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Thinking of using Dr. Aceves in Mexico

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Hi all,

I've posted on here before....(you can read my thread under the this is my story section). :) Anyway, I cant believe that I am thinking of going to Mexico for my surgery. Not because they dont have good doctors or anything, its basically fear of the unknown. However, I know a great package when I see one.:001_smile: Im also a nurse and I am well aware of the appropriate level of care and skill that is needed for a safe surgery.

I am tenatively scheduled for my surgery on 9-15 here in Houston, TX with Dr. Alanis. I am impressed by him and I enjoy being home with my family (If GOD forbid, anything was to happen). But I have been researching Dr. Aceves for about a week and I am overwhelmed by his good reviews, success rates, no leaks, etc. That is SOOO important when you are considering a surgeon and I know this. The two big things that made me start thinking about going to Dr. Aceves are: His stats and you get 3 nights in the hospital after surgery as opposed to one night in the hospital if I have it here @ home. Now, those of you who chose Dr. Aceves is it true that if you have complications that you wont be charged? I think I read something like that. (Please explain, if you know more)

My dilemma is: my family WILL have a cow and two calves if I tell them that I am going to Mexico to have surgery. LOL. So I want advice on HOW to deal with this? To tell or not to tell? I feel that I am an adult but I would really like my family's blessings on this. My fiance however, is so supportive and told me that whatever I chose he will support my decision and travel along with me regardless where I chose.:confused1: So that helps.

So to make a long story short, how did you all deal with your family and/or friends when trying to make a decision like this? I guess @ the end of the day, you have to DO what is best for YOU.

Thanks for all of you guys support and answers on my pre-sleeve journey thus far.

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I'm an RN also and had surgery with Dr. Aceves. Yes, complications are covered. For example, one person had a "funny looking liver" and Dr. Aceves did a biopsy at no charge. He stands by his surgery but hasn't had a leak so there's no complications. LOL.

I told two people and went to Mexico alone. Both were ready to have a stroke that I was (a) having surgery in Mexico and (:confused1: traveling alone and both are the only ones who knew I was having the revision to VSG from the band. I worked a 13 hour shift, went home and showered, grabbed my luggage, and flew 6 hours to San Diego from N.Y.

The care at Almater Hospital was great and the hospital was immaculate. Pre-op testing was fast and efficient and the Lucerna resort was beautiful. I saw the surgeons 3 times a day and all the RN staff are BSN prepared. Grab your fiance and tell your family you're going on a short vacation. This is for you and not them.

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I'm an RN also and had surgery with Dr. Aceves. Yes, complications are covered. For example, one person had a "funny looking liver" and Dr. Aceves did a biopsy at no charge. He stands by his surgery but hasn't had a leak so there's no complications. LOL.

I told two people and went to Mexico alone. Both were ready to have a stroke that I was (a) having surgery in Mexico and (:confused1: traveling alone and both are the only ones who knew I was having the revision to VSG from the band. I worked a 13 hour shift, went home and showered, grabbed my luggage, and flew 6 hours to San Diego from N.Y.

The care at Almater Hospital was great and the hospital was immaculate. Pre-op testing was fast and efficient and the Lucerna resort was beautiful. I saw the surgeons 3 times a day and all the RN staff are BSN prepared. Grab your fiance and tell your family you're going on a short vacation. This is for you and not them.

Wow. you are a brave woman and my new hero. I know what its like to work 13 hrs at a hospital (my lord). I dont have enough energy to drive home let alone take a 6 hr flight. LOL

I think you are right, I could always tell people that we are going to San Diego, CA for a 3 day trip. Well, I wouldn't be lying. LOL:001_tongue:

Thanks for your help! I will keep you posted. I have already filled out the pre surgical paperwork and have emailed it back. Right now, im about 70% sure that I will have my surgery performed by Dr. Aceves.

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I'm scheduled for July 7 with Dr. Aceves. I was totally against going to Mexico for surgery at first. However, after much research I decided it was actually my best choice! The local surgeons here were not experienced enough with the VSG, and the one I found that I liked was 2 hours away and wanted $20,000 & that wouldn't cover any complications or after care.

My DH was dead set against Mexico as well. However, after he found out I had been reserching it he began to research it as well (without me knowing it). He came to the same conclusion as I did, Dr. Aceves is the best choice for us! Don't get me wrong, I still have some nerves about traveling to Mexico (I've never flown before & never been out of the country, so I'm sure that is fueling the fear), but I'm comfortable with my choice of surgeons.

As far as telling family goes, we've only told our parents. And the only reason we did that is because my in-laws will be keeping our kids for us while we are gone. I can tell they are a little apprehensive about the whole thing (WLS & the Mexico thing), but they are being somewhat supportive about it. I really don't plan to tell anyone else. As far as they are concerned, DH and I are going on vacation together. :confused1:

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I'm scheduled for July 7 with Dr. Aceves. I was totally against going to Mexico for surgery at first. However, after much research I decided it was actually my best choice! The local surgeons here were not experienced enough with the VSG, and the one I found that I liked was 2 hours away and wanted $20,000 & that wouldn't cover any complications or after care.

My DH was dead set against Mexico as well. However, after he found out I had been reserching it he began to research it as well (without me knowing it). He came to the same conclusion as I did, Dr. Aceves is the best choice for us! Don't get me wrong, I still have some nerves about traveling to Mexico (I've never flown before & never been out of the country, so I'm sure that is fueling the fear), but I'm comfortable with my choice of surgeons.

As far as telling family goes, we've only told our parents. And the only reason we did that is because my in-laws will be keeping our kids for us while we are gone. I can tell they are a little apprehensive about the whole thing (WLS & the Mexico thing), but they are being somewhat supportive about it. I really don't plan to tell anyone else. As far as they are concerned, DH and I are going on vacation together. :confused1:

Thanks for your advice, it sounds like a good way to handle the situation! Good luck with your surgery and I will keep everyone here posted on mine.

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Thanks to each of you, for your support. Although, I know these things to be true, its just difficult for me for some strange reason. LOL But I will get over it trust me! Because at the end of the day, none of them are financing this operation!

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Hi all,

I've posted on here before....(you can read my thread under the this is my story section). :) Anyway, I cant believe that I am thinking of going to Mexico for my surgery. Not because they dont have good doctors or anything, its basically fear of the unknown. However, I know a great package when I see one.:eek: Im also a nurse and I am well aware of the appropriate level of care and skill that is needed for a safe surgery.

I am tenatively scheduled for my surgery on 9-15 here in Houston, TX with Dr. Alanis. I am impressed by him and I enjoy being home with my family (If GOD forbid, anything was to happen). But I have been researching Dr. Aceves for about a week and I am overwhelmed by his good reviews, success rates, no leaks, etc. That is SOOO important when you are considering a surgeon and I know this. The two big things that made me start thinking about going to Dr. Aceves are: His stats and you get 3 nights in the hospital after surgery as opposed to one night in the hospital if I have it here @ home. Now, those of you who chose Dr. Aceves is it true that if you have complications that you wont be charged? I think I read something like that. (Please explain, if you know more)

My dilemma is: my family WILL have a cow and two calves if I tell them that I am going to Mexico to have surgery. LOL. So I want advice on HOW to deal with this? To tell or not to tell? I feel that I am an adult but I would really like my family's blessings on this. My fiance however, is so supportive and told me that whatever I chose he will support my decision and travel along with me regardless where I chose.:laugh0: So that helps.

So to make a long story short, how did you all deal with your family and/or friends when trying to make a decision like this? I guess @ the end of the day, you have to DO what is best for YOU.

Thanks for all of you guys support and answers on my pre-sleeve journey thus far.

Shanda -

I didn't tell anyone anything -- my fiance knew, our counselor knew, and I have found out a few of his friends knew -- other than that NO ONE knew ... I just told everyone we were going to SoCal for 5 days and that was that. Now that I am home, I basically sent an emal telling everyone that I was actually in SoCal to have a sliding hiatal hernia repaired (that is true, Dr. Aceves did fix it) and left it at that. My sister was PO'd, but then she thrives on drama/trauma. My dad wasn't PO'd just wanted to be sure I was okay now. Everyone else has just wished me well and that's been that.

I don't know how to alleviate your fears about going to Mexico - it was never a fear of mine -- if it's any help - you can actually SEE the US border ... or at least the fence separating it from the hospital. I recommend Dr. Aceves highly and the hospital was the cleanest hospital I have ever been in and EVERYONE was wonderful and friendly. Dr. Aceves and his staff are SUPERB and he is there checking on you at least 3 times a day, as well as Lucy his coordinator and Sergio (not sure what his title was) ... I've never seen the type of service I received in any hospital in the US.

I put another post to DebKing's "I'm having surgery tomorrow" if you want to read more.

If you tell everyone you and DH are going away on vacation, be sure to tell them for 5 days because you're 1 day for pre-test; 3 days for surgery/recovery and might need a day or two for travel.

As for your parents/inlaws -- let them read the RAVES here about Dr. Aceves ... heck for that matter, I'm sure several of us would be willing to talk to them directly if that would put there mind at ease - I know I would be willing to --

Best of luck - and as you say -- it's really no one's business as they aren't paying for it and it's YOUR body.

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Hi all,

I've posted on here before....(you can read my thread under the this is my story section). :) Anyway, I cant believe that I am thinking of going to Mexico for my surgery. Not because they dont have good doctors or anything, its basically fear of the unknown. However, I know a great package when I see one.:eek: Im also a nurse and I am well aware of the appropriate level of care and skill that is needed for a safe surgery.

I am tenatively scheduled for my surgery on 9-15 here in Houston, TX with Dr. Alanis. I am impressed by him and I enjoy being home with my family (If GOD forbid, anything was to happen). But I have been researching Dr. Aceves for about a week and I am overwhelmed by his good reviews, success rates, no leaks, etc. That is SOOO important when you are considering a surgeon and I know this. The two big things that made me start thinking about going to Dr. Aceves are: His stats and you get 3 nights in the hospital after surgery as opposed to one night in the hospital if I have it here @ home. Now, those of you who chose Dr. Aceves is it true that if you have complications that you wont be charged? I think I read something like that. (Please explain, if you know more)

My dilemma is: my family WILL have a cow and two calves if I tell them that I am going to Mexico to have surgery. LOL. So I want advice on HOW to deal with this? To tell or not to tell? I feel that I am an adult but I would really like my family's blessings on this. My fiance however, is so supportive and told me that whatever I chose he will support my decision and travel along with me regardless where I chose.:laugh0: So that helps.

So to make a long story short, how did you all deal with your family and/or friends when trying to make a decision like this? I guess @ the end of the day, you have to DO what is best for YOU.

Thanks for all of you guys support and answers on my pre-sleeve journey thus far.

I had non surgical related complications and I was in the hospital longer than expected... or paid for. I was quite ill when I had my revision. Dr. Aceves didn't charge me anything extra for the extra night in the hospital, the meds, txs, nothing.

You know how Hindu's have a million Gods? So do I. He is the Stomach God. ;o)

He's a gastroenterologist, he's a proctor surgeon, he is FACS, he is everything needed. He's the best. The hospital is beautiful, the staff are great, I have nothing but great things to say about him.

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Shanda -

I didn't tell anyone anything -- my fiance knew, our counselor knew, and I have found out a few of his friends knew -- other than that NO ONE knew ... I just told everyone we were going to SoCal for 5 days and that was that. Now that I am home, I basically sent an emal telling everyone that I was actually in SoCal to have a sliding hiatal hernia repaired (that is true, Dr. Aceves did fix it) and left it at that. My sister was PO'd, but then she thrives on drama/trauma. My dad wasn't PO'd just wanted to be sure I was okay now. Everyone else has just wished me well and that's been that.

I don't know how to alleviate your fears about going to Mexico - it was never a fear of mine -- if it's any help - you can actually SEE the US border ... or at least the fence separating it from the hospital. I recommend Dr. Aceves highly and the hospital was the cleanest hospital I have ever been in and EVERYONE was wonderful and friendly. Dr. Aceves and his staff are SUPERB and he is there checking on you at least 3 times a day, as well as Lucy his coordinator and Sergio (not sure what his title was) ... I've never seen the type of service I received in any hospital in the US.

I put another post to DebKing's "I'm having surgery tomorrow" if you want to read more.

If you tell everyone you and DH are going away on vacation, be sure to tell them for 5 days because you're 1 day for pre-test; 3 days for surgery/recovery and might need a day or two for travel.

As for your parents/inlaws -- let them read the RAVES here about Dr. Aceves ... heck for that matter, I'm sure several of us would be willing to talk to them directly if that would put there mind at ease - I know I would be willing to --

Best of luck - and as you say -- it's really no one's business as they aren't paying for it and it's YOUR body.

Thanks so much Vangel. Your words are so kind and genuine. It is so refreshing to be able to connect with others that have had similiar experiences/concerns. This site has allowed me to not feel alone or "crazy" about my decision to have the VSG or travel to MX for that matter.

Words cannot capture my true appreciation. Good luck with your recovery as well. P.S. Do they allow a guest to sleep in the room with you? I was just wondering, as I would be bringing my Fiance and I need to know how to make arrangements for him.

Thanks a million:thumbup:

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Thanks so much Vangel. Your words are so kind and genuine. It is so refreshing to be able to connect with others that have had similiar experiences/concerns. This site has allowed me to not feel alone or "crazy" about my decision to have the VSG or travel to MX for that matter.

Words cannot capture my true appreciation. Good luck with your recovery as well. P.S. Do they allow a guest to sleep in the room with you? I was just wondering, as I would be bringing my Fiance and I need to know how to make arrangements for him.

Thanks a million:thumbup:

The price includes your companion. The only place my fiance was not allowed was the recovery room -- however, Dr. Aceves came to our room - you get it BEFORE surgery and explained everything to him and apprised him how I was doing. He stayed at the resort with me and in the hospital room with me. The first night we were in a small room with a chair that pulled into a bed, the next day they moved us to a larger room, with a long couch which he said was very comfortable.

As for extra costs - Dr. Aceves didn't even charge us for HIS medication -- he requested a sleeping pill two nights and it was freely given ... if I lived closer to Mexicali like WASa does, I would definitely consider finding a PCP there. I can't give Dr. Acves enough acolades - there just aren't. He is the most compassionate person I believe I have ever met and consider myself blessed for having him in my life.

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The price includes your companion. The only place my fiance was not allowed was the recovery room -- however, Dr. Aceves came to our room - you get it BEFORE surgery and explained everything to him and apprised him how I was doing. He stayed at the resort with me and in the hospital room with me. The first night we were in a small room with a chair that pulled into a bed, the next day they moved us to a larger room, with a long couch which he said was very comfortable.

As for extra costs - Dr. Aceves didn't even charge us for HIS medication -- he requested a sleeping pill two nights and it was freely given ... if I lived closer to Mexicali like WASa does, I would definitely consider finding a PCP there. I can't give Dr. Acves enough acolades - there just aren't. He is the most compassionate person I believe I have ever met and consider myself blessed for having him in my life.

WOW, I dont think I've ever heard of such a doctor (including the ones that I work with on a daily basis). LOL

Well that makes it easier since my Fiance can stay in the hospital room with me. Some hospitals have very strict visiting hours, so I was not sure. This is getting better and better every minute, I truly believe that this is the right decision for me. :laugh0:

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I just had an appointment with Dr. Aceves today. It was my first and he actually took 1 hour of his time to see me between surgeries. I am a registered nurse (surgical) who has been having problems with my band and went to him. I was SO impressed.

I took another surgical nurse with me. When we arrived, they told us to take a tour of the hospital. Well.... off we went (on our own). We literally did the white glove check. It was spotless. We went into rooms, everywhere. Couldn't believe how clean it was. They must have cleaned (swept the floor and mopped) the entrance to the hospital at least 5 times in the short time we were waiting to see the Doctor. Honestly, it was so clean that I really feel I could have eaten food off the floor.

Anyway, I had my time with Dr. Aceves. Their sterile technique was impecable. Honest to god, made my American "Doctor" look like a pig!!

I basically went in with the attitude that I was gonna get a revision to a sleeve come hell or high Water. Well, he actually listened to everything I had to say. Read all my medical records that he thought appropriate. He felt that I needed to give my band more time. Explained the reasons for his opinion and honest to god every thing he said made so much sense. He was not like the greedy American surgeons who would have had the attitude of "sweet jesus, here is another person I can cut on and make money". Honestly, he could have just said O.K. and scheduled me for a revision. It takes a classy, professional, above board physician to do what he did by talking me into trying something else to conservatively attempt to fix the problem before cutting. MONEY was NOT his object. What was BEST for ME was his object/goal. Honest to god, in my 29 years of being a nurse and working in several different countries in a nursing supervisory position, he is one of the best physicians I have ever come across.

He has agreed to accept me as his patient for continued follow up. I am so, so, so happy.

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Oops, I forgot to add to the above. If your family gives you a hard time, just direct them to this website and let them research Dr. Aceves. Or just print the information you have found about him and let them read it.

If they are still having a cow, just remember, it is your body. They will get over it. Take care and best wishes!

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