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Pat... That babe of yours is so cute! No, not your son.... the baby! LOL

Betty: How are you? You have it rough lately : - (

Cindy: My friend is a teacher and she says that the summer is the time for teachers to do everything eveyone else does all year! Enjoy Grease !!! That is a great show.

Eileen: And they say Florida has bad storms! I hope you don't have another car float down a river! Are you getting in that new pool?

Bene: I am so envious that you get to meet up with Eileen! I just moved from that area last July otherwise I would be on a train into the city so fast to meet up with you!!!!

Kat: Thank you so much for putting my son on a yellow ribbon! That is so awesome! I got chills when I read that! I actually shared the idea with my DH who is a deakon at church. It is such a nice thing!

Mary: That is to funny : - ) and I'm glad about the Ex. When My first husband got remarried she was a peach. I tried to hate her, but she wanted the kids to come on the weekend and they alwys came home with craft projects and talk of how great it was. Wife #3 welll that is a whole differnent subject. We haven't seen or heard from him in 13 years!

Trish... It was so nice to see you post! I am glad that you stopped in to update us! Hope you had a great birthday.

Darcy: Epolepsy in dogs is more common then you would think. Once they figure out the right meds... they do really well. Hope your pup is doing ok!

Anne: Where you at? Hope all is well

No big plans for the weekend. Have the grandkids this afternoon. Spending time with DH. Probably some beach time.

Ok.... like eileen, I am at work!


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Hey Donna, nope no pool yet. DH is STILL working on the pool deck. You see its no ordinary deck, its more like F-Troop, nothing my Dh does is "small" (unlike his women haaaaaaa). He is making it solar heated so thats why its taking so long. There's a roof to this thing where the solar panels run. It should be swimable by next weekend... this weekends shot anyway... rain, lightening...joy.

Enjoy the beach :eek: Hey? when ya coming up so we can meet?

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:eek: :fish: Bring on Summer!

Well, I finally read thru the last 4 pages, sorry I kinda dropped out.... needed to focus.

My Twins had Graduation yesterday. The looked SO grown-up. After the ceremony I had planned an early dinner and told the boys they could invite their dad. Once we got to the restaurant and after we ordered he brings out his phone and calls his wife and invites her! By the time we had eaten and paid she pulls up in the parking lot. I have no words for all this.

The kids are with their Dad for the weekend, and well, me & Johnny Depp are gonna be an item on Saturday. Just need to "come back to center" and then we're off to LEGOLAND CA.

Lapband news: We need to give the insurance company 2 weeks to accept a surgical referral. Then I get a date. In the meantime we pray.

$@%$#*^$^#*& The kids already are trying to kill one another...... we've been home 2 hrs! Ahhhhhhh, they're so cute at that age! Bye!

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Hey All...

Just a quickie :eek:

Well... you know... I thought multi-nodular goiter sounded gross enough but now that the Ultrasound results are back I have TOXIC mutli-nodular goiter... sheesh... makes me feel like I need a scull and cross-bones on my neck! My Doc is sending me back to the endocrinologist and he said the palpatations are most definitely due to my nodules. Anyhoo... I dare them to get near my neck with a nodule sucking needle...lol.

Betty.... More ((((HUGS))))

I'll have to catch up with everyone later... have a good weekend!

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to tired to post.... just wanted to say that I love you guys!

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Good morning my friends,

It's raining again in my lovely city of Taunton, Massachusetts. Now...why can't someone invent a huge fan that blows these rain clouds to places that need them? I mean we're drowning up here and the sun just peeks out enough to tease us :phanvan . Well...at least I don't have to Water the plants :guess I just need to catch them as they're sliding down the drive-way into the street :P

Not much happening here. I'm kinda back and forth on the restriction thing right now. I skipped the fill my last doc visit and now I'm not sure I should of. Seems my band decided I can eat what I want...except chinese food yesterday lol. Two bites and stuck for the afternoon. Definately a finicky band.

Not much going on today. DH is at work fixing the company's server...I have to do work from home today so that I can make sure the project gets done by the end of the month. I guess it's ok it's raining today because of that. I'd be upset if it were nice out and I had to stay in. I'm also waiting to hear from the petstore where I got my Golden Jenny. We went there to get stuff for the fish tank (by the way I can see my fish again lol) and they had Golden puppies in the window. I couldn't resist....walked over to it and this one puppy came running over to me. Awwwww dang nabbit...he stole my heart. DH loved him too. We took him to the play area and just followed DH everywhere. The size of his rolly polly belly and paws..this guy was going to be a big Golden compared to my Jenny. Jenny is the perfect little lady lol. She's small for a golden. Well I almost bought the male pup but, they had him on hold because of a heart murmur. The vet wanted to check him again. They said if it's bad they'll just try to place him, if it's a 1 or 2? they'll guarantee him, if its a 3 or 4 they sell him regular. He's being checked today and they're going to let us know whats going on with him. DH and I talked it over...we want him even if his heart is bad because we know we can give him a good life for as long as we have him. Not sure what I'm getting myself into but, I swear something tells me this was suppose to happen. I can't explain it.

I guess we'll see what happens.

Betty - I sure hope you're doing ok. Know that I'm thinking of ya.

Eileen - Do you think we can figure out a way to send this rain to the people that need it? I hope you're pool is ready next weekend for ya. I know I've been enjoying ours. Cept.....can't the last few days unless I like cold raindrops on my back lol

Cindy - Hope you did ok with your eye exam and you enjoyed your show.

Patty - Glad your doing ok and I'm sure you'll be getting that date really soon. Is your Ex taking the kids while you heal up from surgery?

Darcy - Geesh girl...how do the fix what it is that's ailing you? Any idea what needs to be done to get you feeling fine and dandy again?

Donna - Did you say you wanted some of our rain? I can bottle ya some and ship it hee hee Love you too. When ya come up to Boston again maybe we can meet. That would be fun!

Mary - That story was so precious. I just love the things kids do. What a sticky mess that must of been hahaha

Bean - Singing Kareoke huh? Ohh I've never been brave enough for that. DH used to do that when he was at the local Water hole with friends but, I never had the chance to hear him. I've asked him several times to go with me so I could hear him sing but, haven't gotten him to do that lol. Actually I thought he was going to at my 40th bday party because he took the mike from the DJ but, .... it was a marriage proposal. :)

Kat - You're right sometimes it's more than a golfball. Two bites of my lunch yesterday and I swear the slime built up until it was in my throat and my chest hurt so bad. Geesh! Definately its a chewing thing though...so much we need to learn isn't there lol Hope DH is hanging in there and I'm keeping you both in my prayers.

Trish - Thanks for poppin in. Hope all is going well and come back again ya hear?

Anne - You doing ok? Hmmm haven't heard from ya since you had 7 kiddos at your place. Ohhh my. Did Calgon take you away?

Dianne - How are you doing? I'm going by memory here which urrrrr isn't too good lately lol. I do hope you're doing well.

Anyone I missed......I didn't have my Gingo Bibula today lol

Have a great day everyone!

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Happy Saturday!

Eileen, how was the Care Bear show? I bet ya'll had a blast! Hope the weather will straighten up for you up there in NJ...we had a few rain drops yesterday and happy to have them, but no floods like in Houston or up there.

Patty, have fun with Johnny this weekend! We're ready to throw the virtual online party when you finally get your surgery go-ahead! I know it's coming...

Betty, your family is still in my prayers. How's the news? I hope it's as good as it can be.

Donna, how's the beach? What part of Florida are you in?

Trish, glad to see you! I just am so sorry you are having all these problems. Hope that wound heals quickly!

Darcy, so what is the treatment plan for your crazy goiter? I have a friend who has something like that, and she hasn't had any operations and won't let them use radiation, so she stays on beta-blockers. Otherwise, she has the heart racing you talked about...she's a little exteme against medical procedures, so I'm by no means suggesting you follow that...I was just wondering what reasonable people would do! LOL! I guess by the time we work through everyone's medical things around here, we'll be well informed, huh?

Sherry, how did that problem at work get settled? I imagine it was just part of your regular routine.

Beanie, are you rested up from your exciting trip? I bet you are hibernating this weekend!

My DH finished his summer school job yesterday. Grease was fun... I forgot how many things were in it that might need "explaining" to an 8 year old! She fully understood that Rizzo was a tramp, but didn't understand the PG thing, or the "friend" that was/wasn't coming to visit. Also, she didn't ask, so we havn't had to go through that entire discussion, yet. She still feels sorry for actresses that have to kiss as part of their roles...how can you kiss someone you don't know?????? I hope it stays that way for a while!

Have a good day, all!


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Good Morning,

:) sleep, what a great invention! I was So tuckered out, and didn't realize it. Looking forward to a great summer.

Darcy: First it's your doggy and now you have a goiter! Girl, couldn't you come up with a disease with a nicer name? Hugs for all you've been through, I want those palpatations to go away.

Dianne: Where did you get to see my photo?

Cindy: You planning to party without me? Are we drinking?

Sherry:When I decided to have surgery I was really concerned about the kids. Then I realized that if I'm indeed really ill or under the weather they have another parent that needs to care for them. Dan doesn't know about the up coming surgery..... but he will soon! Love those surprizes - hehehe. :bandit PS hoping all gos well with the puppy, he sounds adorable.

Pat: your family is beautiful. Can I come over to swim?

Well, I gotta get myself together for a day at the park.... Disneyland park. I'll dish later. Bye.

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Aaa the infamous unbalanced deposit day. Well, the employee just didn't get it. I gave her back the deposit and told her to find the error. She couldn't, she gave up and the accountant wasted a whole day trying to figure out what the hell was done. The main part being, you can't close a posting batch if the figures don't match unless you change the figures. They employee said she didn't change the figures, I tried to tell her there is no way they'd close unless she did. She then tells me "You don't understand what I'm saying" She then proceeds to tell me she didn't change the figure. Now....I'm a very patient person, it takes ALOT to get me upset. This chick....she got me upset and I kept my cool but, was on the verge of losing it by the time I was done. She litterally was stating she did it right and that it was me that "didn't get what she was saying". Oooooooooook missy, I've been doing this line of work for 19 years. I did her job full time for 4 years. I ended up saying "I'm telling you you can't close a batch without it being balanced. You're day isn't balance, so you changed the figures! PERIOD!" Hard to explain to you all if you haven't done this kind of work but, man oh man it's really not that hard lol.

I found out later she asked fellow employees (who of course told me lol) I don't know how to take the fact that Sherry yelled at me. HELLO? How about taking it as you better look at how you're doing your work and shape up. UGH Even the other employees said...wow Sherry yelled? lol

Anywho...the accountant found it and believe me the girls work is being looked at daily by the accountant because we have to balance the books at the end of the month and she's worried. By the way...this employee has been with me 6 months, through 6 closings and NOW this is happening? Something isn't right lol

Ok back to work for me.....after loosing two days on this girls mistakes I need to catch up on my own work grrrrr.

on another note.....puppy has a grade 1 murmur so he's good to go. What the heck am I doing to myself lol. I just had a thought...traveling with one dog is tough but, what do i do with two? oh my, need to think of this before I sign on the dotted line. But he's soooo dang cute lol

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Hi Kids,

Happy Saturday :P

Care Bear show was cute, cotton candy was $3.50 a bag, unlike $9.00 a bag when we went to ringling brothers circus (never again btw). Then we went for lunch and I could barely eat. Guess who came to visit me today... 3rd time in 6 weeks...yep you guessed it, dear ol Aunt Flo...uggg. Gettin old sucks. I'm just so tired that after we got home (around 4 pm) I layed on the couch like a sack of potatoes. I just ate some Cereal aaaaaaah belly feels good now lol (oh and some M&M's yeah I know).

Its raining :tired

Sherry, what a twisted week you had eh. Hopefully things will go smoother. Hang in there. PUPPY !!!!!!!!! awwwwwwwwwwwwww lets see!!

Patty, can't wait for your date *giggle* oh and what the heck is sleep? no coprede' lol. Enjoy your weekend with Johnny (you hussy you) LOLOL :)

Darcy WTF? so like Cindy said, what next? what kind of treatment are they looking at? I'm glad they can help you. Hows the puppy?

Donna, I'm tired too, if it wasn't 6:45 PM I'd go to bed NOW!!!! I've been just so tired lately and now I know why (aunt flo) oy.

Where's the rest of the gang ???????/ come out come out where ever you are.... Don't make me send out my flying monkeys :heh:

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Hey you guys in the north east.... keep your rain up there! It has rained on and off all day. That is ok. I don't mind it because we really need it.

We have endanged sea turtles that come up and lay their eggs. We mark the site with a huge white steak in the sand with numbers on them saying when the eggs where layed. Also there is a yellow flag on it.

So, I was sitting out on the balcony reading. These 3 kids were playing on the beach with their parents. The were ripping the steaks out and digging. My husband was yelling and I ran down there. The father was like "SO"? "And". I was sooo mad. Some of the parents have not control over there kids and don't teach them to respect anything.

here is a picture I took of a turtle that was kind enough to come ashore and lay her eggs at 8 pm. Usually it is the middle of the night.

Isn't she cute :biggrin1:


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Hi everyone! My name is Chris, Sherry W's infamous friend. lol. She keeps telling me I have to check out this post because she loves you all. So, here I am.....

I think you all need to join me in hounding Sherry to take an "after" picture and post it. She looks PHENOMENAL! She has done fantastic. So well in fact, that I am turning in my application on Monday. lol When she told me she was getting the band I told her I wanted to see how she did before I made my decision. I'm such a nice friend, huh? lol But Sherry is one of my dearest friends, and we actually met through her DH. He and I were friends first, but Sherry and I just hit it off right away. She's my bud.

Oh, and Sherry - you and John (DH) are the biggest softies I have ever met!!!! Another dog??!!! That being said, I can't wait to see the new puppy. lol

Nice to meet you all!

Chris :biggrin1:

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I just wrote a post, and it disappeared!

Anyway, I was welcoming you, Chrispy!

It's a great group here, yes, we need an after picture of Sherry, and good luck in your Quest to be a bandster!

I promise the first post was much more interesting!

Hugs to all, Cindy

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Hey Chris...I'm glad you found my pals here. You'll love em and don't be afraid to ask any questions here. These gals are the best...oh and guys :) The guys are a quiet few but, the pop in once in a while...right guys? NJ Chat friends...Chrispy is my friend Chris. What a great gal she is. She was one of the benefits of meeting my DH :P Love her to pieces...she's more of a sister to me than my own blood. She's starting on her band journey and her mom, after hearing Chris talk about is joining the journey as well. I think it's awesome! Now if they have their surgery on the same day wouldn't that be cool?!

Before and after pic..UGH. My before shot my DH took at 4:30am the day of surgery. In one shot I was blinking and look like I'm on drugs hahaha. I haven't taken an after shot yet.....I wonder if it's just me but, let me say....I'm still afraid to look. I know I'm still heavy, I still have so much more to lose. Not too long ago I sat in a chair next to a window, saw my reflection and was totally disgusted. Who the hell is that lady in the window? I feel so much smaller than I look. I always have..that was my problem until I tried on clothes then reality would hit. I'm still going through that, I'm wearing pants that are just TOO big but, I'm afraid to buy smaller. When I did try, Chris you were there, I got discouraged because the new pants didn't fit and they were a size smaller than what I had on. I know I know different maker different sizes but, I just got discouraged. I'm just not ready to look at reality yet. I know I've dropped from a size 26 to a size 20 in the same brand jeans but, I still don't feel like I wanna look. I still have that spare tire that sticks out and reminds me I have so far to go. UGH. I know I've done well.....but....well....maybe when I hit 50 pounds I'll take one then lol.

Soooo we brought home the new puppy. Yeap...we stayed for a while so my Jenny (1 year old Golden) could play and let him know who's the boss lol. When we saw they would get along we took him home. Of course Jenny let him know which kennel was hers lol. He, Jake, is actually in his kennel sleepin now and Jenny keeps going to check on him...it's so cute. She's being a good big sister..wait until he grows up. Whew he's going to be a big one..he's already got paws her size heh heh.

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Hello Y'all!

I am so far behind, I am not even going to try to catch up! I have read them though, I do try to read even when I don't post.

My DB is going to have his open heart surgery on MOnday morning, yikes, that is tomorrow! I am worried about him, he has a lot of other complications to go with the surgery. My one Aunt is still alive, but not doing good, and the other Aunt (my favorite) is doing better. So, now you are updated!

Thank you all for being there for me, and all the kind words you said. I can't tell you how much that means when you are feeling down.

We have a family get together planned for the long weekend, cottages rented on the lake, but it is all up in the air now depending on how everything else goes. I really could use the time away, but if it's not meant to be then I guess it's not.

Welcome Chris, we think a lot of Sherry too!

Sherry - I know what you mean about the clothes! Every where I go, the size is different. I can't just buy something and bring it home, I have to try on everything. What happend to the days when all the sizes were the same everywhere? Heck, I wear a lot of different sizes today!:):P :Banane48: Even shoes are getting that way in some stores! UGH!

Well, my DH is yelling he is getting hungry, so I guess I best get some Breakfast on the table for him. I think we are going for a ride today, then over to my DB to visit him. (not the sick one) I'll try to check back later. I need to catch up on the whole board, I am so far behind!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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