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July 2006 Band Crew

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Hey guys I didn't get to go to the Y today because of dificulties with swallowing my pills. I am getting better with that but not today. I just kind of hung out and read my book. I am doing better with eating. I don't eat much but that is okaywith me. I guess I will say goodnight and I will talk to you tomorrow. HUgs

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Checking in again - Yes, Beth, I hope to be able to be on here a bit more this weekend. I miss talking to you all, but since school started back up, and I had to go back to work, it's harder to make time.

I go to the doctor at 3:30 today. I am hoping for another fill - I think if I have another 2 cc's I may have the restriction I'm looking for. I went to a visitation last night for one of my best friend's dad and saw an acquaintance I haven't seen in quite a while. She knew about my surgery, but hadn't seen me. She said I've lost a whole person...I said 62 lbs, not quite a person. She said her son weighs 62 lbs, so I did lose a whole person - a little person! Never thought of it that way. I was up 1.6 on Wednesday, but this morning I was down...so I was happier.

I'd better get going - have to take my meds and gather my stuff. Hope all is well with everyone :D

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hi everyone! i have a question...why does the sliming start? i have had several incidences of tightness in my chest like you feel before pbing over the last week and i can't figure out what is triggering it! sometimes i think its cuz i eat too fast so i have tried to be real careful then i think its a texture thing but i REALLY can't figure it out. i guess maybe i'm just weird!

hang in there sherry!

dont worry about the gain steph, just refocus and fill and you;ll get back on track! i havent' gained but my tom is now and i am craving sweets so it may be just a matter of time!

beth 0 good job on the 3 lbs!!!

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Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is doing great. Been a BAD couple of days and I just sat around and cried all day long like a baby so I didn't even log on. Things just aren't much better. I seriously have wanted to curl up in a ball and just die. I'm not crazy or anything, just feel ready to go on and leave this world. Silly I know.

I am still thinking of everyone and this place is my place of peace and hope, sounds cheezy but it's the truth.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and hope the weightloss is going great.

Love you all,


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Hi all. Long time no talk-to. I had my second fill this morning after having absolutely no restriction with my first. I'm up to 2.6 cc in a 4 cc band. I've only had Water, coffee and apple sauce since today's fill so it's too soon to tell if it's going to make any difference. The doctor felt this was a very agressive fill so I'm hopeful.



Great to hear from you!

HEY, I have no restriction either, am going in for my second on Monday, Oct 23....looking forward to it.

Wow, the good doctor put you up to 2.6!!! That is increidble. Let me know how it feels in a couple of days....


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Please know that we are always here for you. Just because everything is very difficult right now, it does not mean that it won't get better.

You have options that can improve your life. Find some marriage support groups. Get some outside activities going so that you are focusing on some other things.

I mentioned medication for anxiety/depression before. It made a huge difference in my life when I needed it. Our bodies change and your body might not be able to cope with what it could cope with when at an earlier time.

Lastly, I take your comment about leaving this world seriously. I have known a couple of people who have taken their lives. The thing is, whatever was bringing them down at the time could have been improved with taking a step back and evaluating what could be done.

Think positive. Give yourself a break from the stress. Pamper yourself. Do something you have always wanted to do. Put Sherri first.

Let me know how you are feeling tomorrow.


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Sherri my heart goes out to you. Please take care of YOU and do some things for yourself. Remember that we are always here for you. PM me if you want to. Love ya girlfriend.

Hey guys. I am doing good today. I feel the pain in the chest alot of times when I eat. Usually I have to stop and wait until it goes away before I can finished my meal. I can't help it. It just happens. Sometimes it is worse than other times. Last night I ate too fast but sometimes it is because I don't chew enough. I am kind of used to it now. Well I don't really know much else. I hope to hear from some of you guys this weekend but if I don't I hope you are having a good time. Good night guys. Hugs

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Hey everyone! I go for a check up on monday.. and a fill.. definately.. cuz I can eat.. I don't have tons of restriction and I need it. Haven't been the best when it comes to eating but I am back on track.. I will let everyone know how well I do at the weigh in.. I dont weigh myself at home.. take care!!



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Hey July friends!! I thought this was my 12 week anniversary since my pre-op diet, but I guess it's been 13. Anyway, since my fill last week, I'm down another 4 lbs. or so, making my total loss 33.2 lbs. I also did my monthly measurements and I have lost another 8 inches from neck to feet, mostly around abdomen, waist, upper chest, and bust (darn). That's a total of around 41.25 inches!! I've lost more than a yardstick of inches...SHOCK!! Guess that Tai Chi class is paying off, along with the fill.

It seems like some of our July bandsters have dropped out of site. We miss you! Please post and let us know how things are going and how we can support you. Now, I realize that some are just busy, getting healthier, not on the computer much, etc., but I'm wondering if some are struggling with plateaus (that happened to me for a couple weeks) or the weightloss has slowed down (expected with the band....1-2 lbs. a week is an average weightloss). Whatever the reason, please check in, even to say..."hi"!! Love ya!!

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Hello everyone - finally found some time to check in.

I went for my check-up Friday and got another fill...I'm at 7cc's now. I have to do liquid for three days now, so I'm enjoying my Slim Fast shakes that I like so much. They have me down 63 pounds :) I am hoping that now that I'm at 7cc's I will have the restriction I've been looking for. The PA had trouble finding my port access again, though. It turns out I've grown some thick scar tissue under my skin and so it's deceiving as to where the access is. It's worth the many pokes, though, as if that is the worst I have to go through, I'm okay with that.

A co-worker (teacher) had the band surgery last Tuesday and said he's doing great. He is supposed to come back to school tomorrow. He's very excited about starting this journey. He lost 13 lbs on the liquid diet for the 2 week pre-op. I had lost 14.5, so it's in the same ball park.

Tomorrow is Boss's Day, so I made something for my boss (the principal I am secretary for) today. It's a 6-panel accordian frame with the poem "All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten". I hope he likes it.

I hope everyone is doing well this week. Sherri - if you need to or can, I think you need to leave this abusive environment you're in...you're scaring me with talk of leaving this world. PLEASE get some help!

Beth - your pains you're experiencing in your chest are concerning as well. Please check into that...

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Hey guys I experienced my first today. My food came back up. I ate it too fast and I got that pain and I thought that I could just wait for it to go away as always but it didn't go down. So now I have officially experienced all the band can offer. LOL I was able to eat after about an hour and had no more problems. I need to learn to eat slower. I just get too hungry. I am cross stitching some pillows for Christmas presents so I need to go and start working on them. I will be back later. Hugs

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Sherri.. so sorry you are going thru stuff.. but please, get some help or find someone to listen.. Dr. Phil always says you can't change what you don't acknowledge. You are the destiny of your own life.. I have you in my prayers..

Ericsmom.. YAY for you! You are doing so well.. I haven't lost alot in the pound department but I have lost tons of inches.. gone down about 2 sizes. I say that I havent lost alot but I guess 40 is!! Sometimes I am just too hard on myself. I go and get my fill tomorrow and I am also hoping I get the restriction I am looking for. He used a bigger band on my and I only have 3cc so far.. He said he would like to see me at 5.. maybe this time he will.. I am all ready with my Protein slim fast shakes..

I also forgot to announce that I am getting married in May! It is my second marriage and his first. He is the best when it comes to support and it has been a long time coming for me. I have had MANY bad choices when it comes to men over the years. Mike is so caring and helpful. I can see us making a great life. We are eloping in Vegas! Very Exciting!

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and made it what they wanted it to be! I worked for half of it.. my job is ok but I am back in school to become a teacher. I want to teach kindergarten or first grade.

Night and hugz to all!


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Sherri.. so sorry you are going thru stuff.. but please, get some help or find someone to listen.. Dr. Phil always says you can't change what you don't acknowledge. You are the destiny of your own life.. I have you in my prayers..

Ericsmom.. YAY for you! You are doing so well.. I haven't lost alot in the pound department but I have lost tons of inches.. gone down about 2 sizes. I say that I havent lost alot but I guess 40 is!! Sometimes I am just too hard on myself. I go and get my fill tomorrow and I am also hoping I get the restriction I am looking for. He used a bigger band on my and I only have 3cc so far.. He said he would like to see me at 5.. maybe this time he will.. I am all ready with my Protein slim fast shakes..

I also forgot to announce that I am getting married in May!


That is one of my favorite quotes!! I have a small book of many of his quotes...

And yes, 40 lbs is a GREAT accomplishment! :clap2: Give yourself a hand!

Congrats on the impending nuptuals, too! You've got a lot to celebrate!

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Congrats Stefanie and Don Marie!! You both are doing so well!

Mary!! Im so proud of you for losing more!! And Exercising. WTG!!

Im sorry I haven't been able to post as much lately. My husband has multiple projects going, and I end up picking up all the peices. I love him dearly lol but my gosh sometimes I want to just tie him up and make him settle down!!! My baby daughter Luciana turned 6 months old on the 12th. Regrettably I have to start working at my office again, and will have to bring her to daycare today for the first time :). I totally trust my daycare as she took care of my 5 year old Julia for years, and did great with her. But still, its sad for me!!!

Sherri, You seriously need to see a therapist to learn how to put up boundaries. It seems like you feel you are victomized alot to me. But what you don't realize is that you have to take care of you first! I think your husband is fed up with you letting everyone around you take advantage of you and your home. He is getting dragged into your co-dependant behavior, and probably getting pissed about it. You are taking on everyone else's problems. Why? If you love your kids you've gotta give them wings and push them out of the nest so to speak. I don't know if this would work for you but an idea I have for you is to write your kids a letter and tell them that you love them but you won't be a doormat anymore. Tell your daughter that from this point onward you require 48 hour notice if she wants a babysitter, and that you reserve the right to tell her no. That way if you want to say no to her she has 48 hours to find someone else. And tell her to not even ask if she doesn't give you 48 hours. You've got to learn the words NO, HELL NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Some of your earlier posts you seem upset that people don't feel sorry for you.. well would you feel sorry for someone if they were the cause of their own problems over and over again? Stand up for yourself. If you can't do it then you need therapy to learn how. I had therapy, it doesn't make you a crazy person to admit you need help. Sherry I really care about you and it really makes me sad to see how unhappy you are. Its easier to fix it than you think. Please just take whatever steps you need to develop healthy boundaries. I hope my words here don't seem overly harsh, I just really want you to get help!

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Bravo Kari!

There isn't anything wrong with needing help or seeking help. I, myself, have gone to a therapist and am taking meds that have saved my life! I had different circumstances. I was a bottle it up type of person. I lost my dad, a pregnancy and a fiance in the course of 2 years (about 4 years ago) and I bottled it up until I burst and ended up out of work for 2 months on 2 kinds of antidepressants.. but I knew to get help..

I am on lexapro Sherri.. I love the stuff.. It will NOT make you groggy.. it has a great effect.. suddenly, you see things clearer.. and you are able to cope.. little things don't send you over the edge and big things aren't as bad either. If you doctor gave you a script, TAKE IT!! Please.. it will help you! We love you and want to see you shine! This is a time for you and it seems you are letting it go by..

Okay, I am off my soapbox.. thanks Ericsmom for the kind words.. I do have alot going on!!

Everyone wish me luck at the doc's.. I need this fill.. lol



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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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