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Good Morning,

Just a quickie as I need to REALLY get some stuff done here b/4 I leave for the day (which is noon time... summer hours).

Darcy girl, hope they find something they can fix really easy with your testing. You got my prayers.

Patty, I'm so sorry your going thru such a rough time. I too was worn down and not excited when they finally approved my surgery, its like they sucked the life and excitement right out of me. And I'm sorry to hear about your friend, gosh that is just awful. You all have my prayers. Hang on.

Dianne, what date will you be in Mahwah b/c I can meet you for sure.

Becky good for you for doing fitday and getting your rump to the gym... I really do admire you for your determination.

Donna how are you feeling today???

Gotta run potty.......... bbl

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Good Morning,

Cannot stay long:( Busy Busy here and at home..

Patty ~ I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Praying that a heart is found... I cannot believe that office girl ~ what a witch!!! I hope you get the approval verification today. At least you will be able to destress...

Darcy ~ hope all comes back well with the results and it can be fixed with medication..

Cindy ~ Doc ~ Betty ~ I thought in the beginning at the Heat and Mav's were Hockey teams.. ~~~Let Me Duck~~~

Patty U ~ Good luck on what ever you choose ~ :cool:

Elieen ~ Hope your DD gets better and you find out what is going on.

Hey Kat ~ how are you doing?? Hope everything is going good in your neck of the woods.

Pat ~ I hear you ~ I am trying to do new things while the kids are away with Dad and trying to keep myself busy.

Well everyone thanks for the comments on my Dress. It has not arrived as of yet but that is ok. The settlement on the vehicle is suppose to be coming and I take a little more than Half..

I am thinking about painting my son's room ( 8 year old ) my carpet is Hunter Green ~ so I need some ideas on Colors please.

Annie - Girl I am so sorry you had to go through all of that..

Sorry if I missed any one gotta go

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Darcy-How did the test go? Sorry your going through all this stuff! What grade is DD? It is exciting when school gets out!

Eileen-I PM'd you with details. I sure hope we can get together. I'm thinking 4ish possibly? How id your DD?

Patty- OMGoodness! chin up girl. Can you rent an AC from one of those rental places for a month? That would surely help. I hope you let your dr. know what an A$$ that girl is! He needs to know, that's just not right. EWW that makes me mad. Sorry about Robbie how old is he?How sad. Hang in there. Karen Ms Sabre just got her band finally after waiting almost a year. It will happen and it's God's timing so some how it will all work out perfect. ((((BIG HUGS))))

I got totally off my routine yesterday with food starting off with breakfast! Seems like if I don't have my shake first thing I screw up the whole day. I don't get it! So today I'm off to a right start.

Have a good day.

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Good morning!

It's Friday and there are no swim lessons today, so DD gets to sleep in a little later. She's like a teenager in that way; she hates to go to bed at night, and hates to get up in the morning. It gives me some nice quiet morning time, though!

My work friends went to Outback last night and had a great time! One of my friends has a gluten allergy, and she and I split one meal, which turned out perfect. And thanks, Eileen, for noticing that the scale is on the downward move again, even though I never understand the whys of it. I'm not really doing anything differently, unless it's just not being at work around all the stuff people bring in? I didn't realize I hate that much of that stuff, but I guess maybe I did. Something to think about there. The band just keeps on teaching, doesn't it?

Patty, hang in there, as always. Prayers for you.

Donna, well, I'm not the type to get overly confidant or anything. It was just the first game, but it was exciting, wasn't it? I think the next game is Sunday night. Go Mavs! (This is about basketball finals, for the sports-challenged among us, lovingly added).

Darcy, did you get the pictures I emailed you? I figure you might be at the cabin, so no rush.

Mary, how's it going this weekend? You should have the kids this time, right?


Pat, Diane, Kat, Beanie, and all the rest...have a great weekend! BBL, Cindy

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Hi everyone!

Patty, I'm so sorry that you don't have your approval yet. I feel your pain. I could have been banded in 12/04 but because of unnecessary office screw ups it didn't happen until 7/05. It WILL happen for you - try to hang in there!

Mary, I have hunter green carpet in my workout room (tiny bedroom that used to be the nursery). We painted it a pale gold color and it turned out really pretty. How old is your son? Will the walls be covered in Teletubbies pictures or half naked women and Metallica? LOL

Darcy, I hope your testing goes well! No double caf expresso shots for you today. :cool: I guess this means no trip to the cabin this weekend?

Eilene, keep us posted on your little girl. What exactly are they x-raying? Sending positive thoughts your way, along with a big hug because I know you're worrying.

Dianne, I have back problems too (2 surgeries to repair herniations a little while back). We bought one of those Select Comfort mattresses about a year ago and it has really helped me. It was pricey (about 2K for a king I think), but worth every penny.

Becky, you have a great attitude! I need to get over to fitday and start a journal.

Cindy and Donna, I have NO IDEA who the Heat and the Mav's are (I'm guessing basketball...?), but watching you two duke it out has been a lot of fun! Have fun watching the game this weekend!

Okay, I gotta run. My sister is here with her 3 kids so we have 5 little ones running around. It's like Animal House in here. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Hey Guys...

Cindy... I did get your email... but I get so much junk that I thought it was bogus...lol... no harm... I got it back out of my deleted items! Hey... I am a bit confused???? THey are already the perfect size for posting... did you want them to be smaller yet... or were you just having trouble posting them? I have a raging cold virus today... so my head feels like it could explode... that could explain my confusion...lol.

Anne... I had given up coffee because this was getting so uncomfortable... but I had some this morning just so they could see what happens and darned if I haven't had a single episode of the palpitations or chest pressure...lol... figures.

Dianne... good luck with starting off on the right foot! No results... still in the process of being monitored.

Sorry... know I m leaving most of you out... think I need to go lay down with tissue shoved up my nose...lol.


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Hi everyone! DH had his heart catheter test done yesterday, and come through it just fine, sore, but doing well. It showed he has no blockages forming at all. It also showed the MVP to be worse than they thought, so they moved him up to a 4 on a scale of 1-4, with 4 being the worse :D . We are waiting today to hear when our appointment with the surgeon is. Will keep you posted, and thanks so much for all of you being there with support, and prayers, I appreciate it all more than I can ever say!

Darcy, will send you some pics to resize for me when you are feeling better, which I hope is very soon! Sorry you feel crappy! When you go to remove your stickies from the holter monitor, use some baby oil, or something petroleum based, it helped a lot with DH's. The nurse said you would be surprised at how many people grab alcohol...ewww talk about burning!!! As for having the 6 million dollar dog, I think that you do need to rename her, maybe Ava is just too expensive of name for her, maybe she needs to be Fido or Spot....even just Dawg!! Hope the both of you are well very soon!

Donna- thanks so much for keeping us in your thoughts, I think we are about to face the big surgery, and get on with the healing. Patty has given me all kinds of good ideas for the time in the hospital! I am glad to hear your DS is hanging tough in boot camp. From what I understand, it saves many a boy/man. Tough love is such a hard thing to pull off, I am proud of you!

Eileen-- My DD also had growing pains, literally. She grew in height suddenly, and instead of her hip bone just increasing in length, she grew a growth plate on the top of it, a separate piece of bone, about an inch thick, and one day for some unknown reason, it tried to slip off of the hip bone. The tissues around it swelled, and the school nurse said she had scoliosis, because the leg was longer than the other...Xrays found the problem. Dr. suggested exercise, and he mentioned karate, due to the side kicks they do. So off to karate class we went. Here we are 15 years later, and she is a brown belt, working towards her black! I took great comfort in her abilites when she began dating back then!! Good luck to you and your DD!!

Mary--I vote for a light taupe color, it would look great with the hunter green, and show very little smudge wise or dirt wise!! Then you could always find a bright fun color to highlight with!

Dianne-- I do not envy you doggy sitting for a 4 pound biting beast!!! You are a good friend to do that!!! Years and years ago, I worked for a vet, and it was always the little ones you had to watch!! Little or not bites hurt, be careful!!

Patty---You poor darlin'!!! I think we should make a voodoo doll and really "hurt" the witch!! It will happen for you in the time it is supposed to, I hope for your sake it is soon. Maybe the timing is this way so you will be able to be a support to your friend Robbie right now. Maybe they need you, and your positive advice, and help like I did! Keep positive thoughts, and try to stay cool. Go to the library where it is cool, the kids will see it as a treat, and it is free!!! I used to take the kids all the time. In fact the book bag still hangs on the closet door, it is way too big, for just me now, but I figure the grandkids will help me fill it up very soon!!

Cindy--Thanks so much for all your positive vibes coming our way...:cool:

I will catch the rest of you later, I need to go watch DH walk!!! He is off, and he is supposed to have someone with him just in case he falls or somehow opens up that artery!!! Stubborn man!!!


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Good Morning :)

OMG the sky is blue WTF? haven't seen blue skys in a looooooong time. We are so soggy here from all the rain lol. Not much happening here today, woke up and my left side is hurting, tummy area....strange feeling... well maybe after a good dump I'll feel better lol.

DD had her xray yesterday, we won't know anything until next week but the more I think about it her problems started when she started taking KartWheel Kidz in school, they do yoga and stretching.... I think thats the culprit.

Kat, here's praying for your DH and you. He's gonna be okay, I just know it. My uncle had a triple bypass and walked out of the hospital 5 days later WTH??? they are amazing today. :)

Darcy time to take the tissue out of your snoot LOL. How ya feeling today darling :)

Missy Anne, how are YOU feeling today? watcha up to this weekend?

Dianne, I hear ya on screwing up your day... I think thats what I'm gonna have this morning too.. a shake. Start today off good now.

Mary you gotta get pictures of you in that dress, how are you wearing your hair? are you gonna put a pretty flowery head piece on? a crown :) Lets see... hunter green carpet, boys room.... well you could do a cream color, or light soft yellow, I'm trying to think of something that wouldn't be girlish...... thats it.... cream or yellow... you could also put a boarder around the room if he's into something like cars, boats something along those lines...or hire Dianne to do a mural whoot!

Cindy you just keep not looking and dropping those pounds WTG !!!!

Well I'm gonna make DD Breakfast, she keeps complaining she is hungry and her tummy is growling. Kids!!


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Good morning everyone! I hope you're all doing well and shrinking :) Boy it sure has been rainy in the Northeast. My pool is overflowing, the river is ready to overflow and has in some areas (thank goodness I don't live near right near it) and the ground is as soggy as can be. So many people now have ponds in their yards. I'm looking forward to some sunny days...they say around here that won't happen until late Sunday or Monday.

Woke up with a doozy of a headache, hopefully drinking some fluids will help. Haven't been able to eat breakfast yet...band is too picky this early in the morning. Plus Aunt Flo really keeps my band finicky. :) Hopefully it will go away soon...this is a Son and Me day today. DH's brother came down from NY to go fishing so they were off and floating:fish2: at 6:30 am this morning. Son is still sleepin so I'm going to have to wake his butt up :) so we can get our day going. He was extra lovey yesterday hmmm wonder what he'll hit me up for today. hahahaha I haven't had a son and me day in a long time. I'm really looking forward to it.

Eileen - sounds like you just nailed whats wrong with your daughter. My son also saw his doc when he was around that age and it was growing pains for him as well. He had most of his pain in his knees, thighs and shins. They certainly keep us hopping don't they :D. Amazing how wonderful their hugs are though :) My son actually was quite lovey yesterday with is hugs and telling me he loves me...man this is going to cost me hahahaha

Kat - Just want you to know you and your DH are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending positive, healing thoughts your way.

Darcy - I hope you're feeling better today. Is it a cold or alergies? My mom has one heck of a cold that she then passed on to my DH. I've got my fingers crossed that I don't catch it. I hope you're feeling better soon!

Anne - Sorry to hear about your port. You have such a good attitude about all this stuff. God bless you. I hope it all goes well for you. Are you feeling ok even though that has happened? Does it effect your band that you can notice?

Cindy - Hey to you too :) Sounds like you're enjoying your time off and that's great! Sharing the meal with your friend I bet was a nice help too. I do that with DH now when we go out and he's losing weight because of that too. Congrats on the continued weight loss :clap2:

Diane - Smart thinking getting back to your regular schedule after a day that went wrong food wise. That's awesome that you could get right back on track. You should be very proud of yourself for that :)

Mary - I love that dress! We went to King Richard's Faire last year and I was so tempted to buy myself a dress. Now I'm even more TEMPTED than last year because I've lost weight so feeling a bit more confident with showing some skin hahaha. I actually like the dresses that show a bit of boobage. :shade: Are you going to get a flower ring for your head? I think it would look awesome with that dress. If you're crafty making one yourself would save alot of money. man they charge alot for those things at the fairs.

Patty - Awwww I'm sorry you're having to wait so long for your approval. It sure is frustrating but, it will happen my friend. Think positive thoughts about it. Your Docs nurse/secretary needs an atittude change. She shouldn't be working for a physician if she has no compassion. Definately make sure your doc is aware this person isn't treating you nicely. You'll be on the bande side soon...I just know it!

Becky - How's it going with the fitday.com use? I started to use it but, I never get back in there. I think I've started that 4 times already lol. my bad. I hope things are going well.

Donna - The pain gone now? I certainly hope so. Hope all is going well for you.

PattiU - Welcome!

Betty, Pat - Miss you gals.....how's it going? Can you two come visit Taunton, MA and give me some lessons in gardening? I'll show ya the Christmas Tree Shop and other cool shops here and bring ya fishin? Good Trade? hahaha Hope you're doing well.

Bean - How's it going? Fill time yet? I can't remember the day you said you were going. If you went I hope it went well....if you're going...I'm wishing you the best. I go this coming Wednesday. I think I am going to have him tweek it a bit maybe .25cc because I'm feeling I can eat more...after noon time that is...than I want and it will only become easier as time goes by. Being on a cruise....I kinda don't want to have a free for all week on that thing. Too much food to choose from..keeping me tweeked will keep me from overdoing it onboard I think. Hmmm still contemplating that.

Well I've really done a long post here. So many peeps to personalize and this thing only lets you go so far but, if I missed ya it's only in personal postings...you're always in my thoughts. Hugs to you all and have a GREAT weekend!

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Greetings fellow bandsters..........

Happy Saturday..............

It is beautiful day here in Florida, but cloudy. That is ok! Weather doesn't effect my day : - )

Had DGC over night. Made a wonderful fresh Tomato, garlic, basil sauce over Pasta. I took the mixture and smothered some talapia and backed it. YUM!!!! Then I went for a 6 mile bike ride and took them to the pool. We had fun. Went to the gym this morning... DH and I are going out to dinner tonight with some new friends that live in the same building.

Feel much better. Just a 24 hour thing.

Sherry: My son is in college in Boston and he said it has been raining on and off for months! The other day he said it was in the 50's! It is JUNE you poor thing!

Eileen: Kids... they want to eat! WTF you do everything for them and then this!!! LOL I hope her test results are a OK>

Kat: Stay in touch with us.... It is always better to spread the pain around. We'll try to carry the burden for you. You have such a strong spirit! Hugs to DH. :kiss2:

Patty: Ok LBT possy. Get the horses ready. WE are going on a mission to kick Patty's insurance companies BUTT!!! Keep the faith! It happens in God's time, not ours!

Anne: You poor thing (((HUGS)))). I don't even want to say "what next?". You have such a good attitue! You truly are an inspiration:clap2: !

Darcey: Summer colds suck! Feel better.

Betty/Cindy: licking my wounds.... I will be back strong (let's hope Shaq does the same) on Sunday. GO HEAT!!!! :)

Ok... got to go clean. Place is a mess since the grandkids left.

kisses to all those I missed.....

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Hi everyone! Finally, a little piece and quiet! DH just packed up the pop up camper and left with the 3 oldest kids for the weekend. My sister and I are going to take the youngest two up tomorrow evening and spend the night. DD (who is 2 1/2 ) was heartbroken when they left without her. My son would have been oblivious to it at this age, but she completely understands and she's none too pleased!

Except for a little bruising I think I'm fully recovered from my fill ordeal. Donna, you wouldn't have thought I was an inspiration when I was blubbering on the x-ray table, lol. I counted the poke holes in the shower - 42 pokes! Can you believe that chit? Good thing they're going to give me a fill during the port op or I'd probably tell them to take the damn thing out.

Donna, that Pasta Sauce sounds yummy! I've never tried making sauce myself. My mom always did it, but we're a Ragu family, lol. A six mile bike ride?! I don't think my butt would ever recover. :) Good for you.

Sherry, I've come to terms with getting the port op. It sucks, but I can't give up now. Right now I'm trying to focus on losing 10 lbs between now and July 17th. I can't stand the thought of another month of standing still or (God forbid) gaining more weight. Your son sounds like a charmer. Something tells me he's going to get whatever he's buttering you up for. :biggrin1: Hope your head feels better!

Eilene, you're probably absolutely right about the exercise class being the culprit. DD may have a minor ligament sprain and it's making her achey. Glad to hear you're finally getting a sunny day! I get cranky when I go too long without sun.

Kat, how is DH feeling today? Hang in there - taking care of a cranky DH can try anyone's patience. (((HUGS)))

Darcy, how are you doing today? You probably aren't having much fun carting around a monitor this weekend. We are Borg, you will be assimilated. :)

Cindy, thanks for telling me that it's basketball! That's what I would have guessed, but I truly didn't know. DH played football in highschool but doesn't watch any sports at all. I consider it one of his most endearing qualities, lol. DS is enrolled in soccor this Fall (which I played in highschool). I'm sure we'll get more into the different sports as he grows.

Beanie, Pat, Mary, Dianne, Betty... hi there! What are you up to today?

Time to clean up the house. The basement is full of toys and it looks like a twister went through there. Hope you're all enjoying your Saturday!

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Hey Y'all,

Just checking in, hope I can get back later and do some personals, just been really busy.

How about them Mav's?

Donna, don't feel too bad, this is a seven game series, and the two best teams are playing so we'll see how comes out on top. The Mav's looked terrible and I was shocked to see them win while playing so poorly. I just have to say I hope the Mav's win! :biggrin1:

Betty, Ann - Miss you gals.....how's it going? Can you two come visit Taunton, MA and give me some lessons in gardening? I'll show ya the Christmas Tree Shop and other cool shops here and bring ya fishin? Good Trade? hahaha Hope you're doing well.

Now, you are talking stuff I love to do, shop and fish! :) :) :)

Kat - Still thinking about you and your family.

Well, I have a ton of stuff to do, so I will try to catch up later or maybe tomorrow. I have the neighbors coming over to watch the 2nd game of the series tomorrow so I have to get most of my work done today and early tomorrow. We are the ones with the big screen tv and a bar, so we got nominated!

Hello to all the rest of you, not ignoring ya, just have to work! UGH!

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Cindy-LOL thanks for letting me know what those teams play I didn't want to ask felt like I should have known..duh..great job on the weight loss!!

Anne-I haven't had surgery yet I guess the next thing would be injections. All that scares me. Any surgery scares me after my last band, because of the allergic reaction I got to something. I am trying to train myself to sleep on my back or side. I do feel better when I sleep on my back. Got a Temperpedic bed in November and that is helping also. Maybe it's just the way it's gonna be. :)

Darcy-hope your feeling better.

Kat-I'm so sorry to hear he's a 4. Hang in there I can't imagine what your feeling. (((hugs))) and prayers coming your way.

Yeah Mary-I'll come paint! How old is he what does he like?

Eileen-I hope that that's what's wrong with DD no more KartWheel for her! Can't wait to see you!!! I got you in my cell so were all set!

SherryW-Well I wasn't 100% perfect, however I don't think I have been 100% since I had my band. Thanks for the encouragement. Your right, in the past it would have taken months to get back on track. Thanks for reminding me of that.

I hope your having a wonderful day with you DS.

Donna-Come cook for me! I don't cook fish here,at least not yet. I'm to chicken.< /span>

Anne-42 pokes! wow I'm so sorry!

Patty, Beanie, Mary, Betty, Pat, and everyone else, How are you?

The little beast bit Kelly (DD) this morning. Lovely, I really need to keep my mouth shut about helping people out with their pets.

DH SAT and he's no light weight, on his glasses. Needless to say we are going to pick up the new ones in a few minutes. I'm looking for a jean skirt that is a straight cut blue and black. So far no luck!

I could use a nap, but the mall sounds like just as much fun.

Have a good rest of the day.

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Anyone ever try Harbor Mists Sangria Whitezin? ohhh yum even though it was only a few sips yummmm lol. I was making chili and noticed I didn't have a can of beer...I usually add 1/2 a can but, had this so why not hahaha. Little for the chili and a few sips for me...oh chili is tastin betta already lol

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Sherry, now take it easy on that wine, girl...next post will be something we can't figure out! LOL!

Darcy, sorry I confused you. My email program resizes pictures when I email, but that doesn't happen when I just try to post pictures on LBT, only on email. Go figure. I'll gladly take someone's lessons on the subject; I have the software that comes with Fuji cameras.

DD and I just got home from her friends' recital...actually one friend invited her, but she knew a good half dozen girls. It was really fun, but then I guess I'm a little weird; most people would run screaming from a dance recital! LOL!

Tomorrow our vacation bible school starts...ours is at night, from 6 -8:30. I am a "floater" which means I am there to work at whatever they need me to do. Could be little kids, or crafts, or story time...just whatever. It is usually fun. Who knew that the Mavericks (Dallas' pro basketball team!) would be in the NBA finals for the first time EVER? I should at least be able to see the last quarter, maybe more.

Anne, my DH played football in high school and college, and he doesn't watch much in the way of sports, either. I'd have to say I'm more into it than he is! I've always enjoyed being a spectator; don't ask me to play any of them! If you've seen the pictures of my DD, you'll see why we have always said she would be an Olympic shot put competitor! She's her daddy's daughter! She's supposed to play softball, basketball and volleyball starting next school year.

Well, I guess I better get busy doing something...I didn't know the recital would take all afternoon!

Hugs, Cindy

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