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Are the bandless scaring newbies?

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I certainly hope so! I had my band removed due to erosion in December 2005 after an 80 pound loss. I am now bandless, and I certainly HOPE I'm scaring the pants off of any newbies who think it's okay to cheat today. Don't do it! Do not, for one second, fall back into your old eating habits! BOO!

Have I been inappropriate this week in my blatant posts? Perhaps to some, but I'll defend my honor and the honor of my de-banded buddies fiercely, and I don't appreciate tripping upon the recent posts here at LBT that have generalized titles of Banded vs. Non banded, or Newbies vs. Veterans. I don't have a band anymore, but I still have all the symptoms and I will always be a bandster whether you like it or not. I still have restriction, tightness and discomfort to the point of pain when I overeat. My stomach won't allow me to eat the portions that I did pre-band and I suffer from choking in my sleep, shortness of breath, severe acid reflux and Barrett's Esophagitis, which is a pre-cancerous condition that may or may not lead to cancer of my esophagus. But am I trying to scare off those of you that are scheduled for surgery next week?

If you consider this raining on your New Band Parade then I am very sorry for you. Get out of denial fast and grab hold of Planet Reality. Those of us who have lost our bands or converted to another surgery aren't here to scare you away from your band. I personally hope people see what I went through and work even harder to achieve your dream of being slender, happy and free. If you think eating junk food, eating while driving, eating late at night, snacking or anything you used to do before the band is okay, it's not because I said so. Go ahead and argue but know you're only arguing with yourself.

If you were able to eat a mini Snickers once a month pre-band then you'll most likely be able to stop at one mini Snickers now. But if you were doing 2-3 regular candy bars at a time before, you can never eat candy bars again because I said so. If you supersized your fries before but think you can have a small order now, you’re wrong because I said so. If fries were a problem before then stay the hell away from them forever. If you ate $15.00 of Taco Bell while driving before, then don't think you can eat your walnuts and string cheese safely while driving. Pull over and eat your food at a table or at least on the curb.

I'm not here to scare newbies, I'm here to prove that you will remain fat if you don't change your eating habits permanently. Figure out what made you fat before and quit that behavior. Once you have the band, once you find the right portion and food choices that help you maintain or continue to lose, stick with it. Do NOT come to LBT seeking approval to eat that one piece of cheesecake. Have a handful of apricots mixed with a little Peanut Butter in some cottage cheese instead. Gross? Get over it; it’s healthy.

KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid! And I mean that with all the love and compassion of a once-banded chick. Since December I have gained and lost the same 5-12 pounds several times so there is plenty of hope for YOU if/when you lose your band. Without the band I'd have shot up 60 pounds by now, so look to those of us who have lost the band as beacons of hope, not buckets of ice Water here to slam you down. We want you to succeed because it feeds us hope and inspiration. Good luck on this wild ride, and I hope to see you on the skinny side!

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Thanks for posting this Lisa.

I know that I went into my banding thinking I would be a superstar. I was going to do EVERYTHING right. I drank all my Water, excersized, paid super close attention to the "rules & guidelines."

But I sit here, 15 pounds net loss. Scared that I'm going to end up even bigger than I was the day before my surgery, knowing there is nothing I can do to stop it. Bitter and angry are a couple of words that describe me lately.

But I know that the band saved my life. I know this, even though it won't help me lose weight, as much as I bitch and complain, it saved my life in more ways than one.

I think that it is important for people know what all the possible complications are. We all hope that everyone will have superstar success, we all hope that everyone loses all their weight in the first year. No one ever told me that it was possible to be a slow loser. No one told me that it was possible to gain weight at 1000 calories. But that is my reality.

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I just looked up G.A.L at www.ghetto.com and confirmed it stands for Get a Life.

-Received awards for highest GPA in my college, Dean's list, yada yada

-Passed State & National real estate exams on my 1st try with no school

-Bought my own home with my savings

-Full time paralegal in prestigious law firm

-Bought my own business and earned award for #2 New Distributor

-Married to the sexiest man alive for 15 wild & crazy years

-Couple of bitchen Harleys in my garage

-More fun than 100 barrels of monkeys

-Have you seen my picture?

Don't hate me for being beautiful and successful, I can teach you how to have a great life like mine but you have to ask nice.

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NUF said.........

Sorry, I"m a noob, what does G.A.L. mean? Green Apples Ladies? Golden Arches Leaning?:bandit

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As a "newbie" I appreciate ALL the information I can get from "experienced" members. If I can prevent complications for myself by learning from the mistakes of others, I say "thank-you for sharing" and add the new information to my aging brain in the hopes of keeping my band and myself healthy.

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I certainly hope so! I had my band removed due to erosion in December 2005 after an 80 pound loss. I am now bandless, and I certainly HOPE I'm scaring the pants off of any newbies who think it's okay to cheat today. Don't do it! Do not, for one second, fall back into your old eating habits! BOO!

Have I been inappropriate this week in my blatant posts? (YES, EXTREMELY INAPPROPRIATE)

Perhaps to some, (I THINK TO ALL....BUT SOME DON'T WANT TO SHARE THAT WITH YOU FOR FEAR YOU'LL LASH OUT AT THEM TOO), but I'll defend my honor and the honor of my de-banded buddies fiercely (UNBANDED BUDDIES FIERCELY PROTECTED..YEP), and I don't appreciate tripping upon the recent posts here at LBT that have generalized titles of Banded vs. Non banded, or Newbies vs. Veterans. I don't have a band anymore, but I still have all the symptoms and I will always be a bandster whether you like it or not. (EX BANDSTER WITH MAYBE SOME VALUABLE INFORMATION, BUT I HAVE YET TO SEE IT) I still have restriction, tightness and discomfort to the point of pain when I overeat. My stomach won't allow me to eat the portions that I did pre-band and I suffer from choking in my sleep, shortness of breath, severe acid reflux and Barrett's Esophagitis, which is a pre-cancerous condition that may or may not lead to cancer of my esophagus. But am I trying to scare off those of you that are scheduled for surgery next week? (IN MY OPINION...VERY MUCH SO, YES!)

If you consider this raining on your New Band Parade then I am very sorry for you. (THANKS FOR BEING SORRY FOR FRIGHTENING ME AHEAD OF TIME) Get out of denial fast and grab hold of Planet Reality. Those of us who have lost our bands or converted to another surgery aren't here to scare you away from your band. (I DON'T BELIEVE A WORD OF THIS)

I personally hope people see what I went through and work even harder to achieve your dream of being slender, happy and free. If you think eating junk food, eating while driving, eating late at night, snacking or anything you used to do before the band is okay, it's not because I said so. (LOL, OK, WELL IF YOU SAY SO) Go ahead and argue but know you're only arguing with yourself. (SO NOW IM CRAZY IF I DECIDE TO RESPOND IN DISAGREEMENT)

If you were able to eat a mini Snickers once a month pre-band then you'll most likely be able to stop at one mini Snickers now. But if you were doing 2-3 regular candy bars at a time before, you can never eat candy bars again because I said so. If you supersized your fries before but think you can have a small order now, you’re wrong because I said so. If fries were a problem before then stay the hell away from them forever. If you ate $15.00 of Taco Bell while driving before, then don't think you can eat your walnuts and string cheese safely while driving. Pull over and eat your food at a table or at least on the curb. (I READ THAT YOU HAD TACO BELL AND WALNUTS AND APRICOTS ALL IN ONE SITTING TODAY, WHILE POSTING, IS THAT OK TO DO?)

I'm not here to scare newbies, (I DON'T BELIEVE THIS STATEMENT) I'm here to prove that you will remain fat if you don't change your eating habits permanently. Figure out what made you fat before and quit that behavior. Once you have the band, once you find the right portion and food choices that help you maintain or continue to lose, stick with it. Do NOT come to LBT seeking approval to eat that one piece of cheesecake. Have a handful of apricots mixed with a little Peanut Butter in some cottage cheese instead. Gross? Get over it; it’s healthy. (I'D PREFER ADVICE FROM PEOPLE BY EXAMPLE)

KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid! And I mean that with all the love and compassion of a once-banded chick. Since December I have gained and lost the same 5-12 pounds several times so there is plenty of hope for YOU if/when you lose your band. (A BIG "IF") Without the band I'd have shot up 60 pounds by now, so look to those of us who have lost the band as beacons of hope, (I'LL TRY)not buckets of ice Water here to slam you down. We want you to succeed because it feeds us hope and inspiration. (I HAVE NOTICED THE OPPOSITE BEHAVIOR, BUT OK.. IF YOU SAY SO) Good luck on this wild ride (THANKS, I THINK??:phanvan ), and I hope to see you on the skinny side! (OK, I HOPE I CAN FIND THE COURAGE TO GET THE BAND NOW, AFTER ALL THAT'S BEEN SAID AND DONE)

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R U secretly married to Big Paul? You both have a way with words and give great words of wisdom. I don't have my band yet, but not once have I been discouraged by the complications of the band. I know some newbies say the complication threads scare them. To me, knowledge is power. I want to know your story of how & why you lost the band. I want to know what works for some and what doesn't. I am EMPOWERED by those that have had the band for awhile and inspired by those newly banded.

I thank you for your honesty and integrity. It speaks volumes!!!

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If only "not cheating" were that easy for me. If anyone figures out the hang of it please let me know. I mean honestly, I can't help it. I know it comes down to me and my choices, but it's also a whole lot easier to say it and know it and another to do it. I guess my priorities are all screwed up and I am condemning myself to remaining fat.

On another note you were absolutely right and it just hit me while re-reading it. One of my biggest deals is sitting what triggers me to eat. Sitting down in front of the TV. I'm going to give it a shot to break that habit starting today. i have a bar with stools and a table and chairs...and someone once told me that they were for sitting at while consuming food.

I've gotta get out of the food is my source of pleasure and entertainment...i just haven't quite figured out how.

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If you dont like the content of a thread, or simply dont agree, MOVE ON! It is that simple folks.....everything doesnt have to be a battle of who is right or wrong.

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Malice, you're priorities are NOT screwed up, and you are not condemned. I'm in the same struggling boat as you. I'm not saying, "Don't cheat because I don't cheat." I see newly banded people constantly asking if it's okay to cheat here and there, as if the band magically changes the way our brains process thoughts about food. I'm trying to say, "Don't take that first bite" while hoping things will be different, that all your old bad habits went away the day you were banded. I'm saying NEVER STOP FIGHTING!

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If you dont like the content of a thread, or simply dont agree, MOVE ON! It is that simple folks.....everything doesnt have to be a battle of who is right or wrong.

I don't have to move on. I have the right to voice my opinion. This is free for all, not a select few.

I have the right, just like you. Delarla asked if she scared people and I answered her question. Is that ok?

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OK people if this thread gets out of hand it will have to be locked.

I am a disbanded person as well and I face some of the same issues Lisa mentions. I want to eat that order of fries so I stay away from them because I know it will just fuel my fire.

There is no newbies vs veterans. In my book there are just people trying hard to win this battle of the bulge the best way we all know how.

If hearing what a former banded person has gone through scares you into NOT getting the band then that is YOUR choice. We cannot and should NOT OWN what scares YOU or makes YOU do or NOT do something.

Take responsibility for your own actions and I will take responsibility for mine. Why would you give anyone that kind of power over you? If you make blanket statements saying you are scared to get a specific procedure because of what someone told you then you should also blame your surgeon because he or she should have given you the same information. That is called informed consent.

OK I am finished. I may have overstepped my boundaries as a moderator but I am so fed up with all the bickering and back biting over the last few days. My statements are colored by those past experiences.

I just want us to all be one family of struggling women to reach a common goal. Wear that size (fill in the blank) and to look sexy in a thong!! LOL!!!

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It's nice to know i'm not alone I guess but i'm sorry that others are in the same place. And I have to agree...I was one of the ones who was trying to cheat...oh I don't have to do liquids a full week. Or telling myself I have to eat more in front of my friends or people will be suspicious. I'm paying for it too. I know ultimately if I lose my band it will be because I did not use it like it was intended...I tried to see how much I could fight it without consequences. So far my consequence is that it has stretched...i'm rededicating myself every day to doing the right thing. Following the rules. This is a fantastic place to get support and to get information. Thanks for everyones contributions.

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I8Everything, please delete your nasty comments from MY fucking thread and go elsewhere, and take Telly with you, who I see lurking around dying for blood. I haven't so much as glanced at your Sunshine shit because I think you and your pals are sick and twisted vultures that have nothing better to do than infect LBT with poison. Why are you all stalking me? If you hate me, stay the hell away from MY threads. Go play elsewhere where they steal ideas for new threads by copying everything I have already done, inventing new screen names to fool members and thinking this is a place for battle. This is a damn support group, but every time I log on I see you and the same group of people stabbing ugly comments, huge RED fonts, rotten attacks and distate towards the entire community.

You just tore my heartfelt and serious thread to pieces because you knew it would set me off, so here's yet another perfectly decent thread that the moderators will lock. Many of us are starting to wonder if you and your friends were sent to LBT by another support group that hopes to shut us down. That's EXACTLY where you've taken this thread because the moderators can only delete or lock so many posts before Alex decides he's seen enough bullshit.

When you see my name, stay the hell away from me. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. If anyone else starts a verbal battle of bullshit, DeLarla's about to get damn ugly. Knock it off already, all of you!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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