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Hi Cheryl,

Stoongal loved Dr. Almanza and is going back this month with her sister & daughter when they have their VSG. You will have to click on her name to see all her posts as she gave me lots of details.

I was referred to Dr. Ellesmere at the Hospital in Halifax back in June and I haven't heard a thing since. I have really seriously considered going to Mexico as well but then my husband accepted a job in Ottawa, and we have put the house on the market. So I will be a "single parent" until the end of June. I figure it is just too difficult to do it right now, so I'm on hold. It's possible I will hear from Dr. Ellesmere's office before I leave, but I doubt it. That means I will have to start over in Ottawa - find a Dr. get a referral, approval by OHIP etc. I know that OHIP has been approving people for surgery in Montreal and the US - but that may change.

It's hard having to wait when I want to have it done yesterday.....

Have you been thinking about doing this for a while? I'll be happy to hear all about your journey. Will you be doing a pre-surgery diet?

Take care,


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Hi Nancy and Cheryl,

I'm from NS and having surgery with Dr. Aceves on March 1. I'm a bit nervous, but mostly so excited. I can't wait to be on the loser's side. I noticed one of you was from PEI - where did you have your surgery?

Talk to you soon!


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Hi MJ,

welcome to the thread. It's great to see another Canadian. Unfortunately I haven't had the surgery yet.

Did you look into the surgery with the Halifax Dr.'s? I'm waiting to hear from the clinic.....

I can imagine you are both excited & nervous. I know I would be. It is a big step, but I believe a good one. It's hard to imagine being successful when I've had a long list of failures..and of couse anytime you have surgery you worry.

will you be on a pre op diet? Be sure to keep us up to date - I can't wait to hear all about your journey. I know you'll do great!


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Hi Nancy,

Thanks for your reply.

Actually, I've not thought about getting WLS as I thought I would "fail" with it as well. You see, this 5'3" frame has gained and lost more than 400 pounds in only 46 years. Also, I've had liposuctiion and a Tummy Tuck when I thought I was at my 'ideal' weight only to have gained back a 100 pounds. I'm now at almost the heaviest I've ever been and with borderline health issues. So, although my track record with cosmetic surgery and dieting with mega exercise is not great, I'm hoping to improve my record with VSG. The bottom line is that I love eating too much and I always eat until I am very full, regardless of how many calories I'm burning.

Between September 2004 and April 2005, I lost 65 pounds by exercising (cardio + weights) 1 hour every morning, 5 days a week + dieting. And I was still 20 pounds overweight. From April 2005 to May 2006, I upped my exercise regimen to almost 2 hours, 6 days a week (at the time, I could squat more than 500 pounds, do 5-7 minutes of ab exercises, etc.). I was extremely proud of myself -- so much so that I wore bikinis in the Caribbean and Hawaii the spring of 2006. However, when I went in for my semi-annual physical, my BMI was measured and it was 29.5. My doc said I should think about getting more exercise and going on a diet. I was devastated. But, I wore my bikinis in the south of France and Italy that summer, anyway. Then, the person I was with said, "You are a great person! You just don't care...you wear what you want anyway"...I died a little more that day too.

When I returned from Europe, I went back to the gym but became physically ill. My stomach was sore and I became nauseated. After 5 minutes, I left. I tried again a couple days later but with the same outcome. Finally, I stopped going all together. It made me sick to know that no matter how much I exercised and dieted, I'd never reach my ideal weight and I'd never be that little person who -- since she was 5 years old, was told she was fat (nickname: Cheryl the Barrel) -- has been dying to get out of that body.

Now I am sick because I'm at the heaviest I've ever been and without having built up any muscle (if I wore a bikini now, it would look like two rubber bands on an egg! :blush: Even though I am very frightened of failing after the surgery, I am scared to death of not continuing to try. I believe the VSG will help me get where I want to go and keep me there! Is this false hope? Is the surgery a crutch, like so many non-supporters say? I don't know and I won't know until I've done it. Why am I taking the risk? I have to be re-motivated to be able to re-learn to take good care of myself so I don't overeat in both the short term and long term. Again, I believe VSG will help me do this.

I chose Dr. Almanza because he was lowest cost without a waiting list. Yep! There it is -- I said it out loud. In my opinion, the old economic rule of the price:quality association in medicine no longer applies, 100% (see studies on laser eye surgery). You do not necessarily get better products or services just because they are priced higher. These days, too many businesses are too well practised in marketing and so, they perpetuate old beliefs. Yes, younger docs like Almanza have less experience than someone doing the surgery for 20 years. On the other hand, Almanza is building and building his reputation and if I'm right, he will not take short cuts that will jeopardize his career and earning potential so early on. Of course, this is a justification for my choice. If I find out differently, I will let you and others know.

I'm on a self-imposed pre-op diet to ready my body for the surgery -- detoxifying with lots of greens. For the past 5 years, I have always had a Zone Perfect protein/nutrient bar for Breakfast along with coffee that has Silk (soy coffee whitener). Protein keeps me feeling full. In my years of dieting, I always seem to forget this when my carb cravings kick in. The sugar is mightier than the sword! So, I've also had apple crisp, too. But! I've been eating grapefruit and oranges as well. Will all this help? I don't know. Will it hurt? I don't think so.

I'm worried about taking my meds post-op as the capsules are quite large. I've had the unfortunate experience of tasting the contents and well, I can say I never go for seconds of that! So, emptying the capsules and taking the stuff with Jello or juice will, in my head, be only a little bit of an improvement. So far, I've practised by taking one capsule at a time and 'soaking' it by swishing a little liquid in my mouth before swallowing. So far, so good.

Well Nancy, that's my story. I hope I haven't bored you too much.



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Hi Nancy,

I did look into surgery in Halifaxm briefly, enough to find out that there are approx. 2000 people on the list, 2 surgeons and no dedicated OR's so currently the wait list is 5 - 7 years and climbing. I know of one person who has been on the list for at least a year, has sleep apnea, poorly controlled diabetes and other ailments and at least 200 lbs to lose and she has been told that "2010 and 2011 are full" in Halifax. The program is poorly funded as the gov't is spends money on cardiac programs and diabetic educ instead of preventative health care, and obesity is increasing at an alarming rate...

Therefore, going elsewhere was the only option for me. I did a lot of research because with the good Drs. there are plenty of bad, lots of bad stories about infections, leaks, etc. A nurse has written a good article on a blog on this site about how to research a Mexican surgeon if you are interested, I can direct you.

Keep us posted on your journey and what you decide. I know many people go by themselves. My doc as a driver that picks us up at the San Diego airport and drives us to the hospital and back to the airport and everywhere else you need to go, so it's easy for someone to come alone. Just a thought if you are interested in having it sooner.

All the best,


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Hi Cheryl,

Thank You for sharing your story. I just turned 47 on Dec. 28 and have also lost alot of weight over the years (over 100 pounds twice, plus less than that many times). I too am short - 5' 2'. It is really hard and I understand where you have been and where you are. I'm really happy for you that you have decided to go to Dr. Almanza. Do you have family support?

My husband had been very negative about the surgery ( you can click on my name to see my post under "my story" called " that went well.....not". But I am making progress !, yesterday he asked me to send him the Dr's I have considered and the costs. He would like me to wait until I see the Dr.'s in Halifax - but as you can see from MJ's post - that is years away.

I had a small stroke in Sept. and I thought that might move me up on the list....but no go. Lots of others with health problems too.

I have considered Dr. Christou in Montreal (22,000), Dr, Aceves (9750) and Dr. Almanza ( 5500). Like you economics are important. IF I had unlimited funds I'd go to Montreal....but I don't, so that really isn't an option.

He told me he wanted me to talk to someone in my family about the surgery and Mexico...so I picked my younger sister who is also overweight. She said she could tell I want the surgery - but begged me not to go to Mexico (she works in a hospital in Maine). But she also recognizes I am an adult and will do what I think is best.

I know that I can still eat too much with the sleeve, but I also have a much better chance at not doing that. Stay positive, keep on the boards for support. the people here are great and will share their experience. I'll be here for you cheering you on from the sidelines, and you can return the favour when it is my turn.

Take care,


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Hi MJ,

Thanks for the info. on Dr. Ellsmere - I was afraid of that....and haven't been holding my breath.

Which Dr. are you going to in Mexico? Do you have your date?

I'm making a bit of progress with my hubby....see my post to Cheryl above.


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Hi Nancy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your predicament and of course, about the stroke. I wish there was some way you could have all your problems solved. Would your sister be willing to check out this forum to read about how many people, who have been to Mexico, are doing so well? Perhaps this could be a way to get her, happily, on your side? I wonder if creating a balanced report on best case and worst case situations (from this website or others) and presenting it to your doctor for his approval might help get your family's full support?

I'm doing this all on my own. I did tell one girlfriend who works in a Dr's office and she was ecstatic for me. She knows the struggles I've had with weight issues and she's very supportive about me doing whatever I need to do to help myself. While my entire family is overweight, none would consider doing this. They would say, "go on a diet". So, on the one hand, I'll be alone for the whole thing. On the other, I'll not have to worry about judgements regardless of how well (or not) the process has gone. This is not the time to have negativity around me -- this is the time for celebration and new beginnings! :smile1:

I'll try to post as many times as I can before and after the surgery so you can get a good idea of what Dr Almanza's environment is like. If you think there is anything else I can do to help you, please let me know and if I can, I would be more than happy to do so.

Until then, keep your fingers crossed for me! My plan is to take a bit of a walk around San Diego Seaworld before I return!

xo Cheryl

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Hi Nancy,

I'm 45 and have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. The turning point was my birthday this year (Nov) when I decided that this was the last year I would be miserable and obese. My BMI is 40 and I'm 5'4". At this point I have no co-morbidities but have had back surgery and my back nearly killed me with pain last summer when work was busy. Can't have another summer like that!

On my birthday this year I decided that if I didn't have the surgery I'd be in the same miserable situation next year this time and that for me was the decision maker.

After much research, I chose Dr. Aceves as he has an incredible reputation, great experience and works out of a really good hospital. I have spoken with quite a few former patients on the boards and on the phone and no one has had a single complaint or complication or even heard of one, never anything, so for me that made for an easy decision. I think another really good choice is Roberto Rumbaut in Monterrey - also very good reputation and I've done tons of homework. Money is certainly an issue with me as well but I want to know I'm going to be safe and I know I will be with Dr. Aceves. I'm scheduled for March 1. His patients have a group on yahoo which is full of lots of info - http://webmail2.tallships.ca/horde/util/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgroups.yahoo.com%2Fgroup%2FDr-Aceves-bandsters%2F&Horde=8c732f1176f9dee9e8bde971419c625e

I think your husband needs to start researching this issue himself because your health is at risk. I am concerned to hear about your stroke. As so many have said, this surgery saved their lives. That is how I'm looking at it. I want to be healthy for the long term and for me this is my best option. Many people are nervous about the idea of friends/family going to Mexico for surgery because they have not researched the Dr.s and hospitals themselves. It's the same as here, good and bad like in any country. Really, have him look hard at Dr. Aceves - he can have no objections once he looks at the facts and talks to patients. Dr. A had a special in Dec. and I paid $8750.

My parents are unsupportive and have always just urged me to join a gym, hire a trainer/nutritionist, etc, etc, etc (neither have ever had a weight problem). I'm not telling them about the surgery because of this - I don't need to hear all this again... My husband is supportive because he knows how miserable my weight makes me and is tired of it keeping me/us from doing things. I often avoid going places because I feel embarassed or uncomfortable or don't have anything to wear that can cover, etc... the usual crap.

I recently told my best friend of 39 years about the surgery and even she is not supportive - she is a and healer/intuitive and thinks I'm taking the "easy way out" and goes on to say that I should be grateful for what Goddess gifted me with and that voluptuousness is wonderful. I love her so much, but she's 5'4" and weighs in at a whopping 114 lbs. She really can't understand as I think is the case with anyone who has never had a serious weight issue.

Anyhow, that's my situation. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to March 1. Today I didn't feel at all nervous about it and would have gladly hoped a plane to go today. I really can't wait.

I wish you well, Nancy! Good luck with hubby!

Talk to you soon,


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Elkford B.C. here.....9 weeks post op 60 lbs lost...... The Dr. I saw said he does 2 canadians average per week

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Cheryl, best of luck with your surgery! I hope everything goes well for you and then you'll be working on the new you. :confused1:

Bigdd congrats on your awesome weight loss!! You must be so pleased! I can't wait for March 1 so I can start losing. :)


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Cheryl, best of luck with your surgery! I hope everything goes well for you and then you'll be working on the new you. :confused1:

Bigdd congrats on your awesome weight loss!! You must be so pleased! I can't wait for March 1 so I can start losing. :)


I tell ya if someone told me 2 months ago that I would feel this good after 60 lbs I would have thought them crazy.......I feel like a million bux compaired to what I felt like in the fall....Good luck to you in march....I would do it all over again if I had to:thumbup:

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Glad to see you on this thread. Congratulations!! What awesome results.

Do you mind sharing info. about Dr. Alverez? I have read some posts about him but never "talked" to one of his patients. I did submit some medical info. to them and they did clear me for surgery, but that was as far as I got. (you can read my story above).

Does he operate in a clinic or hospital? Where do you fly into? What type of schedule did you have (days in hosp etc.)

I look forward to hearing about your ongoing success, keep us upated on how you are getting along.


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That's awesome! If you feel that much better with 60 lbs gone just imagine how you'll feel at goal!! Good for you, guy!!

Keep up the awesome work and keep us posted on your numbers - I just can't wait to join you in losing! :thumbup:


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Hi, Carla from Moose Jaw Sk. I am going to Puerto vallarta and having the sleeve done with Dr. Joya January 27th. The cost is $10,000. Visit his site, I know an RN here that says he does excellent work and his hospital is state of the art. She had it done in November 09. Best of luck to all!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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