Felix1 0 Posted January 2, 2010 The mexican food are attracting more and more people to it. This is because that the mexican food are characterised by its intense taste as well as by its unique flavouring too. There are many mexican restaurants in west la . the people living in west la as well as the tourists who come here as per their vacation looks forward to eat mexican dishes which has a top spot in the food chart. The mexican food restaurant west la is of good quality. From this, we can understand the popularity of the mexican dishes in west la. A wide varity of dishes are showcased in the mexican cuisine of those restaurants that are located in every nook and corner of the city. The mexican manicotti is one of the sought after dish in the mexican restaurnats in west la. A lot of people order for this yummy dish.mexican manicotti is a typical non ? vegetarian dish which is mainly prepared from chicken.< /p> There a few ingredeints that are used up in preparaing this tasty dish. First of all we require manicotti shells for preparing this dish. Cooken chicken low fat cottage chicken as well as greeen chillies which are sliced are the other chief ingredients of this yummy mexican dish ? mexican manicotti. There are other ingredients too. A cup pf cilantro, clove garlic minced are used up. Red bell pepper which are chopped up are used in this dish. Salsa as well as chopped or sliced ripe olives are yet other ingredients that are used up in this mexican dish. Tomato sauce are also used up to give an extra taste to this dish. You also have to add monterey jack cheese to make it very rich as well as yummy in taste. The following are the list of ingredients that are used up in preparaing this dish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites