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Donna two posts above yours is the link to our pictures. Glad your DS is hanging in there. It takes alot of strength thats for sure. Have fun at the beach :)

Kat fix that alarm will yah ;) :rant:

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Hiya ladies...

Randi... Welcome and I love your name... especially speaking as a woman that gets mail addressed to Mr. Darcy all of the time...lol. My name is a boy/girl name but the two are spelled differently... my dorky parents spelled mine the boys way! I didn't struggle that much prior to being banded ... mostly beacuse I watched my sister go through the bypass and was much to big of a chicken to go that route. Good luck!

Eileen... glad you lived throught he ole pokedy poke! I can't imagine with all of the search and manipulation that I could ever tolerate it without numbing meds! Nice picture and you really are a lucky little lass... meeting everyone while we are all stuck in cyberland! You both look beautiful!

Kat... Hang in there girl... I know all of the crapola with the insurance company nearly drives my hubby over the edge... stinkin poop heads! THe art of saying no... a wonderful gift to yourself... it's okay...people will still love ya!

Patty... Hey girl... it's still a victory... it's a step in the right direction!!!! Yay!

Anne... My gawd woman... that is too many children!!!!! I would be sitting in a corner babbling if I had that many to watch over for even 2 hours!

Donna... Sounds like that's what your DS needed... a firm hand... hopefully he will find happiness and success in the end. Have fun at the beach!

Rene... I ADORE working in the yard... but it's just too dang hot this weekend! I have a redbud that looks pretty sad this year too and it's only been in the ground for 2 years! Have fun!

Cindy... I am really looking forward to the new avatar! You all have said such sweet things about mine... I'm in a constant state of "Stop it some more...quit it again!" :rant: Hope you had fun shopping for your DH... I needed to take my DD out tonight and now she is going to a graduation party... dang... procrastination is my middle name!

Mary... LMAO ... bushwhacker! hehehehe... I am definitely going for the skirt down to my knees so I HOPEFULLY won't need to get the mower out. ;) Good for you getting that suit... your kids are going to love playing in the Water with their mom! My daughter is always begging me to go swimming with her. SHame on me for being such a chicken and missing out on that great opportunity!

Well... Still palpatating away... it's depressing AND... I keep eating to make myself feel better!!!! THe crappy part is eating makes it worse and I still keep trying it...lol.

My Pup is sick again today... she threw up all over herself in the kennel this morning and is weak and continues to gag even though there is nothing in her stomach. I don't know what to do... she was absolutely fine Friday... and this is exactly what happened the last time she was sick and they never determined why it happened. Apparently the prednisone can cause episodes like this but her vet is out of town...of course. I want to call the emergency vet... but hubby wants to wait... we are coming to the end of the line financially for my girl. THink I'll go have a good cry about it.... all this in a dog that is just a year old.

Sorry to be a big bummer guys...

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Poor puppy! I hope you figure out what is causing the stomach illness...pred. can do that, but maybe the puppy needs something to help with the nausea, too?

Eileen, your picture is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look great, and I love the darker hair color on you...which do you prefer? I decided to post the compliments here instead of on the picture thread, so there'd be more room for pictures...I figured you'd take the compliments, no matter where they were! LOL!

All done with the shopping, now I'm just goofing off, DH is listing stuff on Ebay and DD is writing in her new little journal...it's always fun finding things to keep her brain busy!


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Diane and Eileen: You both look awesome!

Darcy: Sorry about the puppy! Sick pups are like babies. they can't tell you what is wrong.

Back from the beach... it was beautiful. Dh and had the whole beach by ourselves, the Water was warm... we came up "showered :kiss2: ) and he just went out to get takeout. Who has it better then me!

We are working up and saving up our strength for the big game tomorrow! Some Dad's are going to be really sad on Fathers day! As much as Cindy and Betty's husbands are probably really sweet, I am hoping it is not my husband. LOL;) :rant: ;):);)



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Back from Laconia with a nice sunburn on my chest lol. OMG the sites you see when you people watch there hahaha. There was one chick that thought (Mind you I said 'SHE THOUGHT') she was the cat's meow. She had on a bikini top, black leather chaps and get this....a G string with her ars hanging out of the chaps and not much covering her frontal area.EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Oh yes folks...she thought she was hot. She was hanging onto her (I'm guessing) boyfriend or husband. MY GOD this woman was UGLY and to boot just didn't have the body to be wearing such a thing. I don't care if your the worlds highest paid model you don't wear that on the streets with seeing people lol. Gaaaaaarosssssssssssss. Two other women had just about the same but, they wore something more downstairs.

Then there were pierced nipple dudes, studly looking fellas and then those fellas that could of used a bath lol. Just amazing.

There were THOUSANDS of bikes there. All shape, sizes, colors, styles amazing! It was alot more fun than I though but, I'll tell ya......My butt is glad I'm off that bike! lol So far today I've had two bites of a Protein Bar and the fish from a filet of fish from McD's. (I threw out the bread) That's it along with the equivalent of a bottle of Water. I just SO didn't want to have to go pee while I was there lol. Port-a-Potties used by drunks and women who dressed like that...I DON'T THINK SO hahaha.

So I'm off to watch a movie with my DH. DS is with his father this weekend so we have a little alone time :rant:

Hope you all have enjoyed your day today. HUGS!

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Good Morning,


Hopefully your reading this hon, we miss you.

I got on the scale this morning and had a nice, very long awaited surprise, I finally broke the 220's and I'm down to 218 WHOOT! Come on onederland. I had a few crackers yesterday and thats it, couldn't get any more down... this fill IS helping Thank God !!

Sherry sounded like you had a good time, even with the freak show LOL, I love watching people too.

Darcy gee girl, I'm sorry to hear about your doggy, thats heart breaking. I hope he/she comes out of it. Hugs !!!

This morning is just cleaning up and then this afternoon we will head on off to see FIL for fathers day. Then to the cemetary to lay some flowers down for my dad. The weather is brutal and we still can't get in the pool... sigh. Hopefully in a few days DH will be done so we can get in.

Have a wonderful Day everyone. Hugs and Kisses

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Morning :rant:

Sherry... I LOVE people watching and it sounds like that was the perfect revenue for that!

Eileen... You are going to bein onederland before you know it! I think I am going to have to risk another fill... I just don't have enough restriction. Father's Day used to really bother me right after my father's death... but now it has settled into a day to remember. He wasn't a huge part of my life but I loved him and he was a charming and funny man. I hope you have a good day with you FIL and with the memories of your father. (((Hugs)))

Well... Miss Ava's temp is down from 104 to 103 this morning. Last time this happened her temp was 105. She seems a bit perkier and took a few ice chips and isn't heaving everytime she moves. The emergency vet is 75 dollars just for a visit and then there will be blood tests... IV's and medications... so I think we are just going to keep watching her. It just seems she has one illness after another... very taxing emotionally and financially.


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Eileen - Wahoooo on the weightloss. Congrats! Onederland is right around the corner for you :rant: Keep it going baby! I'm a routing for ya!

Darcy - So sorry about your pup. Do they know what's causing all this? (I may of missed it if you told us.) I never thought I'd get so close to an animal myself but, Jenny (our golden retriever) is a year old and I found myself singing happy birthday to her lol. She's a cutey but, man the fur. I'm always asking her why doesn't she pick up her fur off the floor lol. I hope your puppy gets better and stays better. Poor thing. Ohh the people watching was a blast and I hope to do it again next year. Funny part is...hearing the guys comment about it. The nasty girls the guys say OH God I won't be able to eat for a week now seeing that yuck. Of course a few hotties it was oh yea baby I could do her. Freaking NASTY I'm telling ya. I'll stick with my jeans, tshirt and baseball cap to hide the helmet head lol.

Cindy - I used to post a few things on Ebay. It was pretty good except I hated Ebay/Paypal being attached to my checking acct. Have you had any problems with it? I'm thinking about doing it again because I have a tendency just to give stuff away and really....I could probably make some money with it. Amazing what sells on Ebay. Heck I've bought tons of stuff through there but, selling...I'm always afraid of the buyers that will give me trouble. Have you had any of that?

Well....we still have a green fishtank. You can see the fish but, they are swimming in murky waters lol. What a mess, DH is right now taking out all the rocks on the bottom to wash them because even after bringing Water to the pet store and having it tested, doing what they said, it's still not clean. DH had enough, he feels the Zebra Tetras are too aggressive and causing too much poopies so they're going byebye. What a cleanup mess I'm going to have. ewww Each scoop of rocks is leaving a trail on the rug grrrrrrr. Why not put down plastic before doing that...guess that's a woman's way of thinking versus a guys aye? Oh well....it was started before I knew it was happening. Hopefully this will solve the problem. Would be nice to relax watching the fish again and actually being able to see them. wahhhahahah

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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Sherry... I opened up a seperate account at my bank for my Pay Pal account. Heck... my bank gave me 20 buck for opening it and there are no fees... can't beat that! I mostly buy on eBay but have sold some little and some big dollar items and had very few problems. I have to admit that I was a complete nervous wreck while selling my bigger dollar sewing machine... bit it all went off without a hitch!

Ava has an auto-immune disease that was diagnosed at 8 months of age. It'a called masticatory myositis. Without treatment the muscles in the jaw atrophy and fibrosis sets in and eventually the jaw becomes locked shut. It was supposed to be a simple case of taking prednisone for a couple of months and voila... gone... however... she is still on the prednisone and her symptoms return every time we try and wean her off. Now... they think the prednisone is causing the stomach problems as all the testing turned up nada. So... where to go from here... no prednisone... locked jaw... but she can't be sick like this all of the time. *sigh* THis on the heels of putting our last shepherd down due to awful health problems that involved treatment with prednisone. Anyhoo... tis nobody's fault... just the luck of the draw I guess. I'm cooking her up some rice ... will mix it with a little turkey and see how she does.

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Good Morning!

Wow, talk about being busy, no time to post or anything. Today I am cooking a nice big dinner for DH, so along with getting the house in shape and the laundry done, guess I will be busy again. My Dad is gone, so I just do it all for him. Last night or I should say afternoon, the neighbors all ended up at our house and we went swimming and as usual ate and drank too. It lasted till about 10:00 last night, but what a fun time we all had. I just have the greatest neighbors!

Eileen - Whoooo Hoooo! Doing the happy dance for you!

Darcy - Awwwww, so sorry you are having problems with your baby again. Hopefully she will get better fast. Hugs!

Donna - I think you will see a different set of Mav's tonight, after that suspension with Jerry Stackhouse, you'll see them step up the pace and play a better game. They have actually been playing way below what they normally do. By the way, what the heck happened to free speech in FL? They made the boat with the Mav's banner take it down! WTF is up with that?

Cindy - Get ready girl for the game. You should all hear us here yelling, clapping and cussing! It's fun! I still say the Mav's will take it! Of course I am saying it with my heart!

Dianne - You are such a cutie, and so small!

Sherry - Yup, that sounds like a regular bike group! Some gals just don't have any pride in themselves. One of the biggest reasons I went with my own bike was because the back seat killed my butt. Sometimes I would get off and couldn't hardly walk! lol You'll like riding alone much better!

Anne - Wow girl, you are asking for punishment aren't you? Boy you are my hero!

Kat - Good luck with the fill, hope it helps you. I am thinking about getting a small one, but after the holidays. Last year on the 4th we rented a place and I was miserable with not being able to eat. We are going again this year, so I don't want to be in that position again. When you are cooking all in a group you don't have a lot of choice on what to eat. Or, maybe I am just wanting to eat the good stuff, who knows?;)

Patty - Still keeping my fingers and stuff for you. Just keep plugging away!

Beanie - Hey, that's a lot of hard work! Glad someone is doing a bunch for you!

Mary - I hate putting on a bathing suit, but I decided if I want to enjoy my pool, I have to just do it. I hate the sagging skin, but heck sometimes you just have to not look at it and go and do it. congrats to you!

Randi - Hello and welcome!

I am still having problems with my foot, so still can't do any walking, and I have to be careful with my back because I can feel it is just on the verge of hurting bad. I just watch how I bend or turn real fast, maybe I will try a heating pad this afternoon.

Well, I am going to go get some more stuff done! I want to watch a little bit of the Nascar race, then the Mav's, still have to finish the laundry and get things ready for dinner. I already got the floors done, the sinks cleaned, the toilets done, the bed stripped and made. Hmmmmm I think I need a break, or that's right, I just had one here!:clap2: :clap2:

I might not always get to post, but I am thinking about each of you every day/night. I consider you all my friends which I think an awful lot of!:rant:

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Darcy:I want your puppy to get well. Sending up a prayer. When I was just a girl, we lost our beloved Dachshound. My Mom was so sad, so my Dad secretly went to the pound to find a new pet and got a Doxie mix. Cutest puppy ever. What we didn't know was that he had Distemper. We went through weeks of taking care of such a sick dog and by some miracle he survived(most distemper animals don't live). My Mom named him BRUNO and we had him a lonnnnng time.:rant:

Sherry: You got me to smile with your biker descriptions. I gafawed when I read "...those fellas could have used a bath". When we have our county fair in July, thats when we seen some pretty outrageous outfits. Wonder if they have broken mirrors at home? And about the green fish tank.... I have one of those too!

Eileen: Did the scale decide to bless you this week? I gotta scan down and check. Feeling warm a fuzzy all over.:clap2:

Zan: Is she in somewhere on this thread? Yoo-hoo?

Darcy: I know I alread told you..... but your photo is SO cute!

Update on Robbie: He ate an entire TACO! Wowza! He has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now and getting alittle stiff. PT has him doing some limber exercises. Eating will give him more energy, we want him physically fit when that new heart arrives.

Out here in Sunny California, we are HOT again. The kids and I have retreated out to the carport and set up the new kids tent we got Friday night. The twins ran an electrical cord from the house and set up our portable DVD player, made popcorn grabbed every pillow and literally set up camp. It was much cooler outside and gave them something to do. We are in the countdown to NO MORE school..... 5 more days! Stress levels are at their highest. I have 2 graduations to do, teacher gifts to assemble, close out my office and by the weekend start packing for our 3day vacation. The only thing keeping me focused is JOHNNY DEPP. There, I've said it! I will be with Johnny Depp on Saturday for the premiere of Pirates 2. So be watching all the entertainment shows(Extra, Access hollywood) I will be in those TV shots in the front row. OK, I'm done bragging. We have major clean up to do here and I gotta get the twins up. Bye, my lovlies.

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Just wanted to tell you "peeps" to have a good week! I am going to bed. TOM has come to visist and I feel like chit!

I guess I will have to wait for the papers in the morning to find out who has one the big game! Right now the HEAT are not playing very well!:help:

Betty: I don't know about that MAV sign on the boat. I will have to as DH. It isn't right if they made them take it down....


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Uh-oh. The Mavs are down by one, and on their way back to Big D. Hopefully, this will be better (for us)! Overtime, and a one point loss...bummer. Good luck, Donna. Yes, it's true about the sign on the yacht...some really rich people (obviously) had a yacht with a Go Mavs sign on it, and the city made them take it down. So, they hired a plane to fly a sign that said "Go Mavs. Beat the Heat." Ya gotta love rich people! It would be such fun to have no limits like that!

Eileen, I'm so excited for you! I thought I'd break the 220 barrier by now, but I'm in one of those "hanging out in the same weight" periods...sooner or later, it'll inch downward again. I can feel your excitement! Way to go!

Sherry, your descriptions crack me up! It reminds me of the outfits we used to plan for Pat!

I'm pretty tired and need to get to bed...see ya tomorrow! Cindy

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Morning All...


Just wanted to wish you all a happy week. :) Thanx for all the prayers and crossed fingers for my pup... she seems to be feeling much better!


Off to take some pictures of my multi-nodular goiter... doesn't that just sound gross??? Maybe the whacked out thyroid levels are causing all of the palpatations.


Did the Mav or the Heat win???


Cindy... you'll start losing again... sometimes I think the body just takes a break and adjusts and then... back to business. :)


Patty... Thanks for the compliment... it sure feels good to be rid of all of the fuzzy hair! I'm glad to hear that Robbie is eating and will hopefully gain the strength he needs for his new heart. The backyard camping excursion sounds like fun... what a great Mom you are! I am wildly jealous about your night with J. Depp... I can't wait to see that movie so please tell all!


Betty... Sorry about the foot and back... I guess you are just going to have to depend on that beautiful pool for your exercise! Hopefully one or the other will feel better soon!


Oka... Really going this time...

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Morning Y'all!

Heat won, in overtime. I can't believe Josh Howard called that time out, I think it lost the game for them. At least they played better last night than they have in the whole series. I am really tired today, staying up till almost mid-night! I need my head examined for doing that!:)

I am short on time this morning, so I will try to catch up later!

Everyone have a great day!

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