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Second Thoughts. Did anyone else feel this?

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Hi All!

I have asked loads of food questions but is it just me or did anyone else kinda obsess over all the food and big meals you are going to miss out on? I keep thinking I will be miserable watching everyone around me eat whatever they like and I will be living on Protein Shakes and Soup the rest of my life.

I worry about complications and leaving my husband and 2 very young kids alone.

I worry about having the surgery and waking up and thinking what the hell have I just done.

I have asked it before but, does anyone regret having the sleeve surgery? I have searched all over the forums and I cannot find anyone so far who regrets their choice. Nor have I been able to actually find anyone who has dies from it. (In my mind, I'm sure I would be the first)

I could use a little reassurance.

Surgery date is 2 weeks from today.

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No regrets, and remember the post-op diet is just a few weeks compared to the many years that you are adding to your life by getting to and maintaining a healthy weight.

You will still be able to have all of your favorites, not immediately after surgery, but at some point, you'll get to eat whatever your little heart desires.

I was worried about the anesthesia component more than anything with my surgeries, but I had faith in my surgeon and anesthesia team.

You'll mourn the big portions you aren't getting to have at some point or another, but you'll rejoince that your hiney is taking up 1/3 of the chair instead of all of it. Those are the little things that keep me going. Like today at the doctor's office, I sat in the chair, and looked down and could see the grey material of the seat when before my thighs and butt covered the entire surface area of that chair. Makes all the struggles worth it.

Stay strong, and just know that it's going to work for you, there's ups and downs, but the ups last way longer than any of the downs.

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In 10 days I'll be 6 months out. I worried too. I worried before but I really worried after my surgery...I worried because I really did it and I now had to face the changes and for me loosing my former relationship with food made me feel like a tortoise without a shell. I made food my comforter and intimate friend and instead of eating to live I lived to eat. I regretted having the surgery and was grief stricken over what I'd done. I am now approx. 70lbs lighter and my family looks at me with such admiration. They tell me how proud they are of me in spite of how scared I was. I insisted month after month that I regretted having the surgery and would rather have myself back, (my fat self). I can see now how I used my fat as a sort of armor to protect me from ...living. Finally I can say that I do not regret having this surgery and it's OK that I am becoming a lean and slim person even if I don't know who I really am or where I fit in. Time will tell. I'll discover myself and rebuild in a new way. The best thing about the sleeve is that like Tiffykins says, eventually you will be able to eat and enjoy food but just enough and that's all. Don't be afraid, just prepare yourself mentally and stay connected here so you can learn from others. It's good.......it's really good.

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I'm preop too and have some of the same fears as you. I know that I am going to be a beast to be around for a few months and I'm telling my friends and bf to brace themselves. But, I can only imagine what it will feel like to have a body that matches who I am inside.

I dream of being someone who enjoys riding the rollercoaster, instead of being afraid that the belt might not fasten (btw, that has happened to me, not pleasant!) I'd like to be able to have people tell me I'm pretty, not "you have a pretty face." And mostly it would be nice to have a body that feels my age, rather than like someone fifty years older than me.

I have surgery a week after you, good luck with everything and keep posting, keep chatting with these wise ladies, and even though I'm not experienced I'd be happy to be a part of your cheering squad, or a place for you to vent. We can do this!!!!

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OMG Lovemyhorseys! You took the words right out of my mouth! I feel EXACTLY the same way! It's not just you!!!:thumbup1:

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You know what, I really thought I was going to miss a huge trough of nachos, the Chinese buffet, and eating half a pizza plus garlic cheesebread, and I made damn sure I had ALL those things and more before surgery.

You just can't believe ahead of time that you'll be full and satisfied with 1/4 - 1/2 cup of food... but it's true. My eyes are still sometimes bigger than my stomach, and I'll dish up a full scoop of chili, or think I'll be able to eat a whole burger (no bun), so I take it, and then can't finish it. But instead of being disappointed, I'm still amazed that not only am I FULL halfway through, I don't even want to keep going.

Last night I had a small-medium size slice of pizza (plus the crust, I know, bad me) with bacon, Tomato, and green olives. I was just as full -feeling as I would have been pre-op and really felt like I'd had a whole big meal...which, with my new tummy, I actually did!

It's just something you're going to have to experience yourself to believe. AND, once you're into solids, you'll be able to have the same stuff (although it really should be avoided as much as possible until you're at goal--last night was my first big cheat). OMG.... LMAO!! I just called one little slice of pizza a cheat?? AHAHAHAAA!!!!! Sorry, laughing at myself... it's amazing how fast you change the way you think about food LOL.

Anyway, do satisfy your "last supper" needs before surgery, because it will help you mentally gear up for the surgery and you won't obsess over having to have all that stuff one last time. Just remember that you WILL be able to have it again eventually, but next time it won't make you fat and sick. :thumbup1:

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I think everyone has second thoughts. I know I came real close to backing out, and was looking for excuses to not do it. Right now I do miss eating like a piranha in heat and kinda miss my ole fat self at times, but I am only 4 weeks out and have had some swelling issues. The desire to gorge is fading though, and the feelings of wanting to eat healthy are growing.

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Hi All!

I have asked loads of food questions but is it just me or did anyone else kinda obsess over all the food and big meals you are going to miss out on? I keep thinking I will be miserable watching everyone around me eat whatever they like and I will be living on Protein shakes and Soup the rest of my life.

I worry about complications and leaving my husband and 2 very young kids alone.

I worry about having the surgery and waking up and thinking what the hell have I just done.

I have asked it before but, does anyone regret having the sleeve surgery? I have searched all over the forums and I cannot find anyone so far who regrets their choice. Nor have I been able to actually find anyone who has dies from it. (In my mind, I'm sure I would be the first)

I could use a little reassurance.

Surgery date is 2 weeks from today.

Let me tell ya honey! I researched the sleeve for over 1 year, did the seminars and everything. . . joined this forum got all the information, thought for sure i was so ready. . . had my surgery . . . totally hated the sleeve for the first 1 week! absolutately hated it. . . i wished that they had a trial thing before you buy you know. . . it was miserable. . . couldn't drink how i used to, had to be a lady about it, couldn't eat the way i used to, had to be a lady about it, had to learn all over again. . . THEN i went to my first weigh in after 1 1/2 weeks. . . lost 32 lbs. . . wow, maybe this isn't so bad. . . continued to b . . . ch about how i couldn't eat this or that, drink this or that. . . eat and drink less then what a bird does. . . yada yada yada. . . went to weigh in at 7 weeks out . . wow lost 53Lbs. . .how cool is that. . . clothes were fitting so nicely, went from 4X to 2 - 1 XL depending on cut. . . wow . . . well now at 10 weeks out i eat whatever, mind you it's in polite portions, no longer do i eat like a damn barbarion, but like a cultured thinner person. . . the sleeve allows me to do that. . . it's not all that bad. . .sometimes i mess up and gulp a bit more poweraid then i should. . . wow does it let me know that. . . sip my dear, pinky up and sip! hehehe . . . it's a great tool. . . a pain in the arce at times, but just imagine, you can go for take out, eat a bit and have all that left over for lunches and dinners. . . no cooking. . . it's great. . . i've lived with my fat self for 47 years, be damned if i live with fatness any longer. . .this was the only way and I'm glad i did it . . . would i do it again? YES . . . good luck we are all here for you whenever you need us ok? :thumbup1:

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I'm still pre-op, but I'm 51 years old and my feeling is that I've been eating for more than 50 years and I've eaten everything I need to eat. I've been struggling with my weight since I was NINE, and although I've never been huge (never even reached 200 lbs, but then I'm only 5'2"), I have worried and fretted about every bite that went into my mouth, and every ounce on the scale, for more than FORTY YEARS. So when I found out this surgery was available to me, I jumped on it like a drowning man jumps on a lifeboat.

Honestly, I can't imagine anything about the restrictions of this surgery being any worse than what I've been through up to now. Even if I were restricted to Protein shakes and chicken Soup for the rest of my life (which I know I won't be), for me that would be a fair trade-off for being slim and healthy.

As for complications, I know they happen but if they do I will get through them and it will still be worth it.

I guess everybody has to do the cost-benefit analysis for him- or herself. For me, it's a no-brainer.

I just envy those of you who have the opportunity to do it while you're still very young!

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Wellllllllll.....there are certain things I do regret. I regret not researching more into the size of the sleeve and making sure this surgery is perfected before I had it. I regret not going to different doctors to interview and make a decision before plopping out my 14.5k. Sometimes people post that they can't STOP losing and that scares the crap out of me. That would be a mean thing to do to a fat person...the ultimate 'joke'. "We'll show you...etc.". I'd hate to die from being underweight...I cannot imagine though.

I also thought after the six weeks you just eat less and go on your merry way. Now I realize it is not so simple...a lot of people still 'diet' as far as I can tell. So I'm like hmmmmm I may have to do that to lose weight. Gotta get my head around that.

Also, I regret not getting more counseling to have insight over where my emotional difficulties with food are and resolving it somewhat. I am dealing with a lot of head shit, basically. I should have handled that ahead of time but I didn't understand it was bad until they made it impossible to eat much....you see what I mean? I was used to eating what I wanted whenever I wanted. No self control.

I enjoy losing the weight, and I'm hoping like heck I don't sabotage myself. I still feel like I'm trying to control IT, when I can't. So far my sleeve has endured my mistakes very well but it has been a battle with my esophogas b/c I'll mess up and not chew enough and pay; or eat too much and pay - how? - with the slimes which are not awful but kinda are at the same time - worrisome.

Believe me, I don't want a leak, but not eating the foods I am used to has been extremely hard for me.

So with this said do I regret it? A little bit. Why? Mostly b/c I worry I won't lose my weight or will gain weight and look like a fool. To be fat and have this contrary stomach - now that would not be fun. But I have learned I really have some foodie issues, cause I love to eat and drink whatever I want.

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I agree that probably everybody has second thoughts. I sure did and at times I've thought "what have i done". Now I'm almost 7 months out and was in a size 22, last weekend I bought a size 6 pair of jeans. So, do I regret this? NO!!!! It's to the point now I see my husband down his 4th piece of pizza and it kind of grosses me out. Hard to imagine because a year ago I could eat a whole one on my own.

I think it's good to have some doubt, it makes you really research what you're getting yourself into, but in the end it's so worth it!

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I also, am preop...and for the most part excited to get on with my new life...when the doubts start creeping in I have to remind myself that for most of my 57 years I have battled this weight, gotten frustrated with myself over and over again over the inability to not be able to control the hunger I have in the evening and spoiling the entire day of good choices and exercise, feeling like I'm not worth it, thinking about the money that this is going to cost and should I put my family in this position, how will I feel on Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the other celebrations that we have with food as the main part....blah blah blah

The point is, I AM worth it, the financial strain is going to be there anyway if my health continues to fade because of the extra weight, and that is not an 'if' but a 'when'. I WILL be changing my entire relationship with food, and you know what ??? HALLELUIA, cause it sure is stinky right now. It control my thoughts, days and entertainment. IT IS JUST FOOD FOR PETE'S SAKE !!!!

I need this tool to help control the appetite thing.....the head hunger I'm trying to prepare myself for right now. I'm am writing in a journal, thoughts that really stand out to me now, things that mean something to me personnally, so that when the 'head hunger' tries to rear its ugly little head at me, I have the surgery (and not wanting to cause unnecessary pain from not following my surgeons advice) and all these little messages that I can refer back to help me through all the depression, anxiety and all the other junk that I know I will be facing in the near future.

But, in one year.....WOW !!! You know what 'they' say..."what a difference a year can make". and guess what else...for the first time ever for most of us, we will be able to walk into a room and NOT be noticed....hehe (unless of course it's because we look so darn good !!!!)


Edited by Lookinupin2010

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I'm still researching, not because I don't know if I want it or not but because that's just what I do. It's the control freak in me that me and the Lord are working on together ;-) Anyway, I know I want this. I'm about to start the process of everything next week.

But, it's like now that I've decided for sure this is what I want all these other things keep popping into my head. I posted on here before asking what happens if you get stomach cancer after already having most of your stomach removed. Tonight, I've been looking that up, lol. Not only have I found some studies on it, most saying there's not much more risk than the average bear of getting it within 20 years of surgery and the risk goes up every 10 years after and some saying there is no greater risk no matter how long out from surgery you are. Still haven't found anything on what in the world you would do, I'm assuming you'd probably have to have even more of your stomach cut out or a full gastrectomy, which does not sound fun.

Then, searching for that stuff leads me to studies on the increased risks of esophogeal cancers and both of them being caused because of increased bile and/or acid because of the size and more production. Lovely. Now, these were studies done on partial gastrectomies that were performed on people because of gastric or duodenal ulcers or because of cancer. So, there were different parts of the stomach removed for each and I don't know that the part that we have, or will have, removed is the same as for those. Anyway, it's almost like I'm trying to find something that could happen down the road to keep me from doing this.

This is when prayer is so important to me. Because seriously, right now, I don't know if these things to look up are popping in my head because the Lord wants me to see what could happen if I do this or if it truly is just my control freak self doing it and I need to chill, LOL

Who knows. As of right now I am going forward. But, I am freaking out slightly too, lol. UGH!!!! ;-)

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The last few days before my surgery date I began to wonder about the very things you are questioning. I wanted this surgery badly because I wanted to finally have a way to rid myself of obesity. I too prayed. I prayed that God would be in this surgery and keep me/my stomach safe etc. I remember a scripture the new testament where it says...

So if your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your body parts than to have your whole body thrown into hell. International Standard Version (?2008)

That is how I felt about my body part (the stomach). I felt like I've lived the life of a glutton. My insatiable appetite caused me to hurt my entire body and hinder my life. I prayed that God would open the doors if it was alright for me to go through with this. I had no resistance whatsoever from every preop test to the insurance approval. Of course I was scared and had some intense fear that I might still be going according to my flesh and not the will of God. On the morning of my surgery around 5 am as I was getting into my car to drive to the hospital I told myself that I still could back out of it right then and not go through with it. I was scared and I almost didn't go. Instead I went forward and prayed that the Lord be with me in spite of myself and forgive me that if I were mistaken He'd protect me nonetheless and I believe he was with me then and is with me now. I hope you will get clarity and do what you believe is in accordance to His will for you.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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