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I am new here and would like to find anyone from Montana. I am looking for both a surgeon and/or a fill doctor. :D I haven't decided if I should have the band done out of state of if there is anyone here who can perform this procedure in state.



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Im fairly new here and have been watching this thread for any other Montanians. Where do you live? My insurance doesnt cover the band so I am going to Mexico. I have narrowed my search to three doctors and am now trying to line out aftercare and fills here in Montana or close by. I live in Kalispell (NW most corner). Let me know how your search is going and what your plans are. I would locve to here from you.


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I am originally from Montana but live in North Dakota right now. I am moving back to Montana within the next 2 months. There is a Surgeon in Great Falls and he also travels and works in Lewistown. I will go find his name and post back here..... ok I am back with the info.

His name is Dr. Stephen Hennessey (there is another Dr. Hennessey so you have to use his first name also). His number is 1-800-421-1649.

Hope this helps...I was not banded by him but there is a gal on here who was.

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I am having surgery may 7th with Dr. Rohrer of Great falls. Any others from Montana that have a surgery date????

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Welcome, I had my surgery 2/12 in GF with Dr. Rohrer. Surgery itself was easy. I don't remember anything from the time my IV was in until the nurse was putting warm blankets around me in my room.

Good Journey,


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Thank you for asking all those questions. First, I am doing fine - now. I had trouble with recovery. In addition to the band, I had a hiatal hernia repair and the combination made me swell. :sick I was unable to take liquids for a week. I stayed in the hospital on an IV for an extra four days, came home still not taking fluids - much and very uncomfortable. The break through was hot tea a week after surgery. :cry I have steadily improved since then. I was off work for two weeks, part time for another week and I am back full time this week. As I do not have a scale I am a little unsure about the exact amount of weight I have lost but using the last weigh in with my PCP (before pre-op diet) and the scale at the gym this week I have lost 32 lbs. in the last six weeks :clap2: (-18 lbs on the gym scale, weighed 5 days before surgery). As for the Protein supplements, I am just now getting to that. Right now I am doing 2 Atkins shakes a day which is not enough but I am not very hungry and if I did two more I would not be able to eat anything. I know I am going to have to step it up:o but I can barely stand the taste of the ones I have had so I am not too excited about spending money on stuff I won't eat. I am leaning toward the whey Protein as I read where it doesn't have the chemical undertones of the shakes. Regarding your question about spending the night in GF, Dr. Rohrer requires a barium swallow test the day after surgery and before release. He said I could spend the night in a motel (with my DH) but I opted for the hospital because I was afraid if I couldn't sleep I wouldn't be able to get up and move around and read or something like that without bothering my DH.

Don't let my experience scare you, I believe it was a combo of the hernia repair and band. My age didn't help any either:) . Let me know if I can answer any more questions.

Good Journey,

Terri (from Bozeman)

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I would love to talk with you. Would you mind if I called you .

I am 48 years old and I have to have a hernia repair done so that is why I am a little nervous. When my sister had her band done2 weeks ago she went home the same night.

She is doing great. But I feel my surgery will be more difficult because of the hernia repair. But have questions as to insurance covering some of the procedure.

My husband and I are going this weekend to purchase some of the things I will need and I would love your ideas and input.

siena:rolleyes: from Bozeman

My email address direct is skolb8196@msn.com

and my phone is 406 522-8196

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I live on the outskirts of Kalispell. I was banded 5/26/06 in MX. Dr. Roher does my after care. He's the only one in MT that will see a Mx patient. Dr. Hennessy is no longer available. I wish someone in Kalispell would do after care but most don't even know what it is. Take care. Sharon

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Hi Terri,

Tomorrow I go and visit Dr. Rohrer for my consultation. I live here in Bozeman too. How have your follow-ups and fills been with Dr. Rohrer?



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Hi Rhonda,

Sorry I haven't replied, I haven't been on the site for a long time. I am excited to see more people from Bozeman. Perhaps we can all get together sometime.

How did your consult go? I have had good care from Dr. R although I have only gone for two fills since banding (2-07). I think I am ready for another one, I just need to fit it into my schedule.

Since it has been so long since you posted, you may be banded by now. Let me know how you are doing and when your band date is/was. I promise to check back soon.

Good Journey,


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Hi Terri,

Thank you for responding. The consultation went great and they actually set up my banding date for 11-26. However, when I heard the good news that my insurance was going to pay for the banding, I called the office and they had a cancellation so we jumped my banding date up to 10-15..........WOW...........I'm really scared. They put me on an all clear liquid high Protein diet for the next two weeks. I'm dying. It's been week and I am craving pizza, KFC...........anything!!!! What have I done? Did you have to do this crazy two week liquid diet before your banding? I would like to know what the day is like the day of the surgury and a couple of days afterwwards. No one seems to talk about those couple of days.

Anyway, how are you doing? From what I can gather from the forums, it sounds as though people are really happy with the lap bands. Please tell me your story.

I think a support group here in Bozeman would be great. I would like to help get one started, but I am unsure of how to get the wheels movin'

Please keep in touch. I will need you and any other Bozeman banders for support.



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I'm headed to Mexico on the 24th. My insurance does not cover so I will pay out of pocket. Will be paying about 7250.00. I've read quite a bit, and this guy has good reputation.


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Hi Rhonda,

Good news! Surgery October 15 wow, it is getting close. Yes, my surgery happened about the same as yours. Once I got insurance approval :faint:(end of January 2007 and that is another story) I was scheduled for surgery the middle of March. Called the next day and they had a cancellation in two weeks so I was off and running on that liquid diet:phanvan. I can't tell you how "empty" I felt when I looked in my lunch bag and all that was there were 4 cans of Adtkins shakes. I really needed to chew something after about a week and knowing some got to eat a low cal/fat dinner I ate a few veggies a couple of times in the evening. It was harder at first but got easier after a few days and then of course the prep for surgery and the excitement about that started to kick in and I almost didn't notice I was only consuming shakes.< /p>

My surgery and recovery was a little different than most. My friend Siena (we met on this site and you can read our posts, you should contact her if you haven't) was in and out and home and back at work in record time. I really don't even remember the surgery. I was to report to the hospital at 7:30 AM, checked in, they took me to a room where I changed my clothes, got on a bed, the nurse put in the IV needle and the compression socks. After that I had a visit from the anesthesiologist. I had a good talk with him because I had had a colonoscopy where I had woken up during the procedure and I didn't want to wake up during this one! I also told him that I wasn't quite under when they came at me with a horse needle during a lumpectomy I had a few years back.He was great, assured me the anesthesia for this procedure was different and would take good care of me and he did he. The last I remember before waking up in my room was watching TV. I think they put something in my IV and I was out. I have read where some people will get wheeled into the OR and will get off the bed and get on to the operating table. Didn't happen for me, I can't even imagine how they got me on the table:eek: or into my bed in my room. One thing I would say is that nobody came in to tell me I should get up and walk so after a long while I decided I should be doing that. If you feel like walking then you shouldn't wait for someone to come in and get you started, let them know so you can get up and go. When I first drank Water and broth it felt a little weird because I gurgled a little and it seemed like it was going around and around like the Water in the bathtub before it goes down the drain:). I decided to spend the night in the hospital because I knew I wouldn't probably be able to sleep the whole night and I didn't want to bother my husband with getting up and turning on a light or whatever. I had my barium swallow test the next morning and that is where my experience deviates from most. I had swelled so much I was plugged up tight and couldn't take anything. I stayed in the hospital for the next four days on an IV. Dr. R offered to replace the band with a bigger one but I was over surgery and decided to wait it out. He had told me it would take two weeks for the swelling to completely subside and he was correct. It was a week after surgery before I was able to get any liquids down. I think the reason for the swelling was a hernia repair, that coupled with the band apparently was my nemesis. I recovered just fine and would do it again in a heart beat but it was a little stressful at the time none the less.

As far as the hospital and my care, I had great people to help me, most of them were terrific. I was not happy with the "gown" situation. They issued me a gown that was very large and that wasn't a big irritation, just a little one. The biggest irritation was the robe. It just barely fit and in order to walk around I had to put it over my shoulders and try and tie it on hoping I wan't mooning anyone. Because I spent over 4 days in the hospital with walking my only diversion (sleeping wasn't very comfortable either) I wasn't happy about the situation. I would suggest bringing your own robe remembering that you can't put it over the arm that has the IV in it so it should be cape - like so you can wear it over your shoulders. The other irritation was the most uncomfortable chairs. Again, in the hospital for four days I had ample time to check out the chairs and the only comfortable one was a "loveseat" directly across from the elevators. The one in my room was a hard molded plastic and had arm rests, my butt just barely fit :faint: however my arms were very uncomfortable, falling asleep after a bit. I don't really want to end on sour note so you should keep in mind that I had much more time than most to become irritated with my robe and my chair. And, I will say again, I would do it again in a heart beat even with the added complications.

I don't know if this helps but that is my story, mostly. I am glad I went to GF and Dr. R rather than out of state and I have been happy with my fills too. Good luck with your surgery and let me know how you are doing.

Good Journey,


PS For all of us to get together, we need to know what a good time for every one is. Would it have to be afterwork, lunch hour or a weekend? I will say for me, at least right now I am fairly flexible (Tues. night is out).

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      Day 1 of pre-op liquid diet (3 weeks) and I'm having a hard time already. I feel hungry and just want to eat. I got the protein and supplements recommend by my program and having a hard time getting 1 down. My doctor / nutritionist has me on the following:
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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