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July 2006 Band Crew

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Happy Monday.. yeah right.. :rolleyes

I am feeling better but not 100 percent.. I have a follow up appointment with my primary care physician to get rechecked and hopefully get some symptom relief.. I have wednesday off as a scheduled day so will probably just return on thursday. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. I spoke with a co worker this morning and she said that everyone at work has it. lucky us!

I actually miss the gym.. hard to work out when you cannot catch your breath. Dammit! lol I am still shrinking and that is all that matters but I would like to get back to it ASAP.

Everyone is doing so well, I am a slow starter but I am starting and I am very excited about it!

Hope everyone enjoys their day. Steph, great job eating! I totally understand the drinking issue.. I don't drink enough either and I have to especially with this illness!! Hang in there!


Donnamarie :eek:

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Hey guys. I am not feeling much better. I still have been having the headache all the time. I also don't have any energy. So if I don't write much right now it is because I don't feel like it and not that I don't love you guys. My blood sugars are doing better since the doctor took me off some of my meds. I am now waiting for my blood workup to come back so I can do something about these headaches. I will let you guy know how that goes and all. I need to drink alot of Water but I don't have time because I sleep too much right now. Well I will keep you guys posted.

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Sorry you are feeling poorly Baylor Mom.. I hope you are feeling better very soon..

I am STILL getting over brochitis.. has been about 10 days now since the first symptoms.. I went for a recheck today and was given a script for some cough medicine to knock me out at night and also for an inhaler.. I have a wicked wheeze going on..

I am not getting on the scale this week cuz I am majorly PMSing.. sheesh.. I ate some chips today.. bad I know but I had to have the crunchy, salty goodness.. UGH.. back on the wagon!!!


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I hope everyone is doing well, I'm just doing my rounds and checking up on the forums. Here are my current stats:

Start weight: 334

Current weight: 219

Target weight: 185

Total loss: 115

Still to go: 34

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11"

Plan: ~1400 calories consisting of mostly Protein, ~15-20% carbohydrates and 20% fat (probably going to switch over to a strength training program with more calories)

Age: 22

Exercise: Modified Ripptoe's Starting Strength


3x5 Squat

3x5 Military Press

1x5 Deadlift

2x5 dips

Tuesday: Low-Medium Intensity Cardio; 20-30 minutes


3x5 Squat

3x5 Bench Press

3x5 Bentover Row

Thursday: Same as Tuesday


3x5 Squat

3x5 Military Press

1x5 Deadlift

2x5 dips

If anyone has any suggestion's on my program, I'm open to critique :)

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Way to go Arcael!!

I think you are doing fantastic.. I wish it would come off that quick for me but at least it is coming off for me..

I am FINALLY doing better with my bronchitis.. I got some Robitussin with Codeine and am feeling so much better. I slept for the first time last night 10 hours straight! Yay!!

Back to work tomorrow. I am still kinda coughing but I will bring my cough drops and some kleenex and work my way thru it..

Hope everyone has a great day!


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Well guys the doctor said that my red blood count is borderline low. She said that I needed some fresh air. I opened the window in the livingroom and I do feel better. I am going to open the window in my bedroom tonight and see if I can sleep better. She said that the rest of my bloodwork was good. I don't have the report yet but when I get it I will let you know what it said. I have been sore today so haven't done much. I am doing a little better on my eating but still caving in to those sweets sometimes. I guess bad habits are hard to break. Well I hope you all are having a great week. I look forward to hearing from you all. I love you all so much. Hugs

Great going Chris!!!:clap2:

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Wow Chris! Way to go! I wish I could exercise like that, but my knees are so bad, that until I get them replaced (one this summer and one next) then I can start moving more. You're doing awesome!!

Hello to everyone else - Beth and DonnaMarie, glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.

I'm off to work!

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Hey everyone

Just wanted to drop by and say "hi". Can't remember if I posted this, but my dad went to be with the Lord on Feb. 21. I stayed in Michigan until March 5. Basically, I was in Michigan for almost the whole month of Michigan (with all the snow, too). Anyway, I gained a few which I figured I would as I was totally not bandster eating and ate a lot of chocolate too. Well, the good news is I'm back down and even a tad bit more. I'm on track again and am trying to deal with my stress and grief in a more controlled manner. Grief is tough though and this is the first time I've experienced it with someone this close to me. Time will help. We are taking a driving trip to Florida and leaving tonight, and I may try to check in.

Chris: WOW!! I don't have any tips for you at all....I can use your tips!! I haven't implemented a consistent exercise program and I need to. You are doing so well. I am very proud of you!! Share with us some of the positive changes that have happened with you if you don't mind since your weightloss.

Beth: Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. That fresh air should help and I too have the "sweet tooth" but am trying to control how much. Trying to choose fresh fruit to help that, but I still need/want my chocolate...just a bit.

Stephanie: You are almost at the 100 lb. loss!! Good for you!! I understand about the knees, too, as I've had 3 surgeries on one (someday I will need a new one, too, probably) and 1 on the other. Keep up the good work.

Donna Marie: Great to see you posting and experiencing weightloss. You may want to measure, too, as I've seen more "shrinkage" in me than actual weightloss.

Well, may check in later on my trip. Plan on swimming with manatees next Tuesday in The Crystal River. Can't wait!! Then on to Disney!! Should get a lot of walking in there.

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How guys,

Way to go Chris, boy you rock. So sorry to hear about your father Mary, he'll be there waiting for you though so know he's in a better place. Hey Beth, hoping your feeling better. I changed my name as you can tell from mysherrijo to beachgirl as I kept getting my ass jumped big time by the little cliche on rants and raves and I will never ever go back there. They said I was an idiot, and all kinds of crap. I have enough bad drama in my life as it is without that crap. I posted a forward I got about Hilary Clinton, it was funny I thought but boy I won't be guilty of ever discussing politics again. It doesn't matter who gets is, they're in and we have to go on living the best way we know how and that's that.

I can't remember if I told you all of not since I've been staying off of here the last 2 weeks but as you know I have the one little granddaughter Briana and my daughter just found out she's pregnant again. We went to to doc today and she's between 12 and 13 weeks and due Sept. 24th. I'm soooo excited. I've got the baby today and she just makes my days so much better.

Well, I'll try to post more, I didn't want them to find me here and start treating me the way they were. I at first swore I wouldn't come back on here at all but I do want to keep up with my July sisters and brother, heck we're family and I love all you guys.

Have a great week,


now beachgirl

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Hello everyone!

Slowing but surely dropping.. Lost 3 more pounds this week!! Woo Hoo!

I see the Doc on friday and I am excited actually so he can se my progress.. I am not 100 percent with my eating but I am doing well and eating WAY less as you know.

I am feeling so much better.. thank GOD.. I am going back to the gym in the morning.. very excited about that since I have missed it. Never thought I would say that!

Went to a very nice bridal shower today and had a good time. My cousin is getting married. I met her fiance for the first time and he is really nice. I can't make the wedding cuz I am getting married 2 days later in Vegas! LOL She completely understood and is thrilled for me. Just like I knew she would.

Hope everyone is well.. and beachgirl.. you better stay here!! Let those haters be haters.. lesson learned though.. never talk religion or politics.. LOL

HUGE HUGZ TO EVERYONE!! My sisters and brother! *grin*


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Hey friends! Well, I'm in Florida now on vacation. We stopped in Pensacola and did the beach thing and then on to Destin to the beach and now north of Tampa. We are going to have some fun today and tomorrow swim with manatees!!! My friend describes them as big potatos with a little face...lol. I think it will be fun!! I'm doing okay on eating but did snack yesterday on some choco covered peanuts. They were good and I'm fine with it as my other intake was small and healthy. I hope to actually lose weight/inches on this trip. I brought my Protein Powder for mornings and just have a shake, then try to choose lean Protein and veggies or fruit later.

Donnamarie: Congrats!! You seem to be really going strong!!

Sherrijo: Sorry about your problems with others. There are some who want their opinion heard but don't want to hear others. That's exciting about your daugher having another baby...I think it'll be fun to have a grandbaby. Of course, my daughter is only 17, so I'd like that to be in the future....and not too near either...lol.

Well, i'll sign off for now. Hope to get a nice tan down here and cont. it back in TX. I'm careful with using sunscreen but I like a bit of a tan. I'll let you know how the swim with the manatees is. I can't wait.

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Wow, Ready, I hope you have a BLAST on vacation! Get some sun for me. We had a late season snow storm this past weekend in Connecticut but the rest of the week it is supposed to warm up and melt the snow.

I am feeling much better.. bronchitis is finally making its way out. I am giving myself this week off from the gym so I can fully heal my lungs and get my energy back.

I go to see my surgeon on Friday. I am kinda excited cuz I get to report a close to 16 pound weightloss in a month! Woo Hoo! I am pretty thrilled. I don't know if he will give me a fill but I am thinking not. Things are going good. I know I am restricted.. for sure!

I have found 2 things that give me a hard time lately (eating wise).. I cannot eat apples (with skin) and oranges.. I do eat the occasional grapefruit but only the insides and leave the pith and stuff alone. Just the juicy stuff. Oranges are harder to do that.

That is my update for now.. Tomorrow is HUMP DAY! WOOT! I am glad cuz I have the weekend off finally and will be spending some quality time with my fiance... :D :kiss2: :love: :mad:

ok.. done with the icons.. but I love the banana with boobs! *grins*

Love to all..

DonnaMarie :P

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Hi everyone,

Sounds like everyone is doing great. Boy, those pictures of you guys are great, and 97 pounds down, that is sooooo wonderful you should be patting yourself of the back, in fact, turn around and I'll do it for you. Hi ready2bthin, Beth, Steph, DonnaMarie, Chris and everyone else that I have forgot. Boy, I've learned my lesson and no more politics talk for me. wow, that was intense, lol. Well, I'm glad I still have my July friends.

I'm still not losing any so I called Dr. Curry back again today and he still thinks I need maybe .2 more. Boy, this is getting expensive. I figured up today I have over 15,000.00 in this baby and have only lost around 60 pounds and none in 2 months. I've been a bad girl. I'm really and truly not eating much but I guess for one thing I'm not exercising much because it hurts my back so bad and I'm not drinking my Water, I know, bad girl.

I really, truly, vow to do better. I have that new grandbaby on the way so I do need to trim up. My 19 month granddaughter keeps me very busy and these babies are going to be 24 months apart to the day if she has it on her due date, boy.

Just wanted to say hi and that I'm not going to let them run me off at least on this thread anyhow and wish for everyone a huge loss this week.

Love you all,


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Hello everyone -

Sorry to hear about your issues, Sherri...but I'm glad you decided to stay here and just do the name change thing...congrats on the new grandbaby that's on the way :) How exciting for you!

DonnaMarie - glad to hear you're feeling better...brochitis is hard to get rid of! I'm at 8.4 now, as of yesterday, and have always had good restriction around 8, so you should be doing good now :) I'm trying to drink my Water better, too...

Mary - sounds like you're having a blast on your vacation! I'm not going anywhere near as exciting as you are, but I'm leaving Friday morning for a long weekend of scrapbooking with four other friends. We travel about 2.5 hours south of me to a house and scrap practically 24-7 for three days. I can't wait! I'm on spring break right now, but have a quiet begining of the week.

Beth - how did the bloodwork report come out? I hope you're feeling better! Keep us posted!

Sunday I turn 40 and Monday is my 19th wedding anniversary...we married the day after I turned 21. I'm going on a trip with girlfriends and my DH is going to Reno for the Men's National Bowling Tournament that he goes to every year at this time, so we won't even be together on the special days. My family is getting together April 7th, though, so we'll Celebrate then...it happens to be my sister's birthday that day. My son turns 15 on April 2nd, too...so we've got a busy month of birthdays!

Well, I have to go pick him up from church band practice...everyone have a good night!

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stephanie - congrats on your 40th and you wedding anniversary :o

Mary - sounds like you're having some fun, wish I was on vacation :P

Sherri - I'm sure things will get better, I haven't lose much in the last couple months either

I guess I could share some nsv's, so far I've gone from an XXL to a Medium. I've been taking care of myself alot more than I used to. It's alot easier to talk to people, and people (women) have generally been more interested in me. My grades have drastically improved (2.35 gpa before band to 3.75 this/last semester) and life in general is just peachy. My younger brother just turned 21 so we went out bar hopping, same with on st. pattys day. He is going to be my gym buddy this summer so I have someone to drag me on those days I don't want to go. I am REALLY looking forward to the 199 mark, and I will enjoy giving lectures on LB to people thinking about going through with the procedure over the summer.

The only real problem I still have is that I still think I weigh like 300 pounds, but I'll get over it eventually (hopefully)

Anyways I'll check back in later to see how everyone is doing.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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