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July 2006 Band Crew

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Sherri Sherri Sherri! Oh my goodness hun, you are in a bad state. Take a big breath.. take a few...Your post was packed with info. so I don't even know where to start. Goodness and you are living through it all too and im just sitting here reading it. Ok here goes:

1st. you've 'ONLY' lost 35 pounds.. in such a LONG time of 2 months??? 35 Pounds in 2 months is fantastic, seriously. If you kept on with losing at that pace you would lose 210 pounds in a year! That would not even be healthy. Chill about the weight loss, try to eat right and exercise as much as you can.. things will happen, you will lose more weight.

Secondly, the reason everything is getting stuck is probably due to stress! When im stressed the same thing happens to me and I don't even have a fill yet! Try taking a long hot soak in the tub and then eat slowly, chew chew chew.

Thirdly the husband issues... Will your husband agree to see someone about his greif over the divorce of his parents? It might really help him and you too. You guys need some time together away from your building project. The only thing dreamy about buiding a dream house is... hmm I can't think of anything dreamy about building a dream house lol. My husband and I have been through MANY building projects together, we own lots of properties and real estate together. And we have many a time been stressed to the max over it. The fun dreamy part doesn't happen until you are DONE with the construction lol. So go on a weekend get away, have some drinks, have some intimacy, try to reconnect. If thats not possible at least go out to dinner and to a movie. Go Mexican, it seems to go down pretty easy. For one night don't worry about calories or construction. Just take a break from it all. Tell your husband as many warm fuzzy things you can think of. Tell him how attracted to him you still are and how happy he makes you and how you feel so sorry for him being under the stress he's been under. Tell him that you appreciate how he has been so supportive your decision to be banded and how lucky you feel to have such an understanding man in your life. LOL I don't know if you agree with all this stuff im typing but my point is appeal to his male ego, they are more willing to open up and talk about whats really bothering them when you do.

And lastly throw that zanex away if you are really having thoughts of taking them all. Call the emergency room if you are suicidal. I think you were kidding but just in case you're not..

It will be ok, it really will. Keep writing on here for support. Just think in a year from now you'll be living in your dream house, you'll be thin, you're husband will hopefully find peace in this storm he's going through. You have so much to look forward to. Look ahead.

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Hello all...first of all, Sherri-I'm so sorry you're having a tough time of it right now. Kari gave some very good support/advice. Please take care of yourself during this difficult time...set your sites on the future...the new you.

It's been a very busy week for the first week back to school. I had to work the meet & greet on Thursday night and then tonight I stayed an extra 1/2 hr - 45 min to get a few more things done. The phone rang like crazy today! I'm the Records Secretary in addition to my other duties. That means that any students transferring in or out of the middle school get processed through me. It's continuous bombardment of record's requests and registration forms for at least the first couple of weeks. I am, however, really enjoying seeing the kids and the staff again ;) There was a staff get-together at one of the staff's houses tonight, but I didn't go. My knees suck and I just didn't know where I'd have to walk (grass, field, etc.) and I just didn't want to take any chances falling, so I stayed home. I have a long list of things I need to get done this weekend, too.

I can't decide if my fill is right...I had 3cc's put in my 4cc band on Aug. 17th, but I feel like I can eat more than I should be able to. It was tight at first...but it doesn't seem that way lately. How do you know the saline is staying in the band? Could any seep out? If it's filled all the way, does that mean it's closed? Or just filled to the maximum and there is still a good opening there? Maybe I need .5 more to hit my sweet spot...

I know...so many questions...

I found out this week that two of the teachers in my school are getting banded - one in October and one hopes for November. There was a custodian that had it before me. We had a good chuckle - we could form our own support group and have meetings at the school LOL!! I told them both about this site, too :) I also told them I would answer any questions I could. I am becoming an advocate for this procedure, I think.

Well, I've rambled long enough...I'm off to browse the board some more and then go to bed. Take care everyone!

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Glad that school has gone well for you this week. I knew that we wouldn't do anything today. Hubby slept some and so did I. Well there is always tomorrow. I know what you mean about the fills. I can eat more than I could when I first got my fill. I too wonder if it leaks out somehow. I am going in two weeks to get another fill so I am trying to me good until then.

Sherri- you will definetely be in my prayers. I know that things will work out. I have been married 26 years and things are always up and down but I love him in spite of them all.

Well everyone I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Get some rest and of course exercise (an oxymoron) and enjoy yourself. I am off to bed with my book. Talk to you tomorrow. Tootaloo

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Hello everyone! It seems like an eternity since I've been on here. I am not a teacher, but I feel like I live at my son's school. I am the President of our PTF (same as a PTA) this year and I just haven't stopped since school started! My husband and I cleaned, remodeled and stocked up the teacher's lounges with goodies; I designed and ordered name badges for all the staff (54) and spirit shirts for the kids; got our 1st fundraiser set up; set up 2 "family night out" dinner fundraisers; started the set up and planning for our "International Night"; held an all day & evening Open House at the High School; and this coming week I'm having another all day & evening Open House at the Elementary School, a Principle's coffee Hour meeting, and then our first PTF meeting. I'm exhausted!!! And I have totally missed being on here!

It is all worth it though! We started the year with happy teachers and staff, and hopefully we'll have more parents helping throughout the year! I am definitely happy to be helping! The looks on the teacher's faces when they walked into their new lounge was the biggest reward ever! I was so happy that I got to be there to see their response!

Okay, enough about all that! I have a concern that I need your advice on! The day before yesterday I had one of those sneezes that "comes out of nowhere" and it came upon me so quickly and forcefully that I didn't even get a chance to cover my nose/mouth. Gross - yes, I know. When it happened, I felt a horrible pain in my port area - like maybe something tore. It has been hurting my terribly ever since. I finally did call the doctor's office yesterday because it was still hurting badly and I was afraid maybe something bad happened and if I didn't take care of it would get worse or not be able to be fixed or something. I thought maybe the port tore off of the muscle it is sewn to or something? When I called the doctor's office, they said it is common to have pain in that area and said I'm fine. I didn't talk to the doctor, and I doubt they did either since he does surgery on Thursday & Friday. The pain hasn't changed at all. Could I have pulled the muscle or torn something? Is it possible to rip the port off the muscle? I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing, but it kind of freaked me out and it makes me nervous that it is hurting this much still. Please share any advice you have!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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Just checking in to say that I'm nearly down 70.

I won't lose weight for like a week and then all the sudden 5 pounds fall off (atleast in my experience from the last three weeks.)

I'm the thinnest I've been since I stopped growing taller.

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Chris - that is wonderful. They always say that men lose it faster than women and I guess that is true. I am so glad that you are losing it now instead of waiting until you are older like me. You need to enjoy your young life and what better way to than to be healthy and thinner.

Desiree- The first week after my surgery I had a similar sneeze. My port hurt for days as well. I called and they told me the same thing that they told you. But when I went to get my first fill my port was crooked. I asked him if it could be from that sneeze and he said no. I think that it was. But by now I wouldn't think that it would hurt your port. You had your surgery the same day as me and by now I would think that it would be healed and securely in place. When you get your next fill the doc will know. Try some ice on it if it still hurts and definitely call the doc again if it continues to hurt. I do hope that it gets better though. My port hurts sometimes when I lie down especially on my side. I can't lay on my stomach yet.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am getting hubby up in an hour and we are going to run our errands. I will check in later.

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Chris: That's fantastic!!! Glad you updated us on your progress!!!

My 8 week anniversary was yesterday (from pre-op) and I've lost 25 lbs. and a whopping 33.38 inches!! I've almost lost a yardstick...lol!!! I also talked to the gal who rode down with me to be banded on the same day in Mexico. She called and said, "Happy Anniversay" and I couldn't figure out who it was....DUH!! Then, I said, "Is this Val?" We had a great talk!! Celebrate GOOD TIMES...COME ON!!!

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Thank you all for your thought, prayers and kind words. No, I wouldn't take Zanaz except for one pill for anxiety but I a haven't took any until he ight beofre surgery.

My husband is just on my arsh over eveything in life and I've just got to get thick skinned. He's been all for my sugery and they yesterday I had to baby and we needed his truck so I could go buy her a little 4 wheeler, battery things you ride on. I switched her carseat with her in it, all of teh things I had bought at the store, 4 bags, diaper bag, purse, toy bag, then I put the portable air compressor I knew he was going to use in the strunk of my car, got out the stroller and put in my car truck (He had drove mine to work) and after all of this out in the hot son her said, "What do you thing your doing?" I said, "I need your truck to get some bags of much and Briana's 4 wheeler, and he said, "Not in my truck your not, use your own car. I bought him that damn new truck 3 months ago and now he doesn't want ME driving it so without missing a lick I reunloaded everything again, loaded everything back up and when I went to life the heavy air compressor up over the top rails on the back of his truck and it's the big 4 door truck, bam, it hit me like a ton on bricks. I pulled that muscle or something where my port is. 'Feels just like a pulled muscle.

Well, today everytime I moan about it he say, "Your the one who wanted the band, not me.

Wouldn't that just let all the air out of your sail. Hell my air's leaked out and I'm about the sink.

Well, didn't mean to write a story, just have to vent, been such a hard week.

Love you all,

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sorry it's been a while since i've been on, i made it thru the 1st week of school and no there's only 179 days left till summer vacation! lol! i'm in a slump, no wt loss since going on mushies and it's really starting to annoy me! i need to measure to see if inches are gone but i'm afraid there will be no change and i'll just get more depressed!

hang in there sherry! that's what we do here vent and congratulate! men run hot and cold, my hubby's the same! he can be such a weenie!

it sounds like a lot of people are doing great though...smaller jeans zipped up, pounds and inches shrinking! excellent work july lb'ers


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Chris, Good job! How is school going?

Mary, has it already been 8 weeks? wowzers. 25 LBS!! double wowzers. I'm so proud of you ;) I can't get my yahoo to work?? Earlier I couldn't even get online, It said something was wrong with my IP address, whatever that means. Can't wait to have another one of our fun chats. Keep up the good work!

I have a challenge for everyone.. take a 30 minute walk or swim or something OUTSIDE today. Then report it on here. Lets see how many of us can meet this challenge.. I dare ya. Good luck everyone!

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Well I could have predicted the way this day would go. Hubby stayed up all night so of course he slept all day so we didn't get anything done. Well that is the way it is every weekend. He really pisses me off. I am trying to avoid a fight and the way I do that is not to talk to him right now. Maybe we can "talk" later. So you see Sherri you are not the only one who has problems with your spouse. I do to. Another thing he does is eat, eat, eat all the time. Maybe he thinks that he needs to make up for the food I can't eat. It drives me crazy because he doesn't need it. Don't get me wrong I love him to death but he sure knows how to pull my chain. Well talk to you guys later.

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Hi Everyone!!! Boy even cowgirls get the blues. What a week for us July girls (and Chris.....you are having a SUPERB week with your weight loss!!!). Me??? I hanging in.

First, met your challenge today Kari. DH and I went to his college's opening day football game and then his fraternity's family picnic. I pushed him in his wheelchair at least 30 minutes (probably more). It was an incredibly wonderful and fun day except......

Second, and here is my blues time......the caregiver who started Tuesday quit today. I wasn't shocked. She hadn't done live-in in a while and her husband is now retired and she really missed him. Guess she didn't realize weekends were not enough time to spend with him. Soooooo...we are back at square one without a caregiver for my DH while I go to school. The agency will send a fill-in but of course I will worry while I am gone if she is a whack job or something. He is such a sweetheart....it breaks my heart to leave him (we need my benefits as much as salary) much less to leave him with someone we don't know. It sucks. We have NO one around here to help. So that's my blues story.

Sherri and Beth....sorry hubbies are in a poor communication mode. Husbands can be weird. It seems like the more you need them the more they distant themselves and their emotions. It's like they have an antenna. "Oops she's needy....throw up the road block....annoy her so she will stay away". We all argue with our significant others but what about fighting fair???? Urgh.

Hey Michelle....we need some more funny pics/comments to lighten the load around here!!!! Where is our resident comedian?????

Sorry this post is not peppy......so I will try this: you guys are great! We won the game today. I didn't eat everything in the stadium (not even those ice cream dots thingies) nor at the picnic. I kept drinking my liquids and chose food wisely. Our neighbor and his son put up our new mailbox (the teenagers had bashed the other one)...that was nice. It was a beautiful sunny day. How's that for pep. Rah. Gimme a J, gimme a U, gimme a L, gimme a Y. yea JULY bandsters.

We still don't have a caregiver though......:think Rats. Anybody nice and competent want to fly to NJ and take care of my cute DH???? LOL. Have a good weekend cowgirls.


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School is going great, dropped one class just to lighten the load a bit (still at 14 credits).

I also went to the Cougar vs Vandals NCAA football game today, so I got all my walking in :D (30 min challenge thingy)

I get to see my psych about attention deficit on tuesday, I'm hoping I get everything undercontrol :rolleyes:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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