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I haven't tried cacao yet as I'm too close post-op. That said, I may try some as well as raw maca once I'm healed.

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Yum!! That gave me a thought - does anyone add raw natural cacao to their drinks?

I had that same thought, before surgery I had a large glass jar of Raw Cacao powder it was organic too. It was not sweet and I used it often to make chocolate and mocha smoothies for myself, family and friends. I sweetened it with Stevia powder that I buy at Trader Joes (but can be found and bought these days just about anywhere) and online. I think I may get some and try it again using my Solgar whey Protein Powder. For variation I can add a bit of instant decaff coffee and I bought pure flavor extracts like vanilla, and hazelnut. Although I get enough Protein now from my food, fish, cheese, etc. It would be nice to be able to have a filling shake now and then and not bother with meal prep.

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I had a private consult with my raw food instructor last night. She made me feel sooo much better. By keeping up with my green drinks I should be able to get in all the Protein I need. She also explained why the whey isolate drinks made me sick. I will now get some hemp and use that for an added boost - it would be great in a smoothie with cacao!!!!

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I recently saw something about someone using "hemp milk" ? I have hemp seeds that I toast and throw on salad.

I rarely make shakes...I just don't want to drink something icy cold all the time. I drink alot of hot teas. I make a hot cocoa with powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chocolate flavor..(also use the Body Fortress chocolate from Walmart).

I think WLS lifestyle just forces us to be inventive. Let's face it....it's damn easy to go through a drive-thru.... but actually planning your day and leaving time to prepare healthy meals is far more difficult in a busy life.

I'm sorry...what was the question? Oh look, a squirrel.

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HAHA Tracy! You crack me up! I usually say "oh look... something sparkly"!

Hemp is a very good source of Protein which is easily digestible, unlike whey... it's and tasty too! Why I had to pay to have someone tell me that when I already know it makes me laugh. My head is not in the right place these days! Anywho I was just given a packet of Nutiva hemp Protein. Haven't tried it yet but it says "sweet tasting and easy mixing". Huh - that kind of sounds like a personal add, doesn't it? ANYWAY - I will give it a try tomorrow when I make my green juice for the day. I'll let you know what I think!

I am such a non-planner it's insane. The only thing I like to plan is a party!! Having said that I think this is another area in life that this surgery will help me with. When you take the time to plan you make more creative and often better choices. I'm going to try to make it fun!

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I initially tried buying hemp powder at trader joes...it didn't really mix very well and I used an electric blender (the magic bullet) ..the hemp powder was gritty and sort of floated down to the bottom of the glass. I brought it back and got a refund. I would love to find one that works so if that brand does the job please let us know. Also can you elaborate a little on what you learned about your green shakes and Protein content? I'm quite interested. Thanks. -LisAnn

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Ok - so I bring my juice to work in a big stainless thermos every day. Today I added the sample pack of nutiva. I tasted it first and it was kinda nutty so I thought the taste would combine well. I just had my first glass (I shook up the thermos before pouring). The taste is fine - barely noticeable. It did seem a bit... how do I put it.... chalky? Not in taste but texture - kind of like soy milk. It left my mouth feeling a bit dry. I can deal with that though. What I don't know if I can deal with is the fact that it did not actually mix/dissolve into my juice. It was all at the bottom. I still might want to want to use this product on days I am not juicing much though. So, I called Nutiva hoping to get some pointers. They are out of the office until 3/15. argh.

I am not a nutritionist but can relay what I was told. The body can only absorb about 30% of animal Protein (meat, eggs, cheese, daily in general). The rest is toxic waste. Therefore saying we need 60-80 grams of Protein a day would really be only around 20-30 grams at most of raw plant protein. Also, studies have shown that our bodies really do not need 60-100g per day. The article in the link below is really good. Ignore the fact that is a religious site. I am most certainly, definitely, 100% NOT pushing anyone's religious agenda. It has really good, scientific info though. The truth about protein.

My typical daily drink consists of the following:

1 head of romaine

1/2 bunch of of kale (stems cut off for the most part)

3-4 carrots

3-4 sticks of celery

1-2 apples

My fave snack is a raw "pudding" which consists of the following

1/2 bunch of parsley (stems cut off for the most part)

1 mango

1 banana

1/4 cup of Water

Blend the hell out of it and store in a short mason jar (you can get them at target). Let sit over night for best results. Your toes will curl when you eat this - I promise!!!!

Edited by gr8pyrmom

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As a former "raw foodist", I will be very curious to see how your weightloss is while juicing post-op. My Kaiser plan specifically calls for no beverage (juice) that is more than 20 calories per serving. I hope this really works well for you. I bet you'll feel terrific. I don't like the powdered Nutiva, but like the hemp seeds better.

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As a former "raw foodist", I will be very curious to see how your weightloss is while juicing post-op. My Kaiser plan specifically calls for no beverage (juice) that is more than 20 calories per serving. I hope this really works well for you. I bet you'll feel terrific. I don't like the powdered Nutiva, but like the hemp seeds better.

Well, I'm going to make the best choice for myself. That could be a mix of both the hospital and my raw friends info, one or the other or some other things entirely. We are all intelligent adults and capable of compiling and computing information from many sources. I have never been a "one road" person. I am an individual who has unique needs, as are all of us. No one doctor, dietician, nutritionist or anyone for that matter knows exactly what we need. I'm open to just about anything though I am not much for animal products. I do admit I LOVE cheese though. I went 100% vegan for 30 days - just to see how it made me feel. The only things I missed were cheese and butter... can you guess how I got heavy? :tongue_smilie:

The juice I will drink today has maybe 300-350 calories. This is based on the whole food, not the juice which I assume would make it lower. This is all I will have until dinner which will probably be a carrot or celery Soup (raw). I will have a couple spoons of my "pudding" here and there as well. To me, the nutrients I am getting from drinking live juices and the toxins that are being flushed out far outweigh the small amount of calories I am taking in. That's just me at this point and time. My opinion could change tomorrow - who knows! Life is a process!!! I value your suggestions and opinions so please keep them coming :biggrin0:

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Thank you sooo much for your post I used to juice and felt 100 percent better! It's funny how we get tunnel vision w/ protein... I've literally been nauseous and miserable trying to get my Protein Shake in for the day to get in the required amount only to feel like a failure yet again for not being able to! I was in tears earlier because my body is rejecting the torture I've been inflicting upon it! I'm throwing out all of this whey Protein crap and I thank God for your post..you have saved me!!! I believe with juicing veggies and fruit plus eating my fish I will feel human again...I'm almost 3 weeks out and have lost 16 lbs and they have been the most miserable 16 lbs of my life! I was seriously beginning to regret this surgery. I did this for Portion Control and to get healthy and I feel now I can breathe and begin my journey and it doesn't have to be what everyone elses is! I'm not concerned with losing weight the fastest but losing the healthiest way for me to maintain for the rest of my life! Thanks sweetie and God Bless your journey!!!

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Well, I'm going to make the best choice for myself. That could be a mix of both the hospital and my raw friends info, one or the other or some other things entirely. We are all intelligent adults and capable of compiling and computing information from many sources. I have never been a "one road" person. I am an individual who has unique needs, as are all of us. No one doctor, dietician, nutritionist or anyone for that matter knows exactly what we need. I'm open to just about anything though I am not much for animal products. I do admit I LOVE cheese though. I went 100% vegan for 30 days - just to see how it made me feel. The only things I missed were cheese and butter... can you guess how I got heavy? :tongue_smilie:

The juice I will drink today has maybe 300-350 calories. This is based on the whole food, not the juice which I assume would make it lower. This is all I will have until dinner which will probably be a carrot or celery Soup (raw). I will have a couple spoons of my "pudding" here and there as well. To me, the nutrients I am getting from drinking live juices and the toxins that are being flushed out far outweigh the small amount of calories I am taking in. That's just me at this point and time. My opinion could change tomorrow - who knows! Life is a process!!! I value your suggestions and opinions so please keep them coming :biggrin0:

I am suffering with a horrible sinus condition where I feel like I've got a glob in my throat most of the time. I feel like eating cheeses and other milk products and whey etc. may be contributing to the problem. Since my surgery I haven't eaten anything raw. I've got horrible energy. I want to be healthy.

I'm glad I read this post but where do I begin if I want to incorporate "raw" foods into my diet? Is there a way for a clueless beginner to do this? I would need a juicer and knowledge of how to juice? I haven't a clue. Would I need a Dehydrator or can these type foods be purchased at a health or whole foods store? There is a small health food store not too far away that makes fresh raw juices to order, expensive though. If I wanted to get started which veggies when consumed raw contain Protein? My intuition tells me that there is healing with a raw food diet.

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Hi! Are you fully healed and no longer eating on doctors instructions? You may want to just let your doc know what you are doing - just to be safe. My first suggestion is to find someone in your area who is a raw foodist and teaches classes. You can spend a million bucks on equipment and cookbooks but make sure this is something you want to work into your diet first. A good blender is essential, a juicer if you want to make juices and a dehydrator is a fantastic tool. A vitamix blender is the mac daddy but comes with a mac daddy price tag. Just look for one in your price range with the best motor. For a juicer I use the Jack Lalanne Elite which is only available on the website. It's basically the same as the pro which you can buy at kohls or target but can make nut milks. I do have the mac daddy of dehydrators. I bought it used on ebay and if you want to do raw the Exacalibur is the only way to go. I have the biggest one but they make them as small as 4 or 5 racks. A spiralizer is an awesome tool for making "spaghetti" out of zuchinni. They go for about 35 bucks. There are lots and lots and lots of raw foods you can make without all this equipment though. This is one reason I suggest taking some classes or going to demos. How close are you to NYC? One of the best raw food restaurants is in the city. Pure. I have one of their books. It says every day raw but who are they kidding? It's special food - not every day! I have yet to make one recipe though they do look really great. My instructor is Beth Wilke. She has a couple books of her own and I love the simplicity of her recipies. You can buy them or down load on line at Sensational Raw Diet ? Discover The Benefits of Eating Live Food.

There is a lot of healing with raw foods. A LOT. Where veggies are concerned the darker the green, the better, Kale, spinach, romaine and parsley are the best. If juicing them you can sweeten it up with a couple carrots or apple. I like a glass of just romaine and Tomato every now and again though I tend to throw a little salt and pepper in it. My fave yummy treat is 3 apples and 1 stick of celery. Tastes like a waldorff salad.

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So I am going to try to educate myself. The websites you gave seem like a good place to start and then taking a class if I can find one is another great suggestion...I may have to head into NYC to find one. Who knows this could really change the quality of my health. I am 6 months out of surgery on March 15. I am on an antidepressant that stimulates my appetite so for the last couple of months I've felt "normal" where appetite and food are concerned, (prior to that I couldn't stand the sight of food...any food) And, because of this horrible glob/mucus thing living in my throat along with intermittent post nasal drip, I feel like my diet exclusive of cheeses and yogurts, whey, meats, eggs and cooked vegetables etc. may be contributing to the problem or, causing it. I also found that raw spinach goes down easy. I had (half) a spinach salad with grilled shrimp at Applebees tonight and I enjoyed the uncooked baby spinach leaves very much. Had I not read your post I probably wouldn't have ordered it.

I really want to give you a hug for the time and effort you spent in replying. The whole "raw food" thing seems really right. And I do believe you when you say that banana/mango/and parsley pudding you make is delicious but I can't even imagine myself making it right.

My surgeon is text book conventional and just repeats the mantra, "Protein first then vegetables, then ..." I will be seeing him again in April. I doubt that he is aware of the "raw food" way of eating but I will bring it up when I see him. In the meanwhile I will take your advise.

Thanks again.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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