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It's not easy that's for sure. Thank goodness my house is paid for, because if it wasn't, I would not be able to afford both.

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I am so glad to hear something positive about Canadian health care after all the blarny on the TV about how the US should not choose universal coverage "because it does not work in Canada". Why don't we hear more stories like yours?

I'm insured but work in a State hospital that cares for the indigent as well as the insured. I see an astounding number of patients who would not be as sick as they are, had they been insured and able to seek care earlier. Instead they suffer silently and eventually when they find the affordable system available here, it is often too late...the leg is lost, the cancer has spread, etc, etc...

How sad, and unnecessary.

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Personally I vote that all the state and federal employees have the exact same health care as the rest of us if we're to go with the public option.

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The Doctors are not going to be able to charge a rate that will pay off their student losans much less make a good living for their families. The health care plan that is being proposed is going to take away the free enterprise part of health care. You will not be able to choose a Doctor. You will be assigned one. Even if you have the money to pay for a "better" Doctor you will not be able to do so. Canada, this is true in your Country. Your truly great Doctors come here to practice. Not only for the pay, but the equipment and labortory work that is avaialble here is superior. Because of our free enterprise system. If we are to have a health plan that is available (cost wise) to all, I do not see the need to take away the ability to pay for medical care. Our government does not need to be in total control of our health care.

Kaiser-permente here in Cal has its own hospitals, and all the labs Doctors etc. THey do not have to send out for much. THey keep the costs in line and they are profitable. That is the "system" the Government shoud undertake. They kind of do already at the County hospitals. Medicare/Medical. I want a system where you pay your premiums monthly, go to the hospital for a heart attack, get fixed and leave not owing anything.

My ins. is $450 a month I have a $7,500 deductable then 80/20. It is drastic care insurance only. Self employed it is the best I can get. I would sign up for a government program at a higher rate if I could get better coverage even if it was an HMO type deal. (Kaiser)

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The Doctors are not going to be able to charge a rate that will pay off their student losans much less make a good living for their families. The health care plan that is being proposed is going to take away the free enterprise part of health care. You will not be able to choose a Doctor. You will be assigned one. Even if you have the money to pay for a "better" Doctor you will not be able to do so. Canada, this is true in your Country. Your truly great Doctors come here to practice. Not only for the pay, but the equipment and labortory work that is avaialble here is superior. Because of our free enterprise system. If we are to have a health plan that is available (cost wise) to all, I do not see the need to take away the ability to pay for medical care. Our government does not need to be in total control of our health care.

Kaiser-permente here in Cal has its own hospitals, and all the labs Doctors etc. THey do not have to send out for much. THey keep the costs in line and they are profitable. That is the "system" the Government shoud undertake. They kind of do already at the County hospitals. Medicare/Medical. I want a system where you pay your premiums monthly, go to the hospital for a heart attack, get fixed and leave not owing anything.

My ins. is $450 a month I have a $7,500 deductable then 80/20. It is drastic care insurance only. Self employed it is the best I can get. I would sign up for a government program at a higher rate if I could get better coverage even if it was an HMO type deal. (Kaiser)


I don't know where you get that information about Canada's system and losing our best doctors to the US. Some are often lured by your climate and greed, (perks like matching BMW's for eg and better pay perhaps) but those with roots here, stay here. I, for sure, know that I can choose any doctor I wish, yes, for specialists, he refers me to one but I can ask for any other choice if I think I know of a better one. Health care is the responsibility of each province but the standards they have to live up to are federal and they also contribute federal taxes towards the provinces as well.

We hear horror stories about malpractice and how many patients doctors kill by negligence in the US all the time, so I know it isn't all roses in your free-enterprise system. There are good and bad in both systems but having it all without paying for each visit or procedure takes the fear out of any individual here going to have symptoms checked and getting treatment for illness and disease at the first signs of discomfort. It is a real blessing. Especially with advancing age where the expenses would be the hardest to bear, the elderly here are well taken care of. I know, I am getting to be one of them. And I am very grateful for our universal health care!

Sorry to rant, but I felt it only fair to clear up some points you brought up.


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My two cents worth now too. . . I'm originally from Canada, and while I lived there, I found the health care excellant. . .you could go to the doctor whenever, the only problem was it took forever to get any results. . . but other then that it was ok. . . then we moved to the US and here too the health care is excellant, yes we pay for it, and get our tests and results really fast and I was found to have had a problem that went undiagnosed in Canada. . . even when i brought it to the attention of many different specialists including neurologists, they didn't believe me, one actually told me to check out psychiatrist. . but still that was then. . I went to the US doctors with the same problem, they diagnosed me and told me if i don't get the problem fixed soon, I would have had a brain hemmorragh and died. . . I was diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri with a spinal Fluid pressure of 47mmhg when the normal should be 12mmhg. . . I had emergency surgery for shunt placement to help drain the fluid. . . so I'm so grateful for US medicine, they saved my life. . . however, I can compare the two countries and prefer the US, but if I didn't know anything else, I wouldn't know any better. . . every country thinks their care is best. . . I know both and if asked to chose would have to chose the US healthcare. . . but that is only me. . . . thanks for listening. . .

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Thank you Thinoneday,

I always hear about the lack of timely healthcare in Canada etc., but I've never heard about it from someone who actually lived there. I think our healthcare system here in the US needs some adjustment but nothing like what they are proposing right now. For instance I don't think someone should be turned away or charged outrageous prices for healthcare because of a previously existing condition. I don't think there should be caps on the amount your insurance company will pay for you. I also think that medical malpractice suits must reined in and people who are not legally here in the US should have to pay for ALL costs associated with their healthcare. Unless it's a life or death situation the illegal person should be turned away if they can't pay. Hard working US citizens who can't afford health insurance let alone enormous hospital bills can't get the care that illegals are getting for free. Actually the illegals are not getting it for free it's costing you and me and every other tax payer.

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I pay $500 a month for ins. and it's really lousy coverage, but better than nothing. I was all excited because as a widow, I will get social security at 60. Then I read that my ins. will go up to $1,000 a month when I am 60. So my entire social security will go to pay for that.

Daisy, when/if you get medicare, what will that cost?

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I guess I'm not so very sympathetic. I agree the system needs work, but I think the issues are the ones the government put there in the first place. Every time they touch something the budget explodes and the quality and efficiency collapses. I'm of the mind that less government involvement is a good thing.

I don't think insurance is a human right. I think people shouldn't ever be denied care, but I think that forcing other people to fund a national insurance plan is just plain wrong. What's next? Funding a house for everyone? Making sure everyone gets paid the same wage no matter if they work at McDonald's or practice law? When we start to expand the definition of what rights and entitlements people are required to have, the situation gets sticky. I believe in my own right to choose for myself. I'd rather donate $100 a month to a charity program that helps fund these things than be taxed $50 a month for it. It's just the principle that matters to me.

I just want to point to our VA and military hospitals. This is government contracted healthcare, people. Sometimes it works. Usually it doesn't. Stroll on down to the VA in your free time and see how great our veterans have it. You don't have to look to Canada or Europe to see people being declined care or suffering long waits, I promise (not to say these stories are the norm in those places). Heck, I've been waiting since SEPTEMBER to get an annual pap exam but they're full up and won't have appointments until February.

We do have "free" insurance (you just have to be willing to fight in a war to have it) through my husband's job in the US military.

With this insurance my DH had to wait 9 months and see four different doctors, two different physical therapists, have three MRIs and three sets of X-rays done for a minor knee surgery (torn meniscus). This is an inefficient, wasteful system.

I've had to wait in line at the pharmacy for three hours for some "free" Motrin and allergy pills. I see a different doctor almost every time I go to my clinic and they seldom take the time to glance at my file. I had a doctor tell me I couldn't have a referral to physical therapy because my weight was causing my ankle pain. I have screws in that leg from an injury! She wouldn't even listen to me...she just sent me to the nutritionist (for the third time).

And these are just a few of my own personal examples. There are troublesome cases everywhere.

I grew up with NO health insurance. I didn't see a dentist for the first time until I married my husband. We were too poor to afford insurance but too rich to get assistance/Medicaid.

When we had problems we paid for our bills ourselves. We had accidents like all kids do, and my parents had to make payments to pay the bills off.

Insurance was never intended to pay for every little thing. I think we need to back track and go back to a time when insurance was for catastrophic illness or emergencies. If we made our doctors compete to have patients as customers, instead of blindly allowing our insurance to pay we'd all get better prices. I know it will never happen, the same way I know that my Libertarian beliefs will likely never be shared by any President we have. I accept that and try to muddle through the best I can.

I know my opinion isn't the popular one at the moment. I just disagree with the way our government is attempting to fix the problem. And I strongly dislike the way our elected officials are going against what the majority of America wants - they are supposed to be representing us, not themselves or their private interests. I'm very disappointed with the entire situation.

Right...enough griping for me.

Thanks for making sure this thread stays civil and polite. I'm new here but I felt comfortable posting my opinion even though it's likely contradictory to the feelings of most folks here.


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CLK, You and I share many of the same viewpoints on this "behind closed doors deals that will secure any scumbag reps vote", oh I mean healthcare reform.

I am adamantly against the government getting involved anymore than they already are with healthcare. I was so excited to see the public option out, and I hope it stays out.

I understand that there needs to be changes made to the current system, but at what cost. How many generations are going to be taxed, and how many small to medium business will be completely out of business with the passing of this healthcare reform?

I am not complaining on our current health insurance that's afforded to us due to my husband's military service. I have had zero issues or wait times. I have referrals approved within hours, and have an amazing PCM that manages all of it for me so maybe that's the difference.

The way this healthcare bill is getting passed is absolutely scary. All the back office deals that are going down, the bill itself has been butchered, and chopped down to nothing that will actually bring a true resolution to the plight of the uninsured of America. I know there could be a solution, but it isn't going to happen overnight, and for anyone to think that this is going to solve our nation's issue of the uninsured, I hope those people wake up and realize this will leave our country in worse shape than we were before.

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I ditto both CLK and Tiffikins. I think most Americans do. Our so called representatives just don't want to listen to us. This is nothing short of a power grab. Once they control the healthcare system and ALL that money, we're gonners.

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Sorry people. But the wealthy in this country will continue to get "fat" on the backs of the middle class and some of the working poor. They have gotten away with paying little to no taxes, huge unjustified salaries and economic loopholes at every corner. Secondly;,get rid of Illigal Immigration ?? Are we kidding??? The tax evading wealthy work diligently behind the scenes to keep illegal immigrants here as it provides low paid workers as their nannies, maids etc., and although unemployment is at a record high, they still employ many illegals at their companies. This is much more important than being taxed adequately for universal health care for all U.S. citizens.

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Janagirl: you have been drinking the koolaid. The 10 sec sound bites you quote are a lot of hooey. I have my own business. I have in the past employed "illegals". I did not know they were illegal. They had SS cards and drivers lisc. I paid their taxes just like any other legal employee. I barely escaped having to pay a huge fine for having illegal employees. I am a small business owner. (22 employees) I do not have a HR dept. I am the HR dept. I cannot pay for health care for my employees now. (since 2003 actually) I give them a Bonus check to cover self insurance. IF I CAN. I am in CA. Economy sucks.

If the govt. Mandates I pay for health ins. I am done. I am barely makeing it now. That will be 22 more people with out jobs. Think that is un-important? Ask them.

Honestly, I wish people who think business owners are all Fat Cats that take advantage of the poor, could spend a few days in my shoes.

Loopholes? Maybe for the big banks, auto makers, etc but not for me.

Thanks for listening.

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Hi Carolyn; I am a private business owner who hires U.S. citizens. I in no way said that it was all companies. I distinctly stated "wealthy" and if you fit in that category which I doubt. you have missed my point. Look, we are all in this together like it or not. I have a few "wealthy fat cat" associates who openly discuss illegal immigration saving them millions and will continue to push down any "terms" of returning illegals back to their countries. Gee what more did I need to say.... I couldn't care less what they do with the illegals as long as health care is provided for all U.S. citizens. Take for instance obesity type surgeries that you and I am having at a huge expense because the insurance "fat cats" wont cover.. Good luck and may you never have to find yourself or your family liquidating everything due to medical expenses,,,, Lastly.... I don't drink koolaid.....Have a good day...:)

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If Canada can do it, why can't we? I live near the Canadian border and teach at a university. When health care comes up:

1. My Canadian students think Americans are cold and selfish about the issue. Just because you don't approve of someone's morals doesn't mean they deserve to suffer and die. Even if they get high and have babies. They need more help, not less.

2. They also are extremely satisfied with Canadian health care, and it isn't true you have to get permission to go to the doctor, and you do choose your doctor. And the wait for elective surgeries is just a little longer than the US. Wait time is based on urgency, and doesn't apply to life threatening situations.

Sicko is right on. It doesn't "support Cuba". Instead of believing Fox News watch it and make up your own mind. Every American should see Sicko.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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