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Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

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It seems the majority of us have hiatal hernias. Dr. Aceves fixes them as soon as he gets inside and sees it and there is no extra cost.

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Hmmmm....that is very interesting that your family feels you can't do it. But I guess the sleeve takes the willpower away if that is their concern. I do still have the same wishes AT TIMES that I could stuff my face, but guess what - I CANNOT. After this surgery you physically cannot make a habit of overeating b/c it honestly is a miserable outcome. Overeating isn't exactly PLEASANT so once you do that a few times you figure out that is not the route to go.

For me I made the decision to have surgery BECAUSE I could eat the same but less than I would normally, and because I wanted to be here for my kids longer and my husband longer. I didn't have major co-morbidities yet but I was really starting to show little signs of developing them. Since the surgery, which I've only lost 30 lbs so far (6 weeks) but I was just a little over 200 to start with, I no longer snore and physically I feel more capable than I did before the surgery. At home I now weight 184 and that is pretty cool - I haven't seen that weight in almost 12 years.

I'm sure my cholesterol and tryglycerides have probably gone down which they were slightly elevated, but I haven't had them checked. But I've lost like all the weight I gained at least in the last 12 years so far so I'm certain it made a difference.

I mean, given a choice, better to do this when you are overweight but relatively healthy otherwise , right?

Also, an overweight parent can teach their child really bad habits. I did with my first who is 11 now and already has a weight problem. He eats terrible, even worse than I did as a kid I believe. My youngest one has more of a chance of not developing a weight problem b/c I have some control.

Honestly now that I have some control it hurts me to see people eat terrible things constantly. Not in a judgemental way exactly, but like wow, I would hate for them to have to have surgery later to correct their problem in the way I did. Like my son downing Dr. Pepper one after another and eating candy and Cereal too much. We just started him in counseling and I hope it leads to a weight loss program for him but I need to get his head around it first. He is so resistant.

As for me, if I did not have this surgery I would not stop eating wrong/over eating, period. I could never stay on a diet, just no will power. I have friends/relatives that can diet endlessly. I could not. So this made sense for me and I did it.

Saying that, I had true regrets after surgery for a week or two and wanted to go get my tummy from the trash and put it back in. I was in shock b/c I was totally used to eating whatever I wanted/whenever I wanted. After surgery was a total panic state for me for a little while. I cried, I regretted, I mourned the big ole piece of fried chicken I was afraid I'd never taste again and the pizza pig outs with soda in hand, trips to Mexico eating everything/everywhere. But I just shed those tears to get them out and after a few days I got a grip. You have no choice with this surgery b/c once it is done, that is it. Those days are gone. While your stomach is healing your mind is starting to get itself around the new you.

A taste here and there of those favorite things begins to satisfy, it truly does. Yesterday for lunch, at Sam's, my son ordered a hot dog and I helped him eat it - together we only finished half (he is almost 3 yo). I chewed really well. My husband had Sam's pizza and I snagged a corner of it and ate that and enjoyed the couple bites. The pepperoni was kinda crunchy and great. But no one finished that piece of pizza. Then for dinner, we went out b/c we were busy all day. My son bought a big hamburger at a nice restaurant last night and instead of ordering dinner I took a part of that, probably 1/5 of it (it was a huge burger, 1/2 lb) and we ordered all the toppings on the side. I took my piece and dressed it up with all the trimmings and ate it slowly with a fork and it was fantastic. I had lettuce, Tomato, bacon pieces, mushrooms, onion, and mayo. I didn't eat all the bread b/c I honestly didn't want so much bread - but the meat, some bread, and some trimmings. That was my choice - focusing on the Protein, etc. Then my husband had some great shrimp tacos (at the same hamburger dinner) and I was full from the burger but I tasted a little piece of shrimp and it was good but guess what I WAS FULL. I could have brought it home, but he ate it all.

I have seen people on this sight get sick and stay sick. There are risks. It worries me so much. I think surgeon's skill and your body's ability to heal well is a big part of it. But also, you do need support from someone just to listen to you without being critical. Perhaps the doctor can best assess your body's ability to heal. Maybe take a trip down there with your support person to see how things might go.

There are great surgeons here in the states too. My insurance did not cover and they also did not cover complications (shame on them). So I paid cash here and really worried about complications, but I really didn't have anything major.

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Everything will go great there. As far as the hernia, Dr. Aceves tells

you during pre-op that if he finds a hernia or problems with your gallbadder

that he will go ahead and take care of it while he is doing your surgery.

I have never received a dime from anyone for telling about my life changing

surgery that Dr. Aceves did. I tell my story and give my updates hoping

to help people who may have questions just like so many people on this

site did for me prior to my surgery. I was also lucky enough to speak to

local people from my area that had used Dr. Aceves and highly recommended

him, his staff and the Hospital.

I hate that your family does not understand what you have decided to do. But

take it from someone who has lost 80 to 100 pounds on diets before just to

gain it back. The VSG is the best decision I ever made. I'm not hungry and

like other people have pointed out if you try over eat, you know it.

Good luck on you journey.


Edited by Garyb_58

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I'm so sorry to hear that your family won't support you but, Dr. Aceves did my surgery one week ago today! He is an amazing doctor and surgeon and the hospital and the care are first rate. I have already lost 17 pounds in one week! It may be a third world country but it is the best care and the best doctors I've ever seen. I can say this with great assurance since I am a recovery room nurse. If this is what you want to do, then do it.

For me it was the best decision ever!

Do what you feel is in your heart.

Good luck!


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I'm so sorry to hear that your family won't support you but, Dr. Aceves did my surgery one week ago today! He is an amazing doctor and surgeon and the hospital and the care are first rate. I have already lost 17 pounds in one week! It may be a third world country but it is the best care and the best doctors I've ever seen. I can say this with great assurance since I am a recovery room nurse. If this is what you want to do, then do it.

For me it was the best decision ever!

Do what you feel is in your heart.

Good luck!


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Thanks to everyone for the posts. I'm going. I'll be getting sleeved by Dr. Aceves next Wednesday, April 7th as a matter of fact. I just told my mom that I'm gonna do it. I've sent her a lot of information and she hasn't responded except with, "I love you just the way you are, but you have to love yourself". I'm thinking in my head..."I DO love myself, that's why I'm having this surgery, b/c I deserve a happier life". She just doesn't get how miserable someone can be at 5'2, weighing 290 (highest weight ever). It's not fun. Damn near unbearable.

Pumpin, you're so right about the kids emulating their parent's habits. My 8 yr old daughter wants to eat whatever I want. When I go to a restaurant and order Water, she orders Water. Tonight (atkins pre-op) I ate chicken breast and a hunk of cheese and that's what she wanted too. So, having surgery now is great and hopefully she will pick up some lifelong healthy eating habits as well.

Thanks for your advice, Everyone!

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Wannalise, how do you know if you have a hurnia? Did you know prior to surgery or is that something Dr. Aceves found once he cut you open? I hear that he fixes quite a few of them. Thank you for your support!

I had a hernia and didn't know it - Dr. Aceves discovered it and fixed it.

Please be aware that he DOESN'T "cut you open" - you have 5 small incisions -- it is done laproscopicly - you are not cut open!

I would be happy to talk to your family about my experience with Dr. Aceves ...stick to your guns -- you'll prove them all wrong in the end!

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Dalisgirl, I am glad you are going ahead with your surgery! I am so sorry your mom and her friend have behaved so outrageously with you! I'm a psychology grad student and it seems to me that psychologist should have his or her license revoked for what he or she said to you! Honestly! They were just speaking from pure ignorance!!

The thing about the sleeve is that it makes it PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to overeat like you're used to. Now, if you're used to "eating your feelings," you may well want to see a counselor to help you figure out how to deal with life without using food as a crutch. I've been in therapy for more than three years now and it's really been a blessing for me -- I feel like I was really ready to give up my old food habits when I got sleeved last week.

And finally, I'm your height and my starting weight was more than a hundred pounds less than yours and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable myself -- I can only imagine how uncomfortable and unhappy you must be at your current weight! You really ARE doing this because you love yourself too much to live out your life that way! I'm here on the loser's bench, saving a spot for you, and cheering you on!!

Edited by MlkPas

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Awww...Thanks Vegas Angel. (If I Knew how to insert a smiley face, I would put that here.)

I know he doesn't cut you open. (I guess I did say that in poor taste. Sorry! I have a sense of humor that doesn't come across well in writing.) Yes, laparascopically. I've had my gall bladder out laparascopically. I don't remember the pain being that bad but I sure was nauseous and heaving over the side of the bed. I think they only kept me in the hospital 18 hours! I'll have to probably ask for that nausea medicine. I had a c-section and I was sore for a while and had severe swelling of the legs and feet but don't remember needing lots of pain meds. Also had my tonsils out and that was the worst pain for two weeks straight with no easing up! Finished all the pain meds and asked for more! I've never done that before. So, I am prepared for the pains/nuances of surgery.

Vegas, I want to know how long did you have to have those warm liquids? I read some old posts about you having some spasms where the hernia was repaired? How are you handling foods now? Did you go to Mexicali with Bearded Italian or alone?

I've seen some posts about catheters. Will this be removed BEFORE I wake up from surgery or AFTER?



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Dalisgirl, I am glad you are going ahead with your surgery! I am so sorry your mom and her friend have behaved so outrageously with you! I'm a psychology grad student and it seems to me that psychologist should have his or her license revoked for what he or she said to you! Honestly! They were just speaking from pure ignorance!!

The thing about the sleeve is that it makes it PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to overeat like you're used to. Now, if you're used to "eating your feelings," you may well want to see a counselor to help you figure out how to deal with life without using food as a crutch. I've been in therapy for more than three years now and it's really been a blessing for me -- I feel like I was really ready to give up my old food habits when I got sleeved last week.

And finally, I'm your height and my starting weight was more than a hundred pounds less than yours and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable myself -- I can only imagine how uncomfortable and unhappy you must be at your current weight! You really ARE doing this because you love yourself too much to live out your life that way! I'm here on the loser's bench, saving a spot for you, and cheering you on!!

MlkPas - thanks for the post! I agree, her license should be revoked. The sad thing is my daughter was listening and those are scary subjects for an 8 year old! Today my daughter asked me if I was going to be bald. (Something the counselor, who has a Master's degree :confused1:, said would be my side effect. Now, that may be true, but don't freak my kid out!!!) She's been my mom's buddy for decades. She refused to let her own obese daughter get the surgery done in the states, talked her out of it. Said that she's seen too many patients of hers die from WLS. (She never even heard of sleeve). Scary to think that there are Licensed, Degree holding, Psychologists giving people counseling and they don't know what they're talking about!

I do have a counselor and she said go for it. I don't think I eat away my feelings. I seem to have a bottomless pit and I eat until I fill it up. It's disgusting. I think I eat 3 times a normal person. Eating in front of others is the worst. I try to eat a "normal" amount in public. An hour later, my stomach is growling again. I'm soo embarassed for any co-workers to see me eat again. I try to suffer through it and then eat too much at home. I think the sleeve is going to work extremely well for me.

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Dalisgirl, I am glad you are going ahead with your surgery! I am so sorry your mom and her friend have behaved so outrageously with you! I'm a psychology grad student and it seems to me that psychologist should have his or her license revoked for what he or she said to you! Honestly! They were just speaking from pure ignorance!!

The thing about the sleeve is that it makes it PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to overeat like you're used to. Now, if you're used to "eating your feelings," you may well want to see a counselor to help you figure out how to deal with life without using food as a crutch. I've been in therapy for more than three years now and it's really been a blessing for me -- I feel like I was really ready to give up my old food habits when I got sleeved last week.

And finally, I'm your height and my starting weight was more than a hundred pounds less than yours and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable myself -- I can only imagine how uncomfortable and unhappy you must be at your current weight! You really ARE doing this because you love yourself too much to live out your life that way! I'm here on the loser's bench, saving a spot for you, and cheering you on!!

MlkPas - thanks for the post! I agree, her license should be revoked. The sad thing is my daughter was listening and those are scary subjects for an 8 year old! Today my daughter asked me if I was going to be bald. (Something the counselor, who has a Master's degree :confused1:, said would be my side effect. Now, that may be true, but don't freak my kid out!!!) She's been my mom's buddy for decades. She refused to let her own obese daughter get the surgery done in the states, talked her out of it. Said that she's seen too many patients of hers die from WLS. (She never even heard of sleeve). Scary to think that there are Licensed, Degree holding, Psychologists giving people counseling and they don't know what they're talking about!

I do have a counselor and she said go for it. I don't think I eat away my feelings. I seem to have a bottomless pit and I eat until I fill it up. It's disgusting. I think I eat 3 times a normal person. Eating in front of others is the worst. I try to eat a "normal" amount in public. An hour later, my stomach is growling again. I'm soo embarassed for any co-workers to see me eat again. I try to suffer through it and then eat too much at home. I think the sleeve is going to work extremely well for me.

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I am having the hardest time with my family supporting me. They are telling me that everyone that I "meet" on the internet is paid by the doctor's office to "lure" patients to Mexico and that you guys are not real.

I am feeling so low right now because my mother and her Psychologist friend have just come to my apartment for an "intervention". They are telling me that since they've known me for my entire life that I don't have the will power to stick to eating 3 TBSP of food at a time. They're telling me that I'm going to "BUST" my pouch and die and that the bad decisions I make are going to effect their lives forever. My mom even told me that she doesn't want to be a mother again (to my daughter, who's 8), she just wants to be a granddaughter.

I am full of tears and hoping someone here can offer me some comfort or reassurance that me going to a "THIRD WORLD" country with poor sanitation is the right choice for me.

I'm 5'2, 278 lbs and been overweight since I was 8. I also have co-morbidities. My surgery is scheduled next week.

Please help.

Grrrr... :confused1::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

My mouth dropped open and I cursed at the screen when I read about your problems with your family. As an RN, I can stay I research and researched and researched! I approached 3 different doctors in Mexico and SPOKE with people that had received the surgury from each MD.

I am lucky that my job, co-workers, and family/friends all support my decision. I am a 400++, 32 year old with new onset diabetes, PCOS, sleep apnea, and depression. Funny thing, it is the doctors in Mexico that TRAINED the doctors in the USA, Europe and Mexico did the WLS for many years before the USA.

It really irks me when someone without a weight issue preaches about "will power". I have been overweight since gradeschool, I tried every diet possible to no eval. I was in Tae-Kwon Do, walked, was in volleyball, and was very active as a child and still continued to gain weight. I did "give up" the fight in my late 20s and gained a lot at that point, but I worked hard as a child and in my early 20s and still gained every month.

Please ignore your family! Be heathy and do what YOU need to do! It took my 5 years to go from thinking about surg to schedualling it. We are all real on here, and we all support you. Good luck!

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MlkPas - thanks for the post! I agree, her license should be revoked. The sad thing is my daughter was listening and those are scary subjects for an 8 year old! Today my daughter asked me if I was going to be bald. (Something the counselor, who has a Master's degree :angry:, said would be my side effect. Now, that may be true, but don't freak my kid out!!!) She's been my mom's buddy for decades. She refused to let her own obese daughter get the surgery done in the states, talked her out of it. Said that she's seen too many patients of hers die from WLS. (She never even heard of sleeve). Scary to think that there are Licensed, Degree holding, Psychologists giving people counseling and they don't know what they're talking about!

I do have a counselor and she said go for it. I don't think I eat away my feelings. I seem to have a bottomless pit and I eat until I fill it up. It's disgusting. I think I eat 3 times a normal person. Eating in front of others is the worst. I try to eat a "normal" amount in public. An hour later, my stomach is growling again. I'm soo embarassed for any co-workers to see me eat again. I try to suffer through it and then eat too much at home. I think the sleeve is going to work extremely well for me.

I have seen several psychologists and trained to be a psych RN in school (before I ran screaming, really not my cup o tea, I like the sweet Alzheimer's patient). Their are some therapists that really know how to help, but a lot of them go into psych because of personal or family issues (personal opinion :confused1: ). I also had to educate my doctors about Mexico. I had 3 doctors warn me about going to Mexico, but when I asked them if they treated a patient that had a bad expereience in Mexico NONE had a patient with an issue! It is always a co-worker that had a patient with an issue. Their is always risk with surgury! Add extra weight to that and your risks increase. We weight (pun not intended, ok maybe it was) the risks vs benifits. Just ask Tiffykins about the possible negatives, and she still recommends to everyone to get the surg!

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Sounds like you are going to do great! Seems like we have the same issues -- I was never a snacker of much or an emotional eater -- just a volume eater. I love that "full" feeling, and the sleeve lets me have that without overeating! You will be truly amazed at how the "need" to eat just disappears. Believe it or not, I've had a cupcake on my kitchen counter for two days now, and it isn't even whispering at me!

Good luck and keep us posted!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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