SusanP 0 Posted May 28, 2006 I took a bite of pizza and tried to eat it like I could pre-band. Before I realized my mistake, I gulped it down. I spent the next 30 minutes puking, getting bits of it out. I woke up this morning and took a couple of drinks of Water and some of it came up. I heated up some Soup for lunch (cream of squash) and was able to get about 3 spoonfuls downs. Do you think I am just swollen from throwing up or could I have blockage? Also, I am due for my period and usually feel more restriction around that time. This is miserable!!! Thank you in advance for your help. Susan:help: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bensmum1109 0 Posted May 28, 2006 You are swollen. This happens to me too frequently. Stick to liquids for at least a day and soft foods for another day. Make sure everything you intake is bland so you don't irritate your self further. This is like aversion therapy. You will learn to eat the right way and avoid certain foods forever! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marys 2 Posted May 28, 2006 Unfortunately this happens to me more then I like although after 6 months I'm finally learning. Yes, it sounds like swollen and even when you feel better that lasts awhile soooo definitely stay on Clear Liquids for 24 hours and maybe even call your doc. Once when I did it bad, I was on liquids for FIVE days + maalox every two hours. Pbing and throwing up is serious and you should treat it as such. but also don't beat yourself up - most of us have done it. This is a huge leearning process but take care of that band - sip veryy slowly no big gulps and really, truly wait at least 24 hours before trying any solids and even then i would say mushies for another 24 hours. good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CCBSTX 0 Posted May 28, 2006 It sounds like you are swollen. Keep on the liquids for a day and see. If you are having trouble keeping liquids down, then you may need a slight unfill. Good luck. Shawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaB 3 Posted May 28, 2006 I had a BAD first PB a week ago and have no fill to remove. When I called my doctor he said that when I was able to get liquid down, to sip COLD COLD COLD Water which helps with the swelling and to take Maalox PLUS 4 times per day. He said it was important that the product is Maalox PLUS. I'm not sure what the Maalox Plus does except maybe sooth your irritated tissues. He said to even keep the Maalox Plus in the refrigerator so it would be cold too. If you can't keep water or clear liquids down you should definitely call your doctor ASAP. Sorry about the pizza incident. I feel your pain. My horrible PB was on scrambled eggs - can you think of anything more innocent than scrambled eggs? Apparently lots of people have problems with them and they are now on my permanent list of things I will never ever eat again! Actually, they're the only thing on that list so far! LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SusanP 0 Posted May 28, 2006 Thank you so much! I am sending hubby out for the malox. Boy, this was a lesson learned. Once again, thank you EVERYONE!!! Susan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SusanP 0 Posted May 31, 2006 OK, I need your help again. I was feeling better, much better, yesterday (Tuesday). I got out and did major yard work, including mowing with a push mower (I mean PUSH). I woke up at 5:30 this morning feeling fine, but by 10am, I was hurting and starting spitting up. I can get little sips down, but a 1 tbsp of malox gets stuck and I have to spit it back up. Have I just agitated my port/band? When I spit up it's lots of mucus. My doc is over 2 hours away, especially since he's in Houston and I am sure that it's going to be hard to get to him because of flooding. How do I know if I need to go to the ER? Help again, Susan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CCBSTX 0 Posted May 31, 2006 Susan, this is my thinking. Make an appt. with now, to see your doctor tomorrow. It sounds as if you are a little too tight and need a slight unfill. Your stoma (opening) is getting a bit agitated. If you aren't too tight, when you see the doctor...then he can still check you out. Often our bands are fickle, during certain times of the day. It may be better this evening. Keep trying to drink your liquids. I know it's bit of a drive, but it will be worth piece of mind. See your doctor. Good luck. Let us know, how it turns out. Shawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SusanP 0 Posted June 1, 2006 My doctor just called and said I was irritated and the dark flecks are blood. He said to be at his office at 8am for an unfill, no charge. Or, if I got really bad, to go to 12 Oaks hospital in Houston (2+ hours away) and he'd find a doc to unfill me. Until then, no liquids. This is miserable!!! Susan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SusanP 0 Posted June 1, 2006 I made it to Dr. Spiegel's office by 7:45. I was puking pure black stuff and it was horrible. A nurse unfilled me quickly and I was never so thankful. I don't know how I made the drive because I puked constantly into a cup. I did the barium swallow at 12 Oaks and everything looked good. Although I love Dr. Speigel, I have to change doctors because of the cost per fill. I picked Dr. Chang in Victoria. CCBSTX, if you can tell me how your experiences have been with him/the clinic, I'd appreciate it!!! Any idea on how long until I should wait for a fill? Thanks again, Susan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CCBSTX 0 Posted June 2, 2006 Susan, so happy to hear you made it to your doctor. It must be a great relief! Dr. Chang does all of the fills/unfills himself. You'll have a nurse also with him to help assist. Basically, he is always "right on the money" with finding my port. You'll lay down, with a pillow under your back, and a nurse at your head. She'll hold the cup of Water w/a straw. He'll tell you to keep sipping until you find your spot. I tend to not like to be too tight. I like a conservative fill. He'll listen to you. Ahead of the fill, he'll ask "how many cups you can eat." I go in for a fill next week. I plan on asking for a .2cc fill as I don't want to be too tight. He is a to-the-point surgeon, but very knowledgeable. Definetely, you don't feel the rush of the "cattle call" experience. Glad you're ok. Shawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deniseb 0 Posted June 8, 2006 I have a question and hope someone can help me. When our band is too tight and you have to get an unfill (I did). Won't it be too tight again if we get another fill. I'm confused and afraid to get any more fills. My band is at 2.5 and whenever we tried to put more in, it was bad, pb'ing, etc. So what do you do then, just not get any more fills. I want another fill to bump weight loss efforts, but I don't want to feel bad again and then another unfill. Suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MelodyJ 0 Posted June 8, 2006 Denise-- Are you sure you need another fill???? If you want a bump loss go to liquids on your own as this works when we are filled and must do it....are you exercising?? Are you eating 1/2 cup per meal or less???? Making good food choices???? There are MANY variables!!! This is tough at times I've discovered....worth it for me but tough!!! God Bless, Melody Banded 3/20/06 -49lbs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kashia 0 Posted June 8, 2006 Susan, I get extremely tight around my period. Its a crazy thing that happens with the band. I now try to watch out for it so I don't over eat around that time. The doctor here thinks I am making this up. O well. Anyway, glad you had an unfill and everything looked OK. Remember, being to tight can cause damage or slippage so always try to be very careful. Stay on liquids for two or three days after getting sick or too tight. Its hard bec once you feel better we want to go back to eating but your stomachs needs to rest. Warm liquids are the best for opening things up. Take care. Denise, being to tight is the pits. I would see what else you could do first before going back for a fill. After trying all other measures, eating less, exercising, etc. then maybe, but even then remember tweaks can sometimes be all you need. I hope it works out foryou. Kashia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SusanP 0 Posted June 9, 2006 I just want thank everyone again for the support! I went ahead and went on vacation and hurt most of the time. I hardly get sick and when I do, I work through it. My stomach burned most of the time. Today is the first day that I feel back to normal. Is the band worth it? Oh yes!!! The pain of being overweight for so many years is nothing compared to a week of stomach irritation. I am looking forward to meeting my new doctor this Wednesday. I also feel better finding a surgeon/hospital that can help me in emergency. I felt so lost and alone when I called the 2 nearest ER rooms last week and no one would touch me! The nurses had heard of the lap band, but no one could help me. I think all ER staff should be trained on emergency procedures like an unfill for us. I sure miss my old stomach. I can tell the difference. I am hungry and the food that I do eat, doesn't stick with me. Once again, thank you all for your help and support! Susan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites