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July 2006 Band Crew

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JMO - when you feel pain in your shoulders it is what is called referred pain. There is still gas trapped under your diaphram from where they blew you up (sounds silly huh?) Anyway, the nerves that run to your shoulders also run through your diaphram so you feel the pain there when the pressure is up in your tummy. It is completely normal and it is more severe for some, can last a day or a few days or up to a week. Best thing to do is walk around your house and very light stretching.

Oh yeah - for those of you wondering about cortisone shots - I'm not gonna lie - they hurt like an SOB. Reason is, the cortisone itself is thick so they have to use a bigger needle. BUT - they are a miracle for some with joint pain. But be careful b/c a lot of times 12-36 hours after the shot you will feel GREAT (lots of energy, no pain, etc.) and you may do too much. Just remember you still need to take it easy if you are soon post op because you will crash from the shot after a couple of days and if you did too much physically it will catch up with you. When I say crash, I mean that boost of energy will be gone and your body will be tired b/c it thinks it wants more cortisone (which is a steroid). But like i said, they are a miracle for joint pain and should provide relief for quite a while.

I am about to graduate from nursing school so I have been looking all this stuff up in my books so if ya'll have any other questions I'll be glad to help -


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Im officially banded now. Omgosh it is quite painful when you first wake up from anestesia (sp?) . Im able to drink a lot of liquids with no problems so far. Ive been having Atkins Protein Drinks, chicken broth, v8, applejuice. I don't feel starving hungry but I feel like I want to eat. My husband made some burgers on the grill, I put a bite in my mouth and just chewed it and sucked the juices out and then spit the bite out. That made me feel better.

I didn't realize that im not supposed to have bread, rice, or Pasta for the rest of my life. I don't know how im going to do that!!

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Who said that you couldn't have bread, rice or Pasta anymore? I think when you get to regular food you can have anything that you want as long as you have some Protein with your carbs and don't drink with your meal and only eat until you are full. I would think that those carbs are so dense (especially pasta) that it wouldn't take much to fill you up. But I don't think they are no no's forever. I am eating toast now and I am not having any problems. My dietian said that toast was better than just bread. It was less dense. I am finding by reading the different sites on here that doctors all have different opinions on what to do before and after surgery. I think it is interesting to read them all.


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I am about to graduate from nursing school so I have been looking all this stuff up in my books so if ya'll have any other questions I'll be glad to help -


Really? I am just starting in the fall.. I have been in school full time for 1 1/2 years getting all my PR's for my BA at University of Memphis. Then I checked the price.. WHOW! So I am now in a community college and in there nursing program for AS for RN. I took the summer off to get my band but now I am so ready for school to start. Congrats on graduation....

As weird as the referred pain sounds its true guys, that is the same reason someone having a heart attack feels pain in their right arm.

KERIK-I don't think you can never have rice, Pasta, or breads again, BUT there are many people out there that their band won't let them eat those things because they stick together and form a ball when trying to pass through the band. if you can do them great just keep them to a min.

READY2BTHIN,GIBLERT,AND KERIK- YEAHHHHHHHHHHH, I am so excited for you!! can I get a whoot whoot... We only have four more julysters to go before we are ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL in bandland TOGETHER!!!!

64) July 31 - lizzilo

65) July 31 - New bander

66) July 31 - readyforchange

67) July 31 - Coach Buckley

You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.... Good luck on monday!!!!

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I have a question: I am 4 days post op and my abdomen still feels really swollen...is this normal??? I went to TJ alone and had to handle my carryon through two airports on the way home, and it was definitely over 5 lbs. I know I overdid it, but what else could I have done? I have been dying of hunger, then I made the family a big roast with carrots and potatoes...no, I didn't eat any meat, but I did grab some of the broth and pureed a few potatoes and several carrots. I added a cup of beef broth to thin it and it was definitely a liquid. After only 1/2 cup, I felt better than I had all day! Saving the rest for tomorrow. I was eating Jello and popsicles and chicken broth and it just wasn't gettin' it. I am amazed I feel so much better! My stomach is still very rumbly and dh can also hear the hunger pangs! No abdomen gas, but am getting some out the other direction! (tmi?---but feel so much better when I CAN!) Every once in a while I feel a 'wave' of my stomach---I don't really know what else to call it---but it is wierd and kind of hurts, but not much---just a really weird feeling---does anyone else have this???

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The wave your feeling Karen is like a baby kicking when your pregnant and I think everyone has that, I sure did. The swollen stomach is completely normal. I too lift lots more than I should have, I had no choice and it didn't hurt anything. Your stomach after about 7 to 10 days will go down. Do wory, your doing great and everything will be fine, take it from another Kentucky woman. LOL

I'll tell you something my husband fixed me and it was soooo filling and good. He took a big roast, onions, carrotts, and potatoes and beef bouillion cubes and stick of butter and put in the crock pot for about 24 hours. It was fabulous I did it for the remained of my liquids and there was still some left on my first day of mushies so I got a bowl and smashed up the potatoes and carrots. It would keep me full for hours. You ought to try it.

Good luck girl and keep intouch with me please. I'd love to hear from you or email me with any questions. Today is day 18 for me and I've rode 4 wheelers alllllll day long on trails.


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I have a question: I am 4 days post op and my abdomen still feels really swollen...is this normal??? I went to TJ alone and had to handle my carryon through two airports on the way home, and it was definitely over 5 lbs. I know I overdid it, but what else could I have done? I have been dying of hunger, then I made the family a big roast with carrots and potatoes...no, I didn't eat any meat, but I did grab some of the broth and pureed a few potatoes and several carrots. I added a cup of beef broth to thin it and it was definitely a liquid. After only 1/2 cup, I felt better than I had all day! Saving the rest for tomorrow. I was eating Jello and popsicles and chicken broth and it just wasn't gettin' it. I am amazed I feel so much better! My stomach is still very rumbly and dh can also hear the hunger pangs! No abdomen gas, but am getting some out the other direction! (tmi?---but feel so much better when I CAN!) Every once in a while I feel a 'wave' of my stomach---I don't really know what else to call it---but it is wierd and kind of hurts, but not much---just a really weird feeling---does anyone else have this???

Everything you just mentioned is NORMAL.... it will all settle down soon.. keep up the full liquids they will keep you full longer. mine stomach was making all kind of weird noises a day ago.. but none today... it gets better everyday.. good luck and keep us posted

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Surgery Updates ~ I'll be deleting my old updates, to shorten the thread.

<!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->01) July 03 - giggle3474

02) July 03 - dsh0917

03) July 03 - pugchick

04) July 04 - jlm20639

05) July 05 - canada sunshine

06) July 05 - eric's mom

07) July 05 - leona06

08) July 05 - july5forme

09) July 05 - Donna Marie

10) July 05 - DaniellaBella

11) July 05 - kstrehlow

12) July 06 - Olive

13) July 06 - loriely

14) July 06 - gottabeme

15) July 07 - Chuckle

16) July 08 - time 2 live

17) July 08 - almost ready76

18) July 10 - fishy

19) July 10 - mysherrijo

20) July 10 - funnyduddies

21) July 10 - rubyband

22) July 11 - marlluvia

23) July 11 - ubermom1

24) July 11 - DeeMichelle1969

25) July 12 - triciaself

26) July 12 - Kelley B

27) July 12 - Huggs 040

28) July 12 - Baylor Mom

29) July 13 - gochevy3

30) July 13 - GrannyAces

31) July 14 - hip mom

32) July 14 - gatorrev

33) July 14 - Stesti

34) July 14 - biggirlpantiez

35) July 17 - jojo41

36) July 17 - I'm with the band

37) July 17 - MDG

38) July 18 - Dody

39) July 19 - born2bethin

40) July 19 - Alberta

41) July 20 - Ikc

42) July 21 - vintagehound

43) July 21 - Paulax

44) July 21 - mferra

45) July 21 - Jennifer23

46) July 21 - chunkiyetspunky

47) July 21 - mel61670

48) July 24 - Trish06

49) July 24 - Arceal

50) July 25 - velvetkiss

51) July 25 - Halobabe

52) July 25 - JenMomto3/JMO

53) July 25 - luvtoluv

55) July 26 - flappy

56) July 27 - sabrinajoanne & hubby

57) July 27 - time to love me/KMO

58) July 27 - julip

59) July 27 - oktwigs

60) July 27 - VLP

61) July 28 - giblert

62) July 28 - ready2bthin

63) July 28- KariK



64) July 31 - lizzilo

65) July 31 - New bander

66) July 31 - readyforchange

67) July 31 - Coach Buckley

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Thanks to those of you who told me about the nausious preventing medicine. It worked.

I also want to thank you all for your kind words, I'm still in the hospital and awaiting to start my journey. It means so much to me to have so much support from people that I have never met in my life. You All are the best.

AND THEN THERE WERE FOUR!!!! The best to you all!!! Wow what a month for all of us, now lets help each other continue to get through this.

64) July 31 - lizzilo

65) July 31 - New bander

66) July 31 - readyforchange

67) July 31 - Coach Buckley

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Hi, I was banded on July 13th. Still recovering a bit. Trying not to do too much but I feel great until I get up and move around. I have pain under my left rib cage which I have been told is normal.

Looking forward to mushies - been on the liquid diet since the 11th and still have almost two weeks to go. I miss food! Nancy G.

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I was banded two days before you. My surgeon told me to move as much as I could when he released me from the hospital. I think that helped the healing significantly. At this point, I am back to normal and not sore at all.

My surgeon has his lap band patients on Clear Liquids for four days after surgery. They go to full liquids for one week and then go to mushies on day 11 for a week. No wonder you are hungry! I am on 600-800 calories a day with 60 grams of Protein required. Always eat the protein first.

I lost fast and furious the first week and a half, but have been sitting at the same spot for about a week. The doctor gave me an okay to start walking, so I have been doing the treadmill for a few days and I know the pounds will start going away again.

Best wishes on your recovery!


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I was banded on July 26th, last Wednesday. Everything has gone very well. I was banded in Houston by Dr Garth Davis. He and his office have been very helpful in the process. It was done at Methodist Hospital as an outpatient surgery. My surgery started at about 0930 and I was in the recovery room by 1200. I am a male 52 years old 6ft 2in weight is 305. I went home from the hospital at 2100 So far I have been very tired. I have been drinking 2 Isopure shakes a day and 64 oz of Water. I have not been very Hungry. I go back to Se Dr. Garth Davis on Thursday. My insurance is United Health Care and they have not been a problem. I guess I have been very Lucky. I look forward to reading all the postings and getting to know every one along the way.



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:update: :update: :update: :update: :update: :update: :update: :update: :update:

Just checking in....I had surgery on Thursday & came home yesterday (Saturday)---with a 5-hour stop at the San Diego Zoo...walked around all day with no trouble at all.

Still a little sore, but haven't had any real issues to speak of---no hunger pains, no gas, no side effects from anything. All in all, this has been a great experience so far!

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Good for you VLP!

It is always nice to have an uneventful surgery!

Update on me..

I lost 5 more lbs. woo hoo! I am on regular foods no problem. Staying away from Pasta, rice, white flour products for the most part. I do have fat free saltines with tuna sometimes for lunch and stuff.

I can notice in my clothes and everyone says they can see it in my face and alot of people say I look so different. I don't see it and my bf doesn't see it but then again, he and I see me everyday so it may be harder to tell. He does say he sees my clothes getting loser. Some shirts look like clown shirts. Today I am wearing a pair of tailored capris that were soo tight on me and now they are very loose. Even when I sit down! I am going to a family birthday party today and will be surpized to hear what everyone says. They all know I had surgery and have been WAY supportive.

One little setback I had was last week. As I was getting out of the chair, I pulled the muscle around my port. OUCH! I was a hurting camper for like 3 days but back to normal now. I was so scared I ripped or tore something that I called the doc and they said that it was more than likely a pulled muscle and to take it easy and take tylenol.

That is all for now gang. Thought I would check in. I am glad everyone is well and soon we will have our August thread for July bandsters started! Can you believe it? Time flies!


Donna Marie

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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