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July 2006 Band Crew

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That was too funny about Aunt Flo,

Okay guys I need your help. You know how I haven't lost anything in 2 months. Had anothe fill about a month ago and I'm tight, tight, tight. I have been tracking what I'm eating on fitday and I'm eating between 600 and 800 calories a day. Now, I've heard the your body thinks your starving stuff before but thought it was a crock. Do you really think that's why I'm not losing? Seems pretty far fetched for me as my thinking is less is better but I'm ready to put my band out and jump up and down on it. I mean after being out close to 20,000.00 I guess it's easy to blame my band. I really am getting so frustrated and my family is like, how much have you lost, and I'll tell them the same thing I told them 2 months ago and you can see the "oh lord, she's just wasted her money type look on their faces" look. I mean I have went from 24's to 16's and I'm thrilled to death with that because I'm 5'8" and I can carry more weight but this is ridiculous.

One other thing, I was also wondering about. Everyone probably knows in the past 5 years I have the 3rd degree burns over 33 percent of body, neck surgery, back surgery, foot surgery, and fat. I've been on Loritab's for a couple of years because I've still got 2 ruptured disks in lower back. Well, he doesn't have me on anything for arthritis but I have lots of medal in my neck and back and the past 3 days it's been raining here and I didn't refill my pain meds this month because I thought I'm going to beat this pain regardless. Well, for the past 3 days, I can't walk standing up straight, I'm in so much pain I got in the floor last night and just laid there and cried I couldn't stand the pain. I got up this morning and the pain was a 10 on a scale of 1-10. I guess I will have no choice but get my meds filled but do you guys think this too could be hindering me. I would take any advice, good or bad. I've got to start losing more pounds.

I did measure myself and have lost over 50 inches so maybe that's a little part of it too. I'm just out of answers and I knew maybe someone had some clue.

Thanks guys, sorry so long. This is just getting old for me.

Way to go Steph, you rock.

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Sherri Jo: First of all, you have done FABULOUS!! It was bound to slow down some from the beginning weightloss. And the inches you've lost/sizes you've lost are something to Celebrate. So, don't beat yourself up!! CELEBRATE (just not with goodies)!! It sounds like you may be on a plateau here, which I believe is normal. It happened to me in Dec./Jan. then all of a sudden I lost some more. Since then, I can honestly say that I haven't eaten right. But, even though I haven't seen any weightloss, I have continued to shrink some in inches and I think it's due to my skin catching up. I don't know medially if that's what happens, it just seems as though I look smaller (I am smaller), but the weight is the same. I know that I don't have good restriction, but that doesn't seem to be the issue with you. So, I would just be sure to eat that Protein (as you stated in an earlier post) and your green vegetable, then anything else if you can eat anymore, which it doesn't sound like you can). You may need to supplement your protein with a shake if you are not getting in enough. Doesn't sound like you are feeding your body enough calories so maybe there is something to that "starving the body" deal. Remember, we don't want to lose muscle when we lose, but fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. All of us have a lot of muscle as we've carried around all that extra weight. These are just some things I'm throwing out there. I know that Barbara (Dr. Rod's assistant) has stressed so much with me NOT to go by weight but how I feel, size, measurement, etc. due to the muscle thing. She also stressed that I may not end up at the same weight that I was in the past due to this. I may be heavier in weight but get to the appropriate size. Does this make sense? Maybe you need to move that scale out to the garage and just quit getting on it. Keep track of your protein and food choices. Make sure you aren't getting in extra liquid or soft calories (as Kari talked about) and just RELAX!! The band was not a mistake. You've done well. It's so easy to try and compare ourselves with others. There are some on here that have lost extremely fast and large amounts. We are not all the same. (I'm reminding myself of this right now too). We are different ages, reached obesity in different ways, different metabolisms, etc. Remember the band is a tool and the typical weightloss promised with the band is something like 1-2 lbs. a week (that would be 4 lbs. a month- 8 lbs. a month).

If you've been on pain meds and need them, I think you should take them. I don't know how they affect your weight, but if you can't move due to pain, that certainly isn't going to help you any. You can always talk to your doctor and read up on any side effects of the medicines you're on. But, you were on these previously, I'm thinking, so that shouldn't be hindering anything. I think the "slow down" is normal and we just need to remember that the band is to help us lose the weight and keep it off. I've always thought that it would be 1-2 years for me to get it off (approximately 115 lbs.). I have a goal of being under 200 lbs. by my bandiversary date of 7-28-07. Will this happen? Time will tell. But, I must do my part, too, and be patient. Our bodies are readjusting now, too. I have a feeling that my metabolism is going to get messed up if I don't make sure I'm eating properly and getting in my protein. I refuse to look at this as a "diet". The band is a lifestyle change. Since I've been struggling, I'm seriously thinking about getting some counseling or going through some inner healing ministry through my church. With my dad passing away and some other family issues, I just may need to address these in working with my band. Since I went to Mexico, I didn't need any type of eval for behavioral stuff. Well, I've been on enough boards to see that counseling can be a big help in dealing with stress and reasons for overeating to begin with. I've seen that many have gone to counseling or are going to deal with "life". Whatever it takes for me to be healthy, I need to do.

Well, I've written a book here and guess I needed to get some of my own feelings out here, too. Sherri Jo, I hope you've gotten your medication by now and feeling better. I hope and pray that you are encouraged by what I've written. I'm just a fellow bandster that has struggled at times, too, so remember, we are here for one another and this is a journey, not just a trip...!! (Boy, didn't know I was so wise, especially after not knowing who Aunt Flo was)

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Thanks so much ready for you help and concern. I guess I just had a friend who was banded the very same day as me but she was at 342 and I was 272 and she is 222 and I'm at 218 but she is shorter than me and it just seems like she has just had so much better luck and we compare what we eat and I always eat less calories. Your so right about the Protein. I've had a struggle with that since day one and I've never done the Protein Shakes but since I can't eat a thing until after lunch and don't I think I'm going to start them for Breakfast.< /p>

I'm sorry to burden everyone with all of these problems and you've been through so much lately but you guys are my family and I just depend on everyone on this July thread, probably too much some times and I do apologize for that. It's just so great to have all of you guys for friends I just don't know what I ever did without you.

I called my neck surgeon and said that for one thing after taking Loritab's for the past 3 years I should not have went off of them like I have without contacting him and that they are not hurting me and for me to continue them since I do have the 2 ruptured discs. So, I guess my self diagnosis isn't working, lol.

Again, thanks for your time and I hope your doing well. You've done fabulous with your band and I admire you.

Love you all,

Sherri Jo

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Have you tried working out in the Water? Many people with back trouble and knee pain find water aerobics to be just the thing. Also, yoga is very low impact but can do great things.

I think many of us are hitting that 9 month slump. I know that I am. I'm frustrated too. I can't really explain why, I've lost 45 lbs and weigh less than I have for 16 years, but still, I want more. I also wonder if I'm going to have to work out 2 hours a day the rest of my life to maintain the weight I want to be. Right now I flucuate between gaining and maintaining at 151 and I'm swimming 45 minutes to an hour 5 days a week. I wonder what would happen if I just stopped? Bums me out.

well, that wasn't helpful AT ALL was it :-) sorry.

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I agree. I am hoping this is just a temporary thing. I never thought about Water aerobics, that's a great idea. I will most definitely give that a try. I know my body needs some real physical workout and I just can't do the weights and stuff right now, not at least until I have my last back surgery, in which I keep putting off. My neck surgery has done nothing but made me worse so I get to thinking why go through another one.

Maybe after this month we'll all kick in and start losing. Your at a wonderful weight. If I was there I would be tickled pink. I'm still a little over 200 and that just plain sucks.

Well, I know one thing for sure, us July'ers are the closest, bestest friends of them all. We rock. (That makes me sound young, lol)

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Speaking of young... I turn 30 in about a month!! That was one of my motivating factors for getting the band, I didn't want to spend another decade overweight. Im really trying to get in the 170's by then. Even if its just 179 I'll feel better. Nice to read everyones posts. Sorry you are in pain sherry. Hope your staying op today Mary, I was thinking about ya! ;)

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Hey guys! Well it looks like we have all made great progress so far but we seem to be struggling . Whats wrong with us!! LOL we need to get our butts back on track and back in the game. I keep thinking this band is going to do all the work for me then im shocked when the scale dosent move and I havent excercized in a week. We need to keep each other motivated. Im here for ya girls. Hang in there!!!!!

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Hey everyone!!!

SORRY I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN SO LONG!!! Everythings been great- the school year is almost over and I've lost a bit more than 50 pounds. My band is a finiky thing, but its working. I've never had so much attention from guys in my life! I just wanted to tell everyone that I am alive, and doing well- I'm going back to Maryland for the summer and getting a personal trainer to kick my butt in gear! I wanna lose 40-60 pounds this summer and I know it is possible... I really lose weight when I exercise- I just haven't had time to really do it yet...

CONGRATS EVERYONE!! You are all doing so well... and mishaps happen= thats why they are calle misHAPs.


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And I am checking in with my July'sters. I can report a 73 pounds weight loss to date. So proud of that, I can't tell ya. I have a mere 35 pounds to goal and that sounds like music to my ears.

I am at a 3.0 fill now. It seems as though I only lose when I am 'tight' and exercising. I think some of us are just weight loss resistent. I try to stay low carb, but the homemade Cookies I make are just really too hard to resist sometimes. But I can't complain about my loss so I won't.

Hope you are all big time losers this month. And can you even believe that in 2-3 short months it will have been a YEAR??? I sure can't, but I feel BLESSED that I did this life saving surgery.



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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't write yesterday about my doctor visit. I was real upset and down and didn't feel like doing anything. This is my regular doctor not my surgeon. She just moved into a new office and everything is computerized. I felt like she wasn't listening to me at all. She was too busy trying to work on the computer. She said that it was all new and had to work the kinks out. Which made me feel like she really didn't care about me just her computer. She didn't help me at all with my weight problem at all. I ask her if I could get some appetite suppressants to help with my hunger and she said okay and then told me to eat 500 calories a day. Can you believe that!! 500 calories!!! I can eat 500 calories in two meals. How can I eat that less? I can be done with the day by noon. No fair. I don't know what to do. I also told her about some of my aches and pains but she didn't pay much attention just wanted to get it into the computer and to make sure I was up to date on all of my tests. I am really down and I don't know what to do. The name of the medication is Phentermine if anyone of you has heard of it let me know. SOrry to be a downer today but I am hungry and I don't have any more calories for today.

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Hey Beth,

Girl I've been missing you. So sorry she did that to you, do you want me to go beat her up for you? I will, really I will. Sometimes they can be jerks. I am lucky as far as that goes, Dr. Curry is fabulous all the time.

I am with you on the losing. I finally emailed Dr. Curry today and within an hour he emailed me back and said I needed a slight unfill. This is the thing and I hope I'm not the only one. I feel so stupid and wasteful getting a unfill. I mean, Dr. Curry doesn't charge so he won't make anything off of it, my husband says I'm being wasteful taking out what cost me a month ago 500.00 to get. Then I feel stupid for not knowing better, but I've never been banded before. Do any of you know what I'm talking about. I haven't lost a single pound in more than 2 months. I have tracking on fit day and on a usual day don't get more than 600 calories. I think your doc is crazy on the 500. I've been doing 600 for 2 months because that's all I can do and lost nothing. My surgeon says your body thinks your starving. Who knows?

This morning, although it is TOM, I tried to eat one package of instant oats, and could only do half and then at 2pm tried to eat 1/2 cup green Beans and after 4 bites said forget it. Every time I try to eat before 6pm I get that stuck feeling, don't usually pb, just the uncomfortable feeling. Do you guys think I need a slight unfill too?

Hey Leona,

been missing you too girl. Sounds like you got it going on girlfriend.

Talk to you all later,

Have a great weekend,

Keep your chin up Beth,

Sherri Jo

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Hey Leona! Missed ya, glad you're having fun :) at school. Sorry to hear about your fill issues Beth and Sherri :( hope it all works out for you soon. I was at a stall for awhile too but now I'm back on track. I exercised 4 mornings this week and stayed OP all week with eating. I've finally reached the 40 lb. mark. YEsssss. :D

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I just took my measurements, I'm 10% smaller over all from where I started! Yayyy. I was feeling kind of bummed that I've only lost 10 pounds in the past few months but the percent change in my measurements is much better sounding to me lol. Just thought I'd post this so that others who are feeling discouraged might want to check measurements :).

Total Inches* 9/1/06 * 10/22/06 * 4/27/06* %Change

*333.75* 319.25 * 301 * -10% Smaller!! clap2.gif

I had posted individual body parts but, lol I was too embarrassed to leave it there! They are posted in my journal if you want to look lol.

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Hey Kari!! I'm so glad you're back!! I missed ya girlfriend!! And Congratulations on the inches, exercising and staying OP!! I will check out your journal later.

Paula: You go girl!! And I'm right there with you...(a bit slower) but I'm coming up behind you!! LOL!!

Leona: Good to see you checking in and Congrats on your weightloss and the attention. Even though I'm an "old married" gal, I get more looks now, too (shhhhh....don't tell now...lol) Actually, my husband is digging my changing body and I'm happy about that, too!!

Nate's mom: You give it to us now...we do need to get ourselves in gear again!! We can do this gals. We have the band and we have each other!!

Beth and Sherri: Hang in there and I also think 500 calories a day is way too little. I know I harp on this a lot, but be sure and get in that 60-70 grams of Protein a day. If you are doing this and also eating veggies, drinking Water and living according to bandster rules, could you need a fill? Sherri: If Dr. Curry is recommending an unfill, and you have confidence in him (which it appears you do), then I would listen. I don't know if you remember, but in October, I was having some irritation and I went 4 hours and got a slight unfill even though the barium drink actually went through. I was having shoulder pain with water and very uncomfortable. Well, it did help and the irritation cleared up. It may have cleared up anyways if I had just continued on the liquids and let my tummy "rest" some, but I was glad that I at least saw the band was okay and got some taken out. We can't be too careful with taking care of this "tool/friend" that is in us. Let us know what happens.

Finally, I just got home from my 3rd fill, which was a doozey (sp?). In January when I went I didn't feel the local doc (in Dallas) had put enough in (no tweeking), so I went to Dr. Stephanie in Bryan, TX today (4 hours each way) and she started putting it in, having me drink, etc. I ended up with 1.3 cc more in my 4-5 cc band. So, I now have a total of 2.3 cc in there!! I can definitely tell I'm restricted more than I've ever been. Of course, I stay on liquids for 3 days, so that's all I've had, but it "feels" differently than before. Maybe this will help get me going again, too. I was very "open" when we watched the barium go down through my band!!

Take care all and have a great weekend!! Blessings!!

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't write yesterday about my doctor visit. I was real upset and down and didn't feel like doing anything. This is my regular doctor not my surgeon. She just moved into a new office and everything is computerized. I felt like she wasn't listening to me at all. She was too busy trying to work on the computer. She said that it was all new and had to work the kinks out. Which made me feel like she really didn't care about me just her computer. She didn't help me at all with my weight problem at all. I ask her if I could get some appetite suppressants to help with my hunger and she said okay and then told me to eat 500 calories a day. Can you believe that!! 500 calories!!! I can eat 500 calories in two meals. How can I eat that less? I can be done with the day by noon. No fair. I don't know what to do. I also told her about some of my aches and pains but she didn't pay much attention just wanted to get it into the computer and to make sure I was up to date on all of my tests. I am really down and I don't know what to do. The name of the medication is Phentermine if anyone of you has heard of it let me know. SOrry to be a downer today but I am hungry and I don't have any more calories for today.

I didn't know doctors were still perscribing Phentermine still...back when they combined phentermine with fenflouramine and called it FenPhen, I was on it for almost a year and then they discovered it caused heart valve damage and they stopped perscribing it as a combination...I'm sure they are fine individually, but when they put them together to help with weightloss, it was a short-lived solution. I will say it totally worked when I was on it, but then they thought they detected a slight murmur, and we quit it immediately. The murmur went away, thankfully, but my girlfriend had some valve damage.

I can't believe she spent so much time on the computer! Isn't that what the assistants are supposed to do? Collect the information before the doctor comes in? Unbelievable...

Hang in there!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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