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Hi Guys!

I managed to survive the day. I hit the wall at about 4:30 - but I struggled through until the end of the day. I am going to retire just a smidge earlier tonight, so I can survive the day tomorrow.

Pat - what an adorable grandbaby! No shopping for me... even after having been to the NY office SEVERAL times, yesterday was the first time I ever made it downtown. It was great fun - but maybe too much for a school night...

Eileenie - lunch tomorrow! I can't wait. Ira? You in?

Cindy - Let's just state facts... Dwayne Wade was touched by the gods... and his buddies were all hot right there with him. Did the man miss ANY shots in the 2nd half? It was unreal. He deserved to win and he deserved the MVP. I am saddened that the Mavs didn't step up - but there are times when it just isnt meant to be... Congrats on the weightloss and the blood pressure! That is the whole purpose behind the band, for me.

Darcy - I can't get over how cute that new haircut is! Hope your puppy is feeling better.

Donna - look at how handsome he looks in his fatigues! You must be so proud!

Dianne - I would have been SO excited if we could have been here the same week! Someday will be able to make it to town at the same time!

Betty - Don't you worry about us! You have so much on your mind.... We will be here thinking good thoughts for you and yours. HUGS!!

Well my darlings - it is off to bed with this little traveller.

Hugs all round!

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Betty, I'm soooo sorry you are going through so much stress and worry. As we have talked before, my heart knows how your heart is hurting, and I will pray for all your family, and especially you, my friend. When you need a hug, you know where you can get a bunch! Hugs, Cindy

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Good morning,

I'll be back later to post (boss isn't here *evil grin* ).

Betty sweetie, hang in there. You know you have our prayers.


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Morning All...

Just wanted to drop in wish you all a happy day. :)

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Betty ... I AM SO SORRY! Darn! I so wish I could do something to make you feel better! I would even give you the win if it were in my power! It really proves to us what is important in life... and it ain't our jobs!

DH and I will add you and your family to our prayer line...

Kisses and hugs.....

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Good Morning Chica Bonita's and Ira..

I have been very very busy here at work and at Home but have taken the time to lurk.

First of all {{{HUGS}}} and well wishes to Betty and her Family. My Prayers and thoughts are with you...

Darcy ~ Whew what a relief for you that you did not have a vet visit. My Tequila has Epilepsy. He does not have alot of episodes but when he does I wrap him up in a towel and give him drops of milk. Believe or not ~ got that from my husbands side of the family. To tell you the truth I do not know if it is the milk or me sitting there rubbing his head calming him down till it passes that works? That is also scary on the med mix up. God forbid had you taken it.. I just picked up my prescriptions on Tuesday and they over charged me. And no matter what I said they said nope that is the price you pay. I called my Ins and talked to them then called the pharmacy and lo and behold they did overcharge me.

Betty / Cindy ~ There is always next year...At least the Mav's made the finals. I always tell the to my Brothers about the Bronco's and then I duck.

Cindy ~ Sounds like you had a good outcome at your appt. Hopefully one day they can get those nasty Migrains under control.

Sherry ~ That girl needs to be reprimanded if not fired that is just plain Lazy. I have to reconicle every month and though I do it with Qty, if I am even off 10 I am looking for it. I need to know for my sake that it is a rounding issue and not a me thing. Working in AP at one point that would have been a big NO NO.

What a great NSV with your License!!

Beanie ~ So fun to be in the Big Apple and meet the other chica's.. I envy you but not the working part.. Mummm Italian food my favorite.. So did you have a Hang over??? Don't envy that part either.

Pat ~ that grandbaby is so cute ~ just want to kiss those sweet cheeks.. I love your pool it looks so inviting. Seems those boys are just relaxing.

Great NSV on the shorts.

Eileenie ~ How is work today with no Boss? Mine is not here as of yet. I love the picture ~ you are beautiful and so is your DD.

Patty ~ Have you heard anything else? Hope everything is getting better your way.

Donna ~ What a handsome young man you have there. God Bless Him and all that serve our Country.

Dianne ~ How did it go on your last night for Choir??? I cannot even hold a note or worse yet I cannot even clap to a beat. I am the one who is always clapping out of turn.

Waiting to see those Pics..

Where is Kat??? Is she on a break??? Sending warm thoughts that everything is going good for her and her hubby.

Sorry if I missed anyone ~ going off memory here at that is not a sure thing.

Not much happening in my neck of the woods. EX has agreed to sign off on the house so we did not have to go to mediation and it looks like we will not have another court appearance. My Lawyer is going to send the paperwork and Ex has agreed to all the terms now he just needs to sign and we are done. Whew finally ~ actually he has been acting like a different man ~ could it be his new girlfreind?? Good for him is all I can say ~ keeps him distracted and out of my hair.

Kids are great and we all go to the Childrens Rodeo tomorrow. No they are not in anything we are all spectators. Then the Rides start at 4pm and we will be back for that. And of course the Concert. Cannot wait ~ so excited.

Well chica's better get back to work or best start. Been here way to long..

OK ~ I just came from the Picture thread.. Those that posted your after or now Pics need to update your aviators. You are all Beautiful and your then aviator does not do you justice.. :)

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Hi everyone, been popping in and out, but finally have a few minutes this morning to catch up! Not much new here, finally after 7 days of 2 shots a day and oral meds, DH's blood is in the range they want it for the blood clot. Hoping it resolves itself and surgery can be done on schedule.

Oh yeah....who ever decided to call it a "golfball"????? It feels more like a freaking bowling ball!!!! Standing in the kitchen chatting with my Dad, slicing turkey handed him a piece, and popped one in my mouth pretended to chew like in the old days and swallowed, about a minute later, my chest exploded! No slime, didn't feel sick, just hurt like you know what! Ate very little the rest of the day, just drank a lot. I chew extra good now... until I forget again I am sure!

Darcy--what did you find after researching canine epilepsy? Poor Ava, poor Darcy! At least you got your teeth cleaned, as you smile through the tears, you'll look good....!? Sorry it's the best I could come up with in encouragement at this point. You know my Uncle is a Dr. and he told a friend once that with no insurance his best bet was a teaching hospital, because you get multiple opinions, and the costs are much less. He was chief of staff at a teaching hospital in MS at the time, so he may have been biased. But anyway, don't vets have to be taught somewhere? Is there anything that might get you help in that way?

Dianne, I swear I never made the connection between the 2 pictures until it was pointed out to me. OMG I am SOOOO proud of you! And I cannot wait to see that change in myself, what an inspiration you ALL are. You and Eileen, absolutley amazing! I am also jealous that I live so far out in the sticks I will likely never get to meet any of you in person...well maybe the Texans of us...we are there 3-4 times a year!

Sherry--Can you fire the dumb bunny who just changed the numbers to fit hers?? How moronic! What will it take to get them to develop the job you want to do?

Beannie--Made it home yet?? Glad to hear yoy had a good time in spite of the games outcome, and glad you made it home in general with the way your boss drives apparently! DH and I have been discussing our parents driving issues. They all 4 drive totally different, but are all 4 dangerous I am afraid. What do you do?

Pat--:music:(done in my best sing-songy voice) who wears short shorts???!!!

Congrats on the NSV!! Good job! Love how at home your grandkids look. I thought to myself, has to be grandma--who else would let them have chips in the pool!!!

Cindy--glad the Dr. went well. Mine is so pleased at my lack of meds!! Me too, if nothing else ever happen I would consider this a success based on that alone! Hope the Migraines keep dwindling til they are only a distant memory. I am so glad you DD is doing well in her "private" swim lessons. It took forever for my oldest DD to learn to swim, she had strep throat issues, and by the 3rd day of lessons every year she was sick...but she does well now, she was just older by the time she really learned or was secure in the Water. She lived in Hawaii for 4 years, good thing she got over the fear!!

Donna--how grown up he looks in the uniform!! I know you are proud, heck I am proud of him!! Alcohol is a scary thing, and I am glad he found his way. I added his name to a military tree at church since I had his name I hope you don't mind. I know I should have ask first....sorry. Just a tree with yellow ribbons containing soldiers names. Each week as you go into the church if you want you can remove a ribbon, and pray especially for that soldier during the service and the week following. As we leave we lay them on the alter, and they are later returned to the tree. I have only "met" one of the kids I have prayed for, but have a ribbon each week.

Betty--There is nothing to say except how sorry I am that you are going through all of this. We will be here, thinking positive thoughts, and praying hard, for both your brother, your Aunt, and YOU. Watch your back, stress is so hard on the muscles.

Mary--So gld the EX is finally seeing daylight. You know in his defense it really IS hard to see clearly with your head up your.....ahhh you get the picture!!!

Eileen--hows the new "baby" your DD looks like she will give it enough love for all of you!! That is too cute! Your pic is awesome, I cannot hardly wait to have such a drastic change!! I need to keep it in mind when the wrong foods start calling my name. Enjoy your boss free day!!!

Well my post is going to take up a page of its own!! Y'all have a good day!!!


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Good Afternoon,

I just got back from having a nice mexican lunch with that Diva Beanie... yet ANOTHER waiter try's to pick her up... sheeesh... I dunno, she give off some sort of vibes to these guys. We were very good, ate a portion of our lunch and that was it... HIGH FIVE BEANIE !!

Kat, when is your DH scheduled for surgery or are they waiting for his BP?

Anne, where are ya girlie... we miss you.

Pat your babies are darlink' whats shakin with you toots? Is that the baby of the son's evil girlfriend?

Patty your sweet, how's school?

Sherry, sorry to hear about the wing nut in your office... hang in there.

Cindy love, WHOOT on the doctors visit :P

Mary I'm glad the ex is coming to his senses (well you know what I mean lol). Enjoy the rodeo, sounds like a blast.

Darcy how are you feeling today? so what does the doctor intend to do with you? meds? how do they treat hypoth......? How's the puppy.

Dianne, it was great to meet you too, next time we need to plan better... well okay next time I shouldn't screw up LOL !!! :) I'm glad your visit with your family went well.

Donna great pictures of your son, I know your beaming with pride. He looks great.

Okay back to work for me.... gotta get my Water down before I forget (absent minded professor yep, ask Dianne).

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop in and say HI... I miss you all very much! I havent been here in a while because I just cant keep up at times. LOL anyway I think I will stop in and say hi every so offten if you dont mind.

I am doing okay, my wound is not healing but I know it will soon. And my Birthday was wonderful.. Glad to share a birthday day with you Mary!! hope your day was great!

Well I hope to find you all well. and I will be back in soon to gabble!

You all take care love ya and miss ya (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

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BIG GROUP HUG!!! I think a whole lot of our little group need that.

Cindy - How ya doing? I hope you are well and headache free! Are you enjoying a relaxing Summer Break?

Eileenie - as always, lunch was FAB! Can't wait for next time. Oh - and I looked at those photos you mentioned. The reason they look so strange is that somebody took a photo editor program and blacked out the naughty bits - which of courst just made them more eye-catching.... and not a little strange looking. That's not her... it's black-out that has been spray-painted over the photo. God never made anything that looked THAT strange. :]

Darcy - Hope you had a great day, too!!

Dianne - You HOT chick, you!! We are watching your siggy line... Waiting to blow the horn & ring the bell for your entry into Onderland. How you doing? Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Donna - Hugs! Hope you are having an easier time keeping the Ice Cream Demons at bay.

Mary - Let's just say that I had an EXTREME sensitivity to light... and a bit of a headache. I am NOT much of a drinker at all. My boss is corrupting me... but it has been a fun trip this time.

Kat - sorry about the delightful Golf Ball episode. Sounds like no fun! Don't forget to take it easy and maybe have liquids for a day or so after a rough go. If you swell up, it can cause a vicious cycle. But, restriction is good, keep that in mind... restriction is our friend. :]

Trish - you are like the "Complication Posterchild" or something. I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time with all this. I hope your wound heals up well and we get you back in to have that leaky band replaced asap! You deserve better than this constant "Crap" going on in your life. HUGS!!

Well, due to some scheduling changes, I actually got to schedule a nine am flight tomorrow morning. My company is going to pay me to go home early and take a half a day off. Bitchin!

lunch today was wonderful.... and yes, it is true THIS TIME, that the waiter was checking me out. The total up and down with a pause at the interesting points... Can you say Flattered? I am thinking that might be an NSV. I can't think of the last time somebody besides my husband looked me up and down without a look of disgust on his face... So it's all good.

After work we headed out for dinner at the Bicycle Club in Fort Lee (I think we were still in Fort Lee...). It was a nice little neighborhood place with actual New Yorkers. Not touristy at all. They have Karaoke there - and I actually got up and sang. I must say, alcohol helps the getting to the stage part - but I am not sure about the actual singing... LOL! Oh Well!

Now, I have been winding down for about long enough... time to catch a cat-nap before the car comes for us at *wince* six-thirty *wince*...

I ask again that y'all keep it nice and quiet in the morning...

Love you guys!

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Just a quick "fly-by" as I head out the door to the eye doctor's (yes, for teachers, summer is the time for all these check-ups!). I got a little monthly statement thing from LBT, and noticed that I registered on this site June 22 last year...so it's been a year that I've been hanging out around here, ALREADY! :lol: WOW! I know, it's almost bandiversary time for me, and I can't believe that, either!

We're getting new glasses, then going over to my dad's to hang out until dinner and a show with a mom/daughter friend couple tonight...we're seeing Grease at the local theatre here in Denton. That should be fun. Welllll, whaddya know? I just heard thunder! I think it's gonna rain, finally!

Gotta go, love ya all! Cindy

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Good Morning

Thought I would stop in and say Hello before starting our day. Kids are still asleep. Recharging ~ ya know!

I myself need a cup of Joe to actually get going today. Draggin

Let give ya all something to laugh at.. Here goes

On Wed's of this week my 4yr old Cristian tells me while I am sitting outside in our front yard that he has blood on his wee wee. Well needless to say I was freaked, so he being a boy pulled down his underwear to show me. Yep the wee wee is not normal there is pink on it. Not blood pink ~ Cotton candy Pink. I tell him no son that is not Blood, but what did you put in your underwear?? Oh Candy ~ why? ~ Did not want brother to have it.

Perfect place Cristian cause really no one is gonna want it or take it from you there.. Smart Kid

And no, there was no more candy.

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Good Morning :lol:

We are expecting flash flooding and severe lightening today and tomorrow... can you tell I'm just a happy camper :tired :tired :tired :tired I lost one car in a flash flood a few years ago, there's no way I'm going for #2. Tomorrow we are expected to get 4" of rain... oy vey!

Tomorrow we are supposed to see Care Bears on stage with DD but thats about it for my weekend other than a birthday party on sunday. How about you all?

Beanie have a safe trip home, good to know your getting out of here b/4 the storms hit. This was the waiter looking at Beanie ---> :hungry: no lie.

Mary... candy down the pants HAAAAAAAAAAAAA... smart is RIGHT!

Cindy enjoy seeing Grease (hopefully w/new glasses ;) ) sounds like a fun day.

Trish its good to see you as usual, hope you can play some more and don't be such a stranger.

Okay since I"m out of here at noon, I had better get some work done :guess

Happy Freakin Friday everyone :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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