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To Band or Sleeve..that is the question??

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Had my 1st Dr apt in August went in thinking I wanted Lapband. Found out my insurance covers both and my dr said it was truly up to me. Since then I've talked to alot of people, asked a ton of questions and gone to a support group which had Lapband patients and sleeve patients. I wanted to see if there were any others that are still on the fence about which wls to get. My primary concern is for my kids. My only concern is with the band slipping.. I've been hearing/reading alot about people getting major reflux and coughing all night..come to find out the band has slipped. I barely gave time to get Lapband let alone having yo gave a revision god forbid. Any feedback would be appreciated!!

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95% of slips and complications are due to the patient's fault, not the fault of the band. Chances are very good you'll never have a serious problem if you follow the rules of the band and your doctor.

Research the facts on both surgeries so you can decide which is best for you.

Good luck.

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I just past my 7th year "banniversary" and I've had not issues at all. The band was the best thing I ever did for me.

I started with a 54" waist and am now a 30" waist.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 160 lbs

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Just remember no matter what type of WLS you have you still have to work at it. For me the band is a "tool". It's a wonderful "tool". When I was losing I still had to "diet" and make healthy food choices but I could still treat myself now and then with treats but in smaller portions and still lose weight.

I never feel like I'm missing out with the band.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 160 lbs

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Had my 1st Dr apt in August went in thinking I wanted Lapband. Found out my insurance covers both and my dr said it was truly up to me. Since then I've talked to alot of people, asked a ton of questions and gone to a support group which had Lapband patients and sleeve patients. I wanted to see if there were any others that are still on the fence about which wls to get. My primary concern is for my kids. My only concern is with the band slipping.. I've been hearing/reading alot about people getting major reflux and coughing all night..come to find out the band has slipped. I barely gave time to get Lapband let alone having yo gave a revision god forbid. Any feedback would be appreciated!!

If you fear a revision with the lap band, I would suggest -- DON'T GET ONE. There are NO guarantees, if anyone tells you that you will get the lap band and be revision "free" forever are not being realistic or honest.

Most lap band issues, are not serious, just annoying if they happen and sometimes can get costly if you don't have insurance, so you need to weigh that too if you are thinking about the lap band.

In fact, there are NO guarantee that you will not need another surgery if you get the Sleeve, for "different" reasons.

Please know that the Lap Band is a VERY high maintenance tool -- as long as you have it. Aftercare is critical to the success and longevity of your lap band.

The CORE differences in between the Sleeve and Lap band are the ability to see your surgeon OFTEN FOR FILLS, especially in the first year to be successful with it. Some people are not able or not willing to commit to this and the Sleeve may be a better option.

Also the CORE difference is with the Sleeve over 85 percent of your stomach will be removed, NO ONE can answer this question but you if you want your stomach removed, this IS a deal breaker for most people and they opt for the lap band.

Also, please NOTE: That MOST Sleevers report awful gut wrenching reflux and nausea that sometimes CANNOT be managed with PPi's and sometimes this require a revision to the Bypass if the reflux gets unbearable, Reflux is VERY COMMON with the Sleeve.

However, REFLUX IS NOT COMMON with the Lap band UNLESS there IS slippage, frequent reflux with the lap band indicates that there is a problem with the band, and reflux can be avoided by taking certain precautions, not overeating, preventing frequent vomiting and not keeping the band too tight, so reflux can be avoided with the band in most cases.

Again, you need to make the decision whether the lap band will be the right decision for you, it is a tool, that requires aftercare which can get costly depending on where you live.

With the Sleeve you will have a different aftercare, of making sure your labs are ok, many long term Sleevers report some Vitamin deficiencies, they also remove a portion of your stomach that absorbs B Vitamins -- this could cause some issues down the road, but you have to stay on top of your Vitamins, but not as severe as the Bypass.

I am 8 years post op, I got a replacement band last year due to a hiatal hernia, I had the choice to revise to the Sleeve, but again, I chose the lap band again because I did not want my insides rearranged/stomach removed 8 years ago, and I still do not want that today.

I love my band and I would not change to any other procedure, however I know there are risks with it, but I am willing to deal with any risks that come my way with the band, I signed up for that.

Many people love their Sleeve, many people love their bands, you have to pick a surgery that is RIGHT FOR YOU.

Good luck

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whichever you get (WLS) you will need to eat better foods, exercise and follow the doctors instructions for best results...good luck to you in whatever you choose.

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I decided on the band because I did not want my stomach removed or rearranged... I have several sleeve folks in my support group.. They are constantly complaining about dumping and nausea.. not sure why but their skin looks bad.. kinda grey looking maybe it's the lack of Vitamin B.. They say they take tons of vitamins..however, I think your decision should be based on your personal situation not any other persons experience... Good Luck on your decision.. The Band has saved my life.. I no longer require medication for diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol. I can walk for miles and keep up with my very active grandchildren... yes there is some maintenance but it's not constant.. I have had 2 fills (small) and am now going to the Dr. every 3 months...

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Hi Lioness, I am having a band -- could not consider anything as drastic as a sleeve. I know it will take time and I will have to work hard, but I've always been able to work hard at weight loss it's just that the weight would come bouncing back. The band will help me not be hungry so I can make good choices. Can't wait!

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I decided on the band because I did not want my stomach removed or rearranged... I have several sleeve folks in my support group.. They are constantly complaining about dumping and nausea.. not sure why but their skin looks bad.. kinda grey looking maybe it's the lack of Vitamin B.. They say they take tons of Vitamins..however, I think your decision should be based on your personal situation not any other persons experience... Good Luck on your decision.. The Band has saved my life.. I no longer require medication for diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol. I can walk for miles and keep up with my very active grandchildren... yes there is some maintenance but it's not constant.. I have had 2 fills (small) and am now going to the Dr. every 3 months...

Sharpie, you are like me...I did not want to deal with the unpleasant side effects of the Sleeve, I forgot to add dumping syndrome....that is one of the reasons Sleevers tend to do a little bit better in losing quickly, because the friends that I've spoke too told me they get sick as a dog if they eat even a small piece of cake or candy....

The thing I like about my band at 8 years, I can have my cake and eat it too.. :D .LOL and two bites of cake...honestly will stuff me at my current restriction level and I have no sickness I get to enjoy my sweets without gut wrenching nausea and dumping syndrome...

My birthday and Band anniversary was yesterday and I enjoyed my Birthday cake...and got satisfied on only two bites...LOL

And weirdly enough...surgeons don't put emphasis on Sleeve dumping like they do Bypass dumping...I think Bypass dumping is a bit more severe...I've had Friends to pass out at Bars, their job, and social events from dumping syndrome and it's nothing to play with.

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I never feel like I'm missing out with the band.

I'm with you, Tom. I never feel that I'm missing anything with the band. And the greatest and most liberating feeling, is that I can indulge in something on occasion, without the fear of going off the deep end. The band is my new best friend; my personal police officer :)

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I agree with all posters above. I agonized for months on which surgery to go with. I was scheduled for a bypass, but freaked out two weeks prior to the surgery. After a few more weeks of indecision, I settled on the band with plication. I knew up front that I would initially have to work harder with the band, but I was totally okay with that. Ultimately, you have to work with ALL the surgeries, and I was ready for the job. Once my decision was made, I wasn't scared of what was to come. After looking at a total rewiring of my GI system, choosing something reversible was the biggest deciding point for me.

Do all your research; scour the internet, talk to every possible person you know who has had WLS, and come to the best choice for you. I was so crazed with my research, that I called people I didn't even know; friends of friends who had the bypass, sleeve, etc. All the bypass folks where happy as can be, but a couple of them had serious issues with Iron depletion. Even after several weeks of daily IV infusion, they were still having problems. Keep in mind that your stomach after the sleeve can be stretched. None of these surgeries are safe, unless you follow the rules. The beauty of the band, is that it can be removed, and also that it can always be adjusted. Once those other surgeries are done, that's it. You've permanently altered your organs, which is pretty scary, given that no one really know what types of illnesses are in store for us as we age. IMHO, it's best to leave nature alone, and start with something less extreme.

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If I had the choice now from day one I'd probably lean towards the sleeve. I'm glad I had my lap band but it sucks to think that I'm one gallbladder going bad or stomach flu away from a slipped band not to mention the everyday hassles the band causes.

Over the last five years it's really depressed me to see many of my lap band buddies go through pouch dilations, band slips, and band erosions not to mention port flips and leaks that require revision surgery. The number of friends that are as happy about their lap band now as they were in the beginning is fare less than the ones that have had problems.

Since you asked specifically about lap band and sleeve let me help clear up a couple of misconceptions. First, the band is removable, not reversible. Even if you have the band removed you will not have a virgin stomach like before you were banded due to scar tissue at minimum. Also, not only can you revise from band to sleeve but you can also revise from sleeve to band (while you cannot undo the sleeve you can add a band on top). So you're not as stuck with the sleeve as I've heard some say. If you get the sleeve and it 'doesn't work' then you still have options. Of course, revising from one surgery to another will cost you money again if it's not covered under insurance but it is possible. However, one thing to consider for revision is that you are not using a virgin stomach so to speak. So anyone thinking, if the band doesn't work, I'll just get the sleeve!, needs to remember that it will not necessarily be the same as starting from scratch with the sleeve and vice versa if you've had the sleeve first.

I have no agenda. I'm not trying to bash the band. I just think there are too many people getting it without knowing all that they are getting themselves into. Sometimes it's out of laziness on their part and sometimes it's because people like to convince themselves and others they made the best decision and they'll gloss over some parts of the journey to make it seem more appealing than it really is. I'm glad I had the surgery. If I had the choice to do over and the band was the only option, I would get banded again. Living with the band is better than living with the extra weight. If I had the option to get the sleeve when I got banded, I probably would have gone with the sleeve.

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MOST Sleevers report awful gut wrenching reflux and nausea that sometimes CANNOT be managed with PPi's and sometimes this require a revision to the Bypass if the reflux gets unbearable, Reflux is VERY COMMON with the Sleeve.

I'm not so sure about this. I just talked to my lap band doc's office just two weks ago and asked them what kind of complaints they got from their 'sleevers' and was told they didn't complain much at all. In their own words, No where NEAR as much as banded patients complain or have problems.

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I'm not so sure about this. I just talked to my lap band doc's office just two weks ago and asked them what kind of complaints they got from their 'sleevers' and was told they didn't complain much at all. In their own words, No where NEAR as much as banded patients complain or have problems.

I think you have a point here, lap band "problems" are mainly due to not having restriction, bad aftercare, can't afford fills, being unfilled from being too tight etc...MANY PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT THE BAND that is a FACT....for being annoying if things aren't right.

However, what I found and by those with the Sleeve, that have ISSUES just deal with it, or have their GI docs to deal with all of their reflux issues and heartburn and nausea...and honestly after someone gets the Sleeve they really don't have to deal with their surgeon any longer...Surgeons are cutters...

However, they have to constantly "DEAL" with long term lap banders and their "reflux issues" because when the band is damaged --ONLY the lap band surgeon can treat and manage reflux by either unfilling the band, or surgically fixing the pouch or a revision surgery...

There ARE MANY Sleevers that have reflux issues...MANY...in fact surgeons suggest those who have issues with refux from the band are advised to NOT get the Sleeve, the Bypass is recommended if they are considering a revision from the Band.

I have a few Sleeve friends that told me that don't have any reflux or dumping syndrome...but some say they get this the further out they get...

The biggest complaint that I see with my friends that revise from Band to Sleeve is that you have re-learn the restriction and they have tighter restriction with the band than the Sleeve...however they also say they can eat better with the Sleeve -- but ALMOST ALL say they still get hungry....

I am not too quick to do the Sleeve because my older sister had the stomach stapling surgery 20 years ago. (SIMILAR TO THE SLEEVE) restrictive only..she's never really been hospitalized or had any dangerous life threatening complications, -- HOWEVER,

I've seen her suffer from stomach pain EVERY SINGLE DAY for many years, not enough for hosptiization, but enough to be annoying and she vomits often, and she fears those staples will cause some issue eventually, which that had --she had a revision surgery 8 years ago..but still did not lose enough weight...

Also she still have a "little" restriction, but not enough for weight loss and she gained all her weight back years ago..and if she wants to lose weight she has to diet and exercise because there is nothing she can do at this point.

That's my fear with the Sleeve, after about 2-3 years, the Sleeve stomach WILL STRETCH double it's size in capacity and you really can't do anything after the Sleeve stretch but revise to the Bypass or DS or get reSleeved which I hear is very dangerous since many don't have enough stomach left to do anything, but the stomach will stretch too much for it to help with weight loss.

I guess it's a personal decision on which direction someone takes...NO weight loss surgery is perfect...BELIEVE ME...I wanted to revise to the SLeeve...even tho I did not want to get my stomach removed...but I really did not see a benefit and I DO NOT want dumping syndrome the rest of my life...to each his own.

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