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desperate and afraid

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Hi everyone

I am Cat, a 31 yr old mom from Holland an have been thinking about WLS for 5 years now. My BMI is 50 and I want to be healthier and better. After a lot of research, I think the VSG is the way to go for me (possibly with a DS attached to it later if nessecary) I am still so very afraid to go through with it. What if I die, what if I get serious complications; my sons are only 3 and 1 year old. Did you have those fears?

I would love to know more about your stories. How is your life now? Do you have any problems-complications-intolerancies from it? Do you take lots of Vitamins? Is it bad to eat so little ort are you really satisfied? Do you never ever take something not-s-good for you? Do you ever go out to eat? How do you handle parties and such? Hoe much did you lose? What do you typically eat now?

When I was pregnant, something in my hormones changed and I was feeling very full all the time. I lost weight in both pregnancies feeling perfectly satisfied. Of course after childbirth, my endless hunger returned and so did the pounds (plus interest) I wish to think a WLS will have the same effect on me...

I wish I was not so afraid, I wish I could do it without surgery but on the other hand I tried that so much, I wish that I could LET GO of the idea that I can do it without. :bored0:

Greetings from Holland


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Hi everyone

WELCOME CAT to our "family." We are happy you have found us and hope we can help with some of your concerns!

I am Cat, a 31 yr old mom from Holland an have been thinking about WLS for 5 years now. My BMI is 50 and I want to be healthier and better. After a lot of research, I think the VSG is the way to go for me (possibly with a DS attached to it later if nessecary) I am still so very afraid to go through with it. What if I die, what if I get serious complications; my sons are only 3 and 1 year old. Did you have those fears?

I think everyone has some fears - and rightfully so - it is major surgery. However, I also believe that the complication rate is extremely low. You have a lot of "what ifs?" Nothing is certain in life, and there are no guarantees. WLS will help improve your odds of living a longer life for our boys.

I would love to know more about your stories. How is your life now? I had surgery on 6/12/09 and am down 50 lbs. My life is GREAT. Do you have any problems-complications-intolerancies from it? I had a hiatal hernia repaired at the same time as the surgery, and have a minor complication from that (spasming) however that has improved greatly in the past 2 months and should be gone soon according to my surgeon. Do you take lots of Vitamins?Right now I take a multi-Vitamin and B12. Once I get the results of my blood work back, it may be necessary to take additional vitamins/supplements, but that I won't mind. Is it bad to eat so little ort are you really satisfied? NO it's not bad at all to eat so little and YES you are really satisfied. Do you never ever take something not-s-good for you? Of course I eat things that are "not-so-good" for me ... but this is not a diet - this is a new lifestyle - you have a fully functioning stomach and can eat whatever you want. I didn't have this surgery to be on a DIET the rest of my life -- I had it so I didn't have to be on a diet. So if I want a treat, I have it -- I don't do it every day - however, I also don't deprive myself if I have a craving for something. Do you ever go out to eat? Yes, I often go out to eat lunch with girls from work - generally get a salad or something small and if I have leftovers, I bring it home. Also, I often times will split lunch or dinner. How do you handle parties and such? I go, I enjoy myself and I don't make eating the focal point. If there is a lot of food, then I take a small plate, and be selective of what I put on the plate. Hoe much did you lose? I have lost 50 lbs. as of today.What do you typically eat now?See the thread entitled 'WHATCHA' EATING?" to see the various things everyone is eating - you may be VERY surprised!

When I was pregnant, something in my hormones changed and I was feeling very full all the time. I lost weight in both pregnancies feeling perfectly satisfied. Of course after childbirth, my endless hunger returned and so did the pounds (plus interest) I wish to think a WLS will have the same effect on me...

I wish I was not so afraid, I wish I could do it without surgery but on the other hand I tried that so much, I wish that I could LET GO of the idea that I can do it without. :bored0:

Greetings from Holland


Everyone here is in the same boat - if we could have done it on our own and KEPT it off, we wouldn't need the surgery -- WLS is not the magic pill - it is a tool to help you lose your weight and keep it off - but you have to work with the tool in order for it to work. You will feel full and satisfied on the small amount you are able to eat.

Hopefully I have answered some of your questions and I am sure others here will share their stories as well.

Keep us posted on your decision and ask any questions you have - we will always answer them for you.

Again, welcome!

Edited by VegasAngel

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Hi Cat,

There's not much I can add except to emphasise, and I will be quite blunt here, that with a BMI of 50 you are probably going to die early from an obesity-related illness anyway and you need to weigh up the pros and cons. It's very easy, with so many obese people around these days, to delude ourselves by thinking that we aren't that bad really, but society is getting bigger and bigger on the whole and it's not normal or healthy.

I had a BMI of 48 2 years ago and I was umming and aahing over it and trying this diet and that...in the end I had to take the bull by the horns and do something about it, and then I opted for the band thinking to myself that as it was a reversible operation and once I had lost the weight I could have it removed, I would be fine and never put on weight again! I was still deluding myself then that I didn't really have that big a problem and I was wrong.

It is major surgery and it is a scary prospect to everyone (you just wouldn't be normal if you didn't have some worries) but you know yourself that you won't lose weight by dieting. You wouldn't be here if you could and if you're like me and addicted to food you will be even bigger in a year's time.

I had a band 2 years ago, then revised to the sleeve in July this year and have lost a total of 115 lbs to date. I am very, very happy and much healthier as a result.

You will get lots of very good advice on this site from people whose surgery has been a great success and from those who unfortunately did suffer from some complications. What you need to do now is research and be honest with yourself in making what is not always an easy decision.

Good luck Cat


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Hi everyone

I am Cat, a 31 yr old mom from Holland an have been thinking about WLS for 5 years now. My BMI is 50 and I want to be healthier and better. After a lot of research, I think the VSG is the way to go for me (possibly with a DS attached to it later if nessecary) I am still so very afraid to go through with it. What if I die, what if I get serious complications; my sons are only 3 and 1 year old. Did you have those fears?

I would love to know more about your stories. How is your life now? Do you have any problems-complications-intolerancies from it? Do you take lots of Vitamins? Is it bad to eat so little ort are you really satisfied? Do you never ever take something not-s-good for you? Do you ever go out to eat? How do you handle parties and such? Hoe much did you lose? What do you typically eat now?

When I was pregnant, something in my hormones changed and I was feeling very full all the time. I lost weight in both pregnancies feeling perfectly satisfied. Of course after childbirth, my endless hunger returned and so did the pounds (plus interest) I wish to think a WLS will have the same effect on me...

I wish I was not so afraid, I wish I could do it without surgery but on the other hand I tried that so much, I wish that I could LET GO of the idea that I can do it without. :bored0:

Greetings from Holland


Hi Cat, and welcome to the forum.

I had the common fears of the "what ifs", but the obese life was going to end up killing me. I started off with a BMI of 48, and today it's 32.7.

To answer your questions:

How is your life now? I'm 4.5 months out and have lost 84lbs. I'm 5'2", started out at 263, and a couple of days ago weighed in at 179. Life is pretty fabulous now. I still struggle with getting in my Protein, but for the most part, life is pretty normal.

Do you have any problems-complications-intolerancies from it? I don't particularly have complications or intolerances, but some days if I eat too fast, or don't chew something completely, I get nauseated.

Do you take lots of Vitamins? I take 2 adult gummy vitamins and Calcium citrate supplement daily. I also take 1 Prilosec 20mg capsule once daily for acid reflux. But will hopefully wean off of it in December, or at least decrease my dosing.

Is it bad to eat so little ort are you really satisfied?

Completely satisfied on a very small amount of food. I can eat 3-4oz of steak, or chicken. I ate some homemade macaroni-n-n cheese last night. I know we are supposed to steer clear of the evil "white carbs", but I wanted some, so I had about 1/4 of a cup. Luckily, I can eat Pasta with zero repercussions. But, I rarely allow myself to have carbs. I need all the space in my tummy for Protein. But, I refuse to deprive myself completely of things I want to eat.

Do you never ever take something not-s-good for you?

I've eaten a couple of Nestle crunch bar miniatures (halloween candy size) since surgery. This surgery is not designed to keep you from eating, it's specifically a tool to help reduce your portions and make better food choices. A "treat" occasionally is not completely detrimental unless you can't stop yourself. If you have bad eating habits, the sleeve will let you eat the bad foods without consequence, it's up to you to make the better choice.

Do you ever go out to eat? We go out to eat 1-2 weekly. My husband orders a meal, and then my 11 yr old son and I split an adult meal usually. I haven't had any issues with going out to eat in public.

How do you handle parties and such? My husband is in the Air Force, and I belong to a spouse's club. I attend social functions, luncheons, dinners, parties every month, and go bowling with lunch out with the girls every Wednesday. I'm extremely open about my surgery, and they all know that I have had it. I usually order Soup, or just an appetizer when I go out with the girls, or 2 of us will share an order of something. It's manageable, but I didn't go out to eat for a couple of months because I was slower on the progressing through the post-op diet.

Hoe much did you lose? So, far 84lbs.

What do you typically eat now? I eat whatever I want.

Breakfast - Greek yogurt with some dry Cereal mixed in for crunch, or Yoplait light yogurt

Lunch - is deli meat or some leftovers from the night before

dinner - is whatever I make for my husband and son.

A couple of nights ago we had grilled t-bone steaks, and salad. I eat about 3-4oz of steak then a few bites of salad with feta cheese, almonds and a variety of lettuces.

On Sunday, we went to IHOP. I had 2 eggs (over medium), 3 bites of ham, 1 french fry (from my husband's plate), and about 4 bites of hashbrowns.

Some days are better for me "food wise". Last night, I was craving mac-n-cheese, so I made some, and ate it. I know I should of had some deli meat, or some other high protein food, but it's what I wanted, and I am not going to deprive myself. For me, it's all about moderation, and Portion Control. The sleeve gives me the freedom to eat what I want, just in smaller, more controlled quantities.

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Hi guys

Thanks for all your answers so far. It is too bad that there are not many long term post op sleevers around yet, I am so curious how you all will be doing in ten years time. But then again indeed: with my current BMI , in ten years time I wil, have diabetest for sure and more. (if I am still alive)

Staying fat is not an option anymore, I guess I am still somewhere in my mind thinking: you can do this without surgery! ( Although experience dictates otherwise... It is time to make up my mind about it

Thank you so much!!!


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Hi everyone

I am Cat, a 31 yr old mom from Holland an have been thinking about WLS for 5 years now. My BMI is 50 and I want to be healthier and better. After a lot of research, I think the VSG is the way to go for me (possibly with a DS attached to it later if nessecary) I am still so very afraid to go through with it. What if I die, what if I get serious complications; my sons are only 3 and 1 year old. Did you have those fears?

I would love to know more about your stories. How is your life now? Do you have any problems-complications-intolerancies from it? Do you take lots of Vitamins? Is it bad to eat so little ort are you really satisfied? Do you never ever take something not-s-good for you? Do you ever go out to eat? How do you handle parties and such? Hoe much did you lose? What do you typically eat now?

When I was pregnant, something in my hormones changed and I was feeling very full all the time. I lost weight in both pregnancies feeling perfectly satisfied. Of course after childbirth, my endless hunger returned and so did the pounds (plus interest) I wish to think a WLS will have the same effect on me...

I wish I was not so afraid, I wish I could do it without surgery but on the other hand I tried that so much, I wish that I could LET GO of the idea that I can do it without. :confused:

Greetings from Holland


My dear Cat. . .if fear could only be abolished life would be so grand. . it's a normal feeling to feel fear and hesitation in everyone of us. Did you not have a slight fear when you were getting married? Having your first child? We have so many hurdles to cross in our path of life. . we don't know what lays ahead of us. . . the future is very scary. But my dear friend, what is more scary, worrying of dying in surgery or really dying from your obesity? You know the risks of surgery, do you know the risks of obesity. . sweetie you could die tomorrow? I have not been sleeved yet, but will be in January. . . this surgery will be my 18th major surgery. . . I have not died (obviously) from the other 17. . . I have those fears each time I go though a surgery, but I put my faith in my surgeons, anesthesiologist, and God. . . if God says "your time is up" then it will be no matter where you are, in surgery or feeding your family. . . without walking our path, we will NEVER know what lies ahead. . . you are the one who must make the decision, make that one step, but remember you ARE the only one who can overcome your hesitance as well. . . good luck my friend and let us know what you decide.

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I get what you're saying about wanting some evidence of the long-term effects of this surgery and I was the same after having a band and it failing but if it helps, people do have to have partial gastrectomies for all sorts of medical reasons and my husband's grandmother had one when was about 50 and didn't die until she was 87 from an unrelated illness. She always had to stick to small portions and was sick now and then - just like vsg patients, but otherwise she was fine, nor did she ever get fat!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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