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Major complications @ emmanuel medical center

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Point taken and thanks for your truthful response. As I said, I will be going there myself in two weeks and I dont take anyone's testimony about infections lightly. Thank you for what you said and I go there with eyes wide open. The main reason I know the Maria's story is fake is that I showed it to my coordinator IMMEDIATELY and she looked at the details with the Emmanuel team and there was never a patient who had that surgery as claimed on the date Maria stated. What else seemed so strange to me is that the patient name on OH was similar and the location and the dates as well as details we similar with little differences! It came from a mentally ill poster with borderline personality disorder that is known to despise Dr. A and has been banned from several sites, yet keeps coming back as someone else. What is in it for her is that she is attempting to get people to go to her Dr. and then she gets to be right. The reason I cared was 1)I would hate it if someone was making up things about me as a professional 2) I wouldn't subject myself intentionally to a bad situation.3) Really wanted to know the truth and then to share that truth....

I just got in from a 4 month nursing assignment in Gallup. Last night my BF took the car and it was stolen so I am dealing with that now. Plus moving into a new place and surgery on 12/30.Needless to say I have alot going on. I wanted to respond to you and say that if you PM me I will gladly tell you or anyone my phone number and we can really talk at length...No one can get any details from "Marie S." or "Maria"....because she doesnt really exist. I intend to post my own account of surgery when I get back.

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HI everyone - First - thank you for the support. Second - I am still hospitalized and NPO. We are having second and third reviews on all tests, films and records.

I wanted to note to a previous comment that the "suture contamination" I was told by Emmanuel Medical was presented to me as not Manufacurer - but their own contamination and the box was finally "gotten rid of" not resent to manufacturer. At least that is how i took it because she never mentioned Manufacturer. Thank you to everyoone. Between here and OH - the horror stories are coming out and I cant beleive no one posted more details so we can share and protect each other. I know that I am making them unhappy. ISIS said to me "We have a excellent reputaion and will not let it get ruined." Their in room documentation said to SHARE OUR EXPERIENCE with verticalsleeve.com so I am.


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Their in room documentation said to SHARE OUR EXPERIENCE with verticalsleeve.com so I am.

That is a fact. They said the exact same thing to me when I was there. They said, "Share your experience, they lie about us there." and then they do a documentation and have us say our name, where we are from and what we had done and if we were happy with our service, while they tape it.

How would njsleever know this unless she has been there? I don't believe her post was fake at all.

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Nonsense. If you still persist in these lies, support yourself with some facts.

1) Name your coordinator phone # so every member here can speak to her if they like.

2) What hospital and unit are you staying in for almost a month so GRAVELY ill and yet you have time to leisurely correspond on the computer? Does your hospital have wi-fi for the patients or are you corresponding from the Hospital Cyber-Cafe (LOL)

3) What is the organism that is supposedly infecting you so we can all be aware

It's wrong to do what u r doing. People on this site were even praying for you....YOU ARE SICK!

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That is a fact. They said the exact same thing to me when I was there. They said, "Share your experience, they lie about us there." and then they do a documentation and have us say our name, where we are from and what we had done and if we were happy with our service, while they tape it.

How would njsleever know this unless she has been there? I don't believe her post was fake at all.

This latest from NJsleever is absolutely NOT TRUE.

They do NOT do any of these things after the surgery about your experience. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!! They do not ask us to share our experience or do a documentation etc or tape any of it.

So much for her veracity about anything!

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NJsleever: you are doing a huge dis-service to all of us if your story is all false. I am a tender hearted person and I was actually crying over your suposed situation. I am a patient of Dr. Almanza's. They did not video tape anything. No one ever made any statement of "they lie about us out there". You have the names of a few of the patient follow-up co-ordinators correct, but, I think you are not truthful. Dr. Betencourt will call you directly, he did for me. There was no 16 year old nurse at the recovery house when I was there. When I went to the hotel for post recovery, my nurse was Edgar/Edward he was the same nurse that put my IV line in (painlessly) at the clinic. I loved Ed. He took out my drain, and I thought he was so professional and caring. I had a massuse that was wonderful also. Sevier, helped with the residual gas pains in my joints. I highly reccomend to any of you going to Dr. Almanza/Emmunal clinic to use Sevier for relief of aches and pains.

If any of us get an infection we need to take care of it ourselves. Infections are so common.

Dr. Betencourt has established this Emmunal Clinic weight loss program for all the right reasons. (very resonable cost WLS) From what I have read here, Dr. Aceves has a great program also. there just is no reason to defame any one doctor over another. We all want to gain a better healthy life. Dr. Almanza (surgeon employed by Dr. Betencourt) is a competent, worthy surgeon. He did a wonderful job on me. I am very happy with his/my results.

There truly is enough WLS to go around, folks, we do not need to slam any one program over another.

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Bravo! Well said Carolyn. Thanks for the suggestion re the masseuse! I already know I will need him!

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This latest from NJsleever is absolutely NOT TRUE.

They do NOT do any of these things after the surgery about your experience. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!! They do not ask us to share our experience or do a documentation etc or tape any of it.

So much for her veracity about anything!

Stoongal, I'm sorry but I will have to disagree with you. Maybe they didn't ask you to do that when you were there but I can give you the email address of everyone I was there with and they asked them, including myself to do just that. Dr. Betancourt, as I was about to leave, pulled out an ipod looking device and asked me to say my name... etc.

You can disbelieve njsleeve all you want that is fine. I cannot verify anything she has posted is true or not true and I have not tried either but please do not call me a liar because I have spoken nothing but the truth. I have no reason to lie.

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I wanna clear something up here. Maybe I took this thread a little personal because someone posted they are having a major infection and I happen to be one of the unlucky ones that came home with one as well. I've talked to many people that had the same problem. My coordinator never contacted me once I sent in my deposit. Not right before nor after my surgery to see how I was doing. I had to contact her.

I feel a little cheated because I really wanted to come home and tell of a wonderful experience but I couldn't because I was sick for 2 weeks after I came home with an infection.

Now it's getting even more personal because some of the things I'm saying are being questioned. Not everyones experience will be the same. Maybe they started the documenting later. I really don't know but they did ask me and the people that were there at the same time to do just that. I will not defend what I said anymore. It's obvious people will believe what they want. I can sleep at night knowing that I speak only of the truth.

As far as nj goes. I guess that is all up in there air if that person is real and what they say is true or not. I guess I tended to believe her more due to my experience and that of others that have contacted me. If she's not real and her story is false then shame on her for doing such a thing. If she is real, then I hope and pray she will have a speedy recovery.

I will still stick with everything I said before. I believe Dr. Almanza is a great surgeon but when I was there, there was a high incident of infections. I hope they've taken care of it. Regardless of how you feel about Dr. Almanza and his staff and regardless of your experience, I wonder why so many are quick to believe one person over another.

I will not respond again to this post unless I'm asked a question or unless my integrity is questioned.

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I wanna clear something up here. Maybe I took this thread a little personal because someone posted they are having a major infection and I happen to be one of the unlucky ones that came home with one as well. I've talked to many people that had the same problem. My coordinator never contacted me once I sent in my deposit. Not right before nor after my surgery to see how I was doing. I had to contact her.

I feel a little cheated because I really wanted to come home and tell of a wonderful experience but I couldn't because I was sick for 2 weeks after I came home with an infection.

Now it's getting even more personal because some of the things I'm saying are being questioned. Not everyones experience will be the same. Maybe they started the documenting later. I really don't know but they did ask me and the people that were there at the same time to do just that. I will not defend what I said anymore. It's obvious people will believe what they want. I can sleep at night knowing that I speak only of the truth.

As far as nj goes. I guess that is all up in there air if that person is real and what they say is true or not. I guess I tended to believe her more due to my experience and that of others that have contacted me. If she's not real and her story is false then shame on her for doing such a thing. If she is real, then I hope and pray she will have a speedy recovery.

I will still stick with everything I said before. I believe Dr. Almanza is a great surgeon but when I was there, there was a high incident of infections. I hope they've taken care of it. Regardless of how you feel about Dr. Almanza and his staff and regardless of your experience, I wonder why so many are quick to believe one person over another.

I will not respond again to this post unless I'm asked a question or unless my integrity is questioned.

Gin, I want to personally thank you for taking a stand on this issue. We all know complications happen, and unfortunately, when a facility has had issues in the past people automatically go on the defensive.

I truly applaud you for being able to be honest, and upfront with your experience. I wish more patients who had complications would have the courage to post their experiences.

I am not going to defend njsleever, but I'm not going to attempt to debunk someone's experience either. It's quite odd that any time someone posts an issue it always turns into "ohhh this is just a paid poster for another Mexico surgeon, I have information/proof". Well, anything can be composed on the internet, anything can be fabricated, what makes someone else's piece of information more valid? NOTHING. It's the internet, and if you choose this surgeon/facility, and have a great experience, congrats, but why is it necessary to constantly berate the patients who had issues/complications?

It just gets old, and in my opinion is a simple way to discredit not only yourself, but the entire program/facility/surgeon that is in question.

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Okay everyone.... brand new here - (so.... HI!!) :tongue_smilie: - well, I've been "stalking" the site for a while now but seeing this post today has prompted me to go ahead and register so I could respond.

Let me apologize right away for the excessively lengthy post, but I got started and just couldn't stop!! :thumbdown:

My name is Libby. :tongue_smilie: From all my reading, I feel like I "know" a few of you already! :tongue_smilie:

I had my sleeve surgery on November 21st, 2009 at Dr. Andres Betancourt's Emmanuel Medical Center with Dr. Almanza... and yes, I too, ended up with a pretty nasty staph infection.

Now, admittedly, my experience was one of rushed plans, lacking in any type of research whatsoever with this hospital / doctor, in particular... I had fully researched and prepped for the mini gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Rutledge in Nevada a year prior but when funding fell through, was left to start over from scratch.

Having come into a little money suddenly on November 19th, I half-heartedly did a few internet searches to take a peek into what the self pay procedures were costing these days - - and stumbled upon a coordinator for Dr. Almanza offering an amazingly alluring fee for the gastric sleeve.

I made the call.... checked a few resources.... and my coordinator, Rita - says, "What are you doing on the 21st?".............. TWO DAYS LATER, she meant......... wow!! So it was a bit of a wild ride from there, but I flew out the next day to San Diego - stayed over at the Holiday Inn Bayside - and met the hospital transport back at the airport the following morning, who took us into Mexico and to the hospital.

The experience (while my family was CERTAIN that I would touch down in the middle of a warzone and awake from surgery having had my organs harvested for the black market!!) :drool5: was quite a pleasant one, for the most part.

Very warm and welcoming, the doctors and staff were quite accommodating every step of the way.

The hospital, while simple, was cleaner than some US hospitals I've seen.

The language barrier was something I wish I'd considered a bit more - - but really caused no major issues.... I had what I needed, when I needed it and never felt the least bit "unaccounted for".

The ONLY "issue" I had while in the hospital (which really did seem like a pretty big issue to me) was that the nurses did not wear gloves when working on my IV. They had a very difficult time due to my small "uncooperative" veins, and there were at least four attempts by different staff before the anesthesiologist finally stated that he would put the IV in himself once I was in the operating room.

Moments before I went in, another nurse made a SUCCESSFUL attempt to get the IV in. *thank GOD!!* (OUCH!!) :drool5:

But, through all the sticks - - all the blood, trying to get the IV in place.... I noticed that none of them had worn gloves.... *note, that I bled quite a bit!*

I mentioned to my "surgery mate" of my concerns.... and she seemed to shrug it off and have no matching concerns of her own..... by then, I was swooshed off to the operating room and when it was over, was too concerned with my recovery too rehash the thought in my mind, I guess.

Two days in the hospital and then on to the recovery house.

I actually stayed at Dr. Bettancourt's private home (a couple doors down from the recovery house) because they were quite full over there and Doc Andres felt I would be more comfortable at his home with his staff. I agreed.

Every aspect of my care was attended to and despite the normal post op pain and discomfort, I enjoyed a very peaceful stay.

I felt that my recovery was going very well, but since I had made the trip alone, had begun missing my family and requested to go home a day early.

All seemed well and arrangements were made for me to go home the next morning.

I have to say, that once I left the hospital - there were no longer "vitals checks", etc. - which I suppose is the norm - - - but had there been a couple of those throughout my recovery stay, it might have been brought to our attention that I was harboring a low grade fever, even the night before I left Mexico. :001_tt2:

I noticed that there was some redness around the largest of my incisions... but Doc Andres had checked prior to my going home - and I wasn't really having anything more than what I thought was "expected post op pain" - so... my drainage tube was removed - (MAJORRRR PAINNNNN!!!) :001_tt2: *probably due to the abscess that was already beginning to build* - - - and off I went.

Medical transport across the border (and me with no passport!!) and back to the San Diego airport for my flight home to Fort Worth.

I arrived home around 5pm that evening... (my 4th day out) and was EXHAUSTED, in pain, and light headed........ of course, I was sure that I just overdid it with the flight, walking through the airport, etc. (even though I had to summon a wheel chair transport to get through the airport to my parked vehicle).

Got through the night with my pain meds, cold sponge baths and as much sleep as I could get.

The next morning.... more of the same..... but the pain was worsening... my belly was bloating.... redness around the incision was broadening .... I could keep NOTHING down, vomiting and dry heaving.... and in one terrifying moment later that afternoon, my largest incision site burst open, literally FLOWING with an outpour of infectious pus!! :001_smile:

Of course, with no private health insurance - I was another self pay headed to the closest urgent care center for evaluation...

By that time, I had an increase in the fever and the pain was so unbearable, I could barely stand for more than a few seconds at a time.

Seems I was suffering a grapefruit sized abscess at my incision site (which had filled by then, into another of my sites which had also begun to seep)...

The doctor listened to my sleeve experience and surprisingly enough, without judgement, did her best to not only provide excellent care, but to do so while keeping my self pay status in mind.

A culture was done and I received an injection and three prescriptions (after I couldn't tolerate one in particular) to treat staph infection and was warned that I should be hospitalized - and that if ANYTHING worsened or there was not an immediate positive response to the antibiotics, that I would have no choice but to be admitted. I was receiving the highest and most potent treatment available in an outpatient situation.

THANKFULLY...... after three weeks of what I thought must be what hell is like - - I think I am finally on the mend. :drool5:

While in the urgent care clinic, I did contact one of the coordinators whom I'd never spoken to, but for some reason, had the number for... Shirley..... because the doctor needed to know what antibiotic I had been sent home from Mexico on.

She was cordial.... helpful.... and pleasant. Yet, I never heard from her again.

Yet another coordinator, Michele, (for Patti Lissberger) finally contacted me on 12/10 with a simple "how are you" email.... stating that Patti Lissberger prides herself on her after care contacts and "connections"....

I responded via email to Michele.... (cut and pasted the very email address she had provided).... and received, several days later, a response stating that I must have typed the wrong email address and that I should contact someone directly from the ISA Bariatric website. ::weird::

Again I responded - to three other email addresses, including Patti Lissberger's.... and after a couple more days, received a very generic phone message from Michele.

I didn't bother trying to call her back.

I am making my way...... recovering slowly........ having some issues with tolerating different things.... and I'm sure will have a billion questions throughout the journey....

But for now.... I just wanted to post MY experience and say that while I do believe there are a few things here and there that the Emmanuel Medical Center and staff could improve upon, I can't honestly say that I regret the experience... I may even go back again! (but I will definitely be more aware, more aggressive to state my concerns in the moments that I have them and better versed on what to expect.)

~ Just my 2 cents.... :001_smile:

Nice to "meet" you all!!! :tongue_smilie:

~ Libby

Edited by TexasBlueTornado

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Okay everyone.... brand new here - (so.... HI!!) :tongue_smilie: - well, I've been "stalking" the site for a while now but seeing this post today has prompted me to go ahead and register so I could respond.

Let me apologize right away for the excessively lengthy post, but I got started and just couldn't stop!! :thumbdown:

My name is Libby. :tongue_smilie: From all my reading, I feel like I "know" a few of you already! :tongue_smilie:

I had my sleeve surgery on November 21st, 2009 at Dr. Andres Betancourt's Emmanuel Medical Center with Dr. Almanza... and yes, I too, ended up with a pretty nasty staph infection.

Now, admittedly, my experience was one of rushed plans, lacking in any type of research whatsoever with this hospital / doctor, in particular... I had fully researched and prepped for the mini gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Rutledge in Nevada a year prior but when funding fell through, was left to start over from scratch.

Having come into a little money suddenly on November 19th, I half-heartedly did a few internet searches to take a peek into what the self pay procedures were costing these days - - and stumbled upon a coordinator for Dr. Almanza offering an amazingly alluring fee for the gastric sleeve.

I made the call.... checked a few resources.... and my coordinator, Rita - says, "What are you doing on the 21st?".............. TWO DAYS LATER, she meant......... wow!! So it was a bit of a wild ride from there, but I flew out the next day to San Diego - stayed over at the Holiday Inn Bayside - and met the hospital transport back at the airport the following morning, who took us into Mexico and to the hospital.

The experience (while my family was CERTAIN that I would touch down in the middle of a warzone and awake from surgery having had my organs harvested for the black market!!) :drool5: was quite a pleasant one, for the most part.

Very warm and welcoming, the doctors and staff were quite accommodating every step of the way.

The hospital, while simple, was cleaner than some US hospitals I've seen.

The language barrier was something I wish I'd considered a bit more - - but really caused no major issues.... I had what I needed, when I needed it and never felt the least bit "unaccounted for".

The ONLY "issue" I had while in the hospital (which really did seem like a pretty big issue to me) was that the nurses did not wear gloves when working on my IV. They had a very difficult time due to my small "uncooperative" veins, and there were at least four attempts by different staff before the anesthesiologist finally stated that he would put the IV in himself once I was in the operating room.

Moments before I went in, another nurse made a SUCCESSFUL attempt to get the IV in. *thank GOD!!* (OUCH!!) :drool5:

But, through all the sticks - - all the blood, trying to get the IV in place.... I noticed that none of them had worn gloves.... *note, that I bled quite a bit!*

I mentioned to my "surgery mate" of my concerns.... and she seemed to shrug it off and have no matching concerns of her own..... by then, I was swooshed off to the operating room and when it was over, was too concerned with my recovery too rehash the thought in my mind, I guess.

Two days in the hospital and then on to the recovery house.

I actually stayed at Dr. Bettancourt's private home (a couple doors down from the recovery house) because they were quite full over there and Doc Andres felt I would be more comfortable at his home with his staff. I agreed.

Every aspect of my care was attended to and despite the normal post op pain and discomfort, I enjoyed a very peaceful stay.

I felt that my recovery was going very well, but since I had made the trip alone, had begun missing my family and requested to go home a day early.

All seemed well and arrangements were made for me to go home the next morning.

I have to say, that once I left the hospital - there were no longer "vitals checks", etc. - which I suppose is the norm - - - but had there been a couple of those throughout my recovery stay, it might have been brought to our attention that I was harboring a low grade fever, even the night before I left Mexico. :001_tt2:

I noticed that there was some redness around the largest of my incisions... but Doc Andres had checked prior to my going home - and I wasn't really having anything more than what I thought was "expected post op pain" - so... my drainage tube was removed - (MAJORRRR PAINNNNN!!!) :001_tt2: *probably due to the abscess that was already beginning to build* - - - and off I went.

Medical transport across the border (and me with no passport!!) and back to the San Diego airport for my flight home to Fort Worth.

I arrived home around 5pm that evening... (my 4th day out) and was EXHAUSTED, in pain, and light headed........ of course, I was sure that I just overdid it with the flight, walking through the airport, etc. (even though I had to summon a wheel chair transport to get through the airport to my parked vehicle).

Got through the night with my pain meds, cold sponge baths and as much sleep as I could get.

The next morning.... more of the same..... but the pain was worsening... my belly was bloating.... redness around the incision was broadening .... I could keep NOTHING down, vomiting and dry heaving.... and in one terrifying moment later that afternoon, my largest incision site burst open, literally FLOWING with an outpour of infectious pus!! :001_smile:

Of course, with no private health insurance - I was another self pay headed to the closest urgent care center for evaluation...

By that time, I had an increase in the fever and the pain was so unbearable, I could barely stand for more than a few seconds at a time.

Seems I was suffering a grapefruit sized abscess at my incision site (which had filled by then, into another of my sites which had also begun to seep)...

The doctor listened to my sleeve experience and surprisingly enough, without judgement, did her best to not only provide excellent care, but to do so while keeping my self pay status in mind.

A culture was done and I received an injection and three prescriptions (after I couldn't tolerate one in particular) to treat staph infection and was warned that I should be hospitalized - and that if ANYTHING worsened or there was not an immediate positive response to the antibiotics, that I would have no choice but to be admitted. I was receiving the highest and most potent treatment available in an outpatient situation.

THANKFULLY...... after three weeks of what I thought must be what hell is like - - I think I am finally on the mend. :drool5:

While in the urgent care clinic, I did contact one of the coordinators whom I'd never spoken to, but for some reason, had the number for... Shirley..... because the doctor needed to know what antibiotic I had been sent home from Mexico on.

She was cordial.... helpful.... and pleasant. Yet, I never heard from her again.

Yet another coordinator, Michele, (for Patti Lissberger) finally contacted me on 12/10 with a simple "how are you" email.... stating that Patti Lissberger prides herself on her after care contacts and "connections"....

I responded via email to Michele.... (cut and pasted the very email address she had provided).... and received, several days later, a response stating that I must have typed the wrong email address and that I should contact someone directly from the ISA Bariatric website. ::weird::

Again I responded - to three other email addresses, including Patti Lissberger's.... and after a couple more days, received a very generic phone message from Michele.

I didn't bother trying to call her back.

I am making my way...... recovering slowly........ having some issues with tolerating different things.... and I'm sure will have a billion questions throughout the journey....

But for now.... I just wanted to post MY experience and say that while I do believe there are a few things here and there that the Emmanuel Medical Center and staff could improve upon, I can't honestly say that I regret the experience... I may even go back again! (but I will definitely be more aware, more aggressive to state my concerns in the moments that I have them and better versed on what to expect.)

~ Just my 2 cents.... :001_smile:

Nice to "meet" you all!!! :tongue_smilie:

~ Libby

Hey Libby, thanks for sharing your story, and experience. I hope you recover fully, and are very successful with the sleeve.

We're having a D/FW area meet-up later this month and would like to invite you to come out with us.

I'm originally from TX, and we'll be making a trip "home" for the holidays, and would love to meet you ! ! !

We're trying to work out the details on specific date, times, and venue.

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Hi Libby. I remember meeting you there. I can't remember if it was you or your roommate that stated they had the lapband that had tore a 4 inch hole in their stomach and they were getting the sleeve done. The day you all came to the clinic was the day I was checking out to go to the recovery house. I only met you both for a few minutes. I had surgery the same day as Mitzi. Kristina, Tasha and Jesus all had surgery on the 20th. Mitzi also had problems later with a small infection. I haven't heard from any of the others except Jesus and he apparantly didn't have any problems but he had the RNY done.

I also noticed the glove thing and I also mentioned it to my roommate. I also agree about them not checking vitals once you go to the recovery house. I think at the very least they need to check them before they send you home.

I spent one night at Dr. Betancourts house. I enjoyed my stay for the most part aside from being cold most of the time and Dr. Batancourt's spare bed was hard as a rock. I feel everyone treated me good and I have no complaints about that. I worry about the infections going on at the time. That's all I was ever trying to say. I hope they can take care of the problem and people can go home on the mend. Not dealing with more problems, making a bargain surgery cost a lot more in the end.

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Hey Libby, thanks for sharing your story, and experience. I hope you recover fully, and are very successful with the sleeve.

We're having a D/FW area meet-up later this month and would like to invite you to come out with us.

I'm originally from TX, and we'll be making a trip "home" for the holidays, and would love to meet you ! ! !

We're trying to work out the details on specific date, times, and venue.

Awwww, thanks Tiff..... I'll look forward to learning the details in hopes that I'm feeling up to getting out and about by then!! :tongue_smilie:

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Ok i dont think nj is lying. I was in the icu after i had my vsg with them (look me up on oh!!! Same name and read my story) another thing this place is soooo shady all around. You have no idea. But like i mention in a post before we are human and when we want something bad enough we will turn many blind eyes.





Edited by ryansgirl

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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