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Can not stay long..

Darcy ~ you need a new Aviator ~ The one you have does not look like the young Chica you are now:)

Kat ~ My Prayers are with you all.. What is the differance with the choice on valves??

Betty ~ How many games to go before a winner?

Well would love to do personals but the Chit has hit the fan around here... I'll explain laters.

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I would jump up and down that the Heat won, but the ONLY reason they won was because the Mav's didn't play well. The Heat needs to play the same way they played against Detroit or they are giving the series away on a silver platter!

Got home yesterday from work took a nap... NEVER GOT UP! Slept until this morning. I am draggin these days. Doc incresed my thyroid meds, but I don't think it has kicked in. The good news I couldn't eat in my sleep! LOL

Have a great day...


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Hi everyone!

Betty, I stayed up too late last night too. I'm dragging today - time for a cup of coffee. Was that the last night of the playoffs?

Donna, congrats on your win last night! We should have had a Jersey Chat betting pool, lol.

Kat, (((HUGS))). I'm sorry that DH has to wait so long for the surgery, but thank God they found that clot so that they could treat it before the surgery. It sounds like he is in good hands.

Mary, I hope everything is okay! Sounds like you're having a bad day. :confused:

Dianne, have a great trip!!

Eilene, how's it hanging chickie?

Gotta go. Somebody let a twister into the house last night and I have to clean this chit up before the sitter gets here tonight. Have a great day everyone. :grouphug:

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Terrible headache tonight, I tweeked my back today and I think that is what is causing it, not much posting for me, I'll catch up later.

The Mav's and the Heat play until one wins 4 games. If it takes 7 games, then that is what they will play, or the first one that hits 4 first. Both of them are great teams, so it's been a tough series, of course it doesn't help that neither team really has been playing up to par.

I'm going to go sit on a heating pad for a while and take some asprin, but yes, I will wash it through my band very good! Asprin is the only thing that helps my back when it is like this.


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Hey everyone, just peeking in to say hello.

Betty have you seen a chiropractor for your back. I know I'm due for an adjustment myself. I'm starting to feel it in my shoulder which usually means my back is out more than I thought.

Went to the Surgeon's office today for my 4 month checkup. He said I'm a perfect bander story so far...that is until I told him I sometimes will take a handful of low salt chips lol. Oh well no one is perfect. I didn't end up getting a fill because he said I'm doing well with what I have in my band now. So between the surgeon, my DH, help from friends here and my own thoughts...I went without a tweaking. Of course I did the fasting today for the bloodwork at 2. I was doing good drinking Water so it kept the hungry horrors away but, ohhhhh baby I needed to eat as soon as the 7th tube was taken lol. Dang it was alot of bloodwork and of course these veins don't wanna work so they had to play with the needle. oooooch but, we got 'er done! lol

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm going to have to do personals another time since it's so late and I'm seeing cross eyed. Sweet dreams everyone!

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Good Morning,

Finally I have time to read up on y'all.

Kat, you and DH are in my prayers, geeeze nothing like being on the edge huh.

Sherry, I'm glad you got a clean bill of health. They only took 7 vials? when I go for blood work, they take 15 vials and I always get weird looks from the technician LOL.

Darcy the hair is YOU! LOVE IT !!! Its really a pretty cut and you look great. My hair is so thin that if I had it that short I would look like Alfalfa, flat and goofy, and yes, I do have freckles.

Betty, how ya feeling today? headache gone?

Doc no eating at night...that a plus for sure lol.

Annie Banannie ya done twistin in yer house...you can come and clean this zoo next... pweeeze.

Dianne, talk to you later today :cool:

Mary, hope all isn't to bad...hang in there.

Cindy have fun today with the 3rd graders at vbs. No dancing??? come on, just a tad? lol

Okay... ROLL CALL !!!

Where is Beanie, Pat, Zan, Patty, Becky, JerseyTammy, Ira, Shack, Randi, PattyU ?????

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Good Morning,

Miss posting personals at work so I am going to start fresh.

If you all seen my "Lazy Co-Worker Post" well that is what I mean when I say chit has hit the fan. In other words she has been found out. We were each pulled in by my boss. I did express my views on double standards and he apologized. But I believe there is an ongoing investigation going within the dept so I have had to limit my time not to say that I do not work very hard. It falls within that other thread I belive Puddin posted. I was going to post there too. I usually get my work done and even help out where needed. But some people think it means they get more time for personal phone calls or more time to go smoke. Or better yet if they pull into the parking lot at 7am but do not make it to their desk till 7:20 it means put 7am on your time card.

It makes me wonder "Where is your sign":faint:

On a lighter side all is going well in my neck of the woods. Been real hot here lately ~ I bought the kids a pool and while they are in it, it gives me a chance to sit and watch them play, read and tan at the same time. You know roll the capri's up and tan from the knee down. I have such ugly scars from my knee surgeries when is was in my teens. Doc must have a used a dull scapel is what I say. The Rodeo comes to town next Friday and I am lookin for some R&R even though it means we might be at the carnival more than the once we usually go. There Dad use to complain every year..

Oh yeah the dress came and I love it. BUT I was thinking that was a time when bust was in.. Humm mayby I should have gotten one that showed a little something.. Dang I hate when I start to second guess myself.. :biggrin1:

So what does every one do for the 4th in thier part of the woods?

Well big Hello and Happy Hump Day to all. Gotta get myself Ready for work.

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Morning guys...

Just wanted to pop in and let ya know I'm thinking about y'all! Kat... man... that is going to be a tough wait but it sounds like it really is best to wait... I'm so glad the doctor is right on top of that clot issue!

Eilleen... I think alfalfa is cute... freckles and all! I love having short hair but I feel safer with the longer hair covering up more of my face. Still... it really feels good now that it's gone. Last summer I really whacked it.... couldn't even use a curling iron!

MAry... Glad they figured out what was happening with your co-worker... sheesh... sometimes it takes short of a club to get people to see things! I wish we could get one of those free standing pools for my DD... maybe one day we'll just put in a above ground pool for all of us. :cool:

Betty.... Sorry about the Mavs... hopefully they will play better next time! Hope your head and back are feeling better?

Sherry... Congrats on being a model bandster... that's no small feat!

Donna... Congrats on the Heat win... even if it wasn't for the right reasons. :)

Anne... I think the same twister hit here... wide spread distruction in every room of the house...lol.

Dianne... good luck with the 3 day diet... hope you see the results you are hoping for!

Feeling puny again today... stupid palpitations were non-stop for the last two days and they are finally gone this morning... whew! If it starts again today... I am walking in to the docs office with my mouth loaded... ready to shoot.

Okay... better get ready... meeting the sis and her brady bunch for a picnic at the park and a little walk through our weensy zoo.

Have a great day everyone...

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Been lurking again and sitting on the phone every morning with no news to report. Things are not going well here with an upcoming graduation, closing out my office and lapband troubles.

Yesterday I orders grad announcements in the wrong color..... I have too much on my plate. This isn't where I want to be. We have 6 more days of school.......

PS: Darcy, your haircut is adorable. Maybe a haircut will cheer me up?

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Patty... sorry the end of the school year is becoming such a ball of stress for you. Let the stuff go that isn't improtant and don't beat yourself up if everything isn't perfect. Maybe let go of the band fight until after all of the school end things are over with???? I think you definitely should go and have the works done... get a fresh cut... maybe a pedicure and a manicure... pamper yourself for an afternoon.. you deserve a few hours of "no stress allowed" time! When I read your post I thought of that picture with the kitten hanging from the tree limb ready to fall... "Hang in there baby"!

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Patty :cool: I'm so sorry your having such rough days lately. I was a wreck right before surgery too, shoot, two days before surgery I got my okay, basket case I was, to say the least. I hope things will smoothen out for you. Hugs and Kisses. Don't lurk, we are here for you.

Darcy, your avitar is AWESOME!!! It makes me want to change mine but I have no good pictures :) LOL, I've been setting my hair before bed to give it a wavy look b/c its getting REALLY thin :) Maybe I'll muster up the balls to show you all a picture. My DD says MOMMY your hair looks gross HAAAA kids. I'm like I know I know !

Mary that sucks about your co worker but I know the type your talking about. I also have co workers that bring their Breakfast in, read a paper and they are supposed to be working?? I'm like WTF, how can they get away with it. But they do. Bet your dress is gonna look hot hot hot!! don't you worry.

Love you gals !!!

DD had her pre-k graduation today...yeah I cried b/c the teachers were crying LOL then we took DD to breakfast and bought her a charm Bracelet so that every year she graduates a class we will add on a charm. So by the time she grads HS, she'll have 14 charms, and then I PRAY she goes to college. It will bring her nice memories (I hope LOL). For her first charm she picked a ballerina :)

Oh well gotta clean my kitchen and wait for Dianne to call, she is in NJ and we are supposed to meet today.

TTYL, I'll try to get pictures lol.

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"Well I've been one poor correspondent, I've been too, too hard to find... but it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind..."

Yep - I have not fallen off the face of the earth... I'm BACK!

Since last we spoke...

I had a glorious week of vacation. We did some yard work, got some sun, ate everything in site and basically did all the hedonistic fun stuff we could think of for the week. It was glorious. For the Texans among us - we went to Luna De Noche (mexican restaurant) for the first time and it was fab.

Then I had to come back to work. (oh joy. oh rapture.) Tuesday, I went in for my third fill. I made a special point to go in for the fill after Noon - because I tend to get looser as the day wears on. I now have 6.5 cc in my VG band... Um, Yeah. Restriction. What a concept. It is just today that the swelling is down enough so that I can drink Water without having to wait between swallows for the water to run through.

If THIS doesn't do it, I really don't know what will.

You guys have all been so busy while I was away...

Darcy - DANG! Look at how cute you are!! Love the new avatar. I hope you are feeling better.

Kat - I will keep your hubby on my list of things to think Good Thoughts about. I admire your strength thru this ordeal. I would be a complete basket case by now. HUGS!!

Eileenie - I will be in NY next week - Monday evening thru Friday morning. Maybe we can meet for dinner?

Sherry - Hey, could you send us some of that rain y'all have been having? We are in stage 3 drought here... we could really use some water... Sorry you are stressed out. Hope you enjoyed your mental health day.

Donna - See - the Heat pulled one out of the hat. You probably could hear me screaming all the way from Texas! Can't wait for the game tonight! *and as for the fill question - yes, you probably should get a fill if you feel like you can and you want to eat everything

Anne - you poor thing! I hope your revision goes smoothly and you don't have to get poked again for a very long time...

Betty - MAVS RULE!! We may not have won that third game - but we made them fight for it! It was like a miracle that Shaq was actually making the free throws that night - otherwise - we would have won. It will be very exciting to see what happens tonight. GO MAVS!!

Dianne - first rule at our house? No pet-sitting. Kids we will watch - but pets? NO. Sorry it's a beast! When do you get rid of it? **MacArthur Park? I haven't heard that song in AGES. how funny!

Cindy - How's Vacation Bible School? Having fun?

Jan - Hey, nice to see you. Great job on the exericise. I need to do more of that... and congrats on the 50 lbs!

Patty - I envy you your Disney Therapy. I haven't been to the Magic Kingdom in so long I can't even recall the last time I was there... :[ I hope things start to look up for you soon!

Mary - that dress is gorgeous! I am green with envy... Junior rodeo? What events will the boys do?

Randi - Welcome. Stop by any time. Even though I have had slow weightloss, I can't blame it on the band - it's all about me eating whatever I feel like eating, not following the rules, and not exercising. I KNOW from experience that when I follow the rules and exercise and take my Vitamins, I DO lose weight. I am just spoiled and lazy. I must say that this most recent fill is going to force me to follow the rules a bit more. Don't let us put you off the surgery. I have lost pounds that I would not have otherwise lost and I know that I will lose more in the future. Knowing that makes it all worthwhile.

Well, Folks - I am WELL over my lunch hour, now - so I have to get back to work!

Hugs All Round.


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Beanster, its good to see you. I thought you might have went on vacation and ran off with the pool boy or something. Yes, we will have to do something next week...dinner sounds great, I'm not sure but maybe thursday lunch (if my boss is out).

I'm such a retart, I thought I was meeting Dianne today but its really tomorrow and I F**up and almost had to cancel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! But we are meeting tomorrow for a few minutes. Can't wait to see her.

Okay tomorrow at 8 is my fill..... TTY after that.

2 pokes and thats it... no more !!!

Have a good night all.

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Message from Massachusetts hee hee



>> You could own a small town in Iowa for the cost of your house


>> There are 24 Dunkin Donuts shops within 15 minutes of your house and

>> that is how you give directions


>> If you stay on the same road long enough it eventually has three

>> different names


>> 53 degrees is "on the warm side"


>> You've walked to Brigham's for an ice cream cone "to go" in the snow


>> You cringe every time you hear some actor/actress imitate

>> the "Boston Accent" on TV


>> You call chocolate sprinkles "jimmies"


>> A dixie cup ice cream is a "Hoodsie"


>> A Water fountain is called a Bubbler. Say it "Bubbla"


>> You can go from one side of town to the other in less than fifteen

>> minutes


>> You know how to pronounce towns like Worcester, Haverhill, Peabody,

>> Scituate, Webster, and Leominster


>> You know what they sell at a "packie"


>> You keep an ice scraper in your car all year round


>> Paranoia sets in when you can't see a Dunkin Donuts, ATM or CVS


>> You've pulled out of a side street and used your car to block oncoming

>> traffic so you can make a left


>> You've bragged about saving money at The Christmas Tree Shop


>> You know what a "regular coffee" is!


>> You can navigate a rotary without a problem

>> You use the words "wicked" "pissa" and "good" in the same sentence


>> You know what a frappe is


>> Opening Day is your second favorite holiday


>> You drink tonic and would never consider using it on your hair


>> You never say "Cape Cod" you say "The Cape"


>> You went to Old Sturbridge Village and Plymouth Plantation at least

>> once, in elementary school, but never to Bunker Hill


>> You know the Mass Pike and 495 create some sort of strange weather

>> dividing line


>> You actually get all these jokes and pass them on!

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Just had to stop in and say HI to Beanie.. I thought she ran off and left us..

Good luck on your fill tomorrow Eilleen -- Sorry about your flipped port Annie..

Kat you are strong and will get through this. We are all praying...

Betty hope your back feels better.

Cindy ~ How was the trip???

Pat ~ HI

Sherry ~ Cool that you did not need a fill but you paid for it with the blood ~ huh ~ Ouch ~ I would have been lying on the floor.

Patty ~ I'm so sorry girl. There is nothing like having full plate only to be served more.. You will get through this. When you least expect it that approval will come and everything will fall into place.

Hey Donna ~ that was some nap Huh ~ I envy you

Darcy ~ how you feelin? I hope those palpations aren't happining again. What is the next step?? When I seen your post with your aviator I thought who is the new gal and did a second look. You just look great with that cut.. I like it.

Well today girls I bought me a bathing suit. Granted I wanted one with a skirt down to my knees but I settled for one to my thigh area. Now I needs to get the bush wacker out. I have never shaved above my knee area unless I was you know gettin romatic and then after several years it's like. Does not matter any more.. Is that TMI or what. Anyway I am plannnig on putting the kids in swimming lessons and of course I am going to have to get in with Cristian. Other than that not much going on these days ~ just fighting with my kiddos on manners.

Well gotta go

Sorry if I missed anyone ~ trying to hurry

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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