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Is it really necessary? ? ?

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For every surgeon's name to become a hyperlink for The Almanza/Betancourt outfit? ? ? It would different it was the proper doctor/program, but all them lead to Almanza/Betancourt? ? ?

Just wondering, I mean the "band" advertising is one thing, but for several of the other surgeon's names to show up in a thread, and then the name become a hyperlink for more advertising from this program?

Are we on a support forum, or a constant, buy from me, used car sales lot? ? ?

Edit to add: IS there any possible way to turn that feature off in our USER CUP? I looked, but didn't find anything.

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hmmmm ... not to start a war but if it lead to the Aceves "outfit" would that be ok??? And is the "used car lot" another dig on Almanza? I know you don't like him, but do we really want a repeat of the drama from last week???

I noticed there were new links on several of the doctors' names but haven't clicked on them. I would agree that no one should receive priority like that. It seems tacky that all links would go to the Jerusalem Clinic when a doctor isn't associated with them. Money talks tho. And in this economy, everyone needs or wants it.

However, maybe it was just an administrative error?? How about re-posting and asking it with a different tone so those who like Almanza aren't offended??

Unlike others here, I have never posted that Almanza is the only doctor I would ever consider. However, I did use him and was happy with my experience. It was my 9th surgery so I do have an idea of what to expect in regards to service and care.

Would I have liked other surgeons? Probably, but then I am pretty easy going and realistic. Sometimes sh&t happens and it can happen any time, any place, with anyone. I thought this surgery was quite easy and uneventful. Others had tons of pain and thought it was horrible. Almanza was just the one I picked and it is highly annoying when others dump on them when they don't have first hand experience.

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No, it wouldn't be okay. But, if someone types Dr. Ortiz in their post and it goes to any doctor other than that specific surgeon, really? What's the deal? ? ?

My comments are directed at the advertising antics used on this board. I would make the same comments if it was about any other surgeon.

I don't need a repeat of anything honestly. This is posted in the correct forum for Forum suggestions, and assistance.

No digs on Almanza, I have never spoken badly about him. I have never bashed him. I did say that the standard of care provided by that particularly program is not up to my standards. Again, it's my opinion, and I'm just as entitled to have it like anyone else that has chosen to use him and that program.

I promise it's not that I don't like him. I don't know him. But, I do know that I would not use that program because of reasons stated over and over. It's not personal, and anyone gets offended, they can either take as a dig on Almanza, or they can go back and read my posts on several occasions as to why posts are deleted for this particular program/facility. You'll see that my frustration, and issues are not with Almanza. It's the unethical, tacky antics that are exhibited here.

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Also, to prevent being offended, or upset with any of my posts.

There is a great feature here. You can block or ignore my posts. If it's that big of an issue, then block/ignore me. You won't have to see my posts. That may be easier in the long run because everyone wants to see it as me not liking a particular surgeon instead of realizing that I can have an opinion based on what is best for my life, my situation, and my comfort level.

I'm grateful that there are so many patients that have had great experiences. I don't think me making a statement about what I expect out of my surgeon choice is dissing or implying that you didn't make an educated decision based on your needs/desire from your surgeon choice.

Anyone can go to User CP and find the link that says "Edit Ignore List" from there, type in my name, hit okay, and VOILA' no more of my post will be visible.

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Maybe if I streaked through the room naked that could relieve some of the tension in here.

::and I just tripped::


That might be very funny and make a great youtube video actually!

However, it seems that there is always someone on every board who is queen bee and caution to those who have a different opinion.

Back to my first response and the main point that Tiff #1 chose to ignore . . .

Being rude is not attractive altho many people feel very brave when they have the internet to hide behind. Altho, it is also quite possible that you are like this in real life also and don't see a problem with it. You are young tho and may see later than being tackless and brash isn't always the way to go.

You easily could have asked the question without being rude to start with. "hey, what's up with the auto links? shouldn't they go to the doctor's own clinic/hospital mentioned or did someone pay extra to hijack that link?" And I don't really care where you posted the comment, if it is available to everyone to read, polite would be nice.

If you read it back, I actually agreed with you that I didn't think it was appropriate. I just tried to suggest a more appropriate way to express your question and concern.

And you haven't spoken poorly about Almanza and other clinics that aren't Aceves?? Seriously? You honestly believe that? Do you have any idea how many surgeries are performed every single day in the US in surgical centers and clinics? Do you think all of those should be shut down because they don't have an ICU and a blood bank?? Many many people who don't have the cadillac insurance you are fortunate to have would be out of luck because they can't afford to be in such deluxe accomodations for routine, day surgeries.

I have had half of my surgeries in a day surgery location and the other half in hospitals. There are times I have not received perfect care in a hospital. Maybe you are more paranoid because you did have complications however you make it sound like it is law not your opinion, especially when you discard others' good experiences elsewhere. And were both of your surgeons 100% American?? And you had a leak? And you had two procedures with the goal of losing a large amount of weight quickly and your gall bladder wasn't removed either time? Go figure. Those darn US surgeons .... just can't trust them even if they are in a full service, bells and whistles hospital.

And if you hate this board's advertising and the posts they supposedly remove, why don't you go somewhere else?

Thanks for the info about being able to block your posts. Altho I would hate to miss the opportunity to express an opposite opinion when you have been on your soap box.

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I have only said that I have certain requirements, and made the same comments regarding the sleeve being an outpatient procedure here in the US. You don't see any of the members that had their surgeries on an outpatient basis here in the US, or any other facility coming out and saying that I'm rude, brash based on my opinion that I would not choose to have this surgery done on an outpatient basis. The operative words here are "I", "my standards". I've said my opinion or choice of surgeon was because of my specific needs as a revision patient.

I don't think any surgical clinics should be shut down. I've never once mentioned that even about Dr. Almanza. All I've ever stated is that their specific facility didn't meet my needs, and I would not choose them to perform my revision. I can't recall one single time of discarding anyone's great experience with Almanza.

As for my gallbladder, obviously a lot of bariatric patients need their gb removed at some point. But, I also know that not every patient has to have it removed. I have more issues eating post GB removal than I did with having VSG. So, while you would like to insult my surgeon's choice to leave my gb, I'll stick with the fact that my surgeon based his decision on years of experience, and training. I didn't ask about my surgeon's ancestral background because it wasn't a concern of mine.

I've never once insulted, bashed, or claimed that Almanza is not good, qualified, highly trained surgeon. I've never questioned his licensing, his years of experience, how many surgeries he's performed. I don't know Dr. Almanza so it's not a fact of not liking the man or even questioning his surgical skill. All I've stated, once again, for the upteenth time, that I would not choose him because of the the clinic he operates out of.

I choose to stay around because the friends I've made here were my lifeline during my recovery.

It's the internet. I'm not going to lose any sleep over your or any other member's attempt to insult my age, my posts, or my opinion. Perception is 9/10th of the law, and if you choose to perceive my opinions as rude, tactless and/or brash, that's your cross to bear not mine.

Not everyone is going to get along. Not everyone is going to agree. Not every single member here has to get along. It doesn't happen in real life, and it sure isn't going to happen on an internet message board. Support site or not, everyone has the right to post as they choose.

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What you fail to recognize is that you make bold statements that undercut what others have done and make their decisions sound wrong. I laugh at times because I read people reciting your "religion" word for word. Maybe you shouldn't post in threads when people are specifically asking about surgeons who are not on your approved list because when you do, you insinuate that those surgeons are not good enough and not up to the best standards. Re-read even your last post - several of your statements are insinuating that Dr. Almanza and his clinic are less than desirable.

There are alot of people out there who are desperate to have this surgery. If they are healthy enough for surgery but can't afford it somewhere in the US or the highly praised and your only choice Aceves, why should they be made to feel that they are putting their lives in jeopardy because they chose someone else?

There are going to be incidents with all doctors no matter how hard anyone tries to be perfect. Perfect is impossible. Again, your situation was a great example. And yes, it is actually very common to have eating issues after gall bladder surgery that are specifically related to the removal of the gall bladder. Not real sure what your point was there. I had to change my diet and take cholestyramine or welchol to assist with digestion so that it wasn't food in, food out. It is also not uncommon for people who have had their gall bladder removed to later have Oddi Dysfunction, however it often can take a long time to diagnose. If anyone has recurring or constant pain in their right side just at the bottom of the rib cage, it could be SOD.

I have also seen posters insult doctors who schedule more than three surgeries a day because that is the only amount Aceves will do. Are you kidding me?? Is he not qualified to do more than three a day? Is anyone who does more than three a day a "bad" doctor who doesn't have his patient's best interest in mind? It is only an hour surgery. Heck, there are surgeries that take 8-14 hours each. Are those surgeons doing a disservice to their patients because a good surgeon wouldn't do more than 3 hours per day? I would guess that is why Aceves charges more is to make up for only doing 3 per day. And I guess my cosmetic surgeon should quit because he also does more than 3 procedures a day.

I have looked back over the past year and your posting attitude has always been the same. I think you just don't realize how you come across and most people are afraid to disagree with you.

Everyone can have a different opinion of the very same experiences. I have cruised 19 times, love Carnival and MSC, dislike NCL and Princess. Do I slam them? Nope. I just don't care for freestyle cruising, I like a schedule and I think Princess is too expensive for the same product. However I also don't post over and over in NCL or Princess threads that others shouldn't cruise those lines because I like other lines better.

This should be just a support site and not a preaching site. It appears the administrators have tried to reign people in many times, reposting that people should only post their personal experiences, and several believe those rules don't apply to them. I think a few people should set up their own websites so they can preach when they can't "share" appropriately.

If the shoe fits ......

Overall in life, my motto is agree to disagree and move on.

Edited by pnw218

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When you become part of the adminstration/moderator staff, you can scold me for my comments or tone. Until then, you can choose to ignore me, report my posts and then allow the admin team to deem what is appropriate support and when something is offensive.

As for this thread or any other, obviously they can be deleted.

I find it comical that anyone would take what a perfect stranger says on the internet and let it hurt their feelings or insult their decision in their own surgeon choice. No one can make any other human feel a certain unless they allow it. As for anyone being afraid to disagree with me, seriously it's the internet.

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I don't like the way ads and inline ads are placed throughout the site either. We're planning a major overhaul which should make the ads less intrusive so you'll have a better focus on the content.

The inline ads are similar to what Google does with their search key words. Someone has to pay our bills here.

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I don't like the way ads and inline ads are placed throughout the site either. We're planning a major overhaul which should make the ads less intrusive so you'll have a better focus on the content.

The inline ads are similar to what Google does with their search key words. Someone has to pay our bills here.

Thanks Alex ! ! ! I actually figured out a way to avoid it. I decided to switch over to Mozilla Firefox, and haven't had the hyperlinks showing up in the threads.

So, for anyone else that finds it annoying. You may want to go that route to avoid them all together. I'm excited to see the overhaul you've mentioned.

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Thanks Alex ! ! ! I actually figured out a way to avoid it. I decided to switch over to Mozilla Firefox, and haven't had the hyperlinks showing up in the threads.

So, for anyone else that finds it annoying. You may want to go that route to avoid them all together. I'm excited to see the overhaul you've mentioned.

Hmm...did you change any default settings to get them to not appear? I use firefox and some of them are still hyperlinks. :)

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Hmm...did you change any default settings to get them to not appear? I use firefox and some of them are still hyperlinks. :)

Nopers, I just updated the latest version yesterday when I got the alerty. But, I didn't change any of the settings.

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When you become part of the adminstration/moderator staff, you can scold me for my comments or tone. Until then, you can choose to ignore me, report my posts and then allow the admin team to deem what is appropriate support and when something is offensive.

As for this thread or any other, obviously they can be deleted.

I find it comical that anyone would take what a perfect stranger says on the internet and let it hurt their feelings or insult their decision in their own surgeon choice. No one can make any other human feel a certain unless they allow it. As for anyone being afraid to disagree with me, seriously it's the internet.

OK. So now I am not allowed present my opinion because it is different than yours but you can write a rude post? I prefer to talk directly to the person rather than behind their back. And anyone who feels badly after reading an insult has a low self esteem? Uh, I think lots of overweight people have a low self self esteem. As do others who have other addictions, been the victim of abuse, etc. People want to be accepted, are often quiet and suffer in silence.

It is sad that you believe you are perfect and don't understand how your comments can affect others.

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Seriously, build a bridge and get over it. Bottomline, the owner of this site posted in this very thread and you still want to sit here and go back and forth. What happened to your theory of "agree to disagree and move on"? Apparently, that's not the case here.

I never stated I was perfect. You've turned it personal. You've insulted my doctors which I have never done. Once again, why is this such a huge issue because I have different standards and expectations from a surgeon and facility and have stated that I WOULD NOT choose any other Mexican surgeon/facility for my needs. I never once have told anyone they are an idiot for going to any particular surgeon. I've never once suggested that any of the positive experiences were simply paid posters or coordinators trying to drum up business. I've never once bashed Dr. Almanza or any of his patients. Yet, it keeps getting turned into a little witch hunt about my own personal opinion. Which if you aren't aware of, I'm entitled to have one just as much as you are.

Did I mention self-esteem? No. Did I mention anything about victims of abuse? No.

I've been in both situations, and instead of getting my feelings hurt over internet forum member's opinions/thoughts, I pull on my big girl panties and get over it.

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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