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Old Disgruntled Failure Forum

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Leatha, I almost PB'd my Taco Bell when I read your post, and I don't even have a band. Sorry for running with your idea, but it had to be done.

For the record, I don't feel like a failure, and I'm certainly not disgruntled over the loss of my band or that I've gained a few pounds. I don't think there's even one person at LBT that lost their band while blaming the world for their unhappiness. Just because somebody shares information it doesn't mean that person is unhappy. I hated that contraption inside me while respecting its ability to control my caloric intake. It was a love/hate thing but I'm certainly not a failure.

What really disses my gruntle are the few people here that feel the need to participate in every single controversial thread, as if their assignment in life is to take hold of every new bandster that joins LBT and shove their rules, opinions and advise out before anyone else can get to them, and then argue when others have different opinions. That, to me, is a failure in progress.

I used to be like that to some degree but I never realized how absolutely insane I was acting until a few caring friends pointed it out. As soon as I realized I was acting like a huge horses ASS here at LBT, I stepped back and reflected on my actions. When I learned that people were leaving LBT because I was too abrasive, that hurt me worse than them so I made apologies where necessary and avoided LBT verbal wars and controversial topics. It's only when I get personal e-mails directing me to links that I feel the need to back up my LBT buddies.

I don't put any value into certain members so I ignore their daily cheerleading sessions (I'm a realist) but I DO put a lot of value in other folks at LBT, who are treated horribly for having opinions or stating facts about the band. Since offending so many people with my abrasive, offensive posts, I've become more of a lurker. There are times I feel like throwing my computer into the pool because a handful of wannabe know-it-alls infect most of the post with their twisted panties. If you think knowledge/truth about the band's shortcomings, risks, cons and potential rocky roads are offensive or negative then LBT isn't the place for you since there's way too much very real, very scary and very factual information here.

If you've learned anything from my posts, then you know the worst thing for anyone, fat or not, is to "feel like a failure." Do not EVER tell me that I will be labeled a FAILURE if or when I gain my weight back. I'll always be hot and sexy because I believe in myself. I don't have to make someone else feel bad to make myself feel good, so I guess that DOES make me better than some.

Telling newbies about the honeymoon phase or real weight loss statistics isn't calling anybody a failure. I'm tempted to do a search for the word "failure" and label the first person who introduced that term to LBT as a big fat failure for spreading such an ugly cancer.

BEING OBESE DOES NOT EQUATE TO BEING A FAILURE, and sharing information does not equate to negativity about the band.

If you "think" I'm talking about you, I probably am. Chill out and stop trying to save the banded world. If so many people are freaked out by your incessant posts, why not snap it shut and kick back and try "listening" for a change? There's my rant. Flock it, sock it, mock it, rock it - just don't block it.

Welcome to the Disgruntled Failure Forum.

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I used to be like that to some degree but I never realized how absolutely insane I was acting until a few caring friends pointed it out. As soon as I realized I was acting like a huge horses ASS here at LBT, I stepped back and reflected on my actions. When I learned that people were leaving LBT because I was too abrasive, that hurt me worse than them so I made apologies where necessary and avoided LBT verbal wars and controversial topics. It's only when I get personal e-mails directing me to links that I feel the need to back up my LBT buddies.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!:kiss2:


BEING OBESE DOES NOT EQUATE TO BEING A FAILURE, and sharing information does not equate to negativity about the band.

since I agree with this...does that make me an Old Disgruntled Failure? er, Slow Loser? So be it.

But I still have trouble with the Fat=Failure concept. I really do feel like a bit less of a failure as the pounds slooooowly come off. But that's another topic? :heh:

Thanks "DeCarla" and ((((hugs)))) :clap2:

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Thanks for the support, Delarla. However, as thick-headed, old and abrasive as I may be I sure don't consider myself a failure. Personally, I think we're all winners! To have had this opportunity, win or lose, fail or succeed, I feel that God has blessed us with a gift that many many others will never get to experience. True, some of us have had issues and many will to come. I think that's the risk we take to overcome this terrible thing called obesity and this makes us all brothers and sisters in a common struggle.

Honestly, my life is hard enough. Not only do I have this issue of weight to battle, but I have several health issues that could mean life or death, if I don't manage the weight. Am I perfect? No way. Have I turned my life around? You betcha. Will I continue or will I 'give up' and be a 'failure'? I can't say what tomorrow will bring, but TODAY, I am a winner because I still have my humility and I still have my self-respect and I haven't given up at all.

I'm just a grateful bandster who's had the pleasure of meeting and helping many people along the way. I've had my share of wonderful, thankful messages and I sincerely hope I haven't done anyone any harm in any of my responses.

BTW, regarding the old, disgruntled thing.. I reckon it's time to face up to it. Even this week I got an email inviting me to be in a country music video as 'an older good lookin bar fly' type.. :omg: :pound: , so there must be some truth to it.. lol..

God bless us all, God bless our bands and grant us the health that we all are here to achieve.

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Kathy, THANK YOU for always keeping me in check. I love you, too!

At least I have an excuse for acting insane, considering I'm the product of a mother who just spent another stretch in the rubber room. I know there's a huge part of my brain that reacts the way she does and flies off the handle without thinking, which is why I thank the LBT Gods for the lovely Edit feature. The difference between me and the Momster is that I realize when I've acted like an ass so I retreat, reflect and revise.

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I'm sorra, Leatha, but the world "failure" is not allowed in the Failure Forum. We are not failures. A failure is someone who flops out without trying, who blames others, points fingers and refuses to feel hope. Leatha and Kathy, you are both true ladies, angels. Both of you teach me grace and dignity. Sure, sometimes I forget what I've learned but you're always here to lead me back on the right path. I never had a mom. I learned from the School of Hard Knocks - I never had anyone to teach me these things, so thank you.

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*sigh* boy, I needed this thread.

FAILURE! That horrible "F" word.

Since the fall my banded journey has been quite different. Now that Im having so many problems, the ONLY reason Im scared to get my big butt to the doctor is due to this "F" word....

I think I need to PM Sue or Leatha or someone else thats gonna give me the hard ball of what Im dealing with here.


...you promise???

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I knew my 3rd angel would appear if I closed my eyes and wished hard enough. Paula, you single-handedly brought me back to LBT as a better woman so spread your wings and fly with me! We are not failures. We are not fat, we are fluffy.

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You're just in a tough period, Paula. Unfortunately, the closer you get to goal, things just slow down and become more about working harder, dammit. :)

(((PAULA))) We're in this together, girly.

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OMG! :) I just read through some of the locked threads and there is more than I realized going on. I don't want to "pick sides" or "join forces" or do anything to encourage board wars. I tend to just like everyone. I'd like to keep it that way, but WOW. I want the delete button back, big time. It was super useful. Forget editing...deleting is da bomb.

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WHAT? Did they remove the delete feature?

Kathy, try to follow this and die laughing! After I wrote my rant, I gave it 10 minutes then read it back to myself. I didn't like the accusatory, insulting, hypocritical tone, so I edited out everything but the "failure" paragraphs. But YOU beat me to the damn Quote feature, so when you responded by quoting me, it jacked up my entire thread, and nothing made sense! So I had to re-edit and add back in my original garbage.

I like being insane. It makes me colorful.

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We haven't "talked" in so long...are we still friends? Did you come to my "rescue?" (I don't get to the zoo often and I was having too much fun watching "pack" behavior to remember to send for back-up!!! LOL.) How cool that you're here!?! Do be careful, though...in the past twenty-four hours, I have added one plus one and I got one...and then I got someone's name wrong...so probably nothing I say can be trusted.

Hey, in all seriousness, on another site, I asked about the difference between "confrontation" and "anger." Most agreed that there can be very happy people who simply take a stand for certain things and won't back down...and there can be people who are truly seething with anger but try to paint a "rainbows and pony" scene to hide the truth and absolutely FREAK when anything threatens that charade.

As we all know, the cudmudgeon-y folks seldom grab automatic weapons and blow up groups of people...they ALREADY get their little bitches and moans out during the course of a day, as irritating as it is to the ranibows and pony people. But it's those "artificially happy-happy, nice-guy" people that no one ever expected to go ballistic who make the evening news. So who is REALLY "angry?"

Anyway, nice seeing another...what is this group?..."Disgruntled Old Failure!"

BTW, as of this morning, I'm down a hundred pounds from my pre-banding weight...and down 80 pounds (the +/- 60 I'd lost and regained with the band and an additional 20) since my DS surgery. My belly is still too big...but my boobs and bottom fit quite well into SIZES...you know, the ones with no letters...the sizes that don't look like lattices...XXXXXXXXXX

Hi to Chris...unless I got that name wrong, too, then "Hi" to whoever you see who is cute and looks good on a bike. I was in LV in January...but I was only eight weeks post-op and my esophagus still hadn't healed up...I never left the freakin' Bellagio the whole time. So I didn't try to contact anyone I knew there.

See ya...


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And I cracked up the first time I saw "TriPolar" Too funny!

Yes, you can no longer delete a post or your entire thread. Bummer. I was dead against it. I lost that battle. Oh well. Leave your thread. Not everyone has to agree with you, everyone has to respect the fact that you have an opinion. The cheerleading doesn't bother me at all. I don't like the back and forth arguing, and the "board war" stuff. It's just uncomfortable so I "take what I want and leave the rest". I'm much better at that than I used to be.

Paula...what "so many problems" are you having? Is it the reflux?

I'm not tight enough. I should get a fill. I have gotten really skilled at avoiding PBs and I don't always choose the best food. I don't have (I never had) the stamina many newer bandsters have, and Big Paul's thread spoke to me in many areas. However, I'm living my life, and while I can't get under 180, I know that I will. Yep, maybe I could do it faster. But I don't underestimate the power of my band and the restriction I DO have. I'll not beat myself up. I hate being tight. Sue me! :)

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Honestly Sue, I can't tell if I like you or hate you, which means I just love you! (Laughing as I type.) I hate that the FACTS you share are true and that the band isn't all I hoped it would be, and I laugh at anyone who has the balls to go up against you. Do they not know the wrath that is the Geeze? But all kidding aside, let's say for shits and giggles that you are the angry black bitch ready to piss ice Water on everyone's parade - is that reason to slay you and smack you around? Hell no! My mother is that mean and miserable yet I can only have compassion for her. You don't insult someone for being unhappy.

The more I know about the band, the more leary I am about the number of people who are getting banded before knowing ALL the facts. My gosh, I just responded to a post where a girl didn't think she could PB unless she had a fill, then drank liquid to try to wash a PB down! If it weren't for LBT, I'd probably be dead of a horrible infection considering I didn't know what the hell to do when my infected tube was sticking out of my body.

When I was banded and infected, I didn't want anyone holding my hand telling me about the rosey future, I wanted the truth! Was I going to die? Did I have staff infection (or is it staph infection, or a staff infection?) I was a Lost Infected Port Girl, banded in Mexico with nothing but LBT to rely on for guidance. If it weren't for Penni making me go to Dr. Billy, I'd have ended up butchered in a Las Vegas Emergency Room with some trauma guy removing my band that specializes in sewing legs back on.

I don't care WHO you are, but if you come here to post hard core facts, then DeLarla's got your back.

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Originally Posted by DeLarla

I used to be like that to some degree but I never realized how absolutely insane I was acting until a few caring friends pointed it out. As soon as I realized I was acting like a huge horses ASS here at LBT, I stepped back and reflected on my actions. When I learned that people were leaving LBT because I was too abrasive, that hurt me worse than them so I made apologies where necessary and avoided LBT verbal wars and controversial topics. It's only when I get personal e-mails directing me to links that I feel the need to back up my LBT buddies.

Too funny. Good stuff.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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