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Insulin Pumpers having VSG?

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Great to hear you are doing fine. Really.It's encouraging.

Please keep us udated!

What did you do with the pump before and after surgery? Did you put it back straight after?

Did they monitor you sugar level 24/7?

Did you do ok with the no eating during the day of the surgery?

What about the liquid diet? Is it giving you troubles?

Sorry for the 100 questions...

Just wanted to say Hi. I am new here. I had VSG 1.11.11. I am a severe insulian resistant diabetic on a pump for 10 years. Right now post op for 5 days, my blood sugars are still in the low 200's, but I am only taking 30 units of Humalog right now...scared of low blood sugars. I few other threads give me so much hope and confidence that my blood sugars will eventually get down or close to normal.


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Thanks - every day I think is great, the next day is greater! Ok, on the pump - I drastically brought my basal down the day before my surgery. I kept it on until right up until the surgery then removed it. I didn't put it back on, and was given insulin 2 times a day. I am staying on that right now, my bs's are high, but not as high and am continuing with shots 2 times a day. The hosptial monitored every 6 hours.

I did do ok with the no eating. In fact I am not hungry at all. The liquid diet is ok...I hate the broth, but s/f jellow and popcicles are great! Hot herbal tea is awesome too. But I am so ready for some soft foods.

Am I happy that my blood sugars are still high? No, but from what I read, it will take a little time for them to start leaveling out and am so happy that I will hopefully be off the pump forever!!!


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Thank you SO much for the information!

I see you want to get off the pump... May I ask you why? It's just that the pump has helped me so much keeping my sugar low and could never figure going around again with all the stuff I used to carry with me if I wasn't planning to go home for the next meal. The idea of having to go to the bathroom to inject myself before any meal... I don't know, it scares me. But, obviously, everyone is different!

The idea of popsicles just inspired me: I am going to make my own without sugar (you can't buy them here anywhere)! Going on ebay straight away to buy what I need! :thumbs_up:

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I am hoping that my blood sugars will be down low enough not to have to be on the pump...I am very insulin resistant, so time will tell. I am not on my pump, I have an appointment with my Indo in about 2 weeks, so we will regroup and decide what to do, if I continue with the pump or just shots 2 times a day. She will be exited with my weight loss so far. 17.5 lbs down in 9 days! Yeehaw!

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Congratulations for your weght loss!

May I ask you what you are using instead of the pump? Actually, frst of all: what insulin did you you use in your pump? And what did you switch to?

I tried and tred to contact my diabetologist to ask him for an alternative to the pump for the day of the surgery and a couple of weeks after it (I don't know if my beyy will hurt too much for me to put the needle in) but he hasn't got back to me, so I am trying to organize the therapy myself...


I am hoping that my blood sugars will be down low enough not to have to be on the pump...I am very insulin resistant, so time will tell. I am not on my pump, I have an appointment with my Indo in about 2 weeks, so we will regroup and decide what to do, if I continue with the pump or just shots 2 times a day. She will be exited with my weight loss so far. 17.5 lbs down in 9 days! Yeehaw!

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Thanks! I am excited! I am using Humalog, both in my pump and with shots. As far as my belly hurting, I would say that first week after surgery would be a little rough to put it back on...might be a little sore, but it wouldn't be a problem now.

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Hi, Type I for 30 years--pumper. Was sleeved on Jan 27, 2011. Not as easy as I thought, but I'm doing great. 15 pounds so far. Insulin has dropped from 60+ units per day to around 28 units daily.

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Hi, Type I for 30 years--pumper. Was sleeved on Jan 27, 2011. Not as easy as I thought, but I'm doing great. 15 pounds so far. Insulin has dropped from 60+ units per day to around 28 units daily.

Good job, Monakatt! Apparently we are slower at recovering, losing weight, getting better... And insulin makes you hungry: an extra obstacles we need to fight.

I was finally sleeved on 8th Febr (2011) and so far I am off my insulin pump, I feel too sorry for my belly to put it back right now... I am doing 20 units of Lantus at 10 pm and then a few units during the day before meals IF I really need it. And only like 1 or 2.

Of course, I am still on liquid diet after op, I am planning to go back to my beloved pump when I get to eat more (in a week or so), but right now I am loving my sort of freedom from insulin...

My skin is so weak I got like an allergy to the bandages I am supposed to wear on the stitches. The surgeon did tell me that the cuts might take me longer to heel, but still: it is annoying!

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OMG! I am so excited to find this thread! I've been considering the sleeve and go for a couple seminars next week at a couple different hospitals in my area for more information(one is free, the other not.)

Anyway, I am a type 1 diabetic and have been so for the past 28 years. I didn't start having issues with my weight until after I graduated High School and put on a steady stream of weight throughout the years! I also had the same problem when I got my pump in 1999... tooooo easy to eat whatever the hell I wanted too!!! Of course add in the three kids I have had, a husband and tons of stress and now here I sit at a crazy 268 pounds!!! I also have mild diabetic retinopothy in both eyes, but my ophthalmologist assures me that it isn't even bad enough to correct yet. I've got a slew of other health issues: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, and acid reflux. For the past few months my insulin requirements have been going through the roof! I'm using no less than 100 units of Humalog a day!! Closer to 120-130!!! I swear I didn't use that much when I was full term with my pregnancies!!! All of this has added to me putting on a crazy amount of weight and I can't wait until I have this procedure done so that I can get started on serious weight loss! It's just so frustrating right now, nothing seems to work and my dear sweet husband just doesn't understand why I don't just "eat less". Uggghhh, he doesn't understand that I don't really eat that much right now! But when I have to take like 12 units of insulin for ONE Eggo waffle for Breakfast... well that's a TON of 'growth hormone' in the form of insulin!!! I've tried using Symlin also, but I couldn't stand the sick to my stomach feeling... I felt like I had morning sickness whenever I would use it! Not fun, or pretty... other than reducing my insulin requirements by a little, I didn't notice much else....

But anyway, I'm off on a tangent so I'll try to get back on track.... My husband and I am really paranoid about hypoglycemia after surgery when I won't be able to treat my low blood sugars as easily. I am feeling much more optimistic after reading this thread though! ...........MWAHHH..... big thank you kisses to you ladies (two for our Italian friend!) ! LOL

Thank you soooooo much ladies (and gents, if your out there!)


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Hello! Glad to hear you found our experience useful!

During surgery and in the days right after it I had quite high blood sugar, I was told that that's because your body is under a lot of stress. The hospital will take care of you. You should definitely ask your diabetologist how much insulin you should take after surgery. I am still off the pump right now but I'm going back on it NeXT week. Right now I use lantus before going to bed and humalog before meals. I wanted to leave my belly alone for awhile after surgery.

Lantus does give me low blood sugar sometimes. I bought toffee candies that easily melt in my mouth and I keep them everywhere: next to my bed, in my bag, in the kitchen... Something else that can help you is caffeine free tea with sugar: I used to keep a bottle of it in my fridge and drink it if needed. These few calories are not going to interfere with your diet, do not worry!

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OMG! I am so excited to find this thread! I've been considering the sleeve and go for a couple seminars next week at a couple different hospitals in my area for more information(one is free, the other not.)

Anyway, I am a type 1 diabetic and have been so for the past 28 years. I didn't start having issues with my weight until after I graduated High School and put on a steady stream of weight throughout the years! I also had the same problem when I got my pump in 1999... tooooo easy to eat whatever the hell I wanted too!!! Of course add in the three kids I have had, a husband and tons of stress and now here I sit at a crazy 268 pounds!!! I also have mild diabetic retinopothy in both eyes, but my ophthalmologist assures me that it isn't even bad enough to correct yet. I've got a slew of other health issues: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, and acid reflux. For the past few months my insulin requirements have been going through the roof! I'm using no less than 100 units of Humalog a day!! Closer to 120-130!!! I swear I didn't use that much when I was full term with my pregnancies!!! All of this has added to me putting on a crazy amount of weight and I can't wait until I have this procedure done so that I can get started on serious weight loss! It's just so frustrating right now, nothing seems to work and my dear sweet husband just doesn't understand why I don't just "eat less". Uggghhh, he doesn't understand that I don't really eat that much right now! But when I have to take like 12 units of insulin for ONE Eggo waffle for breakfast... well that's a TON of 'growth hormone' in the form of insulin!!! I've tried using Symlin also, but I couldn't stand the sick to my stomach feeling... I felt like I had morning sickness whenever I would use it! Not fun, or pretty... other than reducing my insulin requirements by a little, I didn't notice much else....

But anyway, I'm off on a tangent so I'll try to get back on track.... My husband and I am really paranoid about hypoglycemia after surgery when I won't be able to treat my low blood sugars as easily. I am feeling much more optimistic after reading this thread though! ...........MWAHHH..... big thank you kisses to you ladies (two for our Italian friend!) ! LOL

Thank you soooooo much ladies (and gents, if your out there!)


Hi Wendy!

WOW! I think I could have written your post! I am also a Type 1 diabetic since the age of 13, I am now 45. I never really had a problem with my weight through high school and college....sure I could have lost a few pounds, but not obese. I too went on an insulin pump (and I LOVE it) in the mid 1990's thinking that it would be a way to loose weight.....after years of being on a strict schedule of insulin injections and meal times, I could finally, after 15 +/- years, skip a meal if I wasn't hungry. Unfortunately, it also meant that I could eat whatever and whenever I wanted. That along with two very high-risk pregnancies I gained a ton of weight. Through all of this, my insulin requirements kept creeping up. Before my surgery on May 12, 2010, I was taking an average of 140 units in a 24 hour period....my basal rate was 2.5 per hour alone! I too had high blood pressure, and retinopathy (laser surgery to both eyes in 1990....no problems since). My surgeon wasn't quite sure how to deal with my insulin pump and insulin requirements before/after surgery, so my internist and I worked close together. I continued to wear my pump right up until I was in the operating room, and my pump was restarted in the recovery room. It did take some time to figure out basal rates, and low blood sugars were a big scare. How was I going to treat a low blood sugar?? In the past, I would grab a candy bar, a dish of ice cream, whatever was close by, and usually eat enough for a small Army, causing my blood sugar to spike and then I'd have to treat a high....starting a viscous cycle of highs and lows. What I did learn since surgery is that those glucose tabs really do work and I really didn't need a candy bar and 5 Cookies to bring my blood sugar up.

Since my surgery, I have lost 111 pounds, my insulin requirements have dropped tremendously. My current basal rate is .9 per hour and I take an average of 30 units in a 24 hour period. My blood pressure is normal, without medication. It was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made....wish I could have done this years ago. Good luck with your surgery!


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Hello Again! Well, I did the seminars and the first hospital (I'll call it hosp. "A") I went to, I didn't really like, although they are a "Center of Excellence" or something or other, I just wasn't feeling 'it' with the Nurse coordinator lady (she gave about 95% of the 6 HOUR seminar), the other 5% was the nutritionist (but she couldn't get her laptop to work, so that was really useless!) <_< I was also dissapointed because the surgeons didn't even show up to introduce themselves...

The following night I went to the other seminar at another hospital (we'll call this hospital "B") (only 2 hours this time :rolleyes:). This hospital is much closer to home & I really liked the format a lot better. Much more 'laid back' and casual, but really informative. Both of the hospital's bariatric surgeons presented the material and I really appreciated that they took the time to show up and do that! Now, this hospital is NOT a 'Center of Excellence' but I felt much more comfortable there.

This is where I start having issues. The nurse lady, who I really like tells me that VSG's don't really work on type 1 diabetics and especially on women. She told me that men have great results but that women usually do not? :blink: I was surprised that she said this because of all the success stories I've read on here, and on the web in general... She was really pushing RNY surgery, but I don't know if I really want that...

I haven't made the appointment with the surgeon yet because the office is waiting for my Primary doc to send over my records, but they should get them any day now... I'm going to tell him how I feel and get his opinion. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks for taking the time to reply!!! It's nice to know that I'm not alone! Sometimes it soooooo feels like it w/ being a type 1 and overweight. When I say I'm diabetic, people AUTOMATICALLY assume type 2, and that really bothers me! I don't know why, it just does...

So Thanks again.



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Why should we be any different from men with diabetes 1, or from any other people in general??? Because of the insulin injections we do get hungrier than "normal" people do, but I guess it happens with any kind of surgery, not only VSL.

Did she tell you why? And anyway: will you have the chance to choose your own surgery? I'd go and listen to what the surgeon has to say, but still...

I'm not that far out, but already 2 1/2 months and everything is GREAT. I LOVE the sleeve. I am still off the pump, I have decided I will put it back after Summer, I want to enjoy the hot weather without it and get my belly completely heeled.

I'm interested in what the surgeon will say.

Of course everyone assumes you have type 2, also here everyone does the same. And! We get less than what people with type 2 get. Ridiculous! I already wrote here that I could have got surgery here with a BMI of 35 if I had had type 2 instead of type 1. But type 1 doesn't get it. :censored:

Everything is always type 2, I looked up on the internet and most of the articles are about type 2.

Being in the USA at least you get the chance to consult different centres, even if they might be farther away from your place. I'd do that if I were you.

Let us know how it goes on!

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Hey Bilka. I'm not exactly sure what her reasoning was behind her statement, I didn't have a lot of time to talk to her that night and was on information overload. I will learn more when I schedule my appointment with the surgeon. I believe I will work closely with her to gain approval from my insurance company.

I've discussed this with my husband and he is really supportive of me getting the sleeve, but really doesn't want me to get RNY, which is understandable. He told me that whichever I end up doing, or even if I want to NOT do anything, he will support me. Or at least that what he says, we'll see when he has to watch our three kids while I go to the gym 5x a week :o!!!! LOL

I am so excited for this opportunity. I have been overweight for soo long! I can't remember the last time I got to buy myself something in a 'regular' size clothing store! :P When I do, I just might pass out! :lol:

Oh yeah, I Pm'd you...


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My diabetologist shook his head when I told him (not that I see him every day, I had an appointment with him this afternoon). He said he would have said "no" to that surgery. He thinks I made the best choice with the Sleeve.

Have you talked to your diabetologist?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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