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Surgery Recovery Sucks!

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I must admit, I wasn't prepared for the pain and "icky" feelings after surgery. I should have been, but I wasn't. I read so much about how it wasn't bad and it went great, that I lost sight of the fact that this was major surgery. (That being said, I don't think people were lying to me - everyone is different and pain levels are different.)

So, why am I writing? I think people need to know that it might be hard ... I was scared when I woke up. I wasn't planning on that much pain.

The pain on my lower right side (largest incision) was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! The nurses did what they could to aleve the pain, but it didn't do much good. I was still in pain when I got to my hotel. The liquid medicine helped, but only about 2 to 3 hours and I couldn't take more until after 4 hours. The first night, I would literally scream every time I had to get out of the bed - the pain was that intense. I was thinking - "What have I done?" I had to prop pillows around me on bed and slightly lean to my left side to get any relief. By midnight, the bruising was scary. :ohmy:

By morning, all my bruises started to mesh together to make a massive bruise. I was so pretty - NOT! But, I was able to get out of bed with only medium pain. This was good. But, I was nauseous and still felt "icky" - I know that doesn't say much, but it's the best description I can come up with for the overall feeling. Pretty much walked, sipped, and laid in bed that day. Didn't want to watch TV, phone e-mail was a pain (my eyes didn't want to focus), so I talked a little and slept a little when I was in bed. Did I mention I kept an eye on the clock so I could time every four hours?

Day 2 post-op was better. Thinking I could drink like I had on Thursday, I took in 4 ounces of Protein Shake in 30 minutes. Whoa Nellie! Not good - felt like a huge gas bubble in my chest and I was really woozy. Had an appointment with my surgeon for 9:30 so got up to get dressed. At my appointment, my heart rate was up, but temperature was fine. Once I got calmed down a bit, my heart rate went back done. No leak - YEAH! Surgeon encouraged more Water - need to stay hydrated!!!! That evening felt well - pushed pain meds to every 5 hours. Making progress.

Day 3 post-op - Travel Day. How was I ever going to sit up for the flight? How could I even travel from the car to the airport? But, I did it. We decided I should take Reglan 1 hour pre-flight since I was having nausea issues with movement. Got to the ticket counter and almost passed out standing that long. Maybe the Reglan wasn't such a good idea??? Got on the plane - no pillows. Borrowed a jacket and stuffed it around me so I could sit comfortably. Yeah. I might just make it. And, I DID!!!! Got home that evening and saw my husband and my kids. Great medicine. Unfortunately, we didn't explain things well to my 8-year old. He thought I was coming home skinny so I think I disappointed him a bit! :biggrin2:

Day 4 Post Op - What's this? I sorta feel like me again. Terrible pain in my shoulder (tight muscle due to the way I am sleeping? ??), but decide to go with Liquid Tylenol all day. I feel good. Am I back? Got in a whole Protein shake - took 2 hours, but I did it. Friends came over with homemade chicken Soup. They had "de-ingrediented" for me so I had rich broth to drink for a week.

Today is Day 5 Post Op - I'm getting a bit bored. I think I'm back. Just have soreness in abdomen and that pain in my shoulder (feeling better, my husband has been rubbing it for me and I am using a heating pad).

So, yes, recovery sucks, but thankfully, it's quick. :cool0:

Edited by MINI-Me

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It's really good to know your back home safe and forging ahead with your recovery. I'm also glad to know you've a husband there for you (he sounds like he's a good one) lucky you. Take everything slow and one day at a time and I am confident that you will fare very well. Thanks for getting back to us so soon. God bless.

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It's really good to know your back home safe and forging ahead with your recovery. I'm also glad to know you've a husband there for you (he sounds like he's a good one) lucky you. Take everything slow and one day at a time and I am confident that you will fare very well. Thanks for getting back to us so soon. God bless.

Thanks ... Here's a Protein shake toast to you!

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I am glad you posted this. Like you, I wasn't prepared for the amount of pain or discomfort I would have either. I am 7 days post-op now and feeling much, much better but I have to say those first 3 days were really tough and extremely painful.

Good luck and glad you are home safe and sound now.

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It's interesting how everyone really does heal differently. I wasn't in much pain at all. I had surgery Wednesday, got home Friday and now it's Monday and today is the most painful day of all with the larger incision pulling...I also went back to work today (work from home at a desk) and I think all the sitting added extra pressure to the incision...I'm sure tomorrow will be better then today....

Feel better everyone!

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I had very little pain. I do have the bubble discomfort after eating.

The first day I had some pain-nothing bad at all.

The second-I had some, so they gave me diludad. I really don't know why-then they gave me too much. So I would have much rather just dealt with the pain. I was hallucinating. Ugh.

Anyway, the next day I was to be released, but my oxygen levels were too low. (75% or so) So they kept me. (Even though this happens every time I have a surgery and I am always fine, but I understand) That night I just walked as much as possible and the next morning I was released by 10 am.

That day, I slept on and off because I could. :cool0: I had my dad here, so he was watching my 1 year old and the 5 year old was at school.

On Friday, I just relaxed, and enjoyed my husband's help when my dad flew home.

Over the weekend, we lounged around-I walked as much as possible indoors. (it was WAYYYY cold outside) Sunday, we walked around Target for a while and went out for lunch. I did great.

Today-SEVEN days after surgery, I am SO weak. I don't know why! I just feel so out of breath after going up the stairs or taking the dogs out. I have been fine until now. I am going to my post op appt tomorrow, so I am hoping he can offer some insight-I am sure it is normal, but I just want to make sure.

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Thanks ... Here's a Protein shake toast to you!


Where was ur surgery done? What pain meds did u take? I'm so sorry for u and glad ur doing better... What would u suggest to people going thru surgery soon? God speed!

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The second-I had some, so they gave me diludad. I really don't know why-then they gave me too much. So I would have much rather just dealt with the pain. I was hallucinating. Ugh.

Today-SEVEN days after surgery, I am SO weak. I don't know why! I just feel so out of breath after going up the stairs or taking the dogs out. I have been fine until now. I am going to my post op appt tomorrow, so I am hoping he can offer some insight-I am sure it is normal, but I just want to make sure.

Sorry to hear about the hallucinations. That must have been an experience. Hopefully it wasn't too bad. :cool0: I was told to expect some weakness about a week out as my body gets used to all the changes. Hopefully with continued Protein intake, that will resolve.


Where was ur surgery done? What pain meds did u take? I'm so sorry for u and glad ur doing better... What would u suggest to people going thru surgery soon? God speed!

I had surgery in Vegas. I had percucet (sp) in the hospital & something else in the IV (sorry, can't remember - I would have taken anything at that point) ... Once I got to the hotel, I took hydrocodone in liquid form. I'm now using liquid Tylenol at home.

Don't feel too sorry for me. All in all, a few days of pain is worth a new (and extended) life.

My main purpose in posting this is to let people know it could be a painful experience. I was totally unprepared after reading all the "good" experiences. Just know going in that you could have a few painful and nauseous days ... the worst that can happen is that you end up one of the lucky ones with little pain. :biggrin2:

Edited by MINI-Me
added second quote

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Wow I wanted to post almost the exact feelings about recovery, but didn't want to scare potential sleevers. I'm 7 days out now and I remember waking up in recovery thinking what had I done? I had not prepared myself for the pain and the nausea. Every few hours someone was poking me with something and I wanted a time machine to reverse the whole thing. I would hit the pain pump button in order to get back to sleep, and I'd wake up with such a feeling of despair and regret. I thought why didn't someone talk me out of this, and that this is totally not worth it.

I feel much better now, except for this odd pain on my side. The intense gurgling has relaxed a little but I still get spasms like my stomach is being squeezed. My only trouble now is trying to read the signs of my new anatomy. Don't always know if I'm hungry, full, satisfied, just not sure, so I keep trying to suck down the Protein shakes and creamy Soups for meals. The Water is actually more uncomfortable but getting better.

So thanks for being honest about recovery because everyone needs to know. We spend so much time preparing ourselves for the new way of eating, but not about the recovery feelings.

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God NO not a Protein shake! I'll toast with my citrus punch Vitamin Water instead! I't's the ONLY Water I can drink without getting grossed out since the surgery 4.5 months now!

LOL - ok, I will make the switch for the beverage toast! :)

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It is good to have different people share their varied experiences, thanks for sharing yours.

I sure did not have that kind of pain, and am sorry that you did. I was a little sore, about a 4 /10 on the pain scale, but was given epidural pain meds regularly. Maybe that masked the pain and it would have been worse without it. I just love toradol. No narcotic side effects and better pain relief than demerol in my personal experience.

I did get really tired about day 3 in the hospital, and when it was time for the next pain med dose, got all teary and had a sort of "melt down" with the combination of fatigue and discomfort...but got "juiced up" fast and recovered. As you say, it was all worth it, especially as you see the pounds melt away!:):laugh0::scared0:

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Thanks to all of you for posting your post-op experiences. I think that for us pre-ops, it gives us a realistic expectation instead of a fantasy that everything will be perfect with no pain.

I hope you all start regaining your energy very soon!

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I must admit, I wasn't prepared for the pain and "icky" feelings after surgery. I should have been, but I wasn't. I read so much about how it wasn't bad and it went great, that I lost sight of the fact that this was major surgery. (That being said, I don't think people were lying to me - everyone is different and pain levels are different.)

So, why am I writing? I think people need to know that it might be hard ... I was scared when I woke up. I wasn't planning on that much pain.

The pain on my lower right side (largest incision) was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! The nurses did what they could to aleve the pain, but it didn't do much good. I was still in pain when I got to my hotel. The liquid medicine helped, but only about 2 to 3 hours and I couldn't take more until after 4 hours. The first night, I would literally scream every time I had to get out of the bed - the pain was that intense. I was thinking - "What have I done?" I had to prop pillows around me on bed and slightly lean to my left side to get any relief. By midnight, the bruising was scary. :cool:

By morning, all my bruises started to mesh together to make a massive bruise. I was so pretty - NOT! But, I was able to get out of bed with only medium pain. This was good. But, I was nauseous and still felt "icky" - I know that doesn't say much, but it's the best description I can come up with for the overall feeling. Pretty much walked, sipped, and laid in bed that day. Didn't want to watch TV, phone e-mail was a pain (my eyes didn't want to focus), so I talked a little and slept a little when I was in bed. Did I mention I kept an eye on the clock so I could time every four hours?

Day 2 post-op was better. Thinking I could drink like I had on Thursday, I took in 4 ounces of Protein shake in 30 minutes. Whoa Nellie! Not good - felt like a huge gas bubble in my chest and I was really woozy. Had an appointment with my surgeon for 9:30 so got up to get dressed. At my appointment, my heart rate was up, but temperature was fine. Once I got calmed down a bit, my heart rate went back done. No leak - YEAH! Surgeon encouraged more Water - need to stay hydrated!!!! That evening felt well - pushed pain meds to every 5 hours. Making progress.

Day 3 post-op - Travel Day. How was I ever going to sit up for the flight? How could I even travel from the car to the airport? But, I did it. We decided I should take Reglan 1 hour pre-flight since I was having nausea issues with movement. Got to the ticket counter and almost passed out standing that long. Maybe the Reglan wasn't such a good idea??? Got on the plane - no pillows. Borrowed a jacket and stuffed it around me so I could sit comfortably. Yeah. I might just make it. And, I DID!!!! Got home that evening and saw my husband and my kids. Great medicine. Unfortunately, we didn't explain things well to my 8-year old. He thought I was coming home skinny so I think I disappointed him a bit! :scared0:

Day 4 Post Op - What's this? I sorta feel like me again. Terrible pain in my shoulder (tight muscle due to the way I am sleeping???), but decide to go with Liquid Tylenol all day. I feel good. Am I back? Got in a whole Protein Shake - took 2 hours, but I did it. Friends came over with homemade chicken Soup. They had "de-ingrediented" for me so I had rich broth to drink for a week.

Today is Day 5 Post Op - I'm getting a bit bored. I think I'm back. Just have soreness in abdomen and that pain in my shoulder (feeling better, my husband has been rubbing it for me and I am using a heating pad).

So, yes, recovery sucks, but thankfully, it's quick. :confused1:

Bless your heart Mini Me. . was this your first ever surgery? Just a question . . .

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Bless your heart Mini Me. . was this your first ever surgery? Just a question . . .

It was only my second on general anesthesia, but I've had others with "blocks" in a particular area.

Maybe I'm just a weeny!?!?!? :confused1: :scared0: :cool:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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