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Outraged! This man mooed at me!

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I work at a hospital where they send people for alcohol and drug rehab. The majority of the "guest" are court ordered to attend for a minimum of 21 days so they are not happy with their situation anyway. While walking to my office I had to pass a fenced in area where these "guest" smoke. One said, "look at that pig". Pissed me off so I looked at him square in the eye and said, "I may be a pig but look who is in the cage". The guy he was standing beside started to laugh and the guy who said it to me was so shocked he could not respond. I felt wonderful all day long. I may be fat but fat does not pad my feelings.

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You should have told them to shave their ass's and walk backwards because their butts were better looking than their faces.

What morons.

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I have a story that is similar. I was at the local safeway , was in line to check out when a little girl in the basket ahead of me said to her mommy " look mommy there is a fat lady" and the mother replied "your right! how many more can you count!" I Looked a that woman and said " is that any way to raise a child you should be ashamed of yourself" The lady looked at me pick up her daughter and left. Leaving the full basket. The little girl was crying and saying" mommy but that was a nice lady" I felt so sorry for the little girl and wanted to rip that mother a new one!

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first i want to say how sorry i am that happened to you and others - it is the most humiliating and embarrasing thing ever. It amazes me that obesity is still a disease that others find acceptable to torment and tease. We would be better off being drug addicts and i'm serious..

Here is my repsonse that only works with pig men.....

"well, I'd rather have too much then too little" and glance down at their crotch - men tend to think they are their penis so this one works great.

Did it in a bar as two guys oinked at me and felt great all night.

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I don't mean to be sexist toward the men here - I was just angry reading this.

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What a horrible experience.

The examples of fat prejudice just keep going and going but I have been the victim (I don't have a victim mentality, but in this case - I was a victim) of it myself.

A few years ago, I was walking through an upscale mall carrying a shopping bag. Some truant little juveniles were sitting around and commenting on shoppers who were walking back and forth. As I passed them, one sang out loudly "I can eat it all !" as the other youths laughed.

(I was (of course) dieting at the time and was then wearing a size 14, and I'm relatively tall.

But it was clear they were definitely talking about me, and I was mortified.

That phrase, it turns out, was part of some parody song (by some two-bit Weird Al Yankovic wannabe back in the day). If I find the song lyrics I'll post them and you'll see how offensive it was.

Bottom line: there are stupid, sad little farts out there who have no self worth so they take it out on others. They should all be sentenced to one year wearing a fat suit so they learn what it's like to have to endure what overweight and obese people live with daily.

Sad but true.

Happy Band And Life Journeys To All...

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Or, I may be fat, and can go on a diet. But you just can't fix stupid.

First let me say I'm so sorry you had to experience this.

But Stitchy put it best.......

We can lose weight.......they will never be less than ignorant.

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I never want to hurt my baby. That is the main thing. I can not believe that they would do that in front of him. He is a chubby little guy too, and he gets some comments at school. I try to tell him that these things don't matter and to ignore it, but I can't seem to take my own advice.

I am not a violent person, but I would have hurt them if my son was not there. I would be in jail right now, 'cause this cow is a carnivore.

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People really can suck at times and I use the term "people" generously here! We talked about a lot of these kinds of situations in the "most embarrassing moment" thread too. Just remember that the best part of them ran down their whore mamas leg. I have had a similar situation and I think the best thing to do is to completely...and I mean completely ignore the bastards...because believe me you'll feel a whole lot worse if you end up crying. Later follow them out to their car and find out where they live and if they're married start mailing love letters about your "encounters" to their addresses. revenge is sweet and I am a little nutso.

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Not saying anything, although a blow to your pride, was the best thing you could have done. I can guarantee they were looking for some sign that they had hurt you. By denying them that, you give them no reason to continue. Had you said something it most likely when you would have received round 2.

Try seeing it from a slightly different perspective. Realize - that's all the better those people are. How lacking in character and integrity - and how sad, really.

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I think this is a great thread to bring up this nasty new little song by Trace Adkins about a blind date where his buddy hooked him up with a chick "about 215" and he gessed he'd just have to "take one for the team" I really like Trace Adkins prior to this but now I am pissed at him. The whole environment of hatred that encompasses the earth is due to nasty hurtful people like this. I would be pissed if I was a thin person too. It should have nothing to do with weight, how people treat others but it is a huge huge issue...someone said it right when they said we'd be better off drug addicts, because being a drug addict or a dealer even is more socially accepatable than obesity in our culture. Trace you are now on the YOU SUCK list of a great majority of good sweet beautiful women!

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Well, here are the lyrics of that song "I Can Eat It All" by that two-bit parody guy Mark Lowry.

I can scarf a dozen doughnuts,

And lick the suger off my hands,

If I had a hundred tacos,

I could eat 'em on demand.

If I eat 'em even faster,

You can see my waist expand,

But the bloated feeling that I get,

Is the part that I can't stand

I'm the middle of the kitchen,

I can't help but gain a pound,

I'll never taste the feel of victory

Till I finally chow down

I can offer no defence,

When that aroma fills the place,

When I'm served a tray of burgers,

I will gladly stuff my face,

I can eat it all

Alfalfa, sprouts, and grains,

But when it comes to fast food,

I eat everything,

I can eat it all

Whatever I desire,

It's fat that I require,

Cause I'm a butterball,

I can eat it all

The source of my condition,

Is the fact I don't obstain,

I can measure my consumption,

By the weight that I have gained

Though my friends call me a glutty,

And that causes me such pain,

If they serve me one more salad,

I think I will go insane

Cause I've laid aside the health food,

For the fatter foods I've found,

When I get my hands on pizza,

I can never put it down

When I hit my favorite restraunts,

I eat everything I see,

After hours at the buffet,

They are begging me to leave

I can eat it all

Alfalfa sprouts and grains,

But when it comes to fast food,

I eat everything,

I can eat it all

Whatever I desire,

It's fat that I require,

Cause I'm a butterball,

I can eat it all

I have a favorite verse,

I would like you all to know,

And it goes like this,

"Man cannot live by bread alone"

That is why I lay my ground beef,

On a golden flame of fire,

The more I have,

The more that I desire

I can eat it all

(small break)

I can eat it all

Whatever I desire

It's fat that I require

Cause I'm a butterball

I'm wider then I'm tall

I'm pure cholesterol,

I can eat it all

That's the song that some juvenile deliquents sang about me as I walked through a mall. I'd never heard of the song then, but I soon found out how bad it was.

I didn't even know about the Trace Adkins song. I'm saddened but not surprised. Making fun of fat people, in songs or in person - is still acceptable in the world today.

Happy Band (And Life) Journeys To All...

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Pardon me for hijacking the thread for a moment...

NewSho, I just noticed your BMI! Congratulations!! :clap2:

And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Marys, I'm still laughing at this... "well, I'd rather have too much then too little" and glance down at their crotch - men tend to think they are their penis so this one works great.

Awesome... just awesome! :pound:

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When I was 14-15 I used to hang out at a park with a group of friends.

There was another little bit older group and one of the guys would always say 'elephant butt' to me and make really ugly heavy walking sounds when I walked by. I was mortified because he did it often and in front of my friends. The saddest part is that the guy is missing an arm. From a story I heard, he was involved in an accident where he lost his left arm at the shoulder. This was 8 years ago and I still see him often when I go to a local coffee shop. He always looks at me and he knows that I know who he is, but he never says hello. He just looks and keeps on walking. One time he was there really drunk and as his friends were walking him out the door, he stopped and stared me straight in the eyes ready to say something, but he didnt. I think he was trying to either figure out what to say or maybe just wondering where he knows me from. It's kind of weird but he's the one I feel sorry for. I can always lose weight and he'll never get his arm back. It's just so sad he took it out on another person with physical issues.

I've been downtown chicago by the lake and as I was crossing a street some jerk in a car yelled out 'someone didnt skip dinner!' or something similar. I was furious but kept walking.

Once I was walking in a park and some guys driving by rolled down their window and yelled 'fat-ass' to me and drove off.

There were a few situations where my family said things like 'you look like you're pregnant' or 'you're getting TOO big now' etc

I never respond, I always just keep on walking. I wish I had the balls to say something back but I'm just too afraid to.

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I have very strong oppinions about this.... and of course I think I am right, lol

This goes for me and my fat,

as well as: my son and his long hair (past), my daughter and her freckles, my girl and her sexual harrassment, and my daughter and her right to be weird.

I just typed "I am not a defensive person" and thought twice, cuz in a way.. I really am... It doesnt feel 'defensive' to me, I feel like I have something to contribute... and that doing nothing isnt right, maybe I can only express myself, maybe I can teach someone, maybe I can change someone.... We matter........ and we need to let eachother know it.

Its ok to let it go... I rarely let anything actually hurt me. I love myself too much, and love the powertrip.. lol................... so, thats why i say I am not defensive... I have let it go as far as not letting it get to me..

But, I dont like how we ignore...

Oh I ignore alot. I dont do anything when I see a mom or dad being a crappy parent (unless its physical abuse).... I dont do anything when I see a shoplifter, I dont do anything to good for nothing sales clerks, I dont complain about my neighbors even in the worst conditions.....

and much more.... I am not ready to save the world. or skilled.. lol


First, I judge the offence and the offenders. I am pretty good at knowing what I can do in what case for the outcome I desire.

I scope out their company, not willing to hurt others.. (My definition of hurt)

I also take into account the effects it had on the victems, but its not as important.

(Me and my kids are rarely affected by others...but just cuz we can take it so well doesnt mean we shouldnt fight for all those who are hurt, who cry and go to sleep upset about it.. I take that into consideration.)

I take in my surroundings and see what I could do... or not do.. I must get away with what I do. I am not willing to actually get in real trouble (thats creating a bad deed with a good deed)

And I go for it.. That took like 5 seconds to plan.. and now I will not stop until I have completed my mission...lol, I estimate I have a 85% success rate in the last 20 years.. (having controled the outcome, not made it worse on me)

If I hear some stupid young teen boys whisper something cuz they wanna be bad, but doubt they really wanted me to hear what they said... I wont ruin their fun and make them feel like shit cuz no one taught them manners. Plus why should they get this funny story about the fat lady who yelled at them, they didnt earn it.

If A little kid points out my fat, I smile and do everthing I can to make the parent feel less mortified.. if the parent isnt concerned, I will say to the kid "I know" "wanna touch it?" "I think I am the fattest person in here right now" "dont ya know any fat people? Now you do!"

kids respond well to it..and I wonder if they continue being curious and pointing it out, now that its not so foreing to them??

The whole world isnt focused on you, only a few people hear.. so what, RISK foolishness, educate the child, save fellow fatties from the "thats a fat lady" moments..

If its young PUNK boys who make a comment more to eachother then directly to me, but risk having me hear them, and laugh alot. I ask them if they meant for me to hear that or not. This is a stumper in itself.. But if we have a bad ass in the crowd who says something like "yeah, so what"

or "go away bitch"...... Then I focus on him and mostly just joke them out by saying if they want to make fun of shit, do it right. Dont be a half ass about it.. no matter what they say, I just take it like its nothing, congratulate them, the goal to get them to find the humer in how this crazy fat lady condoned all that. They are likely to respect fat people more now than make fun of them.

If its girls... THEY never get off.. and they get no mercy, no matter the age or level of ignorance or nastyness.. BOTH need a wake up call..

IF good kids.. I will act really hurt (I never am) and ask them why they are so mean, I will ask if there moms are overweight and how would that feel to know your making fun.. I am a good person, you ruined my day...

IF nasty mean girls, I will get really really close to them like I have no problem laying hands on them if I have to, I tell them they are nasty little bitches who have seconds to appologize and promise to never be such cunts ever again, I may act menecing with my grocery cart, my fork, my hip, That usually works cuz they just dont exspect adults to go that far.

But if they get all brave, I will tell them they have messed with the wrong fat chic, I will promise to get them, I will follow them, I will be rude and obnoxious and if confronted by anyone I will act totally innocent and lame and cry about how they were harrassing me and I was affraid of what they were going to do next. Whatever makes them LOSE.

If a women.. is a tacky low class wannabe, I simply laugh at her like a joke.

If a BITCH of a women... I will have to resist the urge to try and physically attack her cuz I cant win. But I will call her a cunt and any other nasty names I can... does no good cuz 'fat' is worse than the rest.

I will try to ignore it too. Not give her the saticefaction.

If some older man who is a real stinker.... I tell him something short and sweet but know nothing I say will change him... "well arent you nice" "your a rude man" "go die" "your no prize".. whatever.

If its a younger man who is a real wise ass who wants to be cool by humiliating me... I know nothing will make him feel bad or learn his lesson and all I can do is ANNOY the crap out of him. Hopefully I can piss him off. NOw he is pissed off and I am JUST fine.. What a dope. I will put on a big show, to onlookers I might give them the signal that I am totally doing it on purpose, so they will stay and watch and see him as the butt of the joke and not me. depending on what he says, I could fake like I mistook his comment for likeing me and ask for his phone number, would he like to go out sometime, does he have a girlfriend, CAN HE please give em one chance?........... or act like his buddy clueless how I was just dissed, what kind of car is this, thats sweet, I drive a truck, wheres the action, can anyone give me a ride, what did they think of the movie, ect................ or totaly a bitch.. if its about food, THEy get the food thrown on them or their stuff, ON PURPOSE, not like I am out of control with rage.. NEVER let them think your reacting to hurt... BUT meaningfully trying to retaliate..

I dont use defences of fat, like your ugly I can lose weight.. Its just ammo. If at a socail event I get as close to them as I can, no matter how much they move and complain, I play dumb, they look like assholes. Or I follow them and when they look at me I give a psycho face thats not obvious, just creepy. I will put stuff in their hair, throw stuff at them, (little annoyances that arent likey to get you in trouble) ummmm ..... tell the manager this guy is stealing and wait and watch him get grabbed, if he has kids I will tell them 'your daddy made fun of me" or "does he call you chubby piglet too?" (if chubby) anything to bring out their parental instincts and remember what compassion is.... (kids are tuff)....

I will be genuine and normal to the wife or girlfriend and appeal to her female nature to listen to me talk even if she doesnt want to, and sit with her and have a conversation that lasts as long as I can make it... I am sure not to diss her man, or accuse him much, just talk about my bad day.

I will openly and obviously write down licence plates numbers, and with as much conviction as possible tell them I am going to find them and fuck up their vehicle (its more beleiveable than saying your gonna fuck them up or beat their ass.. no one wants their car messed with, and no one can watch it all the time, paranoia. I never go find them of course.

If at a pool, or such. I will point out every little thing they have wrong with them, over and over and over...making sure its really something they have a problem with, NOT anything.... the public wont notice I am being rude, I will look like I am just talking.. "your chest hair is really gross"... "your wife has a flabby butt" ... They will never be able to keep up with me, (few people are seriously fighters) my goal is to make them leave.

Sometimes I might be told on. I might be asked to stop. I wont admit it. I will keep doing it... well I will stop if I feel they have learned their lesson and seem to really regret it and whatever...

That was crazy.. sorry,... think as I type is a bad habit..... I am not as crazy as all that looks.. I hope so anyway.


Human beings are moved in strange ways.... I am that strange. (i hope)

Its like I am compelled to change someone... for the better.. I really think my extreem ways, in controled conditions, make many think.... think think think.......

Think twice at least. No one else does those things. (I dont see it)

I just know I did the right thing, all and all its worth it.

I have applied this same theory to my girl scouts, school students, teenagers.... and had excellent results. I mean that I do the things no one else thinks is proper, or is affraid to do... or risky... and I do and it works wonders. .. I am liked more, trusted more, respected more... ect ect..

Soooooooooooooo.. thats why I think its working on the jerks who make fun of fat too.. in some way.

I must sound like a freaking psycho.. fact is I get very rare opportunities to do these things, cuz no one picks on me.... I get to where I am looking for a fight, lol.. I hear all these humiliations done to my cousin and my sister and I am like "nothing happens to me!!!" "gawd, I wish I was there, I know just what I would of done!!"

Everyone is nice to me.. I dont get it. I am a fat slob, ugly, unkept, bent and vulnerable, barley faking a smile, driving the motorized cart with no visable injuries and have weak gross motor skills... running into old ladies, knocking over fruit.. lol..

I really dont understand why I am not picked on more often. I was 400 pounds, I am about 300 now, ......... True there is something about me that people like too much... BUT what about all the people who dont meet me at all..?????????

Sometimes I think its just impossible and I must be desensitized to it and not hear it.. But that makes no sence as I am sensitized more than anything.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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