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Gone for Good Club - June 2006

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Are you a fan of Doritos or Cheetos?

Woud you endorse their products?

Brit does!

post-207266-13813133660873_thumb.jpg post-207266-13813133663131_thumb.jpg

*snickers* That should help.



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Hi Heather,

Thank you, I need lots of support, I have been pigging out everyday for the last 2 weeks.

Here is some info on me......:faint:

H(283) S (278) C(223)

I am from NY, married, for the third time.....lol.....Life is good.:)

I am a Teacher Asst. in Middle school......I run the I.S.S. (In School Suspension Room.) Have had the same job for 25 years......and I am crazy, to still be there....lol.

I don't know where to get the score card.....

Am I doing ok with all the rest of the stuff here?

Need more info?

Thanks for letting me join, I hope this will motivate me some.;)

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LMAO ...lol p'nut that was funny..fortunatly i don't like cheetos to much...now doritos....bah, i just started the challenge and im already crap..i work to damn much....i dont have many great expecations for this month but I'm going to keep track of everything any way, and next month when things are back to normal at work (right now I'm working from 8am to 10pm with about 2 hours in between for lunch) ill be shooting for that perfect score card (looks around to telly and a few others) tee hee... :heh:

Jorget - to get a score card, highlight the blank one on page 1, and then right click your mouse and select copy, then create a new message and right click your mouse inside the message and select paste...then volia! you have your own score card!

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hi all-i have been gone for over quite a while...no excuse except my life got extremely busy. i am still plugging along with my weight loss...ninteen lbs to onederland...i can not wait!!

my eating habits are still fairly good....i had a house full of people over memorial day....everyone noticed the way i ate.....like a normal person instead of eating every thing in site...i have come a long way.

i promise to check in more often...how is everyone else doing? any challanges coming along?

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you could always divvy up GFG club between "active members" and "dormant members." that way you're not erasing them, but we also have a concise list of who's participating.

also - i added pics to my scorecard on page 1. check it out and tell me how hot i look ;)

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So TellyMelly totally motivated me today, ate well, drank Water, came home, got changed for gym. Took son to basketball practice, got on freeway, got off ramp (on way to gym) at stop light that just changd friom yellow to red...talking to my sister (who's ratass she just got cheating with a skank yesterda) in middle of consoling her, checking my eyebrows out in mirror (that i just waxed) and I saw this big truck barrelling into me and I thought, wow, is he gonna stop??? then BLAMMMMM I hear crunch, glass breaking and i'm jerked forward...the mofo slammed into me!!!! I checked to see if I could drive my car, pulled off freeway and jumped out (I should have been like OHHH my back)lol then saw my back end and lights all smashed, called 911, police came, made report, drove home and now my back is KILLING me! Yes, I will go to doctor tomorrow, need to get a rent-a-car, yadayadda, but damn, I'm sorry y'all I will have to do photos tomorrow...at least I did well on diet today:p....

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BeacheeGirl -- OMG I'm so sorry to hear about the accident.

FIRST THING tomorrow morning - CALL your Insurance company back - let them know you are hurt -- most of the time they will then cover any and all expenses and then turn around and hit up the insurance of the guy who hit you - but you MUST call them before heading to the hospital or doctor! Best wishes on a fast recovery!

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Well I went ahead and took pix anyway since I have my hubby here, car-accident,smar-accident, lol! Yes my back hurts but oh, well, here it goes, me fatty in a bathingsuit....



I look so much worse then I think! LMAO

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Wow, you are more beautiful than you thought Alysha. We are our own worst critics. Gorgeous even!

Oh gosh, I almost forgot! I'm sooo sorry girl. I feel bad that you got hit. I was hit the same exact way about 1 year ago and now it's finally gonna settle. 7k pfffft, that's it! I was at a stop light sitting there and a Mack truck (city dump truck) comes down the hill about 50 mph and full of dirt and it's soo heavy it can't break and I hear the breaks and see the smoke and looked in my rear and bam, in the back of my brand spanking new Toyota 4Runner. Just muscle pain and 3 months of therapy but all is well.

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Pfunkem, I just saw your updated photos! omG! You lost alot and I see a major major difference. Keep it up soldier! Lookin pretty sweet there suga!

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Telly - YOU are gorgous, you are exotic and fierce and you could stop losing NOW and still be the bomb. But, thank you for the boost, but I really know I look horribly ugly (in my perspective), don't need an ego boost but putting those pix up really made me face the FACTS! Can't wait for lap surgery and to maybe, just maybe, have an after photo a gorgeous as all you sexy ladies!

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Gone for Good Club June Challenge

Score Card

Points earned for Rule 1

For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week.

5-31__1__6-01__1__6-02__1__6-03__1__6-04__1__6-05__1__6-06__1__6-07__1__ Bonus_5__Week's Total__13_

6-08__1__6-09__1__6-10__1__6-11__1__6-12__1__6-13__1__6-14__1__ Bonus__5_Week's Total__12__

6-15_1___6-16__1__6-17__1__6-18__1__6-19__1__6-20__1__6-21__1__ Bonus__5_Week's Total_12__

6-22__1__6-23__1__6-24__1__6-25__1__6-26___1_6-27__1__6-28__1__ Bonus_5__Week's Total_12__

Grand Total__49_____

Points earned for Rule 2

For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points.

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week.

5-31_____6-01__2__6-02_____6-03_____6-04__2__6-05_____6-06__2__6-07_____ Bonus____Week's Total__6__

6-08__2__6-09_____6-10__2__6-11_2__6-12__2__6-13_____6-14___2_ Bonus____Week's Total__10__

6-15__2__6-16__2__6-17_____6-18_____6-19_____6-20_____6-21_____ Bonus____Week's Total__4__

6-22_____6-23__2__6-24_____6-25__2__6-26_2___6-27__2__6-28__2__ Bonus____Week's Total__10_

Grand Total__30___

Points earned for Rule 3

For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed)

You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week.

5-31__3__6-01__3__6-02__3__6-03__3__6-04__3__6-05__3__6-06___3_6-07__3__ Bonus__5_Week's Total__29_

6-08__3__6-09__3__6-10__3__6-11__3__6-12__3__6-13__3__6-14__3__ Bonus__5_Week's Total__26_

6-15__3__6-16__3__6-17__3__6-18___3_6-19__3__6-20__3__6-21__3__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__26_

6-22_3___6-23__3__6-24__3__6-25__3__6-26__3__6-27__3__6-28__3__ Bonus_5__Week's Total__26_

Grand Total_______

Points earned for Weight loss

For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

Beginning weight 5-31: 173

Weigh-in weight 6-7: 172

Weigh-in weight 6-14: 169

Weigh-in weight 6-21: 167.5

Weigh-in weight 6-28: 166

Total lost during challenge: 7

Total points earned for Rule 1: 49

Total points earned for Rule 2: 30

Total points earned for Rule 3: 107

Total points earned for weight loss: 7

Total Challenge points earned: 193

Pictures Taken June 4, 2006



June 29, 2006



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Ok, now that I'm blushing, I'm gonna go take a shower ;) All of the women in this club are soo beautiful.

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Dang Beechee! I've heard of excuses for getting out of exercising, but that one takes the cake! LOL! I'm glad you're ok. Sincerely.

I was rear-ended by a drunk driver in a truck a few years ago when I was on vacation. When I finally came to my senses and got out, the guy was trying to put HIS license plate on MY car, and my plates were still on! Anyway, I told the police that I wasn't hurt and went on with my vacation. My jaws starting hurting so bad that night, but eased off within a day or so. I came home a few days later and my shoulder was killing me so I went to the ER and told them about the accident. I ended up in therapy for my shoulder, still have problems with my jaws, AND I got a nice settlement from the drunk cowboy. So, I dont think you need to worry about not reporting it right away, but you should start seeing a Dr asap for your own health.

By the way.. I LOVE your cheeks!

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The Gone for Good Club Spring Challenge

Winner is...



Rule 1: 34 Rule 2: 60 Rule 3: 113 Pounds lost: 24

Grand total: 231

DeAnn will have the honor of placing this badge in her signature line..


The top five scores were:

Mychevygirl 231

TellyMelly 230

EmileeKaye 221

FunnyDuddies 200

MoOrLess 194

Congratulations DeAnn, and the rest of the GFG Club for a great Spring Challenge! It was a lot of fun and I'm so proud of everyone who participated!

By the way, Mychevygirl wasn't banded for a lot of that challenge, and Funny and Mo aren't banded yet.

Way to kick some butt ladies!!

Results were verified by Tricia K. and PhotoNut in independent reviews of the scorecards.


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      It typically comes and goes, the hard times and easier times. I'm on day 6 of 14  shakes, water, sf Popsicles and jello. And I might actually be losing my mind. But, oh dear lord has the fear set in. Not about the surgery itself, but life afterwards. If I feel this crappy on the preop diet, am I going to feel like this forever after? 
      I know most of the answers are no, not forever. It might be worse after for a while, then get better. I know it's a more of a mental challenge than physical after the first couple weeks of healing. I get all of that. But I'm starting to feel scared about losing myself afterwards. 
      It might be my hormones or desire to chew something salty talking.. It may go away soon or tomorrow.. I can hope, anyway. But right now.. The fear is real. 
      And this liquid diet can bite me. 
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      1. NickelChip

        Fear is normal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm 4.5 months post-op and the pre-op diet was by far the hardest part of the whole process. There will be challenges and a lot of new things to learn, but I can honestly say at this point I feel so much more "back to normal" and was even able to go on a week-long vacation with my kids without stressing over it. It's so worthwhile.

      2. OhMyGawdItzKla

        @NickelChip This actually does make me feel better! Thank you so much! After the onslaught of Covid, we've all had to deal with a "new normal", so I know it's possible. It's just the fear and frustration in this moment that makes me question if I can find another "new normal" afterwards. The thought of just a few more months seems daunting some times, but I really do appreciate input and real experience. I'll use that to get me through for a few more hours! LOL. Thank you so much! And I'm glad everything is going so well for you! ❤️

    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

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