CLOE 0 Posted May 30, 2006 I hope this thread appeals to alot of you guys. I thought that alot of us have been interacting on this wonderfrul website, for support on our life altering band surgeries. We have leaned on each other for support, asked questions etc...etc...I was thinking it would be nice to have a thread were we can just talk...about anything (band related or not). A thread we can go to whenever, to discuss whatever. Areas we live, what we do for a living, children, dating, sex:eek: , day to day hardships, day to day excitement, WHATEVER. Eventually it would be nice to post some pictures, before and afters, pets, vacations, etc....What'd ya think? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CLOE 0 Posted May 30, 2006 I'll start! I am 40, but you already know that. I am married for 17 years, and live in Ontario. I live on a farm, we raise lambs, currently we have about 750 of them. I wasn't always farming, I use to be in the beauty industry (one extreme to the other). I have 3 kids. When I got married I weighed 171 (fit into a size 13 wedding dress), after my 1st child I weighed 190, after my second child I weighed 214, after ,my third child I weighed 242, then proceeded to gain 100 more pounds in the last 12 years:eek: . I think I'll stop there for now. I hope this new thread will be fun. By the way,I am 5 days post-op and feel fantastic!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tracyd 0 Posted May 30, 2006 Course I don't eat lamb, but I like them. (How dumb did that sound?). Still, it must be cool. :flock: Anyway, I've been basically on the same thread these past few weeks (May chat) and have been searching other chats as well. Some of them are way out there, but then it's my choice to stay or not. I'm single, 44, and live in Michigan. I was banded (as you can see below) on the 25th (feel good except the nausea ... still). I'm a secretary at local college and have a support system from family, friends, and co-workers that is out of this world. :amen: I told my boss that I'd be back after surgery in a few days and told me to take the full 2 weeks off to fully recover (what a gem). So, I've been pretty much following rules and being a basic couch potato as well (mainly because of the nausea). Today is better and I will start back with some of my hobbies ... cross-stitch, painting, dacoupage ... friends and family are probably going to get sick of this stuff, but, oh well. I have 2 cats (Ozzie and Chloe, yes Chloe ... Ozzie is after the man himself ... Ozzie Osborne). Anyway, oohh .... single, 40s, 2 cats .... sounds fun, huh? Actually my life is very busy with family, friends, church, hobbies, work. Now this new challenge ... behavior, behavior, behavior ... just have to remember that the band is just a tool. Well, blah blah blah ... :blabla: enough for now. Great getting to know you and look forward to this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeacheeGirl 0 Posted May 30, 2006 Hi, my name is Alysha (aka alyshabrooke & beacheegirl) I'm 33 (will be 34 on June 27th - day after banding surgery). I live in Oxnard for about last 6 years, however, born and raised in Santa Barbara, CA. I've been married to my soul mate Wayne since 2002. This is my second marriage, was married 1st time to the father of my son when I was 18. My husband is the nicest man that I've ever met. He cooks dinner every day, is so sweet and selfless with me and met me when I was a size 14 (size 16,18 now) and loves me no matter what, he has NEVER seen me thin. Here's a pic from out last anniversary trip (not a good pic of me): We have two children both from previous relationships Mine is Drake 15 and His is Shay 16: Very good kids, I'm lucky, we are all really close because my husband and I are very young at heart and are into a lot of the same things as the kids. We recently, bought our first home about a year ago and are slowly fixing it up. We also have two dogs, coco and ziggy and last week coco had puppies, here are pics: Coco the mama - Ziggy the papa - Here are babies - I work full-time as an Internet Marketing Consultant for an online real estate company and I love it, have been working here for several years. Well, that's enough for now :- ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMF101 0 Posted May 31, 2006 Hi, I am from Alberta, I am 42, married for 21 years and we have 2 daughters:girl: :girl: I work as a secretary at our local hospital. I am just 3 weeks post-op and feeling great. I don't have much of a restriction as I can eat pretty much anything as long as I chew it to mush. I found out that I have an 11 cc Vanguard band and my first fill will be 4cc can't wait. :confused: :canada: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted May 31, 2006 I'm turning 41 soon (UNbelievable!) and my soulmate (aka husband) & I live a couple of hours north of Toronto. He is my support system in this and all other things. We have no children or pets (do dust bunnies count?) and we both work. That's enough info for now...if I say too much I might give away my anonyminity (sp?) and the spys will come after me!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted May 31, 2006 Oh...and one more thing...even though I've lived in Ontario half my life now, my heart still belongs to the West (Alberta/BC)!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CLOE 0 Posted May 31, 2006 :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: AMF101 - Were you banded in the same hospital that you worked, or can you get fills there? That would be very convenient. Yoda - If dust bunnies count, I'm in trouble:) . I've been out to Alberta and British Columbia it is absolutely beautiful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CLOE 0 Posted May 31, 2006 OMG Hubbie just brought me in a Tim Hortons coffee, 1st one I've had since my opti-fast started, May 5th...:faint: is gooood! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMF101 0 Posted May 31, 2006 Cloe, I wish I worked in the same hospital but I am 3 hours away:eek: Yes Alberta and BC are beautiful as is the rest of the Country:canada: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Time2live 0 Posted June 6, 2006 Hey all, Wow I remember being on this forum a few months ago and I would go days and days without responses....I knew there were other Canucks out there! This is so best friend lives in Washington and I luv the States but alot of info I need is so different up here so it's nice to have people that know what I'm talking about. Anyways a little about me. I'm 33 and I've been with my husband for 15 years. We have 3 boys and a girl...14,13,10 and 7. The girl came last...good thing or she might be an only We live in Calgary where my husband is a mortgage broker and I'm a domestic engineer. We also have to spoiled dogs...Molly our Maltese and Daisy(my precious yorkie) who was my six month non smoking gift from hub. I'm getting banded in Mexico by Dr.Kuri on 07-08-06. I'm really nervous but trying to stay busy compiling lists of what I'm going to eat and drink when it's still my life is all about food. Well bout sums it up! Lanie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mita 2 Posted June 6, 2006 I love all the pics.. Good going and welcome all to LBT - come join us in the June Chat... We would love to have you all... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadaSunshine 0 Posted June 6, 2006 Well, how fun! This is a little about CanadaSunshine: I just turned 30. I have one 11 year old son with a man I've been with for 13 years. Yes, that's right folks MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE.:omg: ack. I was 135lbs when we met, and a virgin. I got pregnant at 18, :preggers: fell into a deep depression and proceeded to hate myself for bad choices from there on out. I was 170 after the baby, and steadily gained with every diet I tried. I even tried the "It took me nine months to put on the weight, so it will take me at least 9 years to take it off" line. Haha So here I am. 245+ I am a full time breeder of Maltese and Chihuahuas, and I live just outside Grande Prairie, Alberta.:canada: Right smack in the middle of oil country. I love it here...except for the abundance of money and lack of brains in the oilfield mentality. It's truly beautiful country. My real name is Sunshine. (yes, I'm serious) I'm one of 5 children and they all have normal names..."luck" of the draw I guess. I am scheduled for my band surgery on July 5th in Mississauga with Dr. Cobourn. I am so excited about my first trip ever to Toronto!!! I really wanted to post pictures of myself, my family and my unbelievably cute dogs...but I can't figure it out....and I'm getting cranky with my comp. So I guess that's it for me. I look forward to hearing more about all of you!! Sunshine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CLOE 0 Posted June 6, 2006 Sunshine, sounds like a wonderful life. Great name!! You'll love Dr. Cobourn, and you'll probably like Toronto too. I know I like to go to Toronto for a day or two, but I sure love to get home afterward. I guess I've become a bit of a country bumpkin in the last few years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted June 6, 2006 Hey CanadaSunshine: how long ru staying in TO? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites