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Good Morning,

Chris, WELCOME !!!! this is an awesome place to be for friendship and support. There's no shame here because everyone is going through the same thing and thats why there is such great support...we've all been there. Its so great you decided to join the band wagon :P keep us posted.

Sherry we'd love to see a picture...shoot, I took one at 40 lbs and there IS a difference... come on DO IT !!!! :Banane48:

Cindy I HATE when that happens with the posts... I try to copy them 1/2 way down if they are long because I lose them too... frustrating to say the least LOL.

Betty hugs to you and our prayers are still with you and your family. Enjoy your ride and try to forget about things for a while.

Nothing much is planned today except a birthday party with dd at some play thingy.

TOM almost made it impossible to eat yesterday but by 6 pm I was able to eat a bowl of cheerios whoot! This IS a good fill, thats for sure.

Have a good day everyone :)

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GM gal pals!

Betty, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and other family members too. I hope all goes well on Monday, please let us know as soon as you can. As for riding, I told my DH yesterday I don't think I have the self confidence to ride any more to go ahead and sell my bike, which he quickly said, "No Way", (when you only ride once a year, and it doesn't come natural, I think I' chicken now). Hugs!

Darcy, WTH? You just can't seem to win for losing, one thing after the other. Now what? Hugs!

Cindy, you better start explaining soon, my little niece just started and she's 10 :omg: . Now might be a good time to break into it or at least part of it, just the part about the period.

Sherry the yeller, LOL, it's funny how when people that work for you got to other coworkers and talk chit they don't think it will get back to ya. My girls love to tell me what the other has had to say, in fact they tell me so much stuff each other said, I'm wondering when they had time to get work done with all their chit chat.

Eileenie, sounds like you're going to help Mr. Perfection get that deck done so you can start swimming. I remember the pictures of your daughter's room, OMG, that man is talented. My DH actually hung two hooks on the fence yesterday for my pool poles, LOL. He only did it cause he thought he was gonna get lucky, :) . He hates to do anything around the house anymore, years ago, he was a workaholic at home, so enjoy it now sister.

Patty, come and swim anytime and be sure to bring the boys, the more the merrier.

Chrispy, welcome, you'll love it here and good luck on your application, we love Sherry too :P . Oh, I agree we need more pictures, I know you all don't want me to have to start posting too many pictures here.

Doc, just go out there and smack the chit out of those kids, no on second thought, smack the dad, it's his fault.

Beanie, Kat, Becky, Ira, Ivan, Diane, what y'all doing today?

Have a fun day kiddies!

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Hey All...

Hope everyone is staying busy and having a little fun this weekend. I went up to the cabin for the day yesterday all by my lonesome (Hubby is away at a fishing tournament). It was great until a storm started through so I packed everything up and came home! As far as the toxic nudule on my goiter... I guess they either so radioactive iodine to kill the little booger or surgically remove it. I'm actually relieved that it's my thyroid and not my heart. :Banane48:

Eileen... My hubby is like that too... I personally would rather have a little less perfection and a lot more action! :Banane41: Hope you have fun with the DD and the birthday and the play. Sooooooooo glad your fill is working out for you... wish I could get the courage together to try another fill!

Pat... Did your hubby get lucky? :)

Chris... Welcome! ANy friend of Sherry's is a friend of ours! :coolB:

Betty... Oy... you really do have so much to deal with right now. I think you need to teach your hubby to cook and head out for a nice long ride on your Harley and recharge your batteries. You are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

Sherry... Congrats on yournew family member... PICTURES are required of the new pup AND we are still waiting on the before and after. Come on... the eyelids closed/ drugged look will only make your after picture look that much more fantastic! No pressure though...lol.

Donna... Sorry about all of the rain! I'm always happy to see it here as then I am spared the watering of the garden! :woot: Cute turtle! Do you get to see the little babies making a run for it after they hatch????

Patty... Hope you all had fun at DL! I know... a really gross sounding diagnosis... I think I'll call it Enlarged Multi-faceted Eminating Pearl Syndrome. :drum: Hope you catch up on your zzzzzz's soon!

Cindy... My daughter feels the same way about kissing and all of the other things that were taught in her Health class and she is 12... hmmmm... so you think she is just saying it to put me at ease??? lol. She asked me if Chuck and I have sex... I said... "Well of course not! " (Said in a joking voice) She said... "WHEW.. I mean... what would be the point...you can't have babies anymore!" She is completely grossed out if she catches us kissing so we really lay it on thick with big smootching sounds. :P I hope your friend does decide to get treatment... from what I am reading... there can be complications from untreaded hyperthyroidism such as osteoporosis. I plan on doing whatever they suggest as the palpatations are still hanging around even on the beta-blocker. THey are better... but still there.

ANyhoo... I am going to get the house back in shape today even if it kills me! While the husband is away... the wife will throw away all of the clutter...lol.


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Hi Y'all!

Betty... Oy... you really do have so much to deal with right now. I think you need to teach your hubby to cook and head out for a nice long ride on your Harley and recharge your batteries. You are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

Darcy - I had to totally laugh when I read this when we got back. We did go for a ride, we were going over to my DB house and go out to lunch with him and his wife, we got 3/4 of the way there and had to stop for gas. When we went to leave the gas station my DH bike wouldn't start, his battery was dead! We had to call DB to come and charge it so we could get home. Needless to say, we didn't get to go to lunch. But I really enjoyed the ride and it did help me to get my mind on other stuff for a while.

Eileen - Hope you had some fun at the party!

Pat - Yeah, we want to know if you DH got lucky! Don't sell your bike, just start riding a little bit at a time. I know when I don't ride for a long time, boy am I nervous when I get back on it. It will all come back and you will do fine!

Sherry - You really do need to post those pictures! Now, get it done girl!

Donna - I loved your picture! It is so neat to see pictures from other places!

Patty - Hope you had a great time! You are so lucky to live so close to DL!

Cindy - I love it when kids are like that, they always grow up too fast anymore, I prefer to see them take it slow and easy and enjoy their childhood!

Well, I am going to go try to catch up on a few of the other threads I have neglected for so long.

Thanks for all your thoughts/prayers and kind words! I love all of you!

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Hi just wanted to say that I decided on the band, and my date is August 8th , with pre-op July 24th and the bootcamp July27th. It took longer than I thought, but it's comming up. Question is? How long really does it take before ya feel okay ,like work and driving. I will need you dolls to help me through this. Please keep in touch. Patti:clap2:

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Happy Sunday....

DH and I went to dinner today for our 13th wedding anniversary because he has to work tomorrow.

I was divorced for 8 years, happy and content to spend the rest of my life ... just me and the boys. God had other plans and put John in my life and I didn't know what to do with such a spiritual, kind, compassionate, loving, caring, understanding man. He raised by boys like they were his own.

I have to tell you that I love this man more than I can ever tell you. He is my 2nd husband, but in reality ....he is the only one I ever had if you know what I mean.

He surprised me with a slide for my Omega and he told me we are leaving on Friday for "something" but won't tell me! I am excited!!!!

Here is a pictures of my necklace with the slide on it....


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Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for the warm welcome! It is my pleasure to be here!

Patti - congratulations on your band date! That is very exciting.

Donna - Happy Anniversary and what a beautiful necklace! I can't wait to see what the other surprise is!!

So I just got home from a date with a guy I met online at Match. It went great, we got along wonderful, I'm definitely attracted to him BUT (there is always a but!) he smokes. Ugh. I'm not a fan of that. I'm just a little bummed abou that.... But he did ask me out on a second date. lol. Knowing me I'll probably go out again. It's not like I have anything else to do on a Saturday night. Except maybe go visit Sherry's new puppy. lol


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Hey Chris..oh man that stinks. He should have that on his profile. I know that was a BIG thing on my profile and what I watched for. I can't breath with smoke around and my son is allergic so I just couldn't do it.

Donna - Congrats on your anniversary and DH did a great job on your slide :confused:

I posted a picture of the new addition to the family on our picture thread. Noooo I haven't posted before and after pics yet lol. Need to find a clean place in the house to take the pics lol. Ummm yea that excuse will work for a bit lol.

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Bummer, Chris, on the downside of your date...the smoking. My DH smokes, but I used to, too. I quit 6 years ago, but he hasn't. I only bug him about it a little, because we both quit drinking, and that was a much bigger deal. Only you know how big a deal it is to you, except maybe Sherry! LOL!

Yes, Pat... I know the "talk" is coming. I don't even mind having it. DD will be 9 in Oct., and is already developing physically, so I know the period is not far behind. We even took her to the doctor a year ago, because she was complaining of pain in the pelvic area...the sonogram showed some ovarian development even then. Thanks for the encouragement. DH and I take these things matter-of-factly and approach the sexual side of things from a spiritual approach and will do the best we can to pass that attitude on to her.

Betty, sorry about the dead battery...still, it was good you got to get out and ride for a while. Hope everything's okay for you...hugs!

Eileen, hope you have a good week...I know you are going to lead the way to onederland, and I am looking forward to cheering you on! I'm in the holding pattern for now, but I've learned to just accept this. It's so weird, isn't it? When my weight stays the same for a while, that's when people ask me if I'm losing weight...it's weird.

I know there was something else I was going to say to someone, but it's late and I'm tired and going to bed...I'll think of it tomorrow!

Goodnight and hugs, Cindy

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Morning All...

Betty... Glad you and your hubby got out for a ride... there's nothing like the wind through ones hair to help clear the mind and refresh the spirit!

Donna... WOWZA... that's a beaut of a necklace! Happy Anniversary and let us know what the other surprise turns out to be! If the necklace is any indication is should be awesome!

Cindy... Girls are developing earlier and earlier... my niece started developing at age 8 but she still hasn't "started" and she is turning 13. My DD is petrified at the idea of having a period... and has already told me she is never having children...lol. Hope she changes her mind!

PattiU... COngrats on your surgery date! We are all here for you! I think everyone has a varied recovery. I would say that the first 3 days post-op were the most uncomfortable for me. After that I didn't have a lot of pain (Other than my port site) I was just easily fatigued. Six days post-op we went to the MIlwaukee Zoo and walked and walked... I underestimated how good I was feeling and was darned near ready to cry by the time we left...lol. SOme people feel great right away and go shopping after surgery... I wasn't one of them.

Chris... I met my hubby on Match. :confused: When I was dating on Match I set my rules and I stuck to them. My rule was that I didn't want to date anyone in a high testosterone job such as an EMT... Police officer... Firefighter... etc... I had the macho man with the first marriage and wanted a cerebral kind of guy the second time around. I firgured if I never dated a macho guy... I wouldn't fall in love with one. :P If you don't like smoking... I guess I would avoid dating a guy that smokes cause you just might fall head over heels and be smelling smoke and emptying ashtrays for the rest of your life....lol. Good luck with whatever you decide!

Guess I had better get moving... trying to talk myself out of going to work out... but after a weekend of binging on ice cream I really need to go! TTFN

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THAT's what I forgot! Donna's anniversary!!!! That's a gorgeous necklace! Congratulations! Can't wait to see what the rest of the surprsie is!

It's interesting that two of you have dated on Match....my niece met her husband on eharmony or something like that. My DH and I met the old-fashioned way---we were set up by my sister and her husband! LOL!

Today we have swimming, then a few errands. Then I pack for my little trip to Austin to get the retirement stuff set up with teacher retirement down there. I also need to pack for DD, because she's gonna stay with my sister so they can babysit for my little baby great-niece (my sister's granddaughter). My DD is already planning what clothes she's gonna make her wear! Poor baby. I'm looking forward to the trip...my friend and I are going together, so she can have some time away from her two little kids, also...a girl trip! Yippeeeee!

DH is staying here, listing and selling stuff on ebay, and going to the tax office to try to get our property taxes reduced...somebody's gotta do the heavy lifting!

I'll check in later!

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What... did I miss something... Patty... You have a date? When? Where? OMG I am so excited!!!! *jumps up and down for joy*:confused: :P:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: :eek:

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Hey All

Back to the old grind here in Dallas...

Cindy - That's so funny about DD and the kissing! You can only hope it lasts until she turns 25.... lol!

Mary - Too Funny! Nope, nobody was going to get the Candy...

Eileenie - I'm glad I missed the storms. So, I thought I was the only one who had flying monkeys! I'll get you, my Pretty... Don't forget - restriction is our friend... :]

Donna - I hate it that the Parents take no responsibility or control of their children... I don't know - how would they like it if someone came along and started digging through their roof into the nursery? Geesh! Oooo - pretty sparkly things! AND a surprise weekend? Wow! That man sounds like a keeper.

Patty - how was Johnny Depp? Was he everything you dreamed he would be?

Darcy - Do they use Goiter Sucking Needles up your way? Sounds FAB. (ick ick ick ick ick ick ick) Oh - and you throw out Hubby's stuff when he isn't there? My DH would take some vicious revenge... I have a vision of hundreds of dollars worth of beading stuff out in the garbage.

Sherry - good luck with the puppy!! You KNOW that you need to have them in pairs so they can entertain each other while you are out, right? Enjoy them.

Chris - Hi! Welcome. Good Luck with getting the whole process in motion. You don't have to tell us what a swell gal Miss Sherry is... We already know. If you can force her to get an after shot - more power to you. We are waiting with bated breath. You'll have to fill us in on all the gory details of the on-line dating thing. We who have been married forever will get some vicarious thrills through you...

Betty - HUGS! I hope you get to get away this weekend. I am thinking good thoughts for your DB.

Pat - good to hear from you! Oh - and you can't give up your bike? How will Cindy & I amuse ourselves if we can't imagine you in all sorts of unlikely Biker Chick outfits? :]

PattiU - Congrats on your date! Your recovery time is really an individual thing. I was well enough to return to my desk job by Day 4. You might be fine the 2nd day - or it might be a full week. It's different for everybody.

Well, my lunch hour is long past - but hey, I will make it up at the end of the day.

Not much going on - just work, eat and sleep - in no particular order.

Hugs to all!


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Hugs Betty, I'm so sorry to hear he's not doing well. I'll be thinking of you both.

Johnny pictures too, and I don't mean the toilet.

Donna, I think that's a different Patty.

Sherry, cute puppy.

Cindy, I didn't even know they had sonograms for things like :omg: , boy am I telling my age now, or maybe it's just the fact, two brothers, two sons, three grandsons, hummmm, maybe I had no reason to know that, LOL.

Eileenie, whatcha doin? Boss around :paranoid .

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