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Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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****. My whole life has been food addiction and depression and now I'm going to hace to deal with it again fter being sleeved. Oh I'm this close to getting approved and I don't know if I'm so sure about it now. If I could pull upmy big girl panties and talk myself out of this, why can't I do it without surgery? I think I'm using the surgery to punish myself for wasting my life til now. I'm 66. I'm gonna change? Ha! I don't believe anything good can happen.

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Later on, every morning you will put on your (now) several sizes smaller clothing or you will look at your now smaller stomach in the mirror and you will feel happy instead of depressed. The weight of the world will be lifted off your shoulders. You will walk up hills and work in the garden with gay abandon. food will no longer control you. Your addiction will be finished forever.

****. My whole life has been food addiction and depression and now I'm going to hace to deal with it again fter being sleeved. Oh I'm this close to getting approved and I don't know if I'm so sure about it now. If I could pull upmy big girl panties and talk myself out of this, why can't I do it without surgery? I think I'm using the surgery to punish myself for wasting my life til now. I'm 66. I'm gonna change? Ha! I don't believe anything good can happen.

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This won't be the first time I've lost weight and the way I lookand the new clothesdo make me happy but I'm here and facing a life threatening decision. Clothes isn't the reason for surgery. I need an exorcist. I've been in therapy since I'm 18. I don't see it happening. I don't see myself moving like I am confident on my feet...I don't see me getting past the first time I fnd myself alone in the house watching tv and what? Sucking my thumb? What the he!! am I going to do?

I wonder if I can ask the surgeon if HE thinks its the right thing for m. I can't even find anyone who will comment on this guy...you'd think a Yale surgeon would be well known but nobody on either forum will comment on dr duffy. WHY????

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This won't be the first time I've lost weight and the way I lookand the new clothesdo make me happy but I'm here and facing a life threatening decision. Clothes isn't the reason for surgery. I need an exorcist. I've been in therapy since I'm 18. I don't see it happening. I don't see myself moving like I am confident on my feet...I don't see me getting past the first time I fnd myself alone in the house watching tv and what? Sucking my thumb? What the he!! am I going to do?

I wonder if I can ask the surgeon if HE thinks its the right thing for m. I can't even find anyone who will comment on this guy...you'd think a Yale surgeon would be well known but nobody on either forum will comment on dr duffy. WHY????

well when I had it done (at Oclinic in Australia) they had a team with a nutritionist and a psychologist as well as the surgeon. You should go for an initial consultation with a multidisciplinary team and talk to the psychologist. Also you need to know how many operations the surgeon has done and what their record of complications is. My surgeon was happy to discuss this with me: he had done over 100 operations with no leaks. When I had a question about the complication of reflux after the op he talked my through his procedure and how he avoids this complication. Another possibility is to find the team you're interested in and see if you can go along to a meeting of the support group to ask people about their experiences after the surgery by that particular surgeon.

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I was plagued with depression when I was twice the size I am now. I still have a tendency to get depressed but it is much less severe. Also the weight loss with VSG is different to that achieved via will power and diet alone. The former is relaxing as it is outside your control, it will just happen. The latter is nervewracking as you know that just one lapse of will power will cause it all to unravel. Please don't lose heart.

Jane xx

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Really, Jane? I have read so many horror stories @ dangers of being depressed post surgery plus people writing how they messed up and are stuck or actually gaining weight. I understand @ the Fluid wt build up immediately post surgery, but later on? It looks like one does revert back to old habits. That he old habits don't get surgically excised and this scares me. If I'm fat because of habit that I'm unable to modify now, what magic will the surgeon implant? Should I risk giving away 85% of my stomach for an uncertain outcome which may not be any better than I've got now?

Look, I'm 66. I'm retired. I want to be able to DO things...anything...go on a short trip for r&r. Get up in the a.m., dressed, and walk the dog more than 1/2 block etc. Later, I want to ride a horse. Right now, I exercise 5-6 days /wk improving slowly, but outside of the personal training and individual practice, I function worse than some 80 or 90 y/o women. Hard for me to walk down one step. Always looking for aomething to hold onto for support....just losing wt is going to make this go away?

Why do people regularly write those horror messages if they hvent some truth to them?

Thanks for your response!

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Really, Jane? I have read so many horror stories @ dangers of being depressed post surgery plus people writing how they messed up and are stuck or actually gaining weight. I understand @ the Fluid wt build up immediately post surgery, but later on? It looks like one does revert back to old habits. That he old habits don't get surgically excised and this scares me. If I'm fat because of habit that I'm unable to modify now, what magic will the surgeon implant? Should I risk giving away 85% of my stomach for an uncertain outcome which may not be any better than I've got now?

Look, I'm 66. I'm retired. I want to be able to DO things...anything...go on a short trip for r&r. Get up in the a.m., dressed, and walk the dog more than 1/2 block etc. Later, I want to ride a horse. Right now, I exercise 5-6 days /wk improving slowly, but outside of the personal training and individual practice, I function worse than some 80 or 90 y/o women. Hard for me to walk down one step. Always looking for aomething to hold onto for support....just losing wt is going to make this go away?

Why do people regularly write those horror messages if they hvent some truth to them?

Thanks for your response!

Well don't do it then, stay the same. I don't much care one way or the other.

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I'm surprised. What a nasty reply! Seems out of character from what you initially posted.

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I'm glad to have read this thread. I have been struggling since surgery. My hormones are seriously out of control. I finally realized that I have some pretty depressive episodes. I have an appt with my doc next week to get on some meds.

Funny thing is, I did not have these issues when I got banded. That part does not make sense to me!

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Thanks so much for your post op diet info i am scheduled 11/30 and this makes me happy to read and see how you got your protien in and lost so much in 45 days gives me even more hope ! Great Job :)

Bless your HEART. I had my Sleeve down with Dr. Aceves in may, I am 57, and I am down 55 lbs. I just went back for my 4 month check up and they told me I am doing FANTASTIC. I think Dr. Aceves is one of the BEST out there doing this surgery. My scars are smaller than my little finger nail--trust me--there are alot of women reading this that have huge scars--that would depress me.

YES--you have your HEAD to deal with because it has told you to eat eat eat. Talk with your head and tell it NO-no-NO and start living the life you want to live. YES you have to make some adjustments. I lost 45 lbs and 45 inches in 45 days. Here is what I did every day for that 45 days.

1 small Isopure shake in the morning [50 grams of protein]

1 zero carb Isopure drink in the day [40 grams of protein]

THAT IS 90 GRAMS OF Protein and you are NOT hungry and it helped me with my depression.

I also added some ZINC in capsule form and LYSINE in capsule form to my shakes. This helped with my immune system and depression. I also take D-3.

Then if you call Bountiful Nutrition [(801) 298-7076] and ask them about their super Vitamin produced in UT [they will ship it to you] this has so much B-Vit's in it, it will wipe out your depression. I can tell when I dont take it after 2-3 days. IT is the best on the market--but not widely distributed. LOVE IT for ridding me of ALL depression during this process and before when I would get blue.

Now this is a horse pill and Dr. Campos says no big pills for 90 days minimum, so I ground it up in a coffee grinder, just swallowed the powder raw with juice as a chaser. [add it to a drink if you like]

I also squeezed one LEMON and one LIME daily and put that in a 30 oz container of Water with just a little stevia to sweeten [get rid of the blue-pink-yellow packages since they all 3 are BAD for you and your insulin levels].

Give yourself permission to grieve over what you did to yourself and the time you wasted EATING to comfort you.

Get your tennis shoes on [i got the shape-ups by sketcher] and walk 15 minutes to 30 minutes twice a day.

You will be amazed as the weight comes off how much faster you are walking. I have 2-dogs and we are not running in the mornings. I never thought I would be doing that!!

The super Vitamin, my walks, the way I look has me feeling soooooo good about myself. AND for you, by Christmas, you will be able to eat little bits of things, even sweets, then get back onto your routine.

Also, I did not tell anyone about my surgery. NOT their business--this is all about ME--for me--it is my journey.

For me--that was a GREAT choice because I am not answering to anyone. Consider how you can gift yourself with a closed mouth and not answer to anyone.

Blessed Be.

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That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said here.

Thank you. I'm going to read this several times.

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Bless your HEART. I had my Sleeve down with Dr. Aceves in may, I am 57, and I am down 55 lbs. I just went back for my 4 month check up and they told me I am doing FANTASTIC. I think Dr. Aceves is one of the BEST out there doing this surgery. My scars are smaller than my little finger nail--trust me--there are alot of women reading this that have huge scars--that would depress me.

YES--you have your HEAD to deal with because it has told you to eat eat eat. Talk with your head and tell it NO-no-NO and start living the life you want to live. YES you have to make some adjustments. I lost 45 lbs and 45 inches in 45 days. Here is what I did every day for that 45 days.

1 small Isopure shake in the morning [50 grams of protein]

1 zero carb Isopure drink in the day [40 grams of protein]

THAT IS 90 GRAMS OF Protein and you are NOT hungry and it helped me with my depression.

I also added some ZINC in capsule form and LYSINE in capsule form to my shakes. This helped with my immune system and depression. I also take D-3.

Then if you call Bountiful Nutrition [(801) 298-7076] and ask them about their super Vitamin produced in UT [they will ship it to you] this has so much B-Vit's in it, it will wipe out your depression. I can tell when I dont take it after 2-3 days. IT is the best on the market--but not widely distributed. LOVE IT for ridding me of ALL depression during this process and before when I would get blue.

Now this is a horse pill and Dr. Campos says no big pills for 90 days minimum, so I ground it up in a coffee grinder, just swallowed the powder raw with juice as a chaser. [add it to a drink if you like]

I also squeezed one LEMON and one LIME daily and put that in a 30 oz container of Water with just a little stevia to sweeten [get rid of the blue-pink-yellow packages since they all 3 are BAD for you and your insulin levels].

Give yourself permission to grieve over what you did to yourself and the time you wasted EATING to comfort you.

Get your tennis shoes on [i got the shape-ups by sketcher] and walk 15 minutes to 30 minutes twice a day.

You will be amazed as the weight comes off how much faster you are walking. I have 2-dogs and we are not running in the mornings. I never thought I would be doing that!!

The super Vitamin, my walks, the way I look has me feeling soooooo good about myself. AND for you, by Christmas, you will be able to eat little bits of things, even sweets, then get back onto your routine.

Also, I did not tell anyone about my surgery. NOT their business--this is all about ME--for me--it is my journey.

For me--that was a GREAT choice because I am not answering to anyone. Consider how you can gift yourself with a closed mouth and not answer to anyone.

Blessed Be.

Love your post. It's so helpful to read what works for someone.

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I'd just like to add that if you wonder why you feel so light on your feet, do some concreting.

Those 45 lb bags of cement are REALLY heavy to move about!

Bless your HEART. I had my Sleeve down with Dr. Aceves in may, I am 57, and I am down 55 lbs. I just went back for my 4 month check up and they told me I am doing FANTASTIC. I think Dr. Aceves is one of the BEST out there doing this surgery. My scars are smaller than my little finger nail--trust me--there are alot of women reading this that have huge scars--that would depress me.

YES--you have your HEAD to deal with because it has told you to eat eat eat. Talk with your head and tell it NO-no-NO and start living the life you want to live. YES you have to make some adjustments. I lost 45 lbs and 45 inches in 45 days. Here is what I did every day for that 45 days.

1 small Isopure shake in the morning [50 grams of protein]

1 zero carb isopure drink in the day [40 grams of protein]

THAT IS 90 GRAMS OF Protein and you are NOT hungry and it helped me with my depression.

I also added some ZINC in capsule form and LYSINE in capsule form to my shakes. This helped with my immune system and depression. I also take D-3.

Then if you call Bountiful Nutrition [(801) 298-7076] and ask them about their super Vitamin produced in UT [they will ship it to you] this has so much B-Vit's in it, it will wipe out your depression. I can tell when I dont take it after 2-3 days. IT is the best on the market--but not widely distributed. LOVE IT for ridding me of ALL depression during this process and before when I would get blue.

Now this is a horse pill and Dr. Campos says no big pills for 90 days minimum, so I ground it up in a coffee grinder, just swallowed the powder raw with juice as a chaser. [add it to a drink if you like]

I also squeezed one LEMON and one LIME daily and put that in a 30 oz container of Water with just a little stevia to sweeten [get rid of the blue-pink-yellow packages since they all 3 are BAD for you and your insulin levels].

Give yourself permission to grieve over what you did to yourself and the time you wasted EATING to comfort you.

Get your tennis shoes on [i got the shape-ups by sketcher] and walk 15 minutes to 30 minutes twice a day.

You will be amazed as the weight comes off how much faster you are walking. I have 2-dogs and we are not running in the mornings. I never thought I would be doing that!!

The super Vitamin, my walks, the way I look has me feeling soooooo good about myself. AND for you, by Christmas, you will be able to eat little bits of things, even sweets, then get back onto your routine.

Also, I did not tell anyone about my surgery. NOT their business--this is all about ME--for me--it is my journey.

For me--that was a GREAT choice because I am not answering to anyone. Consider how you can gift yourself with a closed mouth and not answer to anyone.

Blessed Be.

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I'm just short of a month since surgery and before I had surgery I read all the post about those who regretted it early on and the depression that can come after sleeve, I read them all. I thought I was "prepared"...but I found myself down this last week. I went to Dr. Aceves and everything went good. I even thought the recovery was pretty easy and I went back to work the day after I got home. I've been positive, even excited and the new journey but lately it's been a struggle.

It started with a stall, and my weight loss has been slow (even though I workout daily and watch everything I eat...or drink). Then came health problems....due to a weaken immune system. I'm on mushies, and it seems like ever time I try to eat something it gets stuck and I feel horrible. I know I'm fighting life long bad habits but I feel terrible and I want the comfort that food has always provided and instead I feel sicker. I feel lost with what to do with myself tonight. I know this too shall pass but right now I feel sad, lost, uncomfortable and wiped out.

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I'm at end of first wk n don't feel depressed there's too much adaption to focus on so I'm busy with this new transition n it's relatively exciting, however can b overwhelming at times with post surgery issues. No crying or sadness though.I feel hopeful not hopeless :0)

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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