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MexicoWeightLossSurgery.com The Facts

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I would like to make yet another attempt to clear up the incorrect information that has been posted on this and the lap band talk board. There have been many outlandish statements made with absolutely not an ounce of truth nor documentation to show any possibility that these accusations could be possible.

Statements were made the Dr. Andres Betancourt was arrested and/or convicted of insurance fraud. He was NOT. This is completely untrue. Below is the article showing the event that was mentioned and the doctors that were involved. There is no mention of Dr. Betancourt in this link.


Statements were made that Dr. Betancourt had is license revoked. This is completely untrue. Here is a copy of his current, valid license. I have heard that there is another doctor with the name Betancourt that resides and was licensed in California that had his licensed revoked. Dr. Betancourt of Emmanuel Medical was NEVER licensed in California. He is only licensed in Mexico. At best, this is a case of mistaken identity.


There have been claims that Dr. Almanza doesn?t use the Allergan band. Here is his Allergan certification.

Statements were made that the hospital (Emmanuel Medical Center) is unlicensed. This is untrue. Here is a copy of that license. Some have speculated the reason for the name change of the facility from Betancourt Medical to Emmanuel Medical Center. Again, someone?s opinion based on nothing! By the way, you can also find this and all of these, Dr. Almanza?s and other credentials on the website of www.MexicoWeightLossSurgery.com. The documents can be viewed by anyone at any time.


Emmanuel medical center has never had a case of MERSA either. All staff on duty is licensed and available. Patients are not left to ?recover? alone in a hotel room. Just like all the other doctors, patients are released to finish their recovery after spending the proper time in the hospital (up to 12 hours for lap band, 2 ? 3 days for sleeve gastrectomy and 3 days for bypass). Unlike some other surgeons, Dr. Almanza has an emergency plan in place for any emergency that may arise.

A statement was made that a patient fell off the operating table during surgery. That is impossible as patients are strapped down during surgery. Even if the table were to be turned upside down, a person couldn?t fall off!

Statements were made that Dr. Almanza has had many deaths and complications. Who, where, when? Dr. Almanza and Emmanuel Medical Center have not had any deaths. Yes, there have been an acceptable number of complications. All surgery comes with risk. It was stated that ?there have been many deaths and complications?, then it was stated ?They claim no complications?. Which is it? I guess we are damned if we do and damned if we don?t. Do you know how many complications and deaths other surgeons have had? You would be surprised at who and how many!

The people making these statements have been asked time and again to post documentation or proof of their claims. They NEVER have, because it doesn?t exist. It has also been claimed that certain persons were ?Asked by Alex? (the owner of this board) to post information to let people know how to choose surgeons and/or educate them in some way. Alex has claimed to me that he has NEVER asked anyone to post anything.

There has been much reference to ?Many horror stories?. Where are they? Where are the patients that actually had it happen? All we see here are references to, ?I heard, someone said, I talked to someone that had a complication, someone told me?, etc. For someone that has been in this business for about 14 years, you would think there would be lots of documentation if this were true.

Every time a post operative patient of Dr. Almanza posts on this board about the positive experience they had, they are accused of being a ?paid poster? they are made fun of and usually, eventually banned from this board. You have tried to justify this by claiming that someone admitted to being a paid poster for Dr. Almanza. Who? Why has this person not made an admission herself on this board? Because this also is untrue!

I realize that there is much competition in this business and that others are losing money because our business is able to offer high quality care and safety at a very affordable price. It?s a shame that the only way others have found to compete is to try to discredit our business.

It has been said that it is impossible to offer such low prices without cutting corners. The peso has gone down (a lot!), the economy is struggling, causing reduced profits, together with the fact that this company owns its own facility and is a medical supply company which buys in very large quantities at a lesser price and in fact supplies other facilities. All this allows us to offer very competitive pricing.

What is truly sad is that many people need weight loss surgery, struggle to afford it and are suffering. Unfortunately, they have people like some on this board try to scare them by making untrue accusations based on nothing, all in an attempt to sway people to pay more to another doctor where, I believe, they are receiving a referral fee. I base this statement on MY educated opinion that no one would spend as much time, as some here are doing, making it their mission to discredit some doctors and promote others unless they were getting something out of it. Who has that kind of time?

I have made numerous attempts and offers to speak with people that have made these wild statements to find out why they are doing this, and have offered to provide the proof that the statements are untrue. No one has agreed to talk to me. I can only conclude that they have another agenda. I will no longer sit back and allow this untrue, libelous information be posted unchallenged. If you?re going to post something as fact, also post documentation to substantiate your claim or state it as what it is?an opinion with no fact basis!

If anyone reading this would like to ask me any questions, you are welcome to contact me at any time toll free at 800-935-6710, direct at 916-647-9501 or you can email me at Sandy@aLighterMe.com

Sandy Johnston




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I had a great experience.....all went well and my surgical experience was very similair to my experiece w/ Dr Ortiz and my band placement almost 5 years ago.

But our after care was better and I really loved the nurses at the clinic......also three leak tests and had a great time recovering!

My surgery in US would have been at a same day clinic so this was better than I would have gotten locally, but I also was comfortable with the clinic idea.....but my bmi is very low and am very comfortable with this type of setting.

, however I would not have my mother in law use him in a clinic setting.....hospital yes, clinic no...... but only because her comorbities are huge and her bmi is high and she is over 67......but she needs her band out. She needs a full hospital w/ icu due to previous issues....... but this is why we can all choose what works best for all of us!

I also went alone... and had a wonderful time and felt well cared for.

Edited by burnsun
spelling issue

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I would like to make yet another attempt to clear up the incorrect information that has been posted on this and the lap band talk board.

Sandy or zsflower,

First off, I want to know what name you posted under previously and where it was posted -- As when I looked up your membership and stats on this board today, 7-8-2009 it refers to you as joining today and that this is your 1st post. So-who were you when you made these other atempts?

Dr. Andres Betancourt /

Dr. Almanza

You apparently work as a patient coordinator for these doctors-thus, in some way, you are compensated by the number of surgeries they perform and thus you are marketing them and very interested in people being convinced that they would be best served to go with these doctors. In my opinion, that makes you equal to a used car salesman. Thus, to me, everything you say on this board is tainted by this mission, including the following:

Patients are not left to “recover” alone in a hotel room. Just like all the other doctors, patients are released to finish their recovery after spending the proper time in the hospital (up to 12 hours for lap band, 2 – 3 days for sleeve gastrectomy and 3 days for bypass). Unlike some other surgeons, Dr. Almanza has an emergency plan in place for any emergency that may arise.

I also find it interesting (make that "stupid") that you expect me to pay attention to you and what you have posted below when you are the very beast of which you warn against.

What is truly sad is that many people need weight loss surgery, struggle to afford it and are suffering. Unfortunately, they have people like some on this board try to scare them by making untrue accusations based on nothing, all in an attempt to sway people to pay more to another doctor where, I believe, they are receiving a referral fee. I base this statement on MY educated opinion that no one would spend as much time, as some here are doing, making it their mission to discredit some doctors and promote others unless they were getting something out of it. Who has that kind of time?


Sandy Johnston


I neither need nor want your Pity or your help. You are not posting anything on this board related to your experience as a sleever(if indeed you are one); you are not posting in any way to help me figure out if the surgery is for me or not. I don't care to hear anymore from you. I see your above statement as a pot shot at two administrators on this board who post daily their opinions, support and experience for those others of us who come here for information, understanding, and help. Do I find it strange that they post so frequently--no, I am thankful that they care enough about a topic which so evasively consumes my life. I can relate to them. I understand their purpose and appreciate them. I believe that they are compensated emotionally and authentically by their involvment on this board--not at all financially--they talk freely on the board about their real time jobs, personal struggles with weight loss, head hunger, etc. They belong here and you ???Come again, what exactly is your job and purpose on this board?-whoops- I think you said that in your signature.:scared0: Now, have I made myself perfectly clear? GO away, you are annoying and useless here.

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I don't feel like a "used car" but I would be interested in what the facts are...I did my home work and I did VSG at Emmanuel medical center on 05/30/2009. I'm down 60 pounds, no more diabetes, no more high blood pressure.

Whatever you choose, get the facts...there are soooo many options and opinions. WLS has become a emotional topic and for good reason...it can change your life but at the same time it is a business. False or misleading claims by parties pro/anti WSL proceedures, individual doctors and clinics/hospitals do have an effect.

I'm not a paid shill, co-ordinator or a crusader..I will hopefully post my own experiance in full... but until then try and get the facts, keep emotions out of the discussion and remember WSL IS a business AND an emotional, potentail life saving proceedure.

In love with myself again:thumbup:

Steve aka dollarsterno

Edited by dollarsterno

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I neither need nor want your Pity or your help. You are not posting anything on this board related to your experience as a sleever(if indeed you are one); you are not posting in any way to help me figure out if the surgery is for me or not. I don't care to hear anymore from you. I see your above statement as a pot shot at two administrators on this board who post daily their opinions, support and experience for those others of us who come here for information, understanding, and help. Do I find it strange that they post so frequently--no, I am thankful that they care enough about a topic which so evasively consumes my life. I can relate to them. I understand their purpose and appreciate them. I believe that they are compensated emotionally and authentically by their involvment on this board--not at all financially--they talk freely on the board about their real time jobs, personal struggles with weight loss, head hunger, etc. They belong here and you ???Come again, what exactly is your job and purpose on this board?-whoops- I think you said that in your signature.:001_tt2: Now, have I made myself perfectly clear? GO away, you are annoying and useless here.

I agree with Norma -- just go away and quit trying to force your own opinions and your doctor on those that are here for the true purpose. If you need to advertise your business or your doctors, see Alex and pay for your advertising -- otherwise, bugger off~!

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Jeesh...what a elitist group you are and sooo smart. The above poster has over 800 plus posts/comments since May 2009 (wow) and makes them an expert on what is said?

Discussions ha! IMO. If there is an agenda/posting AND it doesn't apply to you THEN keep your comments to yourself...in this case you should have minded your own bees wax.

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) Surgeons and Hospitals This forum is the place to share discussions related to VSG surgeons and hospitals. Topics include personal experiences, VSG costs, lengths of stay, recommendations, etc.
Sounds like this forum is only for truly blessed "those that know and care" and is very close tight knit group...everyone else can "bugger off". I'm sure I will not be back here anytime soon...and I assume you could care less.

It is indeed your sand box...now have fun.

Still in Love With Myself,


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paid poster....hmmmm..The paid posters are the ones always putting people's Dr. down. Almanza did my surgery a year ago, I am still alive, and I am down almost 90 pounds, with 28 to go. I have noticed the biggest losers are the one picking on everyone else. The person ZSFlower is trying to let everyone know what is correct and gives the proof to back it up. The rest of you just spout your poison. Where is your proof?? Not hearsay, proof!!! I think you need to take your garbage and move on. I am sure I will be slammed all over the place, but have fun. I know the truth, and those who spout the garbage are going to come up against the people who know what is right, and you guys are not. So, in closing, put your proof on the table, and let us see it. Not your hear-say garbage..

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rere50 & dollarsterno-

I have no issue with you supporting your surgeon and having success with the surgery you chose. I welcome you to continue to post on threads that interest you. I know nothing about the two surgeons mentioned here. I find it strangel that zsflower states that she is once again trying to set something straight and yet this is her first post. Why did she change her identity?

I don't think that you are "used cars"-you researched your surgeon and made your decision. I am merely saying that I mistrust people who benefit from my making a decision that lines their pockets. I don't trust zsflower. I had another surgeons' patient cooordinator email me stating she was emailing because I had not answered my phone when she tried multiple times to reach me. I am a crisis worker who is tethered to my phone. I always know and respond to it ringing. She never called. She lied. I looked for another doctor. You have your standards and I have mine.

If you don't like how this board is run, start your own. I am satisfied with this one. Have a great day!

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I appreciate your point and your opinion. No one says you have to believe a word I say. That is completely up to you. You are correct that this was my first post on this board. This topic has been rehashed over and over again on lap band talk. I cross posted here because this board is a spin off to that board and is moderated, owned and administrated by the same people and there has been far too much inaccurate information disseminated.

In defense of myself, I will however state that at least I tell people who I am. MANY times people on the internet are not who they say they are. There is no way to tell if ANYONE is truly who they say they are on the internet. I am a coordinator and also a weight loss surgery patient. If you are the least bit interested in my personal weight loss journey story, you can find it on the lap band talk board.

I am sorry for the confusion and I do wish everyone the best in their own journey.

Sandy Johnston

Patient Care Coordinator




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I would like to make yet another attempt to clear up the incorrect information that has been posted on this and the lap band talk board. There have been many outlandish statements made with absolutely not an ounce of truth nor documentation to show any possibility that these accusations could be possible.

Statements were made the Dr. Andres Betancourt was arrested and/or convicted of insurance fraud. He was NOT. This is completely untrue. Below is the article showing the event that was mentioned and the doctors that were involved. There is no mention of Dr. Betancourt in this link.


Statements were made that Dr. Betancourt had is license revoked. This is completely untrue. Here is a copy of his current, valid license. I have heard that there is another doctor with the name Betancourt that resides and was licensed in California that had his licensed revoked. Dr. Betancourt of Emmanuel Medical was NEVER licensed in California. He is only licensed in Mexico. At best, this is a case of mistaken identity.


There have been claims that Dr. Almanza doesn?t use the Allergan band. Here is his Allergan certification.


Statements were made that the hospital (Emmanuel Medical Center) is unlicensed. This is untrue. Here is a copy of that license. Some have speculated the reason for the name change of the facility from Betancourt Medical to Emmanuel Medical Center. Again, someone?s opinion based on nothing! By the way, you can also find this and all of these, Dr. Almanza?s and other credentials on the website of www.MexicoWeightLossSurgery.com. The documents can be viewed by anyone at any time.


Emmanuel medical center has never had a case of MERSA either. All staff on duty is licensed and available. Patients are not left to ?recover? alone in a hotel room. Just like all the other doctors, patients are released to finish their recovery after spending the proper time in the hospital (up to 12 hours for lap band, 2 ? 3 days for sleeve gastrectomy and 3 days for bypass). Unlike some other surgeons, Dr. Almanza has an emergency plan in place for any emergency that may arise.

A statement was made that a patient fell off the operating table during surgery. That is impossible as patients are strapped down during surgery. Even if the table were to be turned upside down, a person couldn?t fall off!

Statements were made that Dr. Almanza has had many deaths and complications. Who, where, when? Dr. Almanza and Emmanuel Medical Center have not had any deaths. Yes, there have been an acceptable number of complications. All surgery comes with risk. It was stated that ?there have been many deaths and complications?, then it was stated ?They claim no complications?. Which is it? I guess we are damned if we do and damned if we don?t. Do you know how many complications and deaths other surgeons have had? You would be surprised at who and how many!

The people making these statements have been asked time and again to post documentation or proof of their claims. They NEVER have, because it doesn?t exist. It has also been claimed that certain persons were ?Asked by Alex? (the owner of this board) to post information to let people know how to choose surgeons and/or educate them in some way. Alex has claimed to me that he has NEVER asked anyone to post anything.

There has been much reference to ?Many horror stories?. Where are they? Where are the patients that actually had it happen? All we see here are references to, ?I heard, someone said, I talked to someone that had a complication, someone told me?, etc. For someone that has been in this business for about 14 years, you would think there would be lots of documentation if this were true.

Every time a post operative patient of Dr. Almanza posts on this board about the positive experience they had, they are accused of being a ?paid poster? they are made fun of and usually, eventually banned from this board. You have tried to justify this by claiming that someone admitted to being a paid poster for Dr. Almanza. Who? Why has this person not made an admission herself on this board? Because this also is untrue!

I realize that there is much competition in this business and that others are losing money because our business is able to offer high quality care and safety at a very affordable price. It?s a shame that the only way others have found to compete is to try to discredit our business.

It has been said that it is impossible to offer such low prices without cutting corners. The peso has gone down (a lot!), the economy is struggling, causing reduced profits, together with the fact that this company owns its own facility and is a medical supply company which buys in very large quantities at a lesser price and in fact supplies other facilities. All this allows us to offer very competitive pricing.

What is truly sad is that many people need weight loss surgery, struggle to afford it and are suffering. Unfortunately, they have people like some on this board try to scare them by making untrue accusations based on nothing, all in an attempt to sway people to pay more to another doctor where, I believe, they are receiving a referral fee. I base this statement on MY educated opinion that no one would spend as much time, as some here are doing, making it their mission to discredit some doctors and promote others unless they were getting something out of it. Who has that kind of time?

I have made numerous attempts and offers to speak with people that have made these wild statements to find out why they are doing this, and have offered to provide the proof that the statements are untrue. No one has agreed to talk to me. I can only conclude that they have another agenda. I will no longer sit back and allow this untrue, libelous information be posted unchallenged. If you?re going to post something as fact, also post documentation to substantiate your claim or state it as what it is?an opinion with no fact basis!

If anyone reading this would like to ask me any questions, you are welcome to contact me at any time toll free at 800-935-6710, direct at 916-647-9501 or you can email me at Sandy@aLighterMe.com

Sandy Johnston



Rather than cross posting the same exact thing, you might have taken the time to read through the threads on this board. If you had, you would have seen that several of the members here have had surgery by "your" surgeons and they were welcomed into the community. The actual surgery and surgeon is NOT the focus of this board. Instead, we help one another through all that is involved in making a decision to have WLS and EVERYTHING that follows that decision.

Research is the buzz word here. Because research and evidence based practice dictate standards of care, and because research is an active and dynamic process, the research section of this board is updated continuously. Although this is a board that focuses on VSG, we have members here who have lapbands and other forms of weight loss surgery. One member explored her choices and decided RNY was the WLS for her. Was she tossed off the board because she is not having VSG? No, she is a very valuable and respected member here and she shares the goal of all members; getting to a healthy weight for life. The WLS choices might differ but the journey is something we all travel and share.

I am a moderator/administrator and I hold 2 bachelor degrees, a master degree in health care administration, and a Ph.D. in education. I've been a critical care RN for a huge health care system for over 25 years. WasA is the other moderator/administrator and is also an RN with impressive credentials and diverse healthcare experiences. The members here are all successful, intelligent, caring individuals. They know how to research, share, debate, and support one another and don't need anyone to dictate to them as to what they should or should not do. WasA and I have NO ties to any surgeon and receive no pay. YOU have an agenda and are PAID to get people to come to Mexico and have surgery by your surgeons. If people don't come, YOU don't get paid. YOUR purpose in posting here is financial.

You are biased towards the surgeons you work for. The members here are biased towards the surgeons who operated on them and that's to be expected. The difference is that the members here are not paid to promote their experiences and surgeons, YOU are. If you would like to support members of this board through your experiences as a WLS patient, we welcome that. If you're here to get people to go to your surgeons so you can continue to have a job, I invite you to notify Alex so he can explain the terms and conditions of paid advertising.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

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So the bottom line IS the bottom...pay me and my costs for running this board decrease...Would a payout as a sponser make it alright?

ALL these doctors and referral patients use and need coordinators to facilitate WLS...it is the only way to keep the money coming in...Do you really think doctors are that interested in your personal struggles...be real. It is about the money and getting money...it is a business. Without coordinators "selling" the product there is less competition. I have had surgeries in three countries and it is worth every dime to have the coordinator involved. Believe it or not they might know something.

And I'm not "sticking" up for my doctor as is the catch phase here it seems. I'm only saying everyone has a right to speak up especially when they feel threatened as this coordinator did. She did post incorrectly...so what. I'm sure that the bashing goes on all over the world and boards like this world wide struggle with the same issues. Some poor India doctor being bashed and the patient coordinator trying to save the day...my point is your not different from anyone else.

Nothing against holding hands, congradulating one another and talking about burps and farting but I can get that plus more at other boards... No offense was ever meant to the forum itself...

Thanks Norma for your response, you must be jelly cause you're on a roll...yer so ah ....sweet:laugh0:.

To the admin... whatever...again it's "your" sandbox...over indulgent blah blah blah.

Getting better every day,


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Rather than cross posting the same exact thing, you might have taken the time to read through the threads on this board. If you had, you would have seen that several of the members here have had surgery by "your" surgeons and they were welcomed into the community..............

.........I invite you to notify Alex so he can explain the terms and conditions of paid advertising.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Let?s not pretend that you and I don't know what has been going on, what has been said and how people have been treated. I have my own opinions as to how an administrator should conduct herself on a support forum.

As you well know, I have previously PM'ed you and some of the others with regards to how people have been treated and incorrect information that has been posted. I have already spoken with Alex, at great length; I suggest you do the same. Until then, if you want to say anything further to me, I suggest you take it to PM so others on this board don't have to be a part of this nonsense and can get on with support and sharing.

I will continue to share documentation to support information that I believe is important and refute untruths that have been posted, but I will not engage in a ridiculous juvenile battle with you on a public forum. If you truly want to say something to me or ask me anything, you would have already done so the last time we PM'ed. As I have stated to you in the past, you don't have to believe anything I or anyone says, however I find it strange that you refuse to look at actual documentation.

If you are ready to correspond now, I will be happy to speak to you via telephone or PM.

Thank you,

Sandy Johnston





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Let?s not pretend that you and I don't know what has been going on, what has been said and how people have been treated.

You have never PM'd me on this board and I can't see where anyone on this board has been treated badly. What I do see is you and a few others who have decended on THIS thread to continue the nonsense that was/is taking place on a lapbandtalk thread.

I have my own opinions as to how an administrator should conduct herself on a support forum.

And you're entitled to those opinions.

As you well know, I have previously PM'ed you and some of the others with regards to how people have been treated and incorrect information that has been posted.

That was on the other board and I am not privy to discuss how that was handled. When posts are reported or PM's are discussed by staff, it is NOT made public.

I have already spoken with Alex, at great length; I suggest you do the same. Until then, if you want to say anything further to me, I suggest you take it to PM

If I am not mistaken, YOU came to THIS board today. I've been here since before it opened to the public. I've already said what I wanted to and see no reason to repeat myself.

so others on this board don't have to be a part of this nonsense and can get on with support and sharing.

If you check out the ENTIRE board, you'll find support and sharing IS what's been going on since the board opened. We'd love for you and your friends to join us in those activities.

I will continue to share documentation to support information that I believe is important and refute untruths that have been posted,

but I will not engage in a ridiculous juvenile battle

Thank you! I am pleased you want to act like an adult.

with you on a public forum. If you truly want to say something to me or ask me anything, you would have already done so the last time we PM'ed.

Please see my response to this above.

As I have stated to you in the past, you don't have to believe anything I or anyone says, however I find it strange that you refuse to look at actual documentation.

I was not aware you were a mind reader and presume to know all about me. Responding to this ridiculous statement is a waste of my time.

If you are ready to correspond now, I will be happy to speak to you via telephone or PM.

No thank you. I have already had my VSG revision after careful and detailed research and ruled out your surgeons.

Thank you,

Sandy Johnston





Thank you for agreeing to be supportive in future posts. I am sure the members here appreciate it.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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