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Is anyone on antidepressant medication since the surgery?

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I seem to be belaboring the issue I suppose but I am in the process of trial and error, with antidepressant medications. So far I've tried Wellbutrin and Zoloft (both in generic versions). Both meds caused my anxiety to skyrocket and my appetite to plunge. I could hardly even look at food. Now I am on psychiatrist #2 she is starting me on something called Remeron (but generic of course!) It is taken before bedtime and acts as a sedative in a low dose which I will start with. As the dosage increases it's supposed to act as an antidepressant and increase the appetite. I just am wondering if anyone out there has had any experience taking it and can tell me of their experience, pros, cons, side effects etc...or any success with any other antidepressant medication since having the VGS. I'm sort of skeptical about taking this drug because right now I am able to sleep without any sedative and don't want to become dependant upon anything to be able to sleep. As most of you know I am already taking Clonzapam (generic fro Klonopin) for anxiety as needed.

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Sorry - I don't have any experience with this drug. I guess the question is do you trust the new Dr? If so, talk to her about your concerns and see what he/she has to say about it.

Best of luck - I know this has been rough for you. :frown1:

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I don't have experience with Remeron but I am interested in how you fare. Right now, I am on Lexapro and Clonazepam and plan to continue that after my surgery. I have tried most of the SSRI's and found Celexa or its follow-up, Lexapro, to be the best fit for me in controlling anxiety. Although, the Klonopin does make me drowsy and I sleep more than I would like.

Good luck!

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I got switched to Remeron (Mirtazipine) after not having a lot of luck with Prozac. So far it is working OK. I am taking 15 mg. The only challenge has been that my cravings for sugar are over the top, and I can fall asleep at the drop of a button. (and sleep for really long time) My understanding is that the 30 mg dosage makes these side effects fade away. I don't understand how, but I read it at a different forum.

I have only recently been diagnosed with depression, and have only recently started taking medication, so I am not sure how I am meant to feel if I am at my 100% best. I certainly feel better, but the sleepiness is not something I look forward to having forever.

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MiniMe, I have only met with this psychiatrist twice. I can't say if I trust her. She seemed thorough during the consultation but during the second visit she seemed a little impatient with my questions, annoyed maybe that I was consuming more of her time than I was slotted for. She also spoke in broad generalizations quickly regarding drug classifications, dosages, side effects ect. I don't know how comfortable I am with her. When I tried the low dose of Zoloft for 5 days and then (as per her instruction) upped it to the full 25mg pill...I found I couldn't eat and was nauseous and my anxiety rose, diminishing the effect of the clonzapan. When I called her she seemed to question me as if it wasn't making sense to her as if I hadn't followed her instruction. I had to be firm but was uneasy nonetheless. She prescribed the Remeron in a low dose and took me off the Zoloft. I don't know much about the Remeron but it's not an SSRI and won't have antidepressant effects until the dosage is raised. It is supposed to increase appetite and that for me is good. But I don't want to be hooked on a sedative to be able to sleep at night. I'd rather be on a Lexapro SSRI which controls both anxiety and depression but being post op I'm finding the SSRI's are stopping me from eating anything and that is really anxiety producing since I eat so little already.

FreeToBeMe, Remeron's classification is "Tetracyclic, or noradrenergic, or selective serotonergic, or NaSSAs. I just read alot of stuff about it and as would be the case, side effects are eerie. I'm actually afraid to even try the drug but I will and keep you informed. I will be very interested to know how you fare on Celexa or Lexapro after you are sleeved in recovery. Do you know if you will need to discontinue it the few days before or after the surgery? I am wondering if it will have an effect on your appetite after you've been sleeved. It seems I am so much more sensitive to everything since being sleeved. I also just read that carbohydrates help to enhance and elevate the mood. Since this surgery requires and hasn't much room for more than Protein I think I can see a connection that may be contributing to my own personal depression since the surgery. I am taking in some carbs though since I won't consume artificial sweeteners and drink Vitamin Water, and eat some green veggies. Well let's keep this line of communication going. Please remind me of your surgery date again? Thanks.

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I got switched to Remeron (Mirtazipine) after not having a lot of luck with Prozac. So far it is working OK. I am taking 15 mg. The only challenge has been that my cravings for sugar are over the top, and I can fall asleep at the drop of a button. (and sleep for really long time) My understanding is that the 30 mg dosage makes these side effects fade away. I don't understand how, but I read it at a different forum.

I have only recently been diagnosed with depression, and have only recently started taking medication, so I am not sure how I am meant to feel if I am at my 100% best. I certainly feel better, but the sleepiness is not something I look forward to having forever.

Wow thank you so much for sharing your situation here. I have not started the Mirtazipine yet but my prescription is also for 15 mg. Do you have trouble waking in the morning? Are you tired all of the next day? I want relief from anxiety and depression and I'd like to be able to at least enjoy a bit more of a variety of food but I sure don't want to feel lethargic day and night. Please keep me updated on how this drug continues to effect you and let me know of any side effects especially if you should have any. Also when your dosage is increased please let me know if the side effects you are already encountering do fade. Thanks again for sharing, it means alot to me.

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Wow thank you so much for sharing your situation here. I have not started the Mirtazipine yet but my prescription is also for 15 mg. Do you have trouble waking in the morning? Are you tired all of the next day? I want relief from anxiety and depression and I'd like to be able to at least enjoy a bit more of a variety of food but I sure don't want to feel lethargic day and night. Please keep me updated on how this drug continues to effect you and let me know of any side effects especially if you should have any. Also when your dosage is increased please let me know if the side effects you are already encountering do fade. Thanks again for sharing, it means alot to me.

I was diagnosed with bipolar in 1995 have been hospitalized twice been on every medication I can think of... Lithium, valproic acid, Prozac, zoloft, paxil, welbutrin,seroquil, celexa, geodon, u name it.... The last two worked really well for me with the least side affects... With the others I would literally wake up clawing at the sheets because of anxiety... With that said coming off of all medications they must be tapered off... I feel for u going thru drs. I feel ur pain because my list is tremendous... So much money the least they can do is their job. The mental health system will make someone mental if they aren't already. Please keep trying to find a dr. That will listen and work with you.! I will tell you geodon is about 240 per mo. :-( yep, it sux! I ended up having to stop my meds due to financial probs but, I started exercising, taking Vitamins, herbal teas as well as melatonin to sleep well and I've done well. My prob was more depression... My mania is few and far between now. I pray for strength for u... I still go thru rough times but I started wondering about the long term affects of the meds I was taking! Kinda damned if u do, damned if u don't huh? God bless u!

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I am on Prozac, and it actually works really well for me. I guess I am fortunate to not have had any side effects from it. The only problem I had was cotton mouth for about the first three weeks, but then it subsided. The key is definitely finding the right doctor who will really listen to you and all of your symptoms. For five years I knew I had a problem, and it cost me a lot in my life. But, every doctor I talked to said it was all in my head. I finally found a doctor who really took time with me, listened to everything I said, asked a lot of questions and finally got to the heart of the matter.

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I was diagnosed with bipolar in 1995 have been hospitalized twice been on every medication I can think of... Lithium, valproic acid, Prozac, zoloft, paxil, welbutrin,seroquil, celexa, geodon, u name it.... The last two worked really well for me with the least side affects... With the others I would literally wake up clawing at the sheets because of anxiety... With that said coming off of all medications they must be tapered off... I feel for u going thru drs. I feel ur pain because my list is tremendous... So much money the least they can do is their job. The mental health system will make someone mental if they aren't already. Please keep trying to find a dr. That will listen and work with you.! I will tell you geodon is about 240 per mo. :-( yep, it sux! I ended up having to stop my meds due to financial probs but, I started exercising, taking Vitamins, herbal teas as well as melatonin to sleep well and I've done well. My prob was more depression... My mania is few and far between now. I pray for strength for u... I still go thru rough times but I started wondering about the long term affects of the meds I was taking! Kinda damned if u do, damned if u don't huh? God bless u!

I am amazed at what you have gone through but it doesn't surprise me. My problems with anxiety and depression began right after the surgery. Since then I've been seeking help desperately. I've been paying a psychologist out of pocket $100.00 per week just to sit and chat for an hour. I don't yet know if my health insurance will reimburse me any portion of that but soon my visits will have to stop if I don't get money back. I can see how superficial this is all to them we are just dollars and cents in their bank accounts really..and bottom line it's all experimental. I give YOU so much credit for what you have done for yourself through discipline and natural alternative supplementation. Deep within I know that that is where I really want to be. I do NOT want to end up on an antidepressant drug for life nor go through these horrendous side effects trying different drugs to "fix" me. Something changed within my chemistry after having this surgery and if it were not so severe I'd forsake these doctors and their meds. but I've barely been able to function. You my friend are an inspiration and I'd love to know more about what natural supplements and dosages you take to manage your life when you have the inclination and/or the time. You can PM me if you prefer. In the meanwhile I'll plug along and hope for no further complications and that this depression and anxiety will just leave me! I am picking up that prescription tomorrow for the Remeron (generic of course) and just hope I don't go through another mini hell with side effects etc. thanks a bunch for opening up as you have here. I must say I am very proud of you for finding a way for yourself. God bless your soul.

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I am on Prozac, and it actually works really well for me. I guess I am fortunate to not have had any side effects from it. The only problem I had was cotton mouth for about the first three weeks, but then it subsided. The key is definitely finding the right doctor who will really listen to you and all of your symptoms. For five years I knew I had a problem, and it cost me a lot in my life. But, every doctor I talked to said it was all in my head. I finally found a doctor who really took time with me, listened to everything I said, asked a lot of questions and finally got to the heart of the matter.

Susan thank you so much for sharing this openly. I am very glad that the Prozac is working well for you. Is it actually Prozac or are you on the generic form of it? The problem I've been having with SSRI's (is Prozac an SSRI?) is that I can't eat!!! food repulses me to the point of gagging and barfing just looking at it. I have one more psychiatrist in mind if this one doesn't help me. It looks like this is going to be a long process but I pray it gets resolved by the spring as I need to live a relatively normal life. Right now I don't even care to get dressed each day, no make up, I don't even care that I'm losing weight. I've no libido all i do is manage my anxiety with pills and try to get in enough Fluid and Protein so I don't die. this is no way to live. thanks again Susan and bless you too for sharing.

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I really do hope they find some answers for you soon Lan. I really think the Remeron will help you with your appetite. That really is a side effect from this medication- an increase in appetite.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I don't understand how this surgery could have caused these problems for you.

Have you seen your bariatric surgeon to ask if this has happened with any of his other patients?

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I feel for you.

depression/anxiety and the related conditions can be an awful burden to bear. They can certainly play a role in weight issues as well.

The one thing that you said that struck me was your mild discomfort with your Psychiatrist. The relationship that you have with your Prescriber will be one of the most IMPORTANT relationships that you have, and if you do NOT feel a connection with them, or feel like they are not listening or paying attention, then you NEED to look elsewhere.

Treatment for depression in this day and age is not a "single-pill" solution in many, many cases. It takes an experienced Doctor, and a Doctor who can listen with compassion and understanding.

So, if you have even the slightest feeling that you are not getting enough attention or understanding from your Pysch, then LOOK ELSEWHERE. Do not be shy about it. Psychiatrists, more than just about any other medical practitioner, can be arrogant, callous jackasses, and it can sometimes take a while before you find one that you can really 'connect' with. But it is worth the search....you will KNOW when you find him or her.

Take the time, and find the RIGHT Doctor. It could change your life, believe me!


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I really do hope they find some answers for you soon Lan. I really think the Remeron will help you with your appetite. That really is a side effect from this medication- an increase in appetite.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I don't understand how this surgery could have caused these problems for you.

Have you seen your bariatric surgeon to ask if this has happened with any of his other patients?

Hey Daisy, Yeah I will try this generic form of Remeron and hope for the best. Before the surgery I had my same ups and downs but I was a whole fully functioning person able to cope. Now I fully realize I didn't become obese because I didn't use food as a coping mechanism. I did. I ate healthy, organic, and spent loving times with people sharing meals

but I ate too much. Having this element of my life both the healthy eating and the over eating suddenly whisked away has had for me unfortunately a devastating impact and most definitely contributed to this unrelenting anxiety and depression. That said I do feel that there have been many hormonal changes with such a large part of the stomach removed and such a rapid weight loss....serotonin is produced in the stomach as well as ghrelin. although my surgeon agrees he doesn't have any answers for the connection between this and emotions and brain chemistry. He told me that he doesn't get involved with the emotional or mental health of his patients after the surgery. He will just refer you to see a psychologist.

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I feel for you.

depression/anxiety and the related conditions can be an awful burden to bear. They can certainly play a role in weight issues as well.

The one thing that you said that struck me was your mild discomfort with your Psychiatrist. The relationship that you have with your Prescriber will be one of the most IMPORTANT relationships that you have, and if you do NOT feel a connection with them, or feel like they are not listening or paying attention, then you NEED to look elsewhere.

Treatment for depression in this day and age is not a "single-pill" solution in many, many cases. It takes an experienced Doctor, and a Doctor who can listen with compassion and understanding.

So, if you have even the slightest feeling that you are not getting enough attention or understanding from your Pysch, then LOOK ELSEWHERE. Do not be shy about it. Psychiatrists, more than just about any other medical practitioner, can be arrogant, callous jackasses, and it can sometimes take a while before you find one that you can really 'connect' with. But it is worth the search....you will KNOW when you find him or her.

Take the time, and find the RIGHT Doctor. It could change your life, believe me!


Thank you HH, I agree with you entirely. I am learning this as I go. I've one psychiatrist that my psychologist (who works with bariatric WLS patients) says she knows of who is in her opinion excellent and the only doctor she refers her patients to. I tried elsewhere since her referral is such a distance from where I live but in the event that I don't get genuine relief from the psychiatrist I am consulting with now (who is just minutes from where I live), I will move on and try this other who is about an hour drive from me. What a task this has turned into. I'm trying to save my life here because living on this level is just so hard to bear and so burdensome on the few family members I've got in my life. My poor aging mother is devastated to see the state I'm in and my dear aging dad is trying so hard to be the strong young man he was years ago to support me. This is so painful to watch when I should be the one supporting them. Thanks for the support. I'll keep you all up to date as it goes.

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Thank you HH, I agree with you entirely. I am learning this as I go. I've one psychiatrist that my psychologist (who works with bariatric WLS patients) says she knows of who is in her opinion excellent and the only doctor she refers her patients to. I tried elsewhere since her referral is such a distance from where I live but in the event that I don't get genuine relief from the psychiatrist I am consulting with now (who is just minutes from where I live), I will move on and try this other who is about an hour drive from me. What a task this has turned into. I'm trying to save my life here because living on this level is just so hard to bear and so burdensome on the few family members I've got in my life. My poor aging mother is devastated to see the state I'm in and my dear aging dad is trying so hard to be the strong young man he was years ago to support me. This is so painful to watch when I should be the one supporting them. Thanks for the support. I'll keep you all up to date as it goes.

Dear Lan,

My heart breaks for u... I pray this new med is what u need! Ur story gives me pause because my surgery is mid feb. I'm curious to know your background with weight...u are definately right about the rapid weight loss and hormonal changes taking place and my thought is u will be lots better when ur weight has stabilized. Our hormones are major!!! Have u thought of a full scale hormone panel .. Ur doc should at least do this for u... And ins should pay for it... I truly feel u would benefit from it greatly as well! Also... I wanted to tell u that accupuncture works too.. I'm truly not a new age anti drug promoter... U must do what works for u... But thru my 15 yrs of trial and error he'll I wish I had known about accupuncture! Also masssages help with relaxation. If low on money treat urself good by taking hot baths and this sounds corny but hum when very anxious!!! Believe me it works!! Kind of like meditation but the actual humming sound brings you down immediately... U can feel the tension dissipate right then! I drink Chamomile tea and I add lemon and honey for flavor this tea promotes well being and relaxation... Plz try it... And it's not great on it's own.. But if u drink it daily u will feel a difference. Also Vitamin e is a natural anti depressant make sure ur on 5000 ie daily of that. Ur b Vitamins b6 &12 are major important...I do 2000 mcg daily sublingual of vit B12.

When ur really down...can't get out of bed down... Try watching, reading, listening to uplifting positve things... Our mind is so powerful... I literally have to talk myself into being functional some days.. And honestly it works 95% of the time but, the other times I just feel it and there's nothing I can do but get thru it. I am a very faithful person and I don't know about u and definately don't want to offend u in any way... But God truly pulls me thru along w my family!!! My friend believe me when I say... Tomarrow is a better day... I know hopelessness, despair, sadness and desperation and when ur in it... It feels all consuming!!! Be good to yourself Lan!! Be ur best friend and treat urself the way u would treat the person u love most in the world! Remember u can only do what u can do... And that's good enough my friend!!! I wish u all the best.. In the meantime take it easy...God love you! Ttyl

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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