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Hi everyone! First of all, thanks everyone for the words of support. I needed it! I promise not to stay away again.

Sadly, today was a complete and utter trainwreck. He poked me so many times I lost track, so we finally headed down to fluroscopy. After poking me many, many more times he came to the conclusion that my port is flipped. So..... time for port revision surgery!! Really, if it didn't involve needles and pain it would almost be funny. I'm scheduled for July 17th. It's just a local so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. He said he'd give me a fill while he's in there, so that's a small plus. :)

After the initial surprise I'm feeling positive. My sister is here to stay with me for a few days and we're going to work out and watch our food. I'm not going to allow myself to gain one more pound dammit!

I'll catch up on the posts and do personals later. Love you guys!

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Awww Man Anne... I am sooooooooooooooooooo sorry!!!! Hopefully this is the last glitch in your journey! If you are like me you are going to have a helluva a bruised belly from all of those pokes! (((Hugs)))

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Dang it, Anne! All that stress, AND a flipped port? As our best friend, Eileen always says, WTF???? I know life isn't fair, but can't it be fair at least sometimes? You have a good attitude about the whole thing, and I hope you can maintain and make the best of it. Hugs to you, Anne!

Miami/Mav trash talk on the NJ board...what will we come up with next? I love this board! LOL!

Eileen, how is your DD? My nephew had pains kinda like you describe when he was 4, and we took him to the children's specialty hospital here in the DFW area...turns out they were growing pains. I kid you not. Of course, I wouldn't want to ignore something, because sure enough it would turn out to be something...but just wanted to let you know about it, in case it might put your mind at ease. I know we were worried, and I'm sure you are too...

DH is grilling chicken and ribs tonight, with grilled zucchini and potatoes. Then, we might watch another movie...A Wrinkle in Time. I loved that book, so I hope the movie is good, too.

Love to all, Cindy

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Hi Everyone, I am Patti U I have not had the lap band yet and I need to go to more appointments again etc. at first I was upset about it but I'm just gonna get my heel fixed first. Also I went to my 2nd support group last Monday w/ my Husband ,it was good very inspiring. However I am impressed by the weight loss from people on this board, but also very concerned about the people who can still over eat ect. and not lose. And all the problems occuring. with flipped pots and fills and all. I go back and forth with the band and gastric bypass which my daughter had and did great. I have 85 lbs. to loose. I am changing my ways now and not much is happening, Sometimes I think just do the other and get it over with, cause I think If I could still eat crap after I would, and then what's the sense in any of it? Are you guys who are not losing not following the plan or is it just not working? Like my daughter can't eat bread or sugar, she will get sick. That's really heavy duty too. Look I'm a Libra this is what happens. I was given good advise here about making the decision, Please let me know really about all your sucesses, It will be so appreciated. Patti in Jersey

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Hi Patti in Jersey...you might also want to post on the Introduction thread, just to get a wider response, but you already found the best group! LOL!

I was recommended the lap band by an orthopedic guy due to my ankle/foot problem...he wouldn't fix anything due to my excess weight. I had a lot more to lose than you do now. I decided it was a sign, and I looked into it. The surgery is not a magic bullet. In fact, people who think it is, are disappointed. If you think of it as a TOOL, you will be in a better frame of mind. It does help control your hunger, and the amount of damage you can do, calorie-wise, when your "head-hunger" takes over. It gives you some time to get a grip when you don't feel like you have a grip. It is adjustable; you have control over what type of restriction you want. It does not permanently change your insides as gastric bypass does. Can there be problems? Of course. Are there problems in being morbidly obese? Of course. Can you use the tool responsibly and reduce the likelihood of these problems? Yes. Are some of the problems random, like Anne's flipped port? Yes. Only you can weigh the pros and cons to your circumstances.

As for me, it is one of the best decisions I ever made, besides having the good sense to marry my DH, having a child at 41, and finding the wonderful friends on this thread. I'm not the "biggest loser" or the fastest loser, but I have dropped 5 sizes and 60ish pounds in the last 11 months. I can walk for many hours without crippling pain in my ankle. I can do stairs without even thinking about it (much!). My cholesterol is normal, my blood pressure is normal.

If you are thinking it over, get all the info you can, and keep an open mind. Read what the (reasonable) people here (all the people on this thread are good!) have to say, and yes, definitely learn about the possible complications. We'll answer you as honestly as we can...good luck with your fact-gathering!


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Good Morning Girls :hug:

Anne !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is right. I'm so sorry your port flipped :faint:

its one of every bandsters nightmares. You know we all feel for you and love you and will pray for you.

Patti Welcome !!! What ever you decide to do, good luck. I for one did not want gastric bypass and i have a friend who's had the bypass who really wished she had the option of lapband. Its really an individual thing but I can tell you this.... lap band or gastric bypass... you can still gain weight if you don't watch what you put in your mouth. Both surgeries are used as a tool...not the cure. It takes both physical and MENTAL strength to lose weight, no matter which one you choose. If I ever lose my band, I would still not choose to have the bypass... IMHO, for me, GBP to extreme (unless I had to and it was life threatening). But to each his own. Hang in there.

Cindy love, I took DD to the doc, got prescription for blood work and x-ray. I'm gonna take her tomorrow for the xray and in two weeks the blood work just to rule out limes disease or arthritis (like I have since a child). I see your dropping more weight there girlie WTG WHHHOOOOOT~ I'm very proud of you.

Well kids, I gotta get some work done today..yeah I know :tired


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Good morning my friends..... How is it going for y'all?

Had bad pains in my stomach yesterday afternoon/last night. Visited the bathroom a grea deal! It is amazing now that I have the band I automatically think... OMG, what is wrong with my band? DH said maybe you just have some kind of virus! LOL. Of couse he is probably right, but I think everything wrong with me is band related!

Anyone else have that happening to them?

The fill is going well. On mushies today... lot's of Water and back to excersise tonight at the gym.

DS is still in bootcamp. That makes a whole week that they haven't thrown hiim out! lOL

Got to go back to work....

Have a great day... I plan on it!


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It is getting awfully HOT ....

You will feel the HEAT shortly.....



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You know, Donna...you are right. It is HOT here, and it is probably due to the HEAT being in town...we'll blame them for that! :)

We'll see how that heat settles out this evening, though....

GO MAVS!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Hi All!

Anne -- Sorry to hear about your flipped port...and all those pokes! Ugh! It will all be set to rights soon.

Donna -- I blamed everything on my band after I got it. Even after a motorcycle accident with major swelling in my shoulder/chest area, I wondered if my band was involved. I don't worry about it so much now, two years later, but it is still one of the options when something isn't quite right. It's good to keep it in mind, but that panicky feeling will probably fade over time.

Patty, -- Welcome! People have successful weight loss with both surgeries. There are also people who don't lose like they want to with both surgeries. It comes down to personal choice. What do you feel most comfortable with for yourself? Best of luck with your surgery.

I'm going back to using FitDay.com today. Darn it if I don't have to watch myself closely again. I'm determined that working out so hard is going to make a difference. I'm off to the gym. Today's my last day of work for the summer. Yee Haw! Maybe I'll get some hiking and bike riding in soon.

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Bubb- the dress is really cute! OK I"m slow, What is your name!!! I got it!! Mary!

Cindy-Sounds like your enjoying your summer so far!

Pat-Back is better still not great, but I can't keep seeing the chiro twice a week. I only have 20 visits a yr and I think I'm up there already! ERRRR

I met this girl 2 yrs ago at a Bunco game and she heard me talking about either putting an ad in the local children's paper for my mural painting or going into some type of sales. She said I'm about to start a magazine, maybe you'd like to work for me. I started with her before we even had a magazine. She started with a total of 4 salespeople and I'm the only one who stuck it out. It's for party and events. www.carolinapep.com is our web site. Things are getting better and I really love selling the ads when I'm busy. Thanks for asking. Looks like were gonna be ok!

Betty-Thanks for the advise on the fill. I go see the Doc on Monday, but I'm going to hold off on the fill for at least another 3 weeks.

Anne-Hang in there. So sorry to hear about the port flipping. What a bummer. So it's SDS right or does he fix in the office nowadays?

Eileen- I'm flying into Newark on Wednesday at 2:30 and then renting a car. I forgot where you are but I will be in the Clinton area on Thursday. I could meet you @ Bridgewater Commons if that works for you? Not sure of time yet, you let me know what works for you. The rest of the time I'm there I will be nuts with family stuff. Wow I just read Beanie's coming up...Hi Beanie. Friday afternoon I will be in Mahwah. Oh I hope we can get together guys!!

Kat-Thinking of you and DH. Prayers are with you.


Donna-OK before today is out I will try to post the picts...I'm real slow. I hope your feeling better.

Welcome PattyU. I love my band. I wouldn't consider the by-pass for me when I was thinking of surgery. I being 1 in thousands had to have my band replaced because of a leak in the band. That is VERY unusual. If you ask me if I'd do it again, I'd do it in a heart beat. Good luck. Were in Jersey are you? I grew up in River Edge and Oakland and HS in Mahwah. Then lived in Hackensack, Fairlawn and High Bridge. Now Im in NC.

Becky-Enjoy your time off! It sure sounds like your going to.

Patty-What's happening girl? Do you record any soaps? I record Days of our Lives. I love watching it fast! Any word on the Insurance today?

OK I'm hungry today. I drank 64 oz of Water before noon. Talk about running!!! I didn't have my normal routine which I hate not having! So I had a 1/2 a chicken breast 2 string cheeses and a few bites of corn on the cob at 11:50. You'd think I'd be full but NO so I had a 100 calorie bag of Soy Crisp mini's. Have you guys tried them? There really yummy but only 2 gms of Protein. So then I was still hungry and I just finished a Protein Bar. This better do the trick!

Went to curves and the chiropractor. We are baby sitting that little dog I told you about. She can't be more than 4 pounds, but she growls and tries to bite..yikes

I'm afraid I'm setting myself up for failure with the 30 goal but Sept 21 our cruise day and my 1 yr anniversary. The scale was up to 202 this morning! I know its probably Water or Clifford related stuff, but I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUT OF THE 2'S!!

Well I hope you'll have a good day. I know I didn't get all of you, bt I'm thinking of you.


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Hey Guys...

I hate it when I get behind in personals... can I just start fresh...lol.

Becky... THe FitDay idea sounds good... I started righting down my caloric intake and decided I really wasn't ready to see what an oinker I'm being. :D

GO MAVS... GO HEAT... may the BEST team win! :)

PattyU... I am almost 2 years out and I have had trouble keeping fills in my band... BUT... if I had not gotten the band I have no doubt that I would weigh well over 300 lbs by now. Even though I had a pretty big regain during my unfilled period it's nice that the band is still in my body ready to help me as much as it can. My sister had the bypass and she is 3 years out and having just as big of issues with weight regain so neither surgery is a Guarantee... as Cindy said... they are both tools. I so wish at times that I had had the bypass only because I would have loved to have experienced a skinny moment... even if it would have been temporary. In the long run I still think this was the healthiest choice for me. I just couldn't face the risks for the bypass and the re-routing. Good luck with your decision!

Dianne... I love the soy crisps but all of the soy stuff leaves an aftertaste that makes me want to hurl...lol.. I should eat them more often. :eek: Are you weighing everyday???? Quit it girl if you are...lol. I know you will be in Onederland very soon!

Donna... That is so true... I always think anything that is wrong with my stomach must be band related...lol. Hope you feel better soon in all of this HEAT. :)

Eileen... Sorry about your DD... hope the problem turns out to be something simple! Keep us updated! My daughter is a bit of worrier... she comes to me with so many aches and pains that I will probably "poo poo" a real problem one of these days!

Cindy... I'm comin over for dinner. :Banane13: Let us know if the movie is good... sounds like a book I would enjoy... I'm always looking for good titles to search on eBay for.

Patty... Did you get approval yet?????????

Anne... You have such a great outlook for all of the probs you have had... I sure admire your spunk and positive attitude!

Well... I'm all hooked up to wires and caring around my monitor for the 48 hour holter test. I feel like a "Borg" (sp?). I've of course only had two episodes of the palpatations since having it put on and they were both very brief. I am going to wait until tomorrow afternoon before doing strenuous exercise just so that I don't sweat the Patches off. Heck... maybe I'll have a cup o jo so they have a little something to look at...lol. I'm scheduled for a treadmill stress test the end of this month... doc didn't like that my heart-rate jumps up into the 200's when I jog. Anyhoo... I'm sure that a little beta-blocker would take care of the whole business but I'll jump through the testing hoops.

Well... DD's last day of school so we are going out to dinner to Celebrate... she is sooooooooooooooooo glad that summer vacation is here! Oh... and yesterday I spent another 225 bucks on my dog Ava... *sigh* going to have to change her name to the Six Million Dollar Dog. It's supposed to be a beautiful cool weekend... I can hardly wait to get up to the cabin!


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Hey everyone,

I've been hiding here at home cause since Monday I have been hounding the drs office to get my approval. What I found out was that the Primary dr(actually the clerk) says one thing and does something completely different. I was told a week ago that everything was faxed to Ins. So I called Ins and they say they have nothing! Ins calls the Primary and finds out that she was faxing to the wrong number -- *@%$#* Uh, sorry if I don't believe that load of crap but at least 5 other patients with MY insurance have come through Dr. Nuvals office and suddenly she's FAXING to the wrong number? I discovered a few months ago her dislike for patients undergoing bariatric and she has done everything in her power to goof up as many of my steps as she can. Which is why I am sitting here without a date for surgery.

Blanca with my insurance company said I would be hearing before the weeks end and she would give me a phone comfirmation & all the numbers. I've been gloomy and sad most the week and even when I get my call I'm not feeling excited because the timing of this is not good.

On top of everything, I just found out our friend Robbie (a family from church) is waiting for a heart transplant(his 2nd one) and he's at Loma Linda University hospital.

I've been off the computer because I need the phone line to be open but I've read all your encouraging notes and love that you understand my Air Conditioning situation! I've survived 14 years..... another summer won't matter. Heart Hugs all the way around, I hope to hear from Blanca today!

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Patty... I'm praying for Robbie and his family... they must be so scared. I just feel so very thankful that my child has been healthy up to this point and I pray that continues.

Sorry about the continued drama for getting your approval... I'd be blowing my top by now! Keep those fans blowing and stay on everyone until you get that date!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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