out. I have lost 55lbs since surgery and 63 overall, Kathy has lost 31 since day of and 41 overall. We are on real food and learning was does and does not work at this point. We are both walking and Kathy even has added in some jogging already. I was going to start weight lifting again but thought I might wait another week even though the Dr said it was ok. Just felt a little punky from work last week, was pretty physical and felt tired from that so just thought it better to listen to the body and not push it too much. Other than that we are doing great. Have been out to dinner and even to a couple Fairs, with all the fair food ( we shared one corn dog and both of us felt really full!) Getting our protien in but have to work on fluids. Find that the busier we get the harder it is to get those in, we will work on that.

One cool thing is I found a support group at my work! Right now we meet once a month and we are all different kinds of surgeries, sleeves, RYN, and bands. But hey we all want the same thing, to lose!

Well hope you all are doing well, really can't believe it has been 5 weeks already! Really looking forward to the next 5 weeks to see where we are then! Good luck to all.

Dickson and Kathy

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Okay, I'm a very happy camper!

I've been very reserved about my opinion of the sleevation, because... I wasn't really mentally prepared for it as I was really hoping to keep my band. I did lose a lot of weight up front but my energy was not as good as it was following my banding (early post op).

But now, I'm seeing results that surpass my expectations. Since I'd already lost so much weight banded, I really thought I'd only lose maybe a lb or two per week average and that with careful diet and exercise. Which would have meant that by now I would have been down maybe 18 lbs. I'm down 30 lbs. And not proud to say have not been "dieting" (though I do eat sensibly MOST of the time) and don't exercise to speak of, though my activity level is up in the last 3 weeks since I'm getting my energy back.

Now THAT has given me some incentive... I bought a pair of those wacky shoes that are supposed to make walking a work out (Shape ups?). Owning them makes me want to walk, to see if they work. LOL I'm also thinking hey, there are definite improvements I can make in my diet without getting too crazy.

I put away most of my summer clothes and pulled out the fall stuff today. WOW clothes I thought would fit now are too big. And the stuff I was wearing last winter is falling off. I have enough to get by for a bit. Fortunately my tops give me more leeway and I have plenty of those.

So I?m a believer-sleever! It?s been two months today. It took me a bit to get where the rest of you are mentally. :thumbup:

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Hi fellow July sleevers...

Tomorrow marks my 8 weeks from sleeve day and everything is great. I'm still waiting for the shoe to drop since I have not had any bad experience so far. I have lost a total of 54 lbs as the scale reads this morning - and pretty consistent of 2 lbs per week. I am eating more often then last month and seem to be picking up my appetite a bit. I am eating almost everything and not had any problems. I always know when I hit "the point" and stop. One small observation I've made within the last week - I am "belching" again - which is great. I eat and get to a point that I feel full - wait a few minutes - belch and can eat a bit more.

No Hair loss so far. Never had food come back up...

I was only out of work 1 week, started exercise after 1 month (start @ 4:25 am - 20 push-ups, 20 min on elliptical and 15 minutes tread mill)

Not bad for a 61 year old...

We went out this weekend and bought a bunch of new clothes - I now need large shirts/tee's not xxl, and went from a size 40 (betled below the stomach) to a 36.

Enough boasting - how about you?


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Just went to lunch and got a salad at Wendy's... Did you know that you can get a 1/2 salad now? Oh just the perfect size for TWO lunches. LOL

Great tip! I had no idea...

I'm close to being 2 months out and have lost 50 lbs. Started this journey in size 24W pants and size 4x tops. Yesterday I bought size 16W pants and 1x tops, so this is definitely working. There are times I feel like I'm not losing enough quickly enough, but then when I look at the stats of 25 lbs/mo. who can deny it's working? Never before would I have been able to do this on my own! Energy is still up (even when I had to start working overnights) and this has been very freeing for me. For the first time in a very long time I feel like I can go out and do things I've always wanted to do/see.

It is nice to hear from others who had surgery around the same time. Sleeve-siblings unite!

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I just realized that I am over half-way to goal! Hooray!!!!!


My SIL had RNY several years ago. She said when she began to get discouraged when her weight loss slowed she would put on her [starting sized] "get-real pants." With my band I never experienced the super-fast early weight loss that sleevers and RNYs have. It was much more gradual. So I didn't have the let-down when it slowed. LOL But my weight loss is faster after this surgery so I expect when it gets to a more realistic rate I may need those "get-real clothes" too. But forewarned is forearmed, right?

Honestly, though, even if I don't lose another ounce as long as I keep feeling as good as I do now, I don't think I'll be too upset.

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My stall is also officially broken. I've lost four pounds in the last week, which does wonders for my moods! I'm still not weighing every day, and it really helps me not focus so much on weight.

So far I'm down 30 pounds and I'll be eight weeks out tomorrow. That's not as much as I wanted to be down by now, but 30 pounds is the most I ever lost on any "diet" in the past. I did Nutrisystem in 2006 and lost 30 pounds in almost four months. So, to drop that amount in half the time is a definite success, and I can't be too displeased.

I hope to lose another 13 pounds over the next month - that will bring me to 199 pounds. We'll see if it's possible.

La: I am SO happy to read your stall is broken. I know how relieved I was when the scale moved again! I hope you're doing well.

WildIris: It sounds like you're doing awesome! And you seem very happy with your success so far. I'm sure you'll be hitting that goal in no time.

Coops: I've only had one cycle but I expect one in the next week. I can tell you that it DID affect my weight. I gained three pounds! It didn't drop off again until a few days after the cycle ended. I also experienced the first (and only) food cravings and "hunger" I've felt since surgery. I wanted to eat everything in sight, especially bread, chips, candy, etc. It was awful. Now that I'm due in a few days, I have the same huge desire to eat, eat, eat. It's GOT to be hormone related. I'm munching on cheese sticks and very ripe fresh fruit when the urge to much hits me. It's not great, but it's not a Snickers, either!

Dickson and Kathy: You guys are doing awesome. Why is it the men lose so much more quickly? Unfair!

Ellisa: I just did the same thing with my clothes! I have two huge totes of clothing to send to my mom and sister because they're winter clothes and they will never fit me again. Isn't it wonderful? I have a GoWear Fit (like a Body Bugg) and it does the same thing for me as your new shoes - it makes me want to move around and get active. Whatever it takes, right?

Lou: You are kickin' butt, buddy! I still get envious when I see how quickly the men lose, though. I'd be happy to have a way to fit a bit more food in - sometimes I still can't meet my calorie goals for the day, so being able to make some extra room with a good belch would help me finish those eggs or fit in a few extra bites of chicken. Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job!

Possumtrot: Great job! Huge, HUGE congrats for making it halfway to goal (and in such a short time!) and for losing 50 pounds. Before you know it you won't be shopping in the plus section any longer. That's got to be a great feeling. I bet everyone is noticing, huh? I can't wait until I hit that point.

Well, everyone, I'm off. I don't have a tremendous amount of time to post since we're gearing up for a month of visitors and then we're moving in November. I'm busy, busy, busy!


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You are doing GREAT! Try to keep in mind that you don't have as much to lose as many people so your weight loss may be less, but 30 lbs shows more when it's about 1/3 of what you want to lose.

People I work with, who see me everyday, hadn't said anything about my weight loss. But people who see me less often kept commenting that I was melting. But yesterday I was wearing a skirt from my "hope shelf" (that's where my too-small clothes live until they fit) and several people made comments about how good I looked and that I must be losing weight again. :001_huh: That made me want to jump into those crazy shoes and start walking. ;)

BTW, Sketchers has a shoe that looks more like a regular shoe that has the same sole. I'm thinking about getting them to wear at work so I can take short walks on my breaks without having to change shoes (I could walk an extra 5 minutes in the time it takes to change shoes LOL).

I'm trying to re-think my exercise/activity goals. I feel the "experts" have caused me to become discouraged over the last couple of decades. We were told things like, "you must warm up before exercising, you must exercise at least 30 minutes with your heart rate at X or it was useless, you must stretch before you do whatever, etc. etc. etc." This week I started thinking about how much more active I was before I was so "educated." Do kids stop to think, "oh I can't run over to the other side of the yard because I haven't warmed up? I'm not planning to become a world class athlete. So I'm going to forget the expert advice. If I'm walking and I feel like running, I'm gonna, stretched or warmed up or not, and when I feel like not running, I'm gonna stop. I will take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. I will park farther from my destination. I will make any excuse to move more!!! Anyone else have any ideas to keep our bodes moving??? I have a desk job, so it's going to take some thought to add activity during my work day.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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