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July 2006 Band Crew

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I think I understand what you are saying. I was talking to my boyfriend the other day and I said I can't get over the fact that I lost almost 50 pounds and none of my clothes fit. (clothes that I bought when I was fatter that I had planned on wearing when I lost weight) And I still look in the mirror and I still see the same "fat" person. I see the numbers on the scale, i see the difference in my clothes, but I just don't see it on me. I had to start taking side by side photo comparisons to see the difference. And when I think I look "FAT", I just look at the "before".

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What's up everyone how's it goin?

I had a NSV over the break, I was going in for my 6 month checkup (5 months in) and they had a new gal working working at the front desk. Lap-Band patients have to fill out some survey thing that reports stuff to your doctor. Well she didn't give me one so I was just sitting their waiting, and like 10 minutes later she calls me over and says she didn't know I had the lap-band and gave me the sheet.

I'm joining in on the Valentine Challenge, I've been a slug over christmas break. I'll say 210-215 by Valentine's Day.

Anyways, I start a pretty hard course load on wednesday so wish me luck.

(I'm taking a weight training course too, pretty cool :heh:)

Welp, take it easy everyone. Here is a new pic(click for biggie):


Also, I'm hoping to hit my overall goal before June 24th (a year from when I originally started my diet, one month before the surgery.)

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CHRIS: you look awesome!! The weight training class sounds great. Also, let's see a smile out of our lapband "star"!! Keep us informed of how things are going!

Stephanie: you have also done amazing! Both you and Chris inspire me to get back "on the wagon" and get this weight off. And I definitely can understand the "fat image syndrome" (my words) that I still have. I still have a ways to go, too, but I was holding onto my larger size clothes that no longer fit. Well, the other day, I went through my closet and am taking them to the Goodwill today. I also am going to stick to wearing clothes that fit me. A lot of my stuff was hanging off me and that definitely doesn't help. I guess I will go to the resale shops today and look for some smaller sizes. I WON'T stay at this weight long, so don't want to spend a fortune on a bunch of new winter clothes. Next winter, I hope to be at goal!!

Have a great day everyone!! Tip for the day: Drink that water!!

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Hey guys!! I am having a problem with my insurance. We changed this year back to a HMO from a PPO last year. (That was the only way to get my surgery) and I found out that my surgeon is not on my new plan. I don't know what to do and I hope to get it worked out. I can't even get a fill without insurance. There is a doctor that is on my plan that works with my surgeon group so maybe I can get in with him. I have an appointment on Thurdsay but I don't know if I can go yet. I will keep you guys informed.

I have one pair of jeans and I can now pull them off with out even unzipping them. I think I need a new pair. Penney's has a sale on their jeans so hubby and I are going on Friday. I even have a gift card from there so it won't cost me much.

I am still able to keep stuff down but I can sure eat more of the stuff that is not so good for me. I think I might need a fill. I am stuck again on the same weight but next week I will be back ti exercising and that will help. I have such a terrible sweet tooth it is incredible. During the holidays I was a bad girl and now I am still trying to be good. Thank goodness for sugar free candy. Well my kitties are on the mend and doing well. The big one is still stopped up but the little one can now have regular litter instead of shredded news paper. They are my little angels. Well I need to go and get ready for bed. I am so glad that a lot of you wrote this week. I am glad to hear from some of you that I haven't heard from in a while. Glad to hear that you all are doing good. I will be back tomorrow. Goodnight all. HUGS

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Glad to hear I'm not the only one that feels that way sometimes!!

Chris, you look awesome, and I second the request for a picture of you SMILING!! How did the commercial shoot go? Good luck with your classes and rock that weight room...

I have decided I'm not drinking enough Water and I need to get on my bike!

Have a great day everyone!

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I was just reading everyones postings and I have to say - Congrats everyone! I'm doing well- just went to see my doc today and lost 11 pounds since Thanksgiving! I got another fill and when he was in there he only was able to pull out 2ccs of the 2.5ccs he filled me with last time. SO he put 2.75 back in because I needed a fill so I could have 3.25ccs or 2.75 I'm not sure.

I asked him if I should be worried about it and he said he wasn't worried so I shouldn't be... but I am. where did it go? ahhh! Well I gotta go... I'll talk to you guys again soon! ;) I missed my July bandsters...

and count me in for the 15 pounds gone for Valentine's Day...

btw, I worked out for an hour and a half today. I want to lose more weight faster!

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Happy 6 months!

I was going to post pictures today, but DH can't find them. Hopefully, they're in the camera bag at work. We did find a couple, and if I can't find the others I'll post these.

In the last 6 months I have learned a few things about myself.

1. I don't actually have to think about food all the time.

2. I can watch TV and NOT eat!

3. I can swim a mile at 5:30 in the morning.

4. I can get up at 5 AM and function all day long.

5. I can work out 2 times a day and still have energy to cook dinner, clean house and make sure my son does his chores and homework.

6. I can eat small meals.

7. I can wait 15 minutes after my lunch break starts to eat without starving.

8. I can lose weight!

9. I am NOT good at taking a compliment. I'm never quite sure what to say when people say, "Wow, you look great." or "YOu have lost a lot of weight", and "You are the only one who lost weight over Christmas!"

I am very happy with my decision to lose weight with the aid of the lap-band. Something that I had decided not to tell people about when I first had it done, I now freely tell people when they ask.

If I had been a smoker and had needed a perscription in order to quit, would I be wrong? I don't think so. And, I always thought, at least a smoker CAN go "cold turkey" even though it might not be easy (and I'm sure it isn't) I could never go cold turkey with food, ya always got to eat right!

I thank God for finding the band for my husband and myself, and that we had the resources to afford to do this for ourselves.

In the last 6 months I have lost 37 lbs and gone from boarderline high blood pressure to normal blood pressure. From a lazy, tired old lady, to someone who has energy and is looking for things to do.

Hubby has lost 75 lbs. He has not taken his blood pressure medicine for 2 months and his bp has remained in the normal range. He works out every morning. Plays basketball with his friends from work and we have gone skiing 3 times so far this year.

In the last 6 months, we have been given a new lease on life.

Last night, I was wearing a t-shirt that was a little tight and when I raised my arms my belly showed. My hubby asked if I was going to get a belly ring. I was joking around saying yes, when my 15 year old son said, "oh my god mom, your skinny!"

Ha, but out of the mouths of babes. He has never seen my this small in his life! Hopefully soon he will see me smaller.

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Congrats Jane... Those are AWESOME observations about yourself! I really think the band helps us learn to take time to observe. We are spending less time stuffing our faces and more time realizing why we were stuffing our faces! I've done a lot of thinking too over these six months... and have come up with many observations to, but mostly with my therapist! She specializes with people who have eating disorders or who have had wls. She herself had lapband!

My best realization is the one that no matter what- my band will beat me up! I've given up fighting with my band, I'm ready to let it work the way it was supposed to, and I'm gonna stop eating and drinking foods that defeat the purpose (my NY's resolution)... I'm also gonna kick my butt with exercising. I have to get this weight off! To me, 6 months with almost 50 pounds gone is NOT enough. Sometimes I wish I did GB just because I'd already be at goal by now. TO me, the GB is the EASY way out. LB is much harder and much more challenging. This is only a tool vs. changing my body to do it for me. But then I think about all the issues I'm working through as my body shrinks. At some point, I would have had to deal with them anyway with either surgery, but at least now I am doing it together. This truely is a life- changing event. I will never be the same person I was 6 months ago, and I proud to say, I will never be the same size either.

SO this year I am counting the pounds I lose as double pounds. For every pound I lose, that's really a 2 pound loss because I would have never stopped gaining without my LB. I love my LB, but boy, am I ever tight now! The third fill was a charm :huggie:

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"SO this year I am counting the pounds I lose as double pounds. For every pound I lose, that's really a 2 pound loss because I would have never stopped gaining without my LB. "

leona i like the way you do the math i think that is the way i'll start counting my weight loss i go mon for a fill hoping that it will be the "one"

susan<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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It's Friday everyone!! Hurrah!! Even after a tire blow out in pouring rain, I am celebrating! I must say that when I pulled into a gas station, there was a tire place next door and they changed out my tire, so I didn't have to stand in the rain and cold! What a blessing! I'm down another lb. (actually have taken off that pound and maybe a couple that came on over Christmas). I will get my second fill next Thursday at a place that I just found out about here in the DFW area! The price is pretty reasonable (self pay ya know) and they use fluro. I think I'm ready for the fill, although I doubt that I will be able to take too much. I've had restriction all along, even when my band was empty.

Glad to see you're doing well Leona and what a great attitude, Susan! Have a great weekend everyone!

Tip for the weekend: Make sure you are eating enough protein!

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Hey guys!! We are in the middle of an ice storm right now. It is supposed to get really cold tonight and then everything will freeze. I hope my hubby doesn't have to go to work tomorrow and if he does I hope he get there safely. I have been suffering with a sinus headache all last week and this extreme cold doesn't help. I have a question for ya'll. When I try to eat something that is good for me like meat or eggs I have a problem keeping it down but when I eat something that is not a wise choice like 100 calorie Cookies or chex mix I seem to keep it down fine. Now why is that? I can even keep Diet Sprite down better than Water. Now why is that? Please all you wise people tell me what is happening to me. I am not losing any weight either. Please help!!!

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Beth: I find that "junk" like chips, Cookies, and stuff like that are crumbly and go right down. With the meats, etc., I have to take very small bites and chew, chew, chew. I cannot eat scrambled eggs at all anymore. I tried an omlette on the cruise and couldn't do it. I can eat fried, poached, or boiled eggs, just not scrambled. I tend to get lazy and not want to chew up my meat, etc. or I'm hungry (maybe due to eating junk) and eat too fast. Try slowing down and really chewing and be sure you are not trying to eat too much at one sitting. The meat, vegetables and healthy stuff will fill your pouch and not just go through. I can also drink soda, but choose not to. I do think the air affects me. Hope all this makes sense.

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Yep, anything processed goes down super easy. The band is supposed to be a tool to help you get full faster. If you eat unprocessed food, you have to chew chew and your pouch fills right up. Its very annoying because you (err...I) still want to eat more!! I find that anything fried and drenched in fat goes down very well lol. Anything sugary and processed does that same. Now donuts... well dont even get me started lol. Sugar, processed, fried all in one. I don't get why sprite is staying down except maybe you sip it, and when you drink Water perhaps you are more likely to gulp it?

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Hello everyone - it's been a while since I've checked in...I've been feeling a bit down.

For the first time since I got my band, I've been gaining a bit. I feel like I could eat a house and I'm making choices that are not good ones. I need to kick myself in the rear and turn this around. I think when my TOM approaches, I feel sluggish and "bigger". So today it's a shake for Breakfast, and I'm taking one to work for one to sip on. I moved my fill up a week and go next Tuesday instead of the 30th. I'm hoping that just .5cc's will give me better restriction.

Anyway - I'm trying to get out of my funk. I love that you made your list of what you have learned about yourself in the past six months, Jane. I'm going to do that today. Seeing what I can do, vs. what I couldn't will be uplifting, I'm sure. I am going to scrapbook about it in my All About Me book. Thanks for the inspiration!

Have a great day everyone!

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Where has everyone been? Busy as usual. Okay, I need everyone's advice. I've only lost 3 pounds in 5 weeks. I have still pb'd 2 times in that time but I think because I was eating fast and it was on chicken breast. I eat a glazed donut tonight (and yes I know I'm not suppose to, lol) I can eat bread, pizza you name it and I'm hungry for the first time since surgery 6 months ago. I scheduled myself a fill for tomorrow and you know it's a five hour drive and I keep thinking, am I doing the right thing. I had a slight unfill 5 weeks ago because I was pbing daily. I don't want to make another mistake but I'm not staying full, I can eat anything and I guess I was just hoping for some guidance.

Hope everyone's doing well and losing.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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