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I hate my name. I've always hated my name. When someone says "Randi" they are still surprised I'm a she. The other question I always get is "what's it short for" .... it's just randi.

I do agree tho, men have an easier time losing weight.

I'm the mother of twins sons, 36 - was divorced when they were 2, raised them alone. They both now live in Texas - one is an architect with a 3 year old boy ... and the other is a computer network guy with a 1 year old daughter and a son due in September.

I'm an antique dealer in Carlsbad, Ca. I've also been an event producer for 20+ years.

Had my pre-surgery consult today. Am I afraid? Missing the thought of food? Wondering about how the surgery will go? If this is my answer?

Of course I am. After all these years of wanting an answer, do I hope this is it? Yes, I really do.

I'm also so thankful I found this Forum. I've learned more here than in all the other reading and research I've done.....

I'll try to figure out the signature, etc - this weekend.

::Deep sigh:: My last weekend unbanded.

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LOL! I'm cracking up on "fighting with my kids on manners!" My DD is 8, and that is one constant battle. Something I've noticed is it gets better when I restrict her TV time. Even though she's watching Disney, there are just too many teens with too little adult supervision on those shows, and of course she wants to act like them. Good luck in the battle! It's worth it!

Patty, hang in there. You have really been made to jump through hoops, that's for sure!

Betty and Donna, I guess we'll have an exciting game to watch on Sunday, huh? It's all tied up now. The Mavs couldn't hit anything last night, and the Heat was hot!

Eileen, you and I need to accept the challenge of finding new avatar pictures! Wanna try? Darcy's is sooooo cute!

Beanie, wow! Great to hear from you. Hope this fill turns out to be what you're needing, and not too tight. I know exactly what you mean by being spoiled and not following the rules...I'm just accepting the slow loss, and learning how to eat as I go. I have learned so much in the last year.

Sherry, you're doing great on your progress...I wonder sometimes about the need to be "perfect". (Not suggesting you are of this mindset; I just read this on the other boards). As far as I can tell, I don't know any perfect eaters, thin or otherwise. I'm just going for normal, I tell you! LOL!

Last night was the end of VBS, and it was fun, but I am happy it is now over! You know what I mean? I get really concerned when I see kids at church who are mean-natured and ill-behaved, and no one has the "you know whats" to correct them...is everyone just totally wimped out? Yours truly here did my share of "guiding" and no one complained; they thanked me. I suppose people are just afraid the parents will complain, but I think if they are bringing the kids to church, there is probably some expectation that there will be some behavior guidelines. I expect the adults to correct my DD if she is goofing up; in fact, I would be really disappointed if she were to say something mean to someone and an adult heard her and did not try to correct her. I am afraid I am a small, dying breed of parent who still recognizes that my child could possibly be wrong at something, and would love to have the help of other teachers and guides in raising a well-behaved and polite young lady. Sorry, I'll quit on the soapbox!

Betty, hope your back/headache is better today...probably the Mavs fault!

Today is a lazy day, or at least I hope so.

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning,

Ouch, I got my fill. I sware, the needle doesn't hurt but the pushing, and fondling does (heheehe get yer minds out of the gutter).

My doc was pleased with my WL, I'm at about 1 lb per week if you even it all out since surgery. My last visit was in April and I lost 8 since then according to his scale. I'll take it :girl_hug: but I do need to ship up or I will shape out lol.

Cindy, I don't allow my DD to watch TV during the week and you know, your right, they do behave better. She watches Disney, Nickelodeon and some of the ABC family channel or animal channel, thats it. I want to have her in the habbit of either playing, reading or doing something creative during the week and on the weekends if there's time she can enjoy her tv. This is hard for me because I love to keep the boob tube on just for the noise, but both of us will benefit from it IMHO.

Randi, we all have felt like you, not sure if this was the right thing to do. Thats a question only you know deep in your heart. I felt like this was the only thing left for me to do and so far I am thankful to God that I have the band because I know in my heart, right now I would be over 300 lbs. No doubt. My grief was stronger than my fear of surgery...it was for me. Hang in there, you'll do whats right. BTW, I never thought you were a man by your name, I have a few friends named Randi who are women so there you go :)

Mary good for you for getting a suit WHOOT! I have one and I flop and wiggle all over... WTF I do love the skirted ones and thank GOd they have them to hide my flabby inner thighs oy vey!!! Enjoy it.

Sherry, ya kook, are you sure those aren't jersey sayings LOLOL !!! Watcha been up to?

Okay I'm leaving work in 1/2 hr... hard day (only been here 1 1/2 hrs HAAA) booglah.


Love you gals, I really do.

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It's Friday. Nothing to much to tell.

I would have sat by the phone yesterday but the twins waited until the last minute to spring a project on me and I dropped everything to help. Oh, then I ordered the wrong color grad announcements. And my storage unit which as all my beloved possesions, they raised the rent. I feel..... I feel, whats the word for what I feel? Even eating doesn't help my mood.

I was at my co-workers Terry's home in the afternoon and I ran into Robbie's(the 14 year old waiting for a new heart) Dad Chuck. Gave him a BIG hug. Rob is still not eating very much and they are trying to give him LOTS of Protein Drinks. Getting weak before a transplant is not recommended. Anyway, Chuck seems in good spirits and came home(the hospital is 1hr away from home) to fix a busted Water heater! It was repaired, thank goodness. Ya know, when someone takes ill, life everywhere else keeps going. Please keep praying that Gods timing is perfect for a new heart and the families other kids and interupted schedules.

My woes pale in comparison. We will just do this one day at a time. I love you gals. You are really special each and every one of you. Thanks.

Kat: you are still on my prayer list.

Randi: YOU live in Carlsbad! How fantastic! I will be there on June 27th! How cool it that! One of my twins has a lifetime pass to Legoland California and Thats where we will be bright and early. I'd love to say Hi, but only if surgery go's well for you. It's great that we are both Moms to twins. It's not a accident that we met. Hugs.

Sherry: Your jokes are hilarious. I didn't get all of them.... but most. And I'm not even from the east. Theatrical Major, had to learn some of these things for roles.

Eileen: What a blessing to have a Mom like you. DD is lucky that you thought up a wonderful reminder of school. The charms sound beautiful. Wheres mine? Just kidding. I have an italian charm with 2 blank spaces... one for my wedding and one for when I reach goal.

Well kiddos, gotta scoot. My rugrats at Hayden Elementary will be needing me today. Bye!

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I am wearing black today in mourning for the massacre that occurred in Miami last night... alas poor Dirk, he threw not well...

This weekend we have fab plans to do MORE YARDWORK! Yippee!!!

But it's really a good thing. We found a tree guy to come and get the godawful topped pine trees out of the back yard. They are RIGHT on top of the pool and they have made my backyard life a nightmare. They are going to do a bunch of other stuff while they are here - basically doing a whole yard clean-up for us at a very reasonable price.

It takes a load off my mind, for sure. They are even going to pull the ivy off the chimney. *whew*... I was not looking forward to climbing the ladder... but in order to have them come and take out my diseased redbud - I have to pull the bricks up that somebody put down around the tree.

I also need to get the Water system hooked up again, since it has been so dry that I am afraid my foundation will crack. Ah, the joys of living in TX.

My other weekend task is to do some laundry so I have some clothes to wear in NY next week.

That's my big plans for the weekend... I hope everybody is well.

Love you guys!!

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Hi everyone,

I'm just popping on to catch up but I don't have time for personals. Starting today I have 7 kids under the age of 6 staying at my house for the next week. They're all nieces and nephews, plus my 2. I'm pretty sure I'll be completely gray before the week is over. Will try to catch up soon, but wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking of you. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Hey...... Guess what?

I got Approved....... but hold the applause, just for the Consultation. Item #6 on the documentation says: Lapband is experimental. My gal Jodi at the surgeons office knows the game and is prepared for the next hurdle..... to be approved for surgery. Paperwork for that will be faxed on June 21st. When the puzzle is complete..... surgery could be last week of July or 1st week of August. EXACTLY when I want to vacation with my Mom in Santa Barbara. It's the only time I have the kids 2 weeks straight. OH BOTHER!

I still have to process this information, I just learned about a few hours ago. Not happy, nor sad. And disappointing the children is the last thing I want to do.


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Hello my friends, Dropping in for some hellos then hit the sack cause I gotta get up early. Going to Laconia Bike week in NH tomorrow. Gotta be at my aunt and uncles at 6am UGH. They live about 40 min away so I have to get up like I was going to work lol. Oh well. I'll be breaking in my arrrrs on the bike. The ride is going to take about 3 hours they tell me. Oh my...hope I'm up to this. Good thing the seat is a comfy one. Then on Sunday, Father's day, I'm having friends over for a cookout and some pool time. Suppose to be in the 90's here Sunday...so we'll see ;) After all I live and New England and the weather changes in a minute.

Cindy - Oh believe me I'm far from the perfect bandster...thats why when my doc said I was the poster child for banding I confessed to the handfuls of chips hahaha. Told they go down reallllllllllllllll smooth lol. He said "ok you've tarnished it" lol I said nope that's reality doc, if I tell myself I can't have em I'll eat the whole damn bag but, if I allow myself to have them once in a while a handful will do :) One day at a time is how I'm taking it and if I want a piece of chocolate, by golly I'm having it. I just make sure it's worth it....not junky, not worth it chocolate lol. Fortunately seeing the weight come off makes me not want it often. You're doing so very well yourself! Congrats on the shrinking :clap2: Now that VBS is over I hope you can relax a bit before the next project.

Eileen - I just love your DD stories. You are a cutey patooty and you always make me smile. I'm like you, the needle didn't bother me it's the sucking out the saline and pushin it back in that I thought felt funny. Oh and when they take the needle out and your belly jiggles funny and you hear a funny noise. Can't even describe that sound but, it made me laugh.

Anne - Oh my 7 kiddos. Holy daycare batman :bandit . Do you have kiddy games planned or something? Ages close enough that they all play together? God Bless you girl :Banane10:

Patty - That's good news on the approval for the consult. Another hurdle met...you're getting there my friend. It will happen when the time is right for you :Banane09:

Bean - Yardwork...hmmm can I hire you and DH to do my yard? Oh I'd love to have the flowers and gardens I've seen pics of here. I tried to get Betty and Pat to come visit Mass..you wanna come along too hee hee. We'll have a garden party cept......I stink at gardening so I'll have to provide the refreshments hee hee I'd send you some of this rain if I could because we certainly don't need it. Our rivers are overflowing, homes have Water in the basements and there is just water everywhere. It dried up some today though.

Mary - Bloodwork bothers you? Ihave a friend like that as well and she's looking into lapband now :Banane23: I told her she's going to have to put up with the needles for fills and bloodwork. She's still interested. I have terrible veins for them to use too. They roll or are so thin they have a hard time. I've had to have it taken from my hand a few times because they couldn't get a good one. YUCK. At BIDMC where I had my surgery...the lab has been great. I've had the same guy two times already and he's got a great aim hahaha. I tried to donate blood once I got turned away the next time they got me but, had to knead the bag to keep it coming. Took longer than other people but, I gave it. I have AB+ blood so it's rare and in need most of the time.

Randi - Surgery is around the corner for you. I hope you've learned alot from our little group here and the LBT boards in general. I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery.

Darcy - Did you have a good time at the picnic? I haven't been on one in ages. How are the palpitations today? I hope that gets better. Thinking of you.

Betty - I hope you take it easy this weekend. Hope your headache and back are better too. Slow down girl......take a deep breath....ride your bike to Massachusetts heh heh. :Banane36:

Pat - You doing ok? They keeping you tied down behind that desk? Come out and play girl...I miss ya and your witty replies heh heh I hope all is well.

Kat - I'm thinking of you and your DH. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Well....it's now 10:46pm and I better hit the sack. Have to go check on the Freecycle group I run here in Taunton,MA and try to :notagree . Aint gonna happen when I want it to. I can feel a night of restlessness coming UGH. If you haven't checked it out in your area....go to www.freecycle.org Great place to help you recycle good items you no longer need but, someone else may be able to use. It keeps things out of the landfills. Doesn't matter how small the item is...for instance tonight I offered some decorative muffin paper liners and a local church is picking them up. I just gave away a looney tune backpack, some shoes I bought for my wedding but, never used, some ink cartridges for an old printer I no longer have etc. No use to me but, was for those folks. Give it a whirl :Banane47:



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Hi all, heading off to bed in a few minutes. Jut got home, not long ago, went and had my fill today, my first, he put in 1.25cc. I of course am on liquids, so have no idea if there has been any change, will not likely know for a couple of days I am told. We will not go into the fill itself...enough to know I am here!!!

DH's first round of blood work did not come in with high enough numbers, so I am giving him 2 shots a day for another 3 days. Now get this, the first prescription for the Lovenox ( an injectable blood thinner) cost us $98.00 (with our insurance, would have been 200.00 something without it). That was for 5 pre-filled syringes. Today he goes to get the prescription for 6 more filled, and it was going to cost over $300.00. He questioned it, they told him to call the ins. so he did, and the insurance company (medco with BCBS) said it was because he needs to use the mail order for it. BUT there is no way they can have it here before Wednesday. This is a blood clot, it is not negotiable...it is there now and needs treated now! By Wed. we will be finished with this round. So he ask about ordering them now, and buying the new ones...nope, can not be filled again for 3 days...which then puts the mail order, 3 days later. It was impossible to make them understand what was going on. Even the office mgr. at the Dr.'s tried. Then AFTER we coughed up the $$$, we find out he can go to the hospital and receive them as an outpatient, and not cost us anything more than our already paid deductable.....Was an expensive Dr. day for us, with my fill and his shots!!!

DD is moving out!!! Her house is ready, she is thrilled, I am thrilled!!! I love her with all my heart, and the granddaughter....is perfection personofied, BUT.....living with my daughter full time again, was a trial at times!!! Mainly, I am just glad her place is finished, it turned out beautiful, she now has a very nice home, and I can weigh naked in the morning if I wanna!!!

Ok, TMI, must be time for bed, will catch personals soon. In the meantime, GIANT hugs of appreciation for all the prayers and good thoughts as we go through all this, I am so glad you are all here to vent to THANK YOU!!!


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Good Morning ;)

Well I finally met our lovely friend DIANNE yesterday. She is LOVELY!!!!!! so down to earth and friendly... boy girls did she look hot. She was wearing the prettiest skirt outfit ever. I got pictures and will post them later. My DD took them for us..... (knew I had her for a reason lolol).

Patty WHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok I won't clap but you know I'm on the edge of my seat *giggle* you got my prayers.

Sherry, have a blast at the bike get together. Yes, the jiggly feeling of the needle coming out and the noise ROFL !!! yep I hear and feel it LOL.

Beanie good for you for getting help on the yard stuff. I don't blame you one bit. I think Thursday is a good day for lunch....wadda think? I'm pretty sure my boss is out that day.

Anne bless your widdle heart... 7 kids *faint* I'd be bald for sure LOL.

Have a great time.

Kat, thats good that DH's #'s are lower... gosh girl.... insurance companies are asswipes.... they do realize your under the gun here and can't wait for the stankin mail for crying out loud....sheesh...hang in there HUGS. WHOOT on DD getting her own place...she must feel so grown up and on cloud nine. You get to eat the same day as your fill ????? my first fill I didn't feel anything. It wasn't until I was about 1.75 cc's that I actually felt restriction. Go slow.

Today is shopping.... gotta get DH a present for Fathers day but thats about it.

Well I'll chat with you all later... love yah.

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Yah know..... Yesterday when I left Dianne all I could think of is, all the folks I've met so far have been REALLY COOL!!! friendly, warm and loving people.... I'm so blessed.

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Good morning!

Kat, I appreciate the update. I'm so sorry you have to put up with the ridiculous state of affairs in the world of insurance on top of all the stress you already feel in regard to your DH's health. I just wonder if it would be better if we just left the middle men (insurance companies) out of it, and dealt directly with the doctors...too big of a question, I know, but they are making profit, so probably not really doing us any big favors. I certainly would never want the government to pay for my health care, so i guess this is what we will have to put up with. ANYWAY, I continue to hope for the best, and know your DD is excited about her new digs!

Eileen, you are the luckiest girl! Apparently everyone wants to go to New Jersey! Can't wait to see the pictures of Diane!

Not much happening today...just a little shopping for DH's fathers day gift. DD made him a daddy/daughter scrapbook yesterday...so cute!

Have a great weekend!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hi, my name is Kat, and I am a stress-a-holic. I swear, it isn't like I don't have anything to stress over, I go looking for new things! I have 3 dogs in my backyard, none of whom belong to me, and the owner is out of town, and wants me to keep them til he gets back Monday. I am an animal lover, but I don't "know" these dogs, and we are cooking out for Father's Day tomorrow...and my grandkids will be here. I just could not stand by and see them head for the highway. I ask if I could take them back to his place, but since they already escaped once, apparently the kid next door isn't watching them well. Sometimes I would like to have more of a backbone than I seem to have today!! :phanvan

Eileen--no, I am not eating, liquids only. Had my first fill yesterday, was on liquids all afternoon, all today, and part of tomorrow. Then on to mushies, and on, and on ....you know the drill!!! Yes, DD is so proud of her place, she put a LOT of work in, right beside her DD and brother. From demolition, to finishing touches, she has been in there busting her butt. She needed the self confidence boost, this divorce has been hard on her. It is good to see her happy again. Even better to see her happy in her own place!!! ;)

Patty--YEEHAW girl, it is starting to fall into place. I understand you are not ready to get excited, so we will all get excited for you!!! The timing, is gonna be what it will be, and life will work around it, this is for you, and remember how important YOU are to those boys, and your family, take care of you, and all will be better!

Anne--my new hero--7 kids under 6?? I did it for years, I ran a daycare for 20+ years, but I am too old now, hell I wouldn't have any gray hair...I wouldn't have ANY hair!!

Cindy--it is like the insurance people do not want to even try to understand the problem. I ask for a supervisor and get put on hold for 23 minutes, only to have to start my story over with someone else. Monday I am going to start again. Looks like he will likely have to have another round of the shots, trying to get his blood to what they call a therapuetic level. He said (the hematologist) they basically thin the blood so it pressures its way through the clot. I missed most of that appointment, I was in CO getting my fill, he went to that one alone. As for government healthcare? When I see what they have done around here with gov't housing, I am positive I don't want gov't healthcare!! I would truly love to deal with a human with common sense tho!

Sherry--enjoy bike week! I am so jealous, one thing DH cannot do is ride. The clot is right in the bend of the groin where they did his heart cath. He is supposed to keep it as straight as possible. I love the idea of the freecycle, am going to have to check that site out!

Beannie--my brother has a yard maintenance business, he comes in and does mine, and leaves it looking military precise! He also tends to continue to treat me like his sister, and if he thinks something would be better in another place...he moves it!! Some days I wish he would just keave it be, then when I hear what others pay him to do this, I suck it up!!! You're in TX...dry??? removing bricks??? watch for snakes! We have a place in central(?) TX, and I see snakes when we are out on the ATV, or on the tractor shredding....I hate snakes!!! As for being a basket case? I think I am, and just too far gone to even know it. Would I know if I had gone off the deep end???

Randi--great name, keep 'em guessing!!! You are right, this is a great site, and this is by far the best thread!! Welcome!

Betty--hope the back is feeling better. Must be all the stress of the games! Hope it feels better soon!

Mary--my DS come home from a sleep over when he was a kid, and at dinner the next night stabbed my DH in the elbow with a fork, and quoted some little saying his friends family had for "elbows off the table, or my fork will get you and you won't be able". One of those learning moments for all of us. Elbows, boundaries, respect....and how to laugh and keep tea from coming out your nose!!! As for the valve choices for DH, he can get a mechanical, man-made valve, which will last a lifetime (without complications), but they have a tendency to clot blood so he would be on coumadin to thin the blood for the rest of his life. The other option is a biological tissue vlave, made from a pigs aorta. They only last 10-12 years on average, but they don't have blood clotting issues. So no lifetime of drugs, just more surgery down the road. We have a difference of opinion on what he should request should they have to replace it rather than repair his. I think his current blood clot indicates he should avoid the clotting problems, and go with the tissue (pig valve) he says BS he is not having more than one open heart surgery if he can avoid it. Since it IS him doing the surgery, I guess it is his choice to make with the surgeon!! Thanks for keeping us in your prayers!

OK--My damn smoke alarm has been chirping at me with a low battery (we replaced it in April...at the time change....) I am going to have to go get a ladder and fix it before I take a broom and DESTROY it!! Yeah, still a little tense!! I know I didn't get everyone, but hope you all have a good weekend! Enjoy!!


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Morning/afternoon girls/guys!

Kat: I wish I could say bad things about the insurance company, but IMHO the whole american health care system Sucks!!!! The Dr.'s are caught up with what insurance does, Insurance is caught up with the drug companies.... they all are out for the bottom dollar, not the patient. I can speak from my 12 years working for a drug company! The o holy dollar!

Now that I went on and on... Kat you continue to be in prayers. I hope that your DH comes out ahead of all of them and that means good health to him.

Eileen: I am so jealous! You get to meet all the girls! I am so glad you had fun. Can't wait to see the pics.

Betty/Cindy: What a game. DH is mad at me because I went into it saying the Mav's would win! Boy ... maybe that is what the HEAT boys needed to hear to get their butts in gear! LOL

Sherry: Are their excersises you can do to prepare your butt for a three hour bike ride? LOL have fun in NH. That is a great time!

Bean: Have a good time in your garden. Boy I can just picture mine up in Ct. This is the first year I don't have the joy of watching spring "spring" up in my garden! I know how much you enjoy it! It is great that you and DH both love it..... Have a good time with Eileen! Split a SF desert for us!

Patty: I fell off my chair in happiness! You are almost there!!!! You have the patience of a saint! Keep doing the next right thing... it is working for you! We are all on the edge of our seat waiting right there with you!

Anne: 7 kids! You truly are a good mom! I signed shannon the granddaughter up for gymnastics camp next to my work. I took her over on Friday and went back to work. She tried my patience for the rest of the day! I love her dearly, but when my stepdaugher came to get her at 730 pm I jumped for joy!

Darcey: kisses:kiss2: Hope you have a great weekend.

Randi: I love your name! You are in a very good place in this thread. When I was new... The ladies on this thread welcomed me into their "home" and made me feel safe. One step at a time and you will be fine.

Mary: bathing suit!:clap2: :clap2: you go girl. It isn't like I don't care what I look like becaue I do, but I have always swam. I won't let weight keep me from my beach/pool. I am sure you look beatiful! Beauty radiates from inside out and you are a beautiful woman!

Ok.... speaking of the beach... I am on my way to the beach right now. Oh, I got my first letter from DH from Boot camp. They are truly kicking his a** and he said the first week he thought he made a huge mistake! LOL He seems to be hanging in there. I love that he is still there and that he is uncle sams problem right now!

Have a sparkling day... I plan on it!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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