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MexicoWeightLossSurgery.com The Facts

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Please.................for all us newbies.........can we resume and agree to disagree?

I have read these boards for weeks prior to making a decision and value each of your opinions. I have great respect for each of you because I truly believe that everyone of us has something to offer by not only our experience, but by our questions.

It feels at times a bit like going home for Christmas. You kinda know you aren't gonna agree with Mom, or Grandma, or that creepy guy your sister married about George Bush OR Barack Obama, so you do your very best to avoid those topics of known contention. However it can still be possible to speak freely one on one with any of them just fine without it escalating into personal attacks and a brawl.

I am grateful to have all opinions and the constant thread of DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, which should be the mandate given to each of us. I would imagaine that we each had to come to the realization we were too over weight to get it handled alone, then to decide we were going to Mexico against the wishes of family and friends. Now to decide on the type of surgery we are having, and finally on the surgeon himself. I think it behooves each of us to make those decisions with the best information we can get.

Once that decision is made........all of us are in desperate need of hand holding, support, coaching and acceptance. We really gotta do better to treat each other with all the dignity and respect we all desire.

Please, let's try to refrain from any more personal attacks, name calling and anything that might detract what we hope to accomplish from this site.

There is an incredible amount of valuable information on here and it would be sad to have people driven away by the fighting. Kinda like when your Mom and Sister are having a feud and both want you to take their side....haven't we all been there???

While I may agree or disagree with each or any one of you, I do appreciate your point of view, but I beg everyone....

Please let's get back to truly supporting each other whatever that decision might be.

Thank you to everyone and please keep posting. (No throwing sand.)

Edited by GreenBayGirl

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GreenBayGirl, excellent post. Kudos to you!!

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I would like to make yet another attempt to clear up the incorrect information that has been posted on this and the lap band talk board. There have been many outlandish statements made with absolutely not an ounce of truth nor documentation to show any possibility that these accusations could be possible.

Statements were made the Dr. Andres Betancourt was arrested and/or convicted of insurance fraud. He was NOT. This is completely untrue. Below is the article showing the event that was mentioned and the doctors that were involved. There is no mention of Dr. Betancourt in this link.


Statements were made that Dr. Betancourt had is license revoked. This is completely untrue. Here is a copy of his current, valid license. I have heard that there is another doctor with the name Betancourt that resides and was licensed in California that had his licensed revoked. Dr. Betancourt of Emmanuel Medical was NEVER licensed in California. He is only licensed in Mexico. At best, this is a case of mistaken identity.


There have been claims that Dr. Almanza doesn’t use the Allergan band. Here is his Allergan certification.


Statements were made that the hospital (Emmanuel Medical Center) is unlicensed. This is untrue. Here is a copy of that license. Some have speculated the reason for the name change of the facility from Betancourt Medical to Emmanuel Medical Center. Again, someone’s opinion based on nothing! By the way, you can also find this and all of these, Dr. Almanza’s and other credentials on the website of www.MexicoWeightLossSurgery.com. The documents can be viewed by anyone at any time.


Emmanuel medical center has never had a case of MERSA either. All staff on duty is licensed and available. Patients are not left to “recover” alone in a hotel room. Just like all the other doctors, patients are released to finish their recovery after spending the proper time in the hospital (up to 12 hours for lap band, 2 – 3 days for sleeve gastrectomy and 3 days for bypass). Unlike some other surgeons, Dr. Almanza has an emergency plan in place for any emergency that may arise.

A statement was made that a patient fell off the operating table during surgery. That is impossible as patients are strapped down during surgery. Even if the table were to be turned upside down, a person couldn’t fall off!

Statements were made that Dr. Almanza has had many deaths and complications. Who, where, when? Dr. Almanza and Emmanuel Medical Center have not had any deaths. Yes, there have been an acceptable number of complications. All surgery comes with risk. It was stated that “there have been many deaths and complications”, then it was stated “They claim no complications”. Which is it? I guess we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Do you know how many complications and deaths other surgeons have had? You would be surprised at who and how many!

The people making these statements have been asked time and again to post documentation or proof of their claims. They NEVER have, because it doesn’t exist. It has also been claimed that certain persons were “Asked by Alex” (the owner of this board) to post information to let people know how to choose surgeons and/or educate them in some way. Alex has claimed to me that he has NEVER asked anyone to post anything.

There has been much reference to “Many horror stories”. Where are they? Where are the patients that actually had it happen? All we see here are references to, “I heard, someone said, I talked to someone that had a complication, someone told me”, etc. For someone that has been in this business for about 14 years, you would think there would be lots of documentation if this were true.

Every time a post operative patient of Dr. Almanza posts on this board about the positive experience they had, they are accused of being a “paid poster” they are made fun of and usually, eventually banned from this board. You have tried to justify this by claiming that someone admitted to being a paid poster for Dr. Almanza. Who? Why has this person not made an admission herself on this board? Because this also is untrue!

I realize that there is much competition in this business and that others are losing money because our business is able to offer high quality care and safety at a very affordable price. It’s a shame that the only way others have found to compete is to try to discredit our business.

It has been said that it is impossible to offer such low prices without cutting corners. The peso has gone down (a lot!), the economy is struggling, causing reduced profits, together with the fact that this company owns its own facility and is a medical supply company which buys in very large quantities at a lesser price and in fact supplies other facilities. All this allows us to offer very competitive pricing.

What is truly sad is that many people need weight loss surgery, struggle to afford it and are suffering. Unfortunately, they have people like some on this board try to scare them by making untrue accusations based on nothing, all in an attempt to sway people to pay more to another doctor where, I believe, they are receiving a referral fee. I base this statement on MY educated opinion that no one would spend as much time, as some here are doing, making it their mission to discredit some doctors and promote others unless they were getting something out of it. Who has that kind of time?

I have made numerous attempts and offers to speak with people that have made these wild statements to find out why they are doing this, and have offered to provide the proof that the statements are untrue. No one has agreed to talk to me. I can only conclude that they have another agenda. I will no longer sit back and allow this untrue, libelous information be posted unchallenged. If you’re going to post something as fact, also post documentation to substantiate your claim or state it as what it is…an opinion with no fact basis!

If anyone reading this would like to ask me any questions, you are welcome to contact me at any time toll free at 800-935-6710, direct at 916-647-9501 or you can email me at Sandy@aLighterMe.com

Sandy Johnston



You know, I've been trying to decide if I wanted to respond to your post point by point because you have a great deal of misinformation here. Such as claims that Almanza is not Allergan certified or uses Inamed bands. That was not the issue, the issue was that a very poor quality band is/was (?) also offered. The worst band on the market.

Nobody claimed Almanza has a lot of complications, that was not the discussion. The discussion was that another coordinator (just as of a couple of weeks ago) claims Almanza has NEVER had a complication and that's total bull so we really don't have the slightest idea what his stats are because our posters are not getting the truth when they call the "clinic". I even suggested that complications are part of surgery and no surgeon can have a complication free career, I was defending Almanza. So you are seriously manipulating discussions here to push your doctor. I can provide links to those complications and discussion of the complications if need be to show your actual motives here.

Your clinic is not a hospital, it is a CLINIC! By US standards you know darn well it is a clinic. Isn't it a small, older home that was converted into a clinic? Does it have a heart center? Blood bank? RPh on staff? ICU? CCU? Radiology dept w/CT equipment, etc? Emergency Department? To run around letting everyone think it is a hospital is misleading.

I could refute your entire post point by point but you know the truth is, it doesn't matter. You are bringing your dirty laundry over here and posing as a victim. It isn't going to work. If you have problems with posts written on LBT, keep it on LBT. We do not want to play these games over here.

I am going to close this thread, it has nothing to do with VST, it has nothing to do with sleeve topics, and we just aren't going to play these games. If you have a problem with posts on LBT, keep it on LBT. It does not pertain to this forum.

Edited by WASaBubbleButt

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You know, I've been trying to decide if I wanted to respond to your post point by point because you have a great deal of misinformation here. Such as claims that Almanza is not Allergan certified or uses Inamed bands. That was not the issue, the issue was that a very poor quality band is/was (?) also offered. The worst band on the market.

Nobody claimed Almanza has a lot of complications, that was not the discussion. The discussion was that another coordinator (just as of a couple of weeks ago) claims Almanza has NEVER had a complication and that's total bull so we really don't have the slightest idea what his stats are because our posters are not getting the truth when they call the "clinic". I even suggested that complications are part of surgery and no surgeon can have a complication free career, I was defending Almanza. So you are seriously manipulating discussions here to push your doctor. I can provide links to those complications and discussion of the complications if need be to show your actual motives here.

Your clinic is not a hospital, it is a CLINIC! By US standards you know darn well it is a clinic. Isn't it a small, older home that was converted into a clinic? Does it have a heart center? Blood bank? RPh on staff? ICU? CCU? Radiology dept w/CT equipment, etc? Emergency Department? To run around letting everyone think it is a hospital is misleading.

I could refute your entire post point by point but you know the truth is, it doesn't matter. You are bringing your dirty laundry over here and posing as a victim. It isn't going to work. If you have problems with posts written on LBT, keep it on LBT. We do not want to play these games over here.

I am going to close this thread, it has nothing to do with VST, it has nothing to do with sleeve topics, and we just aren't going to play these games. If you have a problem with posts on LBT, keep it on LBT. It does not pertain to this forum.

Now that this thread has been unlocked I would like to respond to the above post.

It may be your opinion that the Allergan Lap Band is the worst band on the market, however many surgeons disagree. I believe that ?your surgeon? also offers the Allergan band. The fact is that only the Allergan band and the Johnson and Johnson bands are FDA approved. We only offer those 2 bands to patients residing in the U.S.

Nobody, to my knowledge has ever claimed that Dr. Almanza has never had a complication. If any surgeon claims never to have ever had a complication, they are either very, very inexperienced or they are lying. And every surgeon that has done more than 300 or 400 bypasses and sleeves has had at least 1 leak. If they claim not, they are lying also!

You cannot and have NEVER provided ANY documentation to prove or support ANY of your claims.

The facility is certified in Mexico is a hospital. I never said it was certified in the U.S. The facility that ?your surgeon? uses has not been certified in the U.S. either. I posted the facilities certification document. It is not a ?small older home that was converted? as you claim. It is a new building. I don?t know where you?re getting your information. Or should I say your propaganda! It does have emergency equipment and ICU equipment. It does not have a blood bank, however there is access to blood that can be acquired within minutes (the same amount of time it would take to order the blood from a hospital department and have it brought up to the OR).

Please do not post incorrect information that you know to be untrue. You are not helping anyone that is researching their surgery options. You are only manipulating and trying to make people believe that you are some kind of expert with inside information, yet you claim not to be working with any doctor.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however most people are responsible enough to at least have something to base their opinion on. You simply state your opinion as fact without even the slightest bit of evidence to back it up.

Everyone should do their own research mainly by corresponding with people that have had FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE rather than listen to those that post hearsay and opinions with no basis.

I wish everyone the very best in their weight loss journey!

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I agree that the most important thing is that everyone research, research and research some more. It is vital that one make an informed decision when choosing which surgeon to go with.

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How convenient that this thread was unlocked when WASa isn't available to respond. I think it should be reclosed. IMHO

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Let's not have this thread turn into a bashing of people with different viewpoints. Please stick to the facts.

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I agree, sorry, I still have a bad taste in my mouth.. How is your sleeve doing? I see your are still new at it. I love mine. I only have 20 pounds to go. It will take awhile, the last is harder to get off. It sure goes on fast, but getting it off is another story!!

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I am doing well, thank you for asking. It has definitely been a completely different experience than what I had with the band. I still have a long ways to go in terms of how much I still have to lose, but am confident I will reach my goal.

It sounds like you have done fabulous with yours, congratulations! I can't wait until I am where you are.

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This has been so much easier than the band. I missed my band at first, but this has given me more freedom. I feel like I am normal when I eat out or even just cook dinner. I don't have to locate a bathroom when I am out to barf up what ever I ate. The weight loss is weird. I might not lose for several weeks, but my body shrinks and I can wear a smaller size. So it is different, but I love it!!!

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I have the same thing, I seem to plateau in terms of pounds, but my clothes fit looser, so I guess that is okay.

Isn't is wonderful going out to eat with friends, family and coworkers and not worrying about the inevitable PB?!

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I know a lot of people have stalls, but I never do. But now that I'm at the end and not really losing weight any more (at least I think I'm not), I have experienced getting smaller without the weight changing. I think it's my loose skin being reabsorbed back into my body combined with my strength training building muscle.

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i am currently at the recovery home at emmanuel medical. i just realized i had noooooo reason to doubt them. They were doing their thing over here.

The hospital, surgery room,and recovery room was clean (my only complain was they should invest some money wih some heaters cause i'm freezing my butt off over hear)but i didn't mention it to them so i'm sure they probably would have done soemthing about it if i told them. besides that, the whole male staff is totally hot from the cooks,to the drivers, to the surgeon, you can't tell in the pic on the websites but DR. Almanaza is A HOT PieCE OF ASS!!!

Another thing that i was concerned with was how many surgergies he does i can on tuesday and their was like 10 of us and then thursday there were like 6 or 7 and more came the other days too and he mostly does them all of us the same day we come. i was alittle scared of the situation being a little repetitive and he might slip up. BUt each group had their surgeries and went home fine with no problems. i actually stayed the longest i got here the oct 27, had the surgery the 29th and i'm leaving nov 4th. i'm 3days post op and things are starting to truly looking up most of the pain is gone, the nausea was kicking my but and still is sometimes but it get's better as time goes by. i am 100% satisfied with everything the dr.almanaza /dr. benicourt camp has to offer (cold rooms and all) and i honestly don't think all the others couldn't possibly be much better, especially with their price. and i think if theirs something some might not appreciate is the whole vibe of things. Everybody seems so down to earth and they treat u more like they want to be your friend and not just this bland stiff neck doctor/patient relationship. Which i personally loved!! i like the idea of someone looking at me like a human being and not like number 17 for the week. buti guess some people might feel uncofortable with that vibe but i ate it all up! I LOOOOOOOVE dr.benicourt he is so fabulous and he is living my dream life. i'm not gonna lie I LOVE IT here, i love the people, and don't let nobody lie to you.

They ARE DOING THERE THING! and they know what they're doing! If the prices are better than some of the places in india i inquired about i definately would go back to cut out some of the loose skin.

Edited by mnb

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wow! you guys are really going at it. I am a well satisfied patient of Dr. Almanza's. I posted my positive experience and no one kicked me off. I am encouraging of anyone who wants this surgery. Whoever they choose to go to. It is a personal choice. We all have our own reasons and need to do our own research. I used Sandy as an initial contact, she was very helpful. Not at all like a used car salesman. And, I am a used car dealer. Darn it, I am laughing at your slighting of my "profession". The Dr.s all have their good and not so good points. Let everyone make their own informed decisions. I tried to find any bad reports on Dr. Almanza, there was none. I did not find any bad reports on Dr. Aceves. either. I had a great experience in T.J. so that is the end of the surgeon talk for me. I welcome opinions from all with reguards to post op diets , problems. We are all in this for one goal. Getting healthy.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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