Jachut 487 Posted May 31, 2006 Ok so I established in another post I'm terribly afraid of hot dogs (as in frankfurt sausages, not gourmet ones). The red colour of them is not natural and kind of spells to me danger. Ick. I love Maccas and Hungry Jacks (Burger King to you). I wouldnt eat KFC if my life depended on it and I've rarely eaten anything more disgusting than Subway - any white bread that you can squish into a ball is NOT good and for the longest time they didnt toast the Buns here, just heated them in a microwave *shudder* I love a pizza - although cant bear pizza Hut or any of those major chain ones, the thought of things like thick cheesy crusts makes me want to hurl. If we have takeaway we'd normally go Indian or Thai, I dont like Chinese food much at all. I dont know if you guys eat fish and chips as commonly over there, there's a fish and chip shop on every corner here. I used to love them, and good fish and chips ARE good but lately, I cant handle the fat. A big slab of flake (shark) battered and deep friend, it leaves a halo of oil round your mouth, I cant take it anymore. If we have fish and chips I get a dim sim or two and a few chips now. Dim sims are kind of like Aussie chicko rolls - nobody knows what's really in them - I think its minced meat (rumoured to be dog) and veges and cabbage. But the main thing that suddenly strikes me down with a craving I cant resist is if I walk through the shopping centre and McDonalds is just cooking the first fries of the day, clean oil, super hot = delicious fries. Yummy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhotoNut 7 Posted May 31, 2006 Further to Krispy Kremes what fast food do you loathe? All of them! ALL of them!!!! We lived on fast food for almost two years. Breakfast, lunch and dinner! That food made me what I am today.. a fat (but shrinking) unhappy (but getting happier) woman! The grease. The fat. The sugar. The needless amounts of calories. Blech. No thanks. I'm finished with it all. Just getting near a fast food place turns my stomach now. All I can smell is old grease. Eww. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaB 3 Posted May 31, 2006 Kentucky Fried chicken. D I S G U S T I N G ! ! ! ! I've always thought it was gross and then when the news reports came out about them torturing live chickens - horrific. I wouldn't go near that place if you payed me to. No amount of money would induce me to support that kind of sick behavior. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sunta 5 Posted May 31, 2006 I was a fast food addict before I got the band (though I would keep it to small portions and order kid's meals, I would get fast food several times a week). Since getting my band, I have tried fast food exactly three times, two with disasterous results. I nearly PB'd on Mcdonald's twice, and suffered terrible pain. Now, I can't even look at a McDonald's without feeling sick. I did ok with the KFC Snackers, but have only had them once because fast food is really gross and for some reason now, I don't want it at all. I wonder why I couldn't realize before the band that fast food is disgusting, but now after the band, I totally realize it? It's strange how much the band effects my thinking and has changed my tastes completely. I also now barely have any sweet tooth whereas before, I had a major sweet tooth. I can now have tiny amounts of sweets and not want any more at all. However, I still have a major problem with chips, doritos, popcorn, pretzels, any crunchy snack food. So, I almost totally avoid those as I know they will go down waaay too easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherGurl 0 Posted June 1, 2006 I absolutely HATE Church's chicken. ICK!!! The one in our town in NASTY!! I haven't eaten there in 3 years!!! EWWWWW~!!!!! Their food is just disgusting to me, and the place itself is not clean! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~c~ 1 Posted June 1, 2006 In my job i come into contact with many people who work in fast food kitchens,nice restaurant kitchen,top of the line kitchen's,cafeteria kitchens...please trust me when i tell you that you do NOT know who is making your food.i have seen(and smelled)the folks who work in these places(can you say DIRTY fingernails)! I know that not all cooks/chefs are like this but it made me realise that eating at home,even if it's just broiled chicken and a salad or a can of Soup, is a much safer bet...always! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Woodys 0 Posted June 1, 2006 I'm with DonnaB.....KFC is disgusting.....just the smell puts me off, even on my hungriest day I would opt to starve before I'd eat KFC. My biggest downfall is not fast food, its one pot dinners like Pasta, stews, cabbage rolls, casseroles....and lots of them. It will be difficult to give them up so if anyone knows of any good substitutes please send the recipes my way. Thanks, Carol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fauxnaif 1 Posted June 2, 2006 I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE every single thing from McDonalds!!!! It is disgusting. It really makes me scratch my head when I go to a malls and the lines are so long for McDonald's! People could choose great Vietnamese food, sandwiches, Middle Eastern food, Mexican food, etc. But they choose that crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ghetto, as my students say! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted June 2, 2006 I used to enjoy the taste of a lot of fast foods - McD's crispy chicken or dbl cheeseburger, BK chicken sandwich, Arby's beed & cheddar, etc. but now fried & greasy foods don't do anything for me. I'd probably still enjoy the taste, but not the feel. I've only had "fried & greasy" fast food once since banding - a chick nug happy meal minus fries (so in short - 4 chick nugs) when I had no other choices, and could only eat two of them b/c it was grossing me out too much. We were at a fish fry last weekend and I had to stick with the veggies b/c I couldn't handle the grease. I have always like Subway and still go there, but get the salad or just the meat on a plate (usually tuna or seafood & crab) -- but I prefer Yellow Sub or Schlotzky's for sandwich foods. I thought I was the only person in the midwest who despised Krispy Kremes. They're WAY too sweet for me. I have no sweet tooth. Blech. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northernsun 4 Posted June 2, 2006 Before the band I was low carb for years so most fast foods were out. Treats were a ppoppa murphy's thin crust pizza whichI still love but can only eat one piece. We have a Mcdonalds and burger king near us and there are times the smell is so strong it turns my stomach. KFC well, when I was first married, 30 some yrs ago, both of us lost our jobs at the same time and we had a friend who worked at KFC so at days end, we would get the left overs to eat. I still to this day shudder a bit when i drive past one. Do love Subway tho- a half of a 6 in sub and i am happy. Also, I also find Krispy Cremes way too sweet and have no desire to eat one . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LindaV 0 Posted June 2, 2006 I love, oops, I mean hate Jack-in-the-Box tacos. Love-Hate-Love-Hate! :phanvan Ok, so I really love them, but DAMMIT, I'm going to learn to hate them! I didn't go through surgery to sabbotage myself with JitB tacos! As we say in America: "JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!":tape2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fiveholts714 0 Posted June 3, 2006 chicken nuggets of any kind. Ick. The smell of old frying oil. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted June 3, 2006 We don't have JitB here, but did have it where I grew up. I looooved getting a Breakfast Jack. We also had Carl's Jr (don't have it here, but we have Hardee's, which shares the star logo but has a totally different menu - maybe CJ got bought out? Dunno) and they had a really good "Western Bacon Cheeseburger" and some kind of sausage Breakfast sandwich I loved getting. I wonder why I'm fat... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LindaV 0 Posted June 3, 2006 Western Bacon Cheeseburger - I'm salivating!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tybalt 0 Posted June 3, 2006 I lost all taste for fast foods five years ago when I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. Fast foods are loaded with transfats and transfats are thought to be one of the main causes for the increase in cancers over the last forty years. Since my cancer, I try to stick to fresh food I cook myself. Unfortunately for my weight loss, eating a lot of food, even if it's healthy keeps you fat. One of the things that motivated me to get banded was reading about the benefits of low cal eating espoused by Dr Walford. Countless studies have shown that low cal diets, increase longevity and decrease disease in animals, no one yet claims it does the same in humans, but preliminary studies are pointing in that direction. Fortunately, my cancer was diagnosed in the early stages and I'm (fingers crossed) considered to have a low risk of recurrence. For me, the band is a way of increasing my chances against the big C. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites