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Is anyone on antidepressant medication since the surgery?

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Dear Lan,

I really feel your desperation through your words. I think that it is a good idea to try to find another psych doc. I have been through a few clunkers myself. Just as aside, have you tried to get your Omega oils in? I take krill oil and it elevates my mood. I had to go off of it this week because of the upcoming surgery but I will be back on it. Also, consider your level of Vitamin D. Are you taking supplements? I don't know if this might be applicable to your situation but I take 15 mg of Abilify as this really help take the edge off. Abilify is the most weight-neutral of the anti-psychotics IMHO. I don't know if it is generic yet.

Now that I am on the pre-op diet and can't eat food I want for comfort, I am freaking out. Here, for the first time in my life, I am deeply stressed and can't turn to eating to calm down and go into a food coma. I can see how you may be extremely depressed over the absence of your old eating patterns. To deal with this myself, I started seeing a psychologist which a I prefer over a psychiatrist because they don't usually have that arrogance that some MDs have. The psychologists are there to listen to you instead of concentrating on meds to do the work.

I know that is not something that you want to hear when you are down and listless but try to get some exercise in. Start off slow. I find that just doing something for 10 mins can perk me up mentally.

My surgeon told me that I only have to stop taking my psych meds for a day so I don't expect a major disruption.

Take care.

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Hey Lan2K. Just an update- I left my psyc a message today to follow up on the Remeron side effects. I was reading online ona few boards that say the side effects subside after 3 weeks. I just want to confirm with him that that is the case.

as for the sleepiness, it is challenging waking up early in the morning. Today I woke up at 10 a.m. Once I was awake, I was not groggy or tired, but it took some effort waking up. I was never a morning person, but this is a bit challenging. I am hoping that this wears off soon.

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Dear Lan,

I really feel your desperation through your words. I think that it is a good idea to try to find another psych doc. I have been through a few clunkers myself. Just as aside, have you tried to get your Omega oils in? I take krill oil and it elevates my mood. I had to go off of it this week because of the upcoming surgery but I will be back on it. Also, consider your level of Vitamin D. Are you taking supplements? I don't know if this might be applicable to your situation but I take 15 mg of Abilify as this really help take the edge off. Abilify is the most weight-neutral of the anti-psychotics IMHO. I don't know if it is generic yet.

Now that I am on the pre-op diet and can't eat food I want for comfort, I am freaking out. Here, for the first time in my life, I am deeply stressed and can't turn to eating to calm down and go into a food coma. I can see how you may be extremely depressed over the absence of your old eating patterns. To deal with this myself, I started seeing a psychologist which a I prefer over a psychiatrist because they don't usually have that arrogance that some MDs have. The psychologists are there to listen to you instead of concentrating on meds to do the work.

I know that is not something that you want to hear when you are down and listless but try to get some exercise in. Start off slow. I find that just doing something for 10 mins can perk me up mentally.

My surgeon told me that I only have to stop taking my psych meds for a day so I don't expect a major disruption.

Take care.

I agree with you on all points. I am working with my psychologist to locate a psychiatrist who will at the very least have some knowledge on eating disorders and perhaps know of one who has knowledge of ones body chemistry change after having bariatric WLS and how this may have an affect upon the various anti-depressant drugs in particular SSRI's. She, my psychologist is very together. I am going along with the protocol of this current neuropsychologist in the interim and who knows perhaps something good will emerge. All and all I DO NOT WANT TO BE ON ANY PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS for any great length of time and I am a huge advocate for natural/homeopathic/alternative nutriceuticals and substances. It's just that at present I am so UN-empowered due to the anxiety and morbid feelings/depressive feelings and fears etc. I just don't have the wherewithal to forge ahead as I in my (former unsleeved)state would have. I am out of Omega 3's just finished a bottle of Carlson's Fish Oil in liquid form and barely could take it since it kind of sickens me taste and texture wise since the surgery. I'm going to order either fish oil capsules (since they are soft) or Krill oil since they are neat and small as well as taking 5000 IU's of D3 daily and B Complex and I also need to get some Vitamin E. I'm taking a multi liquid but after this bottle I'm going to switch to chewable or just ones small enough to swallow because I really don't like the taste of the liquid. I'm taking you up on the humming BTW, I do believe now that is the reason some people actually go around and hum...it is to relieve anxiety! Thanks so much for giving me so much.

You stated that Abilify is the most weight-neutral of the anti-psychotics IMHO. What does IMHO stand for and is this drug for anxiety? Do you know if their are side effects? I'm just curious since I know you wouldn't be taking it for reasons of psychosis. May I ask you how long you have been taking Abilify?

Warmest Regards and keep me posted please on your surgery date as it approaches...I'm overwhelmed and so I get lost in confusion often times.


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Hey Lan2K. Just an update- I left my psyc a message today to follow up on the Remeron side effects. I was reading online ona few boards that say the side effects subside after 3 weeks. I just want to confirm with him that that is the case.

as for the sleepiness, it is challenging waking up early in the morning. Today I woke up at 10 a.m. Once I was awake, I was not groggy or tired, but it took some effort waking up. I was never a morning person, but this is a bit challenging. I am hoping that this wears off soon.

Well I will be taking my first dose tonight in fact in about 10 minutes. I'm a bit apprehensive when I take a new drug since I live alone. I have no trouble falling asleep and the purpose of my shrink prescribing this drug is for (eventually) it's antidepressant effects. I'll let you know how I fare waking up tomorrow. Thanks for the update. Lets keep comparing notes as long as were both taking this medication and see if it's a help. Thanks so much for keeping me informed. Best to you. Lis

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Lan, IMHO is net lingo for in my humble opinion.

I hope the Remeron is the answer for you.

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Lan, IMHO is net lingo for in my humble opinion.

I hope the Remeron is the answer for you.

Thanks Daisy. Can you imagine I've been an internet user since 2001 and missed that one. Here I was thinking it was some sort of antidepressant drug classification! Duh!

First night dose of Remeron (in its generic form) and I slept till nearly 11:00 got up had Breakfast, and yawned my way back to bed! I'm sedated thus far but shall see what happens tomorrow when I have an early morning appointment for an excercise (yoga) class.

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Hey Lan2K. Just an update- I left my psyc a message today to follow up on the Remeron side effects. I was reading online ona few boards that say the side effects subside after 3 weeks. I just want to confirm with him that that is the case.

as for the sleepiness, it is challenging waking up early in the morning. Today I woke up at 10 a.m. Once I was awake, I was not groggy or tired, but it took some effort waking up. I was never a morning person, but this is a bit challenging. I am hoping that this wears off soon.

Here's my update for you...I had my first dose 15mg last night and I didn't get out of bed until nearly 11:00 this morning. I lazily lounged around after washing up, had Breakfast then checked some email etc. All I wanted to do is sleep so I laid down in bed and fell asleep but awoke shortly after that and forced myself up at about 1:00. It's now 2:23 and I am going to force myself out the door to get to the gym and go on the treadmill at least a little bit. I think I'll take tonight's dose about 10:00 instead of midnight. I sure hope the sedative effect wears off at the higher dose and the antidepressant effect works well because I'm tired of trying different meds and I'm tired of being depressed. Please keep me informed on your end. You can PM me if you prefer or even email me lisnatoli@yahoo.com, or just reply on this thread either way any way since were on the same medication I'd appreciate comparing notes. Thanks so much Coopersmama.

PS When I talked to a pharmacist last night about Remeron he said it's prescribed as a sedative for sleep never heard of it being used as an antidepressant. :sad0:

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It's definitely an anti depressant. You can look it up online. A lot of depressed people have trouble sleeping so it's a good one for those people. That is why my dr. prescribed it for me, but I didn't like the way it increased my appetite.

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I was on Remeron for a bit, but that head off the shoulders feelings was not for me. . I took myself off it. . never went back to the psch ever again. . . i just dealt with it, and now my depression is gone. . I know not everyone can do that, it's just my story. . .whenever i felt depression coming on, I'd busy myself with something, walking, swimming, gym, yardwork. . . anything. . sure sometimes it didn't work and i'd bawl my eyes out for no good reason, sure did feel good though, I do alot of postive self talk and treat myself med free. . . I was a really badly depressed person at one time, out patient and at one time attempted suicide . . . have been on alot of meds and seen a lot of doctors who, in my opinion, where cashing in on my illness, so I just made a pac with myself to help myself to get better and I have. . . it helped me, but it's not for everyone. . . don't stop your meds or your doctor. . . just sharing a bit about me. . . good luck all. . .

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Hi Lan,

I hope you are feeling better. I have been on Abilify for about three years and take it to augment the Lexapro for depression, anxiety and OCD. The main side effect for me is to feel light-headed when I stand up after sitting for a while. Exercise really helps curtail that one. Abilify is an anti-psychotic but it has a lot of off-label uses like treating depression. I see it advertised on TV a lot for depression.

I sounds like you have an excellent psychologist too. I just found mine in Oct and really like her.

Good luck and stay strong!


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Dear Lan,

My heart breaks for u... I pray this new med is what u need! Ur story gives me pause because my surgery is mid feb. I'm curious to know your background with weight...u are definately right about the rapid weight loss and hormonal changes taking place and my thought is u will be lots better when ur weight has stabilized. Our hormones are major!!! Have u thought of a full scale hormone panel .. Ur doc should at least do this for u... And ins should pay for it... I truly feel u would benefit from it greatly as well! Also... I wanted to tell u that accupuncture works too.. I'm truly not a new age anti drug promoter... U must do what works for u... But thru my 15 yrs of trial and error he'll I wish I had known about accupuncture! Also masssages help with relaxation. If low on money treat urself good by taking hot baths and this sounds corny but hum when very anxious!!! Believe me it works!! Kind of like meditation but the actual humming sound brings you down immediately... U can feel the tension dissipate right then! I drink Chamomile tea and I add lemon and honey for flavor this tea promotes well being and relaxation... Plz try it... And it's not great on it's own.. But if u drink it daily u will feel a difference. Also Vitamin e is a natural anti depressant make sure ur on 5000 ie daily of that. Ur b Vitamins b6 &12 are major important...I do 2000 mcg daily sublingual of vit B12.

When ur really down...can't get out of bed down... Try watching, reading, listening to uplifting positve things... Our mind is so powerful... I literally have to talk myself into being functional some days.. And honestly it works 95% of the time but, the other times I just feel it and there's nothing I can do but get thru it. I am a very faithful person and I don't know about u and definately don't want to offend u in any way... But God truly pulls me thru along w my family!!! My friend believe me when I say... Tomarrow is a better day... I know hopelessness, despair, sadness and desperation and when ur in it... It feels all consuming!!! Be good to yourself Lan!! Be ur best friend and treat urself the way u would treat the person u love most in the world! Remember u can only do what u can do... And that's good enough my friend!!! I wish u all the best.. In the meantime take it easy...God love you! Ttyl

bkind, I just want to thank you for your beautiful sentiment and support. I'm on this med now for the second night. I had a blah day today because as you can see I stay up too late and then having a med which acts as a sedative, awaking and actually getting out of bed in the morning is really difficult. I also am living alone for the first time in many years and without job in an apartment that doesn't feel like a home really. So, when I awake I feel a sort of despair a sort of "Oh no, another day to push through this painful void" So thank you for all of your beautiful suggestions. I am feeling really weak minded lately and doing what I can to be good to myself but not the best I can because I've little motivation. I believe in God and I know in my head that I must be grateful for the people in my life that are still here like my parents. I know there are so many lonely people out there in despair and sometimes I'm so ashamed of myself for my own despair and sadness. I'm going to see my PCP next week and ask her about doing that full scale hormone panel...I believe she will agree. I also will get the Vitamin E that's one I haven't been taking. Chamomile tea is on my shopping list too. I'm looking into message and acupuncture as well. Thanks again-- your advise for self love is really something I need to work on. I wish you too all the best and may the love of God be with you always.

Warmest regards, Lis

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I just hope you all get to read this--I want first to give you all hugs for your support. Next I'll just let you know that the Remeron, (generic form) seems to be working! I am in way better a frame of mind and spirit than I was before the dose was upped to 30mg (before bed). There are vague traces of morbid thoughts and fears but vague. I'm doing much better and my appetite is improved about 90%. I am no longer nauseated by the sight of most foods...big improvement. Thanks all again.

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I just hope you all get to read this--I want first to give you all hugs for your support. Next I'll just let you know that the Remeron, (generic form) seems to be working! I am in way better a frame of mind and spirit than I was before the dose was upped to 30mg (before bed). There are vague traces of morbid thoughts and fears but vague. I'm doing much better and my appetite is improved about 90%. I am no longer nauseated by the sight of most foods...big improvement. Thanks all again.

Praise Jesus Lan that you are getting some relief, and are on track. I've been praying for you, and that God would bless you with some grace. I'm ecstatic to read all of this news, and don't give up.

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Praise Jesus Lan that you are getting some relief, and are on track. I've been praying for you, and that God would bless you with some grace. I'm ecstatic to read all of this news, and don't give up.

Amen to Jesus Tiff and thank you for your prayers and support right from the start. You are so there for all of us I wish you were my sister! I'm just so relieved to finally feel relief! I have never been so freaked out in my life and now I no longer feel like the odd ball out. While most are full of excitement having been sleeved I was feeling the worst dread I've ever felt. I just hope that in time I won't need the meds to be my fully functioning normal self.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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